def __init__(self, trajectory_dir = './', lattice_poscar = '', atomid = 0):
        time_steps in ps
        self.traj_dir = trajectory_dir
        self.lattice_poscar = lattice_poscar
        self.traj = read_trajectory( dir = trajectory_dir, unwrap_pbcs = True )

        self.time = self.traj.time/1000.
        self.pos = self.traj.get_all_trajectories( coords = 'cart' )
        self.natoms = self.pos.shape[1]
        self.nsteps = self.pos.shape[0]

        #print "Generating symmetric running mean..."
        #self.pos[:,atomid] = symmetric_running_mean(self.pos[:,atomid],250)
        #pos[:,0] = symmetric_running_mean(pos[:,0],500)

        # Read reference lattice:
        pp = PoscarParser( lattice_poscar )
        self.lattice = pp.get_positions( coords = 'cart')
        self.nsites = self.lattice.shape[0]
        #print "Reference POSCAR contains %d lattice sites" % (self.nsites)

        #import profile'get_occupancies()')
        # Calculate occupancies, nearest site for atom x and distance to nearest site(s)
        self.nearest_site, self.nearest_site_r = self.find_nearest_sites( atomid = atomid)
def read_trajectory(dir='', unwrap_pbcs=True, xml_file='vasprun.xml',
        orig_file='traj_orig.h5', unwrapped_file='traj_unwrapped.h5',
    Convenience function for reading trajectory data from vasprun.xml.
    - The first time a trajectory is read, the trajectory data is read from
      vasprun.xml using lxml, and saved in a HDF5 binary file using PyTables. 
    - The next time the trajectory is read, the HDF5 file is read directly.
      This is much faster.

    If `unwrap_pbcs' is set to True, periodic boundary conditions (PBCs) will
    be unwrapped, using initial positions from a specified POSCAR file.
    Initial positions are taken from a POSCAR file instead of the initial
    positions in the vasprun.xml file, because the latter are wrapped into the
    cell, making visual comparison with the original structure difficult if the
    POSCAR file contained coordinates out of the cell, such as may result from
    a cell where the atoms were relaxed from initial positions at the edge of
    the cell.

    dir : str
        Directory to read files from
        Default is current directory
    unwrap_pbcs : bool
        Set to True to unwrap the periodic boundary conditions (PBCs) or False to leave them.
        Default is True
    xml_file : str
        Name of the vasprun.xml file, default is "vasprun.xml"
    orig_file : str
        Name of the HDF5 file
    unwrapped_file : str
        Name of the HDF5 file containing unwrapped PBCs. 
        Only used if unwrap_pbcs is set to True


    if not os.path.isfile(dir + orig_file):
        p = IterativeVasprunParser(dir + xml_file)
        traj = p.get_trajectory() + orig_file)
        if not unwrap_pbcs:
            return traj
    elif not unwrap_pbcs:
        return Trajectory(filename = dir + orig_file)

    if os.path.isfile(dir + unwrapped_file):
        return Trajectory(filename = dir + unwrapped_file)
        poscar = PoscarParser(dir + poscar_file)
        pos = poscar.get_positions(coords = 'direct')
            t = traj
            t = Trajectory(filename = dir + orig_file)
        print "Unwrapping using initial pos from POSCAR"
        t.unwrap_pbc(init_pos = pos) + unwrapped_file)
        return t
    def __init__(self, trajectory_dir = './', lattice_poscar = '', follow_atom = 0, step_size = 200):

        # Read reference lattice:
        pp = PoscarParser( lattice_poscar )
        self.lattice = pp.get_positions( coordinates = 'direct')
        self.nsites = self.lattice.shape[0]
        print "Reference POSCAR contains %d lattice sites" % (self.nsites)
        # Get occupancies
        self.traj_dir = trajectory_dir
        self.lattice_poscar = lattice_poscar
        self.traj = self.read_trajectory( traj_dir = trajectory_dir )
        self.occ, self.inhabitants = self.traj.get_occupancies( lattice = self.lattice, step_size = step_size )
        self.time = self.traj.time[::step_size]/1.e3
    def __init__(self,

        # Read reference lattice:
        pp = PoscarParser(lattice_poscar)
        self.lattice = pp.get_positions(coordinates='direct')
        self.nsites = self.lattice.shape[0]
        print "Reference POSCAR contains %d lattice sites" % (self.nsites)

