def print_assignment(request, assignment_id=None): response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') filename = u'filename=%s.pdf;' % _("Elections") response['Content-Disposition'] = filename.encode('utf-8') doc = SimpleDocTemplate(response) doc.title = None story = [] if assignment_id is None: #print all applications title = config_get("assignment_pdf_title") story.append(Paragraph(title, stylesheet['Heading1'])) preamble = config_get("assignment_pdf_preamble") if preamble: story.append(Paragraph("%s" % preamble.replace('\r\n','<br/>'), stylesheet['Paragraph'])) story.append(Spacer(0,0.75*cm)) # List of assignments for assignment in Assignment.objects.order_by('name'): story.append(Paragraph(, stylesheet['Heading3'])) # Assignment details (each assignment on single page) for assignment in Assignment.objects.order_by('name'): story.append(PageBreak()) story = get_assignment(assignment, story) else: # print selected assignment assignment = Assignment.objects.get(id=assignment_id) filename = u'filename=%s-%s.pdf;' % (_("Assignment"),' ','_')) response['Content-Disposition'] = filename.encode('utf-8') story = get_assignment(assignment, story), onFirstPage=firstPage, onLaterPages=firstPage) return response
def overview(request): """ Shows an overview of all items. """ if request.method == 'POST': for item in Item.objects.all(): form = ElementOrderForm(request.POST, prefix="i%d" % if form.is_valid(): try: item.parent = Item.objects.get( \ id=form.cleaned_data['parent']) except Item.DoesNotExist: item.parent = None item.weight = form.cleaned_data['weight'] items = children_list(Item.objects.filter(parent=None).exclude(hidden=True).order_by('weight')) items_hidden = children_list(Item.objects.filter(parent=None).exclude(hidden=False).order_by('weight')) try: overview = is_summary() and not get_active_item() except Item.DoesNotExist: overview = True return { 'items': items, 'items_hidden': items_hidden, 'overview': overview, 'summary': is_summary(), 'countdown_visible': config_get('countdown_visible'), 'countdown_time': config_get('agenda_countdown_time'), }
def overview(request): """ View all applications """ query = Application.objects if 'number' in request.GET: query = query.filter(number=None) if 'status' in request.GET: if 'statusvalue' in request.GET and 'on' in request.GET['status']: query = query.filter(status__iexact=request.GET['statusvalue']) try: sort = request.GET['sort'] if sort in ['number', 'supporter', 'status', 'submitter', \ 'aversion__time', 'aversion__title']: query = query.order_by(sort) except KeyError: query = query.order_by("number") if 'reverse' in request.GET: query = query.reverse() if 'needsup' in request.GET: applications = [] for application in query.all(): if not application.enough_supporters: applications.append(application) else: applications = query.all() return { 'applications': applications, 'min_supporters': int(config_get('application_min_supporters')), }
def beamer_edit(request, direction): if direction == 'bigger': config_set('bigger', int(config_get('bigger', 100)) + 10) elif direction == 'smaller': config_set('bigger', int(config_get('bigger', 100)) - 10) elif direction == 'up': config_set('up', int(config_get('up', 0)) - 10) elif direction == 'down': config_set('up', int(config_get('up', 0)) + 10) elif direction == 'clean': config_set('up', 0) config_set('bigger', 100) if request.is_ajax(): return ajax_request({}) return redirect(reverse('item_overview'))
def print_application_poll(request, poll_id=None): poll = Poll.objects.get(id=poll_id) response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') filename = u'filename=%s%s_%s.pdf;' % (_("Application"), str(poll.application.number), _("Poll")) response['Content-Disposition'] = filename.encode('utf-8') doc = SimpleDocTemplate(response, pagesize=A4, topMargin=-6, bottomMargin=-6, leftMargin=0, rightMargin=0, showBoundary=False) story = [Spacer(0,0*cm)] imgpath = os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, 'static/images/circle.png') circle = "<img src='%s' width='15' height='15'/> " % imgpath cell = [] cell.append(Spacer(0,0.8*cm)) cell.append(Paragraph(_("Application No.")