def two_view_reconstruction_plane_based(p1, p2, camera1, camera2, threshold):
    """Reconstruct two views from point correspondences lying on a plane.

        p1, p2: lists points in the images
        camera1, camera2: Camera models
        threshold: reprojection error threshold

        rotation, translation and inlier list
    b1 = camera1.pixel_bearing_many(p1)
    b2 = camera2.pixel_bearing_many(p2)
    x1 = multiview.euclidean(b1)
    x2 = multiview.euclidean(b2)

    H, inliers = cv2.findHomography(x1, x2, cv2.RANSAC, threshold)
    motions = multiview.motion_from_plane_homography(H)

    motion_inliers = []
    for R, t, n, d in motions:
        inliers = _two_view_reconstruction_inliers(
            b1, b2, R.T, -R.T.dot(t), threshold)

    best = np.argmax(map(len, motion_inliers))
    R, t, n, d = motions[best]
    inliers = motion_inliers[best]
    return cv2.Rodrigues(R)[0].ravel(), t, inliers
def test_motion_from_plane_homography():
    R = tf.random_rotation_matrix()[:3, :3]
    t = normalized(2 * np.random.rand(3) - 1)
    n = normalized(2 * np.random.rand(3) - 1)
    d = 2 * np.random.rand() - 1
    scale = 2 * np.random.rand() - 1
    H = scale * (d * R - np.outer(t, n))

    motions = multiview.motion_from_plane_homography(H)

    goodness = []
    for Re, te, ne, de in motions:
        scalee = np.linalg.norm(te)
        good_R = np.allclose(R, Re)
        good_t = np.allclose(normalized(te), t)
        sign_n = np.sign(np.dot(ne, n))
        good_n = np.allclose(sign_n * ne, n)
        good_d = np.allclose(sign_n * de / scalee, d)
        goodness.append(good_R and good_t and good_n and good_d)

    assert any(goodness)
def test_motion_from_plane_homography():
    R = tf.random_rotation_matrix()[:3, :3]
    t = normalized(2 * np.random.rand(3) - 1)
    n = normalized(2 * np.random.rand(3) - 1)
    d = 2 * np.random.rand() - 1
    scale = 2 * np.random.rand() - 1
    H = scale * (d * R - np.outer(t, n))

    motions = multiview.motion_from_plane_homography(H)

    goodness = []
    for Re, te, ne, de in motions:
        scalee = np.linalg.norm(te)
        good_R = np.allclose(R, Re)
        good_t = np.allclose(normalized(te), t)
        sign_n = np.sign(np.dot(ne, n))
        good_n = np.allclose(sign_n * ne, n)
        good_d = np.allclose(sign_n * de / scalee, d)
        goodness.append(good_R and good_t and good_n and good_d)

    assert any(goodness)