        # Get occupancies
        self.traj_dir = trajectory_dir
        self.lattice_poscar = lattice_poscar
        self.traj = self.read_trajectory(traj_dir=trajectory_dir)
        self.occ, self.inhabitants = self.traj.get_occupancies(
            lattice=self.lattice, step_size=step_size)
        self.time = self.traj.time[::step_size] / 1.e3
fac = 8 * 2 * np.pi
nsteps = traj.length
natoms = traj.num_atoms

lambda_x = np.zeros((nsteps))
lambda_y = np.zeros((nsteps))
lambda_z = np.zeros((nsteps))

### <!-- Test begin -->
from oppvasp.vasp.parsers import PoscarParser

ps = PoscarParser(
r = ps.get_positions('direct')

# Shift all positions
r += -0.01 + np.random.rand(64, 3) * 0.02
natoms = r.shape[0]
test1 = 1. / 3 * (np.sum(np.cos(fac * r[:, 0])) / natoms +
                  np.sum(np.cos(fac * r[:, 1])) / natoms +
                  np.sum(np.cos(fac * r[:, 2])) / natoms)

kvec = np.array((8, 0, 0))  # 2**3 for 2x2x2 supercell
s = 2 * np.pi *, kvec)

test2 = np.sum(np.exp(np.complex(0, 1) * s)).real / natoms

cossum = np.sum(np.cos(s)) / natoms
sinsum = np.sum(np.sin(s)) / natoms
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = 'Compares two POSCAR-type files, and prints a summary' )

parser.add_argument('--diff', '-d', action='store_true',
        help='Print displacement vectors for all atoms' )
parser.add_argument('--abs_diff', '-a', action='store_true',
        help='Print abs(displacements) for all atoms' )
parser.add_argument('--rad_diff', '-r', action='store_true',
        help='Print radial displacements (displacement vector norms) for all atoms' )
parser.add_argument('--no_unwrap', '-n', action='store_true',
        help='Don\'t try to unwrap motion over periodic boundaries.' )
parser.add_argument('infile', nargs='?', default='POSCAR', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='POSCAR filename')
args = parser.parse_args()

# Read atoms from POSCAR:
poscar1 = PoscarParser(args.infile).get_structure()
pos = poscar1.get_positions( coords = 'direct' )
natoms = pos.shape[0]

# Build array of pair indices:
pairs = get_pairs(natoms)
npairs = pairs.shape[0]

print "%d atoms, %d pairs" % (natoms, npairs)

# Find displacement vectors for all atoms:
x = pos[pairs[:,0]] - pos[pairs[:,1]]

# Use minimum image convention to threat bonds over PBCs
# Note: This will not work with *very* tilted unit cells
x = x - (2*x).astype('int')
fac = 8 * 2 * np.pi
nsteps = traj.length
natoms = traj.num_atoms

lambda_x = np.zeros((nsteps))
lambda_y = np.zeros((nsteps))
lambda_z = np.zeros((nsteps))

### <!-- Test begin --> 
from oppvasp.vasp.parsers import PoscarParser
ps = PoscarParser('/Users/danmichael/master/notur/hipersol/templates/si64/POSCAR').get_structure()
r = ps.get_positions('direct')

# Shift all positions
r += -0.01+np.random.rand(64,3)*0.02
natoms = r.shape[0]
test1 = 1./3 * (np.sum(np.cos(fac * r[:,0]))/natoms + np.sum(np.cos(fac * r[:,1]))/natoms + np.sum(np.cos(fac * r[:,2]))/natoms )

kvec = np.array((8,0,0)) # 2**3 for 2x2x2 supercell
s = 2*np.pi*, kvec)

test2 = np.sum(np.exp(np.complex(0,1) * s)).real / natoms

cossum = np.sum(np.cos(s))/natoms
sinsum = np.sum(np.sin(s))/natoms
test3 = np.sqrt(cossum**2+sinsum**2)
#parser.add_argument('--no_wrap', '-n', action='store_true', help='Don\'t wrap coordinates back into unit cell' )
                    help='Input filename (defaults to POSCAR)')
                    help='Output filename (defaults to stdout)')
args = parser.parse_args()

# Read atoms from POSCAR:
structure1 = PoscarParser(args.infile, silent=True).get_structure()
pos = structure1.get_positions(coords='cart')

