def legendre_wafp_enrichment(x, lambdas, M_enrich, sampler=None): """ Adds M_enrich points to the existing point set x by (approximate) determinant maximization. """ from legendre_induced import induced_distribution_mixture_sampling if lambdas.ndim == 1: lambdas = np.reshape(lambdas, [lambdas.size, 1]) if sampler is None: sampler = lambda MM: induced_distribution_mixture_sampling(lambdas, MM) M0 = x.shape[0] N, d = lambdas.shape ab = jacobi_recurrence(lambdas.max() + 1, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True) M = max(M0, 2*N) while x.shape[0] < M0 + M_enrich: V = opolynd_eval(x, lambdas, ab) W = (V.T/np.sqrt(np.sum(V**2,axis=1))).T * np.sqrt(float(N)/float(x.shape[0])) G =, W) iG = np.linalg.inv(G) xs = sampler(M) Vs = opolynd_eval(xs, lambdas, ab) Ws = (Vs.T/np.sqrt(np.sum(Vs**2,axis=1))).T dets = np.sum((Ws*, iG))**2, axis=1) ind = np.argmax(dets) x = np.vstack([x, xs[ind,:]]) return x
def legendre_wafp(lambdas, M=1e3, sampler=None): """ Generate M (= lambdas.shape[0]) weighted approximate Fekete points using randomized sampling. """ from scipy.linalg import qr from legendre_induced import induced_distribution_mixture_sampling if lambdas.ndim == 1: lambdas = np.reshape(lambdas, [lambdas.size, 1]) N, d = lambdas.shape ab = jacobi_recurrence(lambdas.max() + 1, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True) if sampler is None: sampler = lambda MM: induced_distribution_mixture_sampling(lambdas, MM) # Choose at least 2*N samples M = max(M, 2*N) x = sampler(M) V = opolynd_eval(x, lambdas, ab) _, _, p = qr(V.T/np.sqrt(np.sum(V**2,axis=1)), pivoting=True, mode='economic') return x[p[:N], :]
def legendre_wafp(lambdas, M=1e3, sampler=None): """ Generate M (= lambdas.shape[0]) weighted approximate Fekete points using randomized sampling. """ from scipy.linalg import qr from legendre_induced import induced_distribution_mixture_sampling if lambdas.ndim == 1: lambdas = np.reshape(lambdas, [lambdas.size, 1]) N, d = lambdas.shape ab = jacobi_recurrence(lambdas.max() + 1, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True) if sampler is None: sampler = lambda MM: induced_distribution_mixture_sampling(lambdas, MM) # Choose at least 2*N samples M = max(M, 2 * N) x = sampler(M) V = opolynd_eval(x, lambdas, ab) _, _, p = qr(V.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(V**2, axis=1)), pivoting=True, mode='economic') return x[p[:N], :]
def legendre_wafp_enrichment(x, lambdas, M_enrich, sampler=None): """ Adds M_enrich points to the existing point set x by (approximate) determinant maximization. """ from legendre_induced import induced_distribution_mixture_sampling if lambdas.ndim == 1: lambdas = np.reshape(lambdas, [lambdas.size, 1]) if sampler is None: sampler = lambda MM: induced_distribution_mixture_sampling(lambdas, MM) M0 = x.shape[0] N, d = lambdas.shape ab = jacobi_recurrence(lambdas.max() + 1, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True) M = max(M0, 2 * N) while x.shape[0] < M0 + M_enrich: V = opolynd_eval(x, lambdas, ab) W = (V.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(V**2, axis=1))).T * np.sqrt( float(N) / float(x.shape[0])) G =, W) iG = np.linalg.inv(G) xs = sampler(M) Vs = opolynd_eval(xs, lambdas, ab) Ws = (Vs.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(Vs**2, axis=1))).T dets = np.sum((Ws *, iG))**2, axis=1) ind = np.argmax(dets) x = np.vstack([x, xs[ind, :]]) return x