+" "+str(poll.application.number), stylesheet['Ballot_title'])) cell.append(Paragraph(poll.application.title, stylesheet['Ballot_subtitle'])) cell.append(Paragraph(str(poll.ballot)+". "+_("Vote"), stylesheet['Ballot_description'])) cell.append(Spacer(0,0.5*cm)) cell.append(Paragraph(circle+_("Yes"), stylesheet['Ballot_option'])) cell.append(Paragraph(circle+_("No"), stylesheet['Ballot_option'])) cell.append(Paragraph(circle+_("Abstention"), stylesheet['Ballot_option'])) data= [] number = 1 # get ballot papers config values ballot_papers_selection = config_get("application_pdf_ballot_papers_selection") ballot_papers_number = config_get("application_pdf_ballot_papers_number") # set number of ballot papers if ballot_papers_selection == "1": number = User.objects.filter(profile__type__iexact="delegate").count() if ballot_papers_selection == "2": number = int(User.objects.count() - 1) if ballot_papers_selection == "0": number = int(ballot_papers_number) # print ballot papers for user in xrange(number/2): data.append([cell,cell]) rest = number % 2 if rest: data.append([cell,'']) t=Table(data, 10.5*cm, 7.42*cm) t.setStyle(TableStyle([ ('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.grey), ('VALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'TOP'), ])) story.append(t) return response
def has_perm(self, user_obj, perm, obj=None): """ Check if the user as a specific permission """ if not user_obj.is_anonymous() or obj is not None or \ not config_get('system_enable_anonymous', False): return False return (perm in self.get_all_permissions(user_obj))
def enough_supporters(self): """ Return True, if the application has enough supporters """ min_supporters = int(config_get('application_min_supporters')) if self.status == "pub": return self.supporter.count() >= min_supporters else: return True
def beamerhome(request): """ Shows a active Slide. """ data = {'ajax': 'on'} template = '' try: item = get_active_item() votes = assignment_votes(item) polls = assignment_polls(item) if is_summary(): items = item.children.filter(hidden=False) data['items'] = items data['title'] = item.title template = 'beamer/overview.html' else: data['item'] = item.cast() data['title'] = item.title data['votes'] = votes data['polls'] = polls template = 'beamer/%shome.html' % (item.type) except Item.DoesNotExist: items = Item.objects.filter(parent=None).filter(hidden=False)\ .order_by('weight') data['items'] = items data['title'] = _("Agenda") template = 'beamer/overview.html' if request.is_ajax(): content = render_block_to_string(template, 'content', data) jsondata = {'content': content, 'title': data['title'], 'time':'%H:%M'), 'bigger': config_get('bigger'), 'up': config_get('up'), 'countdown_visible': config_get('countdown_visible'), 'countdown_time': config_get('agenda_countdown_time'), 'countdown_control': config_get('countdown_control'), } return ajax_request(jsondata) else: return render_to_response(template, data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def missing_supporters(self): """ Return number of missing supporters """ min_supporters = int(config_get('application_min_supporters')) delta = min_supporters - self.supporter.count() if delta > 0: return delta else: return 0
def print_passwords(request): response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') filename = u'filename=%s.pdf;' % _("passwords") response['Content-Disposition'] = filename.encode('utf-8') doc = SimpleDocTemplate(response, pagesize=A4, topMargin=-6, bottomMargin=-6, leftMargin=0, rightMargin=0, showBoundary=False) story = [Spacer(0,0*cm)] data= [] system_url = config_get("system_url") system_welcometext = config_get("system_welcometext") for user in User.objects.all().order_by('last_name'): try: user.get_profile() cell = [] cell.append(Spacer(0,0.8*cm)) cell.append(Paragraph(_("Your Account for OpenSlides"), stylesheet['Ballot_title'])) cell.append(Paragraph(_("for %s") % (user.profile), stylesheet['Ballot_subtitle'])) cell.append(Spacer(0,0.5*cm)) cell.append(Paragraph(_("User: %s") % (user.username), stylesheet['Ballot_option'])) cell.append(Paragraph(_("Password: %s") % (user.profile.firstpassword), stylesheet['Ballot_option'])) cell.append(Spacer(0,0.5*cm)) cell.append(Paragraph(_("URL: %s") % (system_url), stylesheet['Ballot_option'])) cell.append(Spacer(0,0.5*cm)) cell2 = [] cell2.append(Spacer(0,0.8*cm)) if system_welcometext is not None: cell2.append(Paragraph(system_welcometext.replace('\r\n','<br/>'), stylesheet['Ballot_subtitle'])) data.append([cell,cell2]) except Profile.DoesNotExist: pass t=Table(data, 10.5*cm, 7.42*cm) t.setStyle(TableStyle([ ('LINEBELOW', (0,0), (-1,0), 0.25, colors.grey), ('LINEBELOW', (0,1), (-1,1), 0.25, colors.grey), ('LINEBELOW', (0,1), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.grey), ('VALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'TOP'), ])) story.append(t) return response