#print "Max displacement: %.3f Angstrom" % args.max
# find random displacements using spherical coordinates:
rnd = np.random.random(pos.shape)
r = rnd[:, 0] * args.max
azimuth = rnd[:, 1] * 2 * np.pi
zenith = rnd[:, 1] * np.pi

# convert to cartesian coordinates:
rnd[:, 0] = r * np.cos(azimuth) * np.sin(zenith)
rnd[:, 1] = r * np.sin(azimuth) * np.sin(zenith)
rnd[:, 2] = r * np.cos(zenith)

structure1.set_positions(pos + rnd, coords='cart')
def read_trajectory(dir='',
    Convenience function for reading trajectory data from vasprun.xml.
    - The first time a trajectory is read, the trajectory data is read from
      vasprun.xml using lxml, and saved in a HDF5 binary file using PyTables. 
    - The next time the trajectory is read, the HDF5 file is read directly.
      This is much faster.

    If `unwrap_pbcs' is set to True, periodic boundary conditions (PBCs) will
    be unwrapped, using initial positions from a specified POSCAR file.
    Initial positions are taken from a POSCAR file instead of the initial
    positions in the vasprun.xml file, because the latter are wrapped into the
    cell, making visual comparison with the original structure difficult if the
    POSCAR file contained coordinates out of the cell, such as may result from
    a cell where the atoms were relaxed from initial positions at the edge of
    the cell.

    dir : str
        Directory to read files from
        Default is current directory
    unwrap_pbcs : bool
        Set to True to unwrap the periodic boundary conditions (PBCs) or False to leave them.
        Default is True
    xml_file : str
        Name of the vasprun.xml file, default is "vasprun.xml"
    orig_file : str
        Name of the HDF5 file
    unwrapped_file : str
        Name of the HDF5 file containing unwrapped PBCs. 
        Only used if unwrap_pbcs is set to True


    if not os.path.isfile(dir + orig_file):
        p = IterativeVasprunParser(dir + xml_file)
        traj = p.get_trajectory() + orig_file)
        if not unwrap_pbcs:
            return traj
    elif not unwrap_pbcs:
        return Trajectory(filename=dir + orig_file)

    if os.path.isfile(dir + unwrapped_file):
        return Trajectory(filename=dir + unwrapped_file)
        poscar = PoscarParser(dir + poscar_file)
        pos = poscar.get_positions(coords='direct')
            t = traj
            t = Trajectory(filename=dir + orig_file)
        print "Unwrapping using initial pos from POSCAR"
        t.unwrap_pbc(init_pos=pos) + unwrapped_file)
        return t
class DistanceFromLatticeSites(object):
    This class calculates the distances between any atom in the trajectory and the n nearest lattice site(s).
    The lattice sites are read from the file 'lattice_poscar', and the number of sites defined in the poscar
    need not be equal to the number of atoms found in the trajectory file.

    def __init__(self, trajectory_dir = './', lattice_poscar = ''):
        self.traj_dir = trajectory_dir
        self.lattice_poscar = lattice_poscar
        self.traj = read_trajectory( trajectory_dir, unwrap_pbcs = True )

        self.pos = self.traj.get_all_trajectories( coords = 'cartesian' )
        self.natoms = self.pos.shape[1]
        self.nsteps = self.pos.shape[0]

        self.poscar = PoscarParser( lattice_poscar )
        # Read reference lattice:
        self.lattice = self.poscar.get_positions( coords = 'cartesian')
        self.nsites = self.lattice.shape[0]
        print "Reference POSCAR contains %d lattice sites" % (self.nsites)

        self.bottombar_height = .3
        self.bottombar_colors = {
            892: 'green',
            860: 'yellow',
            868: 'blue',
            844: 'red'
    #def read_trajectory(self, traj_dir = './', xml_file ='vasprun.xml', npz_pbc_file = 'trajectory_pbc.npz', npz_file = 'trajectory_nopbc.npz' ):
    #    if os.path.isfile(traj_dir + npz_nopbc_file):
    #        traj = Trajectory(filename = traj_dir +npz_nopbc_file)
    #    else:
    #        p = IterativeVasprunParser(traj_dir + xml_file)
    #        traj = p.get_all_trajectories( coords = 'cart' )
    # + npz_pbc_file)
    #        # we do NOT unwrap the PBCs
    #    return traj

    def follow(self, follow_atom = 0, num_neighbours = 3, step_size = 50):
        self.num_neighbours = num_neighbours # numbers of nearest neighbours to plot distance to