######## Step 2: run "expensive" model u = np.zeros([Nx, M]) print("Evaluating model on mesh...") for ind, zval in enumerate(z): u[:, ind] = expensive_model(zval, x) print(u) # Each column of u is a model run for a fixed parameter value ######## Step 3: compute PCE coefficients print("Assembling PCE coefficients...") ab = jacobi_recurrence(lambdas.max() + 1, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True) V = opolynd_eval(z, lambdas, ab) weights = np.sqrt(float(N) / float(M)) / np.sqrt(np.sum(V**2, axis=1)) # The PCE coefficients are computed as a weighted discrete least-squares # estimator with the weights above. coeffs = np.linalg.lstsq((V.T * weights).T, (u * weights).T)[0].T # Each row of coeffs contains PCE coefficients for a single x gridpoint. # Each column of coeffs contains a particular PCE coefficient for all # values of x. ######## Step 4: whatever postprocessing you want print("Processing PCE coefficients...") # Compute total sensitivities total_sensitivities = sensitivity.pce_total_sensitivity( coeffs.T, lambdas, list(range(d)))
rho = 0. # Freud (Hermite) parameter x = idist_mixture_sampling_tensorial(M, d, k, "freud", alpha=alpha, rho=rho) plt.figure() plt.plot(np.sort(x), np.arange(x.size,dtype=float)/x.size) plt.title('CDF for Hermite, k={:d}'.format(k)) x = idist_mixture_sampling_tensorial(M, 5, k, "freud", alpha=alpha, rho=rho) # Testing that sampling like this is well-conditioned M = 2000 k = 30 d = 2 disttype = "freud" alpha = 2. rho = 0. ab = recurrence.hermite_recurrence(k+1,rho=rho) # Sampler x = idist_mixture_sampling_tensorial(M, d, k, disttype, alpha=alpha, rho=rho) # Generate tensor-product multi-indices l = np.arange(k+1) lx,ly = np.meshgrid(l,l) L = np.concatenate((lx.reshape(lx.size,1), ly.reshape(ly.size,1)), axis=1) # Vandermonde-like matrix V = opolynd.opolynd_eval(x, L, ab) # Christoffel preconditioner V = (V.T* np.sqrt( (k+1.)**2. / np.sum(V**2, axis=1))).T
######## Step 2: run "expensive" model u = np.zeros([Nx, M]) print("Evaluating model on mesh...") for ind,zval in enumerate(z): u[:,ind] = expensive_model(zval, x) print(u) # Each column of u is a model run for a fixed parameter value ######## Step 3: compute PCE coefficients print("Assembling PCE coefficients...") ab = jacobi_recurrence(lambdas.max()+1, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True) V = opolynd_eval(z, lambdas, ab) weights = np.sqrt(float(N)/float(M)) / np.sqrt(np.sum(V**2,axis=1)) # The PCE coefficients are computed as a weighted discrete least-squares # estimator with the weights above. coeffs = np.linalg.lstsq( (V.T*weights).T, (u*weights).T)[0].T # Each row of coeffs contains PCE coefficients for a single x gridpoint. # Each column of coeffs contains a particular PCE coefficient for all # values of x. ######## Step 4: whatever postprocessing you want print("Processing PCE coefficients...") # Compute total sensitivities total_sensitivities = sensitivity.pce_total_sensitivity(coeffs.T, lambdas, list(range(d)))
return x if __name__ == "__main__": from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from indexing import total_degree_indices, hyperbolic_cross_indices from recurrence import jacobi_recurrence from opolynd import opolynd_eval d, k = 9, 7 #lambdas = total_degree_indices(d, k) lambdas = hyperbolic_cross_indices(d, k) N = lambdas.shape[0] x = legendre_wafp(lambdas, M=3e3) ab = jacobi_recurrence(lambdas.max() + 1, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True) V = opolynd_eval(x, lambdas, ab) W = (V.T/np.sqrt(np.sum(V**2,axis=1))).T * np.sqrt(float(N)/float(x.shape[0])) M_enrich = 20 x2 = legendre_wafp_enrichment(x, lambdas, M_enrich, sampler=None) V2 = opolynd_eval(x2, lambdas, ab) W2 = (V2.T/np.sqrt(np.sum(V2**2,axis=1))).T * np.sqrt(float(N)/float(x2.shape[0])) # W: unenriched # W2: enriched