def is_summary(): """ True, if a summery shall be displayed """ from agenda.models import Item try: get_active_item() except Item.DoesNotExist: return True if config_get('summary', False): return True return False
def has_module_perm(self, user_obj, app_label): """ Check if the user has permissions on the module app_label """ if not user_obj.is_anonymous() or \ not config_get('system_enable_anonymous', False): return False for perm in self.get_all_permissions(user_obj): if perm[:perm.index('.')] == app_label: return True return False
def print_application(request, application_id=None): response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') filename = u'filename=%s.pdf;' % _("Applications") response['Content-Disposition'] = filename.encode('utf-8') doc = SimpleDocTemplate(response) doc.title = None story = [] if application_id is None: #print all applications title = config_get("application_pdf_title") story.append(Paragraph(title, stylesheet['Heading1'])) preamble = config_get("application_pdf_preamble") if preamble: story.append(Paragraph("%s" % preamble.replace('\r\n','<br/>'), stylesheet['Paragraph'])) story.append(Spacer(0,0.75*cm)) # List of applications for application in Application.objects.order_by('number'): if application.number: story.append(Paragraph(_("Application No.")+" %s: %s" % (application.number, application.title), stylesheet['Heading3'])) else: story.append(Paragraph(_("Application No.")+" : %s" % (application.title), stylesheet['Heading3'])) # Applications details (each application on single page) for application in Application.objects.order_by('number'): story.append(PageBreak()) story = get_application(application, story) else: # print selected application application = Application.objects.get(id=application_id) if application.number: number = application.number else: number = "" filename = u'filename=%s%s.pdf;' % (_("Application"), str(number)) response['Content-Disposition'] = filename.encode('utf-8') story = get_application(application, story), onFirstPage=firstPage, onLaterPages=firstPage) return response
def get_group_permissions(self, user_obj, obj=None): """ Return the permissions a user is graneted by his group membership(s). - try to return the permissions for the 'Anonymous' group """ if not user_obj.is_anonymous() or obj is not None or \ not config_get('system_enable_anonymous', False): return set() perms = Permission.objects.filter(group__name='Anonymous') if perms is None: return set() perms = perms.values_list('content_type__app_label', 'codename').order_by() return set([u'%s.%s' % (ct, name) for ct, name in perms])
def get_active_item(only_id=False): """ Returns the active Item. If no item is active, or it can not find an Item, it raise Item.DoesNotExist if only_id is True, returns only the id of this item. Returns None if not Item is active. Does not Raise Item.DoesNotExist """ from agenda.models import Item id = config_get("presentation", None) if only_id: if id is None: return None return int(id) return Item.objects.get(pk=id)
def view(request, application_id, newest=False): """ View one application. """ application = Application.objects.get(pk=application_id) if newest: version = application.last_version else: version = application.public_version revisions = application.versions actions = application.get_allowed_actions(user=request.user) return { 'application': application, 'revisions': revisions, 'actions': actions, 'min_supporters': int(config_get('application_min_supporters')), 'version': version, 'results': application.results }