        #    "%d" % follow_atom
        #except TypeError:
        #    print "Generating geometric mean"
        #    geo = self.traj.get_geometric_center((0,1))
        #    self.traj.remove_atom(0)
        #    self.traj.remove_atom(0)
        #    follow_atom = self.traj.add_atom(geo)

        print "Generating symmetric running mean..."
        self.pos[:,follow_atom] = symmetric_running_mean(self.pos[:,follow_atom],250)
        #pos[:,0] = symmetric_running_mean(pos[:,0],500)
        #import profile'get_occupancies()')
        # Calculate occupancies, nearest site for atom x and distance to nearest site(s)
        self.step_size = step_size
        self.occupancies, self.followed_atom_site, self.followed_atom_r2 = self.get_occupancies( follow_atom = follow_atom)

    def get_index(self,lst,val):
        """Returns first index of val in lst"""
        return [i for i,x in enumerate(lst) if x == val][0]

    def get_occupancies(self, follow_atom = 0, closest_sites = 8, make_periodic_supercell = False):
        This method generates
         (1) A (time, nsites) array with the occupancy of each lattice site at each time. 
             The occupancy of a given site is defined as the number of atoms whose positions are 
             closer to this site than any other (periodic boundary conditions are taken into account).

         (2) A (time,closest_sites) array of a given number of closest sites for atom 'follow_atom'
             at any time, and the distances to those sites.

            follow_atom : (int) or list of ints - the atom id(s) to follow
            closest_sites : (int) the number of closest sites to include. 
            Increasing this value does not affect the processing time very much.

            A (occupancies, nearest_sites, nearest_sites_r2) tuple.
            'nearest_sites' is an array containing the nearest_sites (in decreasing order) for the followed atom,
            and 'nearest_sites_r2' the corresponding distances to these sites.

        n = self.traj.time[::self.step_size].shape[0]

        pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=['Frame...',SimpleProgress(),' (step size: %d)' % (self.step_size)], maxval = n*self.step_size).start()
        occupancies = np.zeros((n,self.nsites), dtype=int)

        # initialize arrays:
        nclosest = closest_sites # plot <> closest sites
        p_site = np.zeros((len(follow_atom),n,nclosest), dtype=int)
        p_dist_r2 = np.zeros((len(follow_atom),n,nclosest))
        # for each MD step
        for i in range(n):
            stepno = i * self.step_size

            # for each atom
            for atno in range(self.natoms):
                dist = self.lattice - self.pos[stepno,atno]
                atpos = self.pos[stepno,atno]
                # Make a (nsites,3) matrix with vectors pointing from the atom to each lattice site
                dist = self.lattice - atpos

                # a) Minimum image convention work for most unit cells:
                #    (use direct coordinates)
                #dist = dist - (2*dist-1).astype(
                # b) Alternative (slower) routine that can be used with very skewed unit cells: 
                #    (use cartesian instead of direct coordinates)
                if make_periodic_supercell:
                    # Make a (3,nsites,3) tensor with one periodic image in each of the directions +x,-x,+y,-y,+z,-z:
                    dist_i = np.abs(np.array((dist-1,dist,dist+1))) 
                    # and find the shortest distance:
                    dist = np.min(dist_i, axis=0)

                # Make a (nsites) vector with the distances squared (r^2)
                dist_r2 = np.sum(dist**2, axis=1)
                # Find closest lattice site(s):
                #closest_site = np.argmin(dist_r2)
                closest_sites = np.argsort(dist_r2)

                if atno in follow_atom:
                    idx = self.get_index(follow_atom,atno)
                    p_site[idx,i] = closest_sites[0:nclosest]
                    p_dist_r2[idx,i] = dist_r2[p_site[idx,i]]

                # Update occupancies array:
                occupancies[i,closest_sites[0]] += 1
        # (atno, stepno, nclosest)

        #p_sites = { }
        ## loop over atno
        #for atidx, at in enumerate(p_site[:,:,0]):
        #    for site in at[:,0]: # closest site
        #        if site in p_sites:
        #            p_sites[site] += 1
        #        else:
        #            p_sites[site] = 1
        #    invtot = 100./p_site.shape[0]
        #    print "-----------"
        #    keys = p_sites.keys()
        #    for k in np.argsort(p_sites.values())[::-1]:  # reverse order 
        #        site = keys[k]
        #        print "At site %d for %.1f%% of the time (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)" % (site,p_sites[site]*invtot,self.lattice[site][0],self.lattice[site][1],self.lattice[site][2])
        #    print "-----------"

        return occupancies, p_site, p_dist_r2

# (4) Analayze 

#for i in range(n):
#    s = np.argsort(occupancies[i])
#    if occupancies[i,s[0]] == 0:
#        print "Vacancy found at site",s[0],"at step",i
#        #sys.stdout.write(str(s[0])+" ")
#    if occupancies[i,s[-2]] == 2:
#        print "Double occupation at site",s[0],"at step",i

