def top_n(self, x, y, n): inputs = to_binary(torch.from_numpy(x).long(), (x.shape[0], self.input_dim), use_cuda=self.use_cuda) inputs = variable(self, inputs) return numpy(self, self.predict_from_posterior( inputs, z_mean=False)).argsort(axis=1)[:, -1:-n - 1:-1]
def rank(self, x, y): inputs = to_binary(torch.from_numpy(x).long(), (x.shape[0], self.input_dim), use_cuda=self.use_cuda) inputs = variable(self, inputs) candidates = [t[t > 0].astype(int) for t in x] outputs = [ sorted(zip(x, y[x]), key=lambda t: t[1]) for x, y in zip(candidates, numpy(self, self.predict(inputs))) ] return [[y[0] for y in x[::-1]] for x in outputs]
def fit_direct(self, dataset, batch_size, num_epochs=1, verbose=0): self.train(True) if self.optimizer is None: self.build_optimizer() fit_loss = [] for epoch in range(num_epochs): = self.lr_scheduler(self.optimizer, epoch) epoch_loss = [] timer = time.time() # Iterate over data. for x, y in dataset.batches(batch_size): # get the inputs inputs = to_binary(torch.from_numpy(x).long(), (x.shape[0], self.input_dim), use_cuda=self.use_cuda) inputs = variable(self, inputs) labels = variable(self, torch.from_numpy(y).long()) # zero the parameter gradients self.optimizer.zero_grad() label_loss, KLD = self.loss(inputs) loss = label_loss + KLD loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() # statistics if verbose > 1: print("Batch", len(epoch_loss), "loss:", numpy(self, loss), "=", numpy(self, label_loss), "+", numpy(self, KLD), "average time:", (time.time() - timer) / float(len(epoch_loss) + 1)) epoch_loss.append((numpy(self, label_loss)[0], numpy(self, KLD)[0])) if verbose > 0: print("loss =", np.mean(epoch_loss, axis=0), "time =", time.time() - timer) fit_loss.append(np.mean(epoch_loss)) return fit_loss
def rank(self, dataset, batch_size, num_batches=None, verbose=0): self.train(False) timer = time.time() result = [] batch_count = 0. # Iterate over data. for x, y in dataset.batches(batch_size=batch_size): # get the inputs inputs, labels = variable( self, (torch.from_numpy(x).long(), torch.from_numpy(y).long())) batch_count += 1 if num_batches is not None and batch_count > num_batches: break if verbose > 0: print("Batch", batch_count, "average time:", (time.time() - timer) / batch_count) candidates = [x[x > 0] for x in numpy(self, inputs)] outputs = [ sorted(zip(x, y[x]), key=lambda t: t[1]) for x, y in zip(candidates, numpy(self, self.predict(inputs))) ] result.extend([[y[0] for y in x[::-1]] for x in outputs]) return result
def top_n(self, dataset, n, batch_size, num_batches=None, verbose=0): self.train(False) timer = time.time() result = [] batch_count = 0. # Iterate over data. for x, y in dataset.batches(batch_size=batch_size): # get the inputs inputs, labels = variable( self, (torch.from_numpy(x).long(), torch.from_numpy(y).long())) batch_count += 1 if num_batches is not None and batch_count > num_batches: break if verbose > 0: print("Batch", batch_count, "average time:", (time.time() - timer) / batch_count) result.append( numpy(self, self.predict(inputs)).argsort(axis=1)[:, -1:-n - 1:-1].copy()) return np.vstack(result)
def sample_from_latent(self, num_samples, top_n): self.train(False) latents = variable(self, torch.randn(num_samples, self.num_latent_factors)) return numpy(self, self.decode(latents)).argsort(axis=1)[:, -1:-top_n-1:-1].copy(), \ np.linalg.norm(numpy(self, latents), axis=1)