def beamer_countdown(request, command, time=60): if command == 'show': config_set('countdown_visible', True) elif command == 'hide': config_set('countdown_visible', False) elif command == 'reset': config_set('countdown_control', 'reset') elif command == 'start': config_set('countdown_control', 'start') elif command == 'stop': config_set('countdown_control', 'stop') if request.is_ajax(): if command == "show": link = reverse('countdown_close') else: link = reverse('countdown_open') return ajax_request({'countdown_visible': config_get('countdown_visible'), 'link': link}) return redirect(reverse('item_overview'))
def print_assignment_poll(request, poll_id=None): poll = Poll.objects.get(id=poll_id) response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') filename = u'filename=%s-%s-#%s.pdf;' % (_("Election"),' ','_'), poll.ballot) response['Content-Disposition'] = filename.encode('utf-8') doc = SimpleDocTemplate(response, pagesize=A4, topMargin=-6, bottomMargin=-6, leftMargin=0, rightMargin=0, showBoundary=False) story = [Spacer(0,0*cm)] imgpath = os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, 'static/images/circle.png') circle = "<img src='%s' width='15' height='15'/> " % imgpath cell = [] cell.append(Spacer(0,0.8*cm)) cell.append(Paragraph(_("Election") + ": " +, stylesheet['Ballot_title'])) cell.append(Paragraph(poll.description, stylesheet['Ballot_subtitle'])) options = poll.get_options().order_by('user__user__first_name') cell.append(Paragraph(str(poll.ballot)+". "+_("ballot")+", "+str(len(options))+" "+ ungettext("candidate", "candidates", len(options))+", "+str(poll.assignment.posts)+" "+_("available posts"), stylesheet['Ballot_description'])) cell.append(Spacer(0,0.4*cm)) data= [] # get ballot papers config values number = 1 ballot_papers_selection = config_get("assignment_pdf_ballot_papers_selection") ballot_papers_number = config_get("assignment_pdf_ballot_papers_number") if poll.optiondecision: for option in options: o = str(option).split("(",1) cell.append(Paragraph(o[0], stylesheet['Ballot_option_name'])) if len(o) > 1: cell.append(Paragraph("("+o[1], stylesheet['Ballot_option_group'])) else: cell.append(Paragraph(" ", stylesheet['Ballot_option_group'])) cell.append(Paragraph(circle+_("Yes")+" "+circle+_("No")+" "+circle+_("Abstention"), stylesheet['Ballot_option_YNA'])) # set number of ballot papers if ballot_papers_selection == "1": number = User.objects.filter(profile__type__iexact="delegate").count() if ballot_papers_selection == "2": number = int(User.objects.count() - 1) if ballot_papers_selection == "0": number = int(ballot_papers_number) # print ballot papers for user in xrange(number/2): data.append([cell,cell]) rest = number % 2 if rest: data.append([cell,'']) if len(options) <= 2: t=Table(data, 10.5*cm, 7.42*cm) elif len(options) <= 5: t=Table(data, 10.5*cm, 14.84*cm) else: t=Table(data, 10.5*cm, 29.7*cm) else: for option in options: o = str(option).split("(",1) cell.append(Paragraph(circle+o[0], stylesheet['Ballot_option_name'])) if len(o) > 1: cell.append(Paragraph("("+o[1], stylesheet['Ballot_option_group_right'])) else: cell.append(Paragraph(" ", stylesheet['Ballot_option_group_right'])) # set number of ballot papers if ballot_papers_selection == "1": number = User.objects.filter(profile__type__iexact="delegate").count() if ballot_papers_selection == "2": number = int(User.objects.count() - 1) if ballot_papers_selection == "0": number = int(ballot_papers_number) # print ballot papers for user in xrange(number/2): data.append([cell,cell]) rest = number % 2 if rest: data.append([cell,'']) if len(options) <= 4: t=Table(data, 10.5*cm, 7.42*cm) elif len(options) <= 8: t=Table(data, 10.5*cm, 14.84*cm) else: t=Table(data, 10.5*cm, 29.7*cm) t.setStyle(TableStyle([ ('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.grey), ('VALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'TOP'), ])) story.append(t) return response
stylesheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name = 'Ballot_option_YNA', parent = stylesheet['Normal'], fontSize = 12, leading = 15, leftIndent = 49, spaceAfter = 18), ) stylesheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name = 'Ballot_option_group_right', parent = stylesheet['Normal'], fontSize = 8, leading = 16, leftIndent = 49), ) # set event information event_name = config_get("event_name") event_description = config_get("event_description") event_date = config_get("event_date") event_location = config_get("event_location") event_organizer = config_get("event_organizer") # set print time time ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%Mh"))) def firstPage(canvas, doc): canvas.saveState() # page header (with event information) canvas.setFont('Ubuntu',10) canvas.setFillGray(0.4) canvas.drawString(2.75*cm, 28*cm, "%s | %s" % (event_name, event_description))