# (5) Plot

    def bottombar_fill(self, plt, index, t0, t, labs):
            color = self.bottombar_colors[index]
        except KeyError:
            color = 'yellow'
        #print index,t0,t
        y0 = - self.bottombar_height
        plt.fill( [t0,t0,t,t], [0,y0,y0,0], color = color, linewidth = 0., alpha = 0.3 )
        if index not in labs and t-t0 > 0.8:
                label = str(self.bottombar_labels[index])
            except KeyError:
                label = str(index)

            print " -> Adding label",label,"(atom %d)"%(index)
            plt.text(t0 + (t-t0)/2., y0/2., label, horizontalalignment = 'center', verticalalignment = 'center', fontsize = 8)
        return labs

    def plot(self):
        Automatic plot method. This method is not very robust, and should in general be modified 
        to highlight the points of interest.
        styles = [
               { 'color': 'black' },
               { 'color': 'gray', 'alpha': .5 }, # dashes: (ink on, ink off)
               { 'color': 'gray', 'linestyle': '--', 'dashes': (6,2), 'alpha': .5 }, # dashes: (ink on, ink off)
               { 'color': 'blue' }
        prepare_canvas('10 cm')
        fig = plt.figure()

        p = [0.15, 0.57, 0.05, 0.03]  # margins: left, bottom, right, top. Height: 1-.15-.46 = .39
        upper = fig.add_axes([ p[0], p[1], 1-p[2]-p[0], 1-p[3]-p[1] ])
        upper.set_ylabel(u'$r(t)-r(0)$ [Å]')

        p = [0.15, 0.15, 0.05, 0.45]  # margins: left, bottom, right, top. Height: 1-.15-.46 = .39
        lower = fig.add_axes([ p[0], p[1], 1-p[2]-p[0], 1-p[3]-p[1] ])
        lower.set_xlabel('Time $t$ [ps]')
        lower.set_ylabel(u'$r(t)-R$ (å)')

        time = self.traj.time[::self.step_size]/1.e3
        y = np.sqrt(self.followed_atom_r2[:,0:self.num_neighbours])

        lower.plot(time, y, **styles[0])
        ticks = [0.]
        ticklabels = [0.]
        for i in range(y.shape[1]):
            lower.axhline(y[0,i], color = 'black', linestyle='dashed', alpha = 0.5)
            print "Y:",y[0,i]
            ticklabels.append("%.2f" % (y[0,i]))

        r = np.sqrt(np.sum((self.pos[::self.step_size,0]-self.pos[0,0])**2, axis=1))

        print time.shape
        print r.shape
        upper.plot(time, r)

        # ================== Paint bottombar ==================================

        prev_site = -1
        cur_site = -1
        cur_count = 0
        n = self.occupancies.shape[0]
        labelled_sites = []
        for i in range(n):
            cur_site = self.followed_atom_site[i,0]
            if cur_site != prev_site and prev_site != -1:
                labelled_sites = self.bottombar_fill(lower, prev_site, time[i-cur_count], time[i], labelled_sites)
                cur_count = 0
            prev_site = cur_site
            cur_count += 1
        labelled_sites = self.bottombar_fill(lower, prev_site, time[-cur_count], time[-1], labelled_sites)

        self.plt = plt
        self.lower = lower
        self.upper = upper

    def save(self, fig_filename = ''):
        if fig_filename == '':
            fig_filename = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[0])[0] + '.pdf'
        sys.stdout.write("Writing %s... " % os.path.basename(fig_filename))

    def time_at_lattice_sites(self, treshold = 0.5):
        print self.followed_atom_r2.shape  # (65, 600, 8)
        y = np.sqrt(self.followed_atom_r2[:,:,0:self.num_neighbours])
        print "y",y.shape
        return [float(j[j<treshold].shape[0])/j.shape[0] for j in y]
    help='Don\'t try to unwrap motion over periodic boundaries.')
                    help='POSCAR filename')
args = parser.parse_args()

