def test_get_device_info(monkeypatch):

    import types
    from opentrons.drivers.temp_deck import TempDeck

    temp_deck = TempDeck()
    temp_deck.simulating = False
    command_log = []

    model = 'temp-v1'
    firmware_version = 'edge-1a2b345'
    serial = 'td20180102A01'

    def _mock_send_command(self, command, timeout=None, tag=None):
        nonlocal command_log
        command_log += [command]
        return 'model:' + model \
            + ' version:' + firmware_version \
            + ' serial:' + serial

    temp_deck._send_command = types.MethodType(_mock_send_command, temp_deck)

    res = temp_deck.get_device_info()
    assert res == {
        'model': model,
        'version': firmware_version,
        'serial': serial
class TempDeck(commands.CommandPublisher):
    Under development. API subject to change without a version bump
    def __init__(self, lw=None, port=None, broker=None):
        self.labware = lw
        self._port = port
        self._driver = None
        self._device_info = None
        self._poll_stop_event = None

    def set_temperature(self, celsius):
        Set temperature in degree Celsius
        Range: 4 to 95 degree Celsius (QA tested).
        The internal temp range is -9 to 99 C, which is limited by the 2-digit
        temperature display. Any input outside of this range will be clipped
        to the nearest limit
        if self._driver and self._driver.is_connected():

    def deactivate(self):
        """ Stop heating/cooling and turn off the fan """
        if self._driver and self._driver.is_connected():

    def wait_for_temp(self):
        This method exits only if set temperature has reached.Subject to change
        if self._driver and self._driver.is_connected():
            while self.status != 'holding at target':

    def name(cls):
        return 'tempdeck'

    def display_name(cls):
        return 'Temperature Deck'

    # TODO: there should be a separate decoupled set of classes that construct
    # the http api response entity given the model instance.
    def to_dict(self):
        return {
            'port': self.port,
            'serial': self.device_info and self.device_info.get('serial'),
            'model': self.device_info and self.device_info.get('model'),
            'fwVersion': self.device_info and self.device_info.get('version'),
            'displayName': self.display_name(),

    def live_data(self):
        return {
            'status': self.status,
            'data': {
                'currentTemp': self.temperature,

    def port(self):
        """ Serial Port """
        return self._port

    def device_info(self):
        Returns a dict:
            { 'serial': 'abc123', 'model': '8675309', 'version': '9001' }
        return self._device_info

    def temperature(self):
        """ Current temperature in degree celsius """
        return self._driver.temperature

    def target(self):
        Target temperature in degree celsius.
        Returns None if no target set

    def status(self):
        Returns a string: 'heating'/'cooling'/'holding at target'/'idle'.
        NOTE: Depends on _poll_temperature thread to update the temperature to
        be used to determine the status
        return self._driver and self._driver.status

    # Internal Methods

    def _poll_temperature(self):
        while not self._poll_stop_event.wait(TEMP_POLL_INTERVAL_SECS):
            self._driver and self._driver.update_temperature()

    def connect(self):
        Connect to the 'TempDeck' port
        Planned change- will connect to the correct port in case of multiple
        if self._port:
            if temp_locks.get(self._port):
                self._driver = temp_locks[self._port][1]
                self._driver = TempDeckDriver()
            if not self._driver.is_connected():
            self._device_info = self._driver.get_device_info()
            self._poll_stop_event = Event()
            Thread(target=self._poll_temperature, daemon=True).start()
            # Sanity check Should never happen, because connect should never
            # be called without a port on Module
            raise MissingDevicePortError(
                "TempDeck couldn't connect to port {}".format(self._port))

    def disconnect(self):
        Disconnect from the serial port
        if self._poll_stop_event:
        if self._driver:
            if self.status != 'idle':