def anonymous_context_additions(RequestContext): """ Add a variable to the request context that will indicate if anonymous login is possible at all. """ return { 'os_enable_anonymous_login' : config_get('system_enable_anonymous', False) }
def edit(request, application_id=None): """ View a form to edit or create a application. """ if request.user.has_perm('application.can_manage_application'): is_manager = True else: is_manager = False if not is_manager \ and not request.user.has_perm('application.can_create_application'): messages.error(request, _("You have not the necessary rights to create or edit applications.")) return redirect(reverse('application_overview')) if application_id is not None: application = Application.objects.get(id=application_id) if not request.user == application.submitter and not is_manager: messages.error(request, _("You can not edit this application. You are not the submitter.")) return redirect(reverse('application_view', args=[])) else: application = None if request.method == 'POST': dataform = ApplicationForm(request.POST, prefix="data") valid = dataform.is_valid() if is_manager: managerform = ApplicationManagerForm(request.POST, \ instance=application, \ prefix="manager") valid = valid and managerform.is_valid() else: managerform = None if valid: del_supporters = True original_supporters = [] if is_manager: if application: for s in application.supporter.all(): original_supporters.append(s) application = elif application_id is None: application = Application(submitter=request.user) application.title = dataform.cleaned_data['title'] application.text = dataform.cleaned_data['text'] application.reason = dataform.cleaned_data['reason'], trivial_change=dataform.cleaned_data['trivial_change']) if is_manager: # log added supporters supporters_added = [] for s in application.supporter.all(): if s not in original_supporters: try: supporters_added.append(unicode(s.profile)) except Profile.DoesNotExist: pass if len(supporters_added) > 0: log_added = ", ".join(supporters_added) application.writelog(_("Supporter: +%s") % log_added, request.user) # log removed supporters supporters_removed = [] for s in original_supporters: if s not in application.supporter.all(): try: supporters_removed.append(unicode(s.profile)) except Profile.DoesNotExist: pass if len(supporters_removed) > 0: log_removed = ", ".join(supporters_removed) application.writelog(_("Supporter: -%s") % log_removed, request.user) if application_id is None: messages.success(request, _('New application was successfully created.')) else: messages.success(request, _('Application was successfully modified.')) if not 'apply' in request.POST: return redirect(reverse('application_view', args=[])) if application_id is None: return redirect(reverse('application_edit', args=[])) else: if application_id is None: initial = {'text': config_get('application_preamble')} else: if application.status == "pub" and application.supporter.count() > 0: if request.user.has_perm('application.can_manage_application'): messages.warning(request, _("Attention: Do you really want to edit this application? The supporters will <b>not</b> be removed automatically because you can manage applications. Please check if the supports are valid after your changing!")) else: messages.warning(request, _("Attention: Do you really want to edit this application? All <b>%s</b> supporters will be removed! Try to convince the supporters again.") % application.supporter.count() ) initial = {'title': application.title, 'text': application.text, 'reason': application.reason} dataform = ApplicationForm(initial=initial, prefix="data") if is_manager: if application_id is None: initial = {'submitter': str(} else: initial = {} managerform = ApplicationManagerForm(initial=initial, \ instance=application, \ prefix="manager") else: managerform = None return { 'form': dataform, 'managerform': managerform, 'application': application, }