# Read atoms from POSCAR:
poscar1 = PoscarParser(args.infile).get_structure()
pos = poscar1.get_positions(coords='direct')
natoms = pos.shape[0]

# Build array of pair indices:
pairs = get_pairs(natoms)
npairs = pairs.shape[0]

print "%d atoms, %d pairs" % (natoms, npairs)

# Find displacement vectors for all atoms:
x = pos[pairs[:, 0]] - pos[pairs[:, 1]]

# Use minimum image convention to threat bonds over PBCs
# Note: This will not work with *very* tilted unit cells
x = x - (2 * x).astype('int')
class DistanceFromLatticeSites(object):
    This class calculates the distances between any atom in the trajectory and the n nearest lattice site(s).
    The lattice sites are read from the file 'lattice_poscar', and the number of sites defined in the poscar
    need not be equal to the number of atoms found in the trajectory file.
    def __init__(self, trajectory_dir='./', lattice_poscar=''):

        self.traj_dir = trajectory_dir
        self.lattice_poscar = lattice_poscar
        self.traj = read_trajectory(trajectory_dir, unwrap_pbcs=True)

        self.pos = self.traj.get_all_trajectories(coords='cartesian')
        self.natoms = self.pos.shape[1]
        self.nsteps = self.pos.shape[0]

        self.poscar = PoscarParser(lattice_poscar)

        # Read reference lattice:
        self.lattice = self.poscar.get_positions(coords='cartesian')
        self.nsites = self.lattice.shape[0]
        print "Reference POSCAR contains %d lattice sites" % (self.nsites)

        self.bottombar_height = .3
        self.bottombar_colors = {
            892: 'green',
            860: 'yellow',
            868: 'blue',
            844: 'red'

    #def read_trajectory(self, traj_dir = './', xml_file ='vasprun.xml', npz_pbc_file = 'trajectory_pbc.npz', npz_file = 'trajectory_nopbc.npz' ):
    #    if os.path.isfile(traj_dir + npz_nopbc_file):
    #        traj = Trajectory(filename = traj_dir +npz_nopbc_file)
    #    else:
    #        p = IterativeVasprunParser(traj_dir + xml_file)
    #        traj = p.get_all_trajectories( coords = 'cart' )
    # + npz_pbc_file)
    #        # we do NOT unwrap the PBCs
    #    return traj

    def follow(self, follow_atom=0, num_neighbours=3, step_size=50):
        self.num_neighbours = num_neighbours  # numbers of nearest neighbours to plot distance to

        #    "%d" % follow_atom
        #except TypeError:
        #    print "Generating geometric mean"
        #    geo = self.traj.get_geometric_center((0,1))
        #    self.traj.remove_atom(0)
        #    self.traj.remove_atom(0)
        #    follow_atom = self.traj.add_atom(geo)

        print "Generating symmetric running mean..."
        self.pos[:, follow_atom] = symmetric_running_mean(
            self.pos[:, follow_atom], 250)
        #pos[:,0] = symmetric_running_mean(pos[:,0],500)

        #import profile'get_occupancies()')

        # Calculate occupancies, nearest site for atom x and distance to nearest site(s)
        self.step_size = step_size
        self.occupancies, self.followed_atom_site, self.followed_atom_r2 = self.get_occupancies(

    def get_index(self, lst, val):
        """Returns first index of val in lst"""
        return [i for i, x in enumerate(lst) if x == val][0]

    def get_occupancies(self,
        This method generates
         (1) A (time, nsites) array with the occupancy of each lattice site at each time. 
             The occupancy of a given site is defined as the number of atoms whose positions are 
             closer to this site than any other (periodic boundary conditions are taken into account).

         (2) A (time,closest_sites) array of a given number of closest sites for atom 'follow_atom'
             at any time, and the distances to those sites.

            follow_atom : (int) or list of ints - the atom id(s) to follow
            closest_sites : (int) the number of closest sites to include. 
            Increasing this value does not affect the processing time very much.

