def test_http_fetch_with_interceptor(base_url, http_client, tornado_http_patch, tracer):

    def make_downstream_call():
        resp = yield http_client.fetch(base_url)
        raise tornado.gen.Return(resp)

    with patch('opentracing.tracer', tracer):
        assert opentracing.tracer == tracer  # sanity check that patch worked

        span = tracer.start_span('test')
        trace_id = '{:x}'.format(span.context.trace_id)

        with patch('opentracing_instrumentation.http_client.ClientInterceptors') as MockClientInterceptors:
            mock_interceptor = Mock(spec=OpenTracingInterceptor)
            MockClientInterceptors.get_interceptors.return_value = [mock_interceptor]

            with span_in_stack_context(span):
                response = make_downstream_call()
            response = yield response  # cannot yield when in StackContext context

            assert mock_interceptor.process.call_args_list[0][1]['span'].tracer == tracer


    assert response.code == 200
    assert response.body.decode('utf-8') == trace_id
def run_coroutine_with_span(span, coro, *args, **kwargs):
    """Wrap the execution of a Tornado coroutine func in a tracing span.

    This makes the span available through the get_current_span() function.

    :param span: The tracing span to expose.
    :param func: Co-routine to execute in the scope of tracing span.
    :param args: Positional args to func, if any.
    :param kwargs: Keyword args to func, if any.
    with span_in_stack_context(span=span):
        return coro(*args, **kwargs)
def run_coroutine_with_span(span, coro, *args, **kwargs):
    """Wrap the execution of a Tornado coroutine func in a tracing span.

    This makes the span available through the get_current_span() function.

    :param span: The tracing span to expose.
    :param coro: Co-routine to execute in the scope of tracing span.
    :param args: Positional args to func, if any.
    :param kwargs: Keyword args to func, if any.
    with span_in_stack_context(span=span):
        return coro(*args, **kwargs)
    def span_in_context(self, span):
        Store the `span` in the request context and return a `StackContext`.

        This method is meant to be used as a context manager:

        .. code-block:: python

            with tchannel.context_provider.span_in_context(span):
                f = handler_fn()
            res = yield f

        Note: StackContext does not allow yield when used a context manager.
        Instead, save the future and yield it outside of `with:` statement.

        :param span: an OpenTracing Span
        :return: ``StackContext``-based context manager
        return opentracing_instrumentation.span_in_stack_context(span)
def test_http_fetch(base_url, http_client, tornado_http_patch, tracer):
    def make_downstream_call():
        resp = yield http_client.fetch(base_url)
        raise tornado.gen.Return(resp)

    with patch('opentracing.tracer', tracer):
        assert opentracing.tracer == tracer  # sanity check that patch worked

        span = tracer.start_span('test')
        trace_id = '{:x}'.format(span.context.trace_id)

        with span_in_stack_context(span):
            response = make_downstream_call()
        response = yield response  # cannot yield when in StackContext context

    assert response.code == 200
    assert response.body.decode('utf-8') == trace_id
def test_http_fetch(base_url, http_client, tornado_http_patch, tracer):

    def make_downstream_call():
        resp = yield http_client.fetch(base_url)
        raise tornado.gen.Return(resp)

    with patch('opentracing.tracer', tracer):
        assert opentracing.tracer == tracer  # sanity check that patch worked

        span = tracer.start_span('test')
        trace_id = '{:x}'.format(span.context.trace_id)

        with span_in_stack_context(span):
            response = make_downstream_call()
        response = yield response  # cannot yield when in StackContext context

    assert response.code == 200
    assert response.body == trace_id