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from indexing import total_degree_indices, hyperbolic_cross_indices from recurrence import jacobi_recurrence from opolynd import opolynd_eval d, k = 9, 7 #lambdas = total_degree_indices(d, k) lambdas = hyperbolic_cross_indices(d, k) N = lambdas.shape[0] x = legendre_wafp(lambdas, M=3e3) ab = jacobi_recurrence(lambdas.max() + 1, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True) V = opolynd_eval(x, lambdas, ab) W = (V.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(V**2, axis=1))).T * np.sqrt( float(N) / float(x.shape[0])) M_enrich = 20 x2 = legendre_wafp_enrichment(x, lambdas, M_enrich, sampler=None) V2 = opolynd_eval(x2, lambdas, ab) W2 = (V2.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(V2**2, axis=1))).T * np.sqrt( float(N) / float(x2.shape[0])) # W: unenriched # W2: enriched
def getImplicitQuad(D): # plt.scatter(samples[:,0], samples[:,1]) initSamples = samples[:D + 1, :] otherSamples = np.ndarray.tolist(samples[D + 1:, :]) vmat = opolynd.opolynd_eval(initSamples, H.lambdas[:len(initSamples) + 3, :], H.ab, H).T # weights = np.asarray([(1/(D+1))*np.ones(len(initSamples))]).T # weights = weights / np.sum(weights) rv = multivariate_normal([0, 0], [[1, 0], [0, 1]]) weights = np.asarray([rv.pdf(initSamples)]).T nodes = np.copy(initSamples) for K in range(D, Kmax): # up to Kmax - 1 # print(K) # Add Node nodes = np.vstack((nodes, otherSamples.pop())) # one = ((K+1)/(K+2))*weights # two = np.asarray([[1/(K+2)]]) # weights = np.concatenate((one, two)) weights = np.asarray([rv.pdf(nodes)]).T weights = weights / np.sum(weights) # Update weights vmat = opolynd.opolynd_eval(nodes, H.lambdas[:len(nodes) - 1, :], H.ab, H).T nullspace = sp.linalg.null_space(vmat) c = np.asarray([nullspace[:, 0]]).T a = weights / c aPos = < 0, a) # only values where c > 0 alpha1 = np.min(aPos.compressed()) aNeg = > 0, a) # only values where c < 0 alpha2 = np.max(aNeg.compressed()) # Choose alpha1 or alpha2 alpha = alpha2 # Remove Node vals = weights <= alpha * c # print(np.min(weights - alpha1*c)) assert np.isclose(np.min(weights - alpha1 * c), 0) # print(np.sum(vals)) idx = np.argmax(vals) if (np.sum(vals)) != 1: idx = np.argmin(weights - alpha * c) # print("No w_k is less than alpha_k*c_k", np.min(weights - alpha*c)) # print(alpha1, alpha2) assert alpha2 < alpha1 nodes = np.delete(nodes, idx, axis=0) weights = weights - alpha * c assert weights[idx] < 10**(-15) weights = np.delete(weights, idx, axis=0) # print(np.sum(weights)) return weights, nodes
# Compute integral of scalar function Q_sparse_grid = np.sum(w*fx) Q_exact = test_functions.genz_oscillatory_integral(c, r) Q_relerror = np.abs(Q_sparse_grid - Q_exact)/np.abs(Q_exact) print(("Sparse grid integration error for Genz oscillatory test function is {:1.4e} using a level {:d} grid in {:d} dimensions".format(Q_relerror[0], level, dim))) # Compute a polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) assuming a uniform # distribution order = level # Unifrom distribution ab = opoly1d.jacobi_recurrence(order+1, alpha=0., beta = 0., probability=True) lambdas = indexing.total_degree_indices(dim, order) V = opolynd.opolynd_eval(x, lambdas, ab) # Test integration accuracy of sparse grid: G =, np.diag(w)), V) print(("Sparse grid integration error for orthogonal polynomials up to degree {:d} is {:1.4e} using a level {:d} grid in {:d} dimensions".format(order, np.linalg.norm(G - np.eye(G.shape[0])), level, dim))) # Compute PCE coefficients coeffs =, w*fx) # Now things like sensitivity can be computed: # Total sensitivity for each dimension: pce_TS = sensitivity.pce_total_sensitivity(coeffs, lambdas, list(range(dim))) # If you compare pce_TS with c, the qualitative trend in these # vectors is similar