            A (occupancies, nearest_sites, nearest_sites_r2) tuple.
            'nearest_sites' is an array containing the nearest_sites (in decreasing order) for the followed atom,
            and 'nearest_sites_r2' the corresponding distances to these sites.

        n = self.traj.time[::self.step_size].shape[0]

        pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=[
            ' (step size: %d)' % (self.step_size)
                           maxval=n * self.step_size).start()
        occupancies = np.zeros((n, self.nsites), dtype=int)

        # initialize arrays:
        nclosest = closest_sites  # plot <> closest sites
        p_site = np.zeros((len(follow_atom), n, nclosest), dtype=int)
        p_dist_r2 = np.zeros((len(follow_atom), n, nclosest))
        # for each MD step
        for i in range(n):
            stepno = i * self.step_size

            # for each atom
            for atno in range(self.natoms):
                dist = self.lattice - self.pos[stepno, atno]
                atpos = self.pos[stepno, atno]

                # Make a (nsites,3) matrix with vectors pointing from the atom to each lattice site
                dist = self.lattice - atpos

                # a) Minimum image convention work for most unit cells:
                #    (use direct coordinates)
                #dist = dist - (2*dist-1).astype(

                # b) Alternative (slower) routine that can be used with very skewed unit cells:
                #    (use cartesian instead of direct coordinates)
                if make_periodic_supercell:
                    # Make a (3,nsites,3) tensor with one periodic image in each of the directions +x,-x,+y,-y,+z,-z:
                    dist_i = np.abs(np.array((dist - 1, dist, dist + 1)))
                    # and find the shortest distance:
                    dist = np.min(dist_i, axis=0)

                # Make a (nsites) vector with the distances squared (r^2)
                dist_r2 = np.sum(dist**2, axis=1)

                # Find closest lattice site(s):
                #closest_site = np.argmin(dist_r2)
                closest_sites = np.argsort(dist_r2)

                if atno in follow_atom:
                    idx = self.get_index(follow_atom, atno)
                    p_site[idx, i] = closest_sites[0:nclosest]
                    p_dist_r2[idx, i] = dist_r2[p_site[idx, i]]

                # Update occupancies array:
                occupancies[i, closest_sites[0]] += 1

        # (atno, stepno, nclosest)

        #p_sites = { }
        ## loop over atno
        #for atidx, at in enumerate(p_site[:,:,0]):
        #    for site in at[:,0]: # closest site
        #        if site in p_sites:
        #            p_sites[site] += 1
        #        else:
        #            p_sites[site] = 1
        #    invtot = 100./p_site.shape[0]
        #    print "-----------"
        #    keys = p_sites.keys()
        #    for k in np.argsort(p_sites.values())[::-1]:  # reverse order
        #        site = keys[k]
        #        print "At site %d for %.1f%% of the time (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)" % (site,p_sites[site]*invtot,self.lattice[site][0],self.lattice[site][1],self.lattice[site][2])
        #    print "-----------"

        return occupancies, p_site, p_dist_r2

# (4) Analayze

#for i in range(n):
#    s = np.argsort(occupancies[i])
#    if occupancies[i,s[0]] == 0:
#        print "Vacancy found at site",s[0],"at step",i
#        #sys.stdout.write(str(s[0])+" ")
#    if occupancies[i,s[-2]] == 2:
#        print "Double occupation at site",s[0],"at step",i

# (5) Plot

    def bottombar_fill(self, plt, index, t0, t, labs):
            color = self.bottombar_colors[index]
        except KeyError:
            color = 'yellow'
        #print index,t0,t
        y0 = -self.bottombar_height
        plt.fill([t0, t0, t, t], [0, y0, y0, 0],

        if index not in labs and t - t0 > 0.8:
                label = str(self.bottombar_labels[index])
            except KeyError:
                label = str(index)

            print " -> Adding label", label, "(atom %d)" % (index)
            plt.text(t0 + (t - t0) / 2.,
                     y0 / 2.,
        return labs

    def plot(self):
        Automatic plot method. This method is not very robust, and should in general be modified 
        to highlight the points of interest.
        styles = [
                'color': 'black'
                'color': 'gray',
                'alpha': .5
            },  # dashes: (ink on, ink off)
                'color': 'gray',
                'linestyle': '--',
                'dashes': (6, 2),
                'alpha': .5
            },  # dashes: (ink on, ink off)
                'color': 'blue'
        prepare_canvas('10 cm')
        fig = plt.figure()

        p = [0.15, 0.57, 0.05, 0.03
             ]  # margins: left, bottom, right, top. Height: 1-.15-.46 = .39
        upper = fig.add_axes([p[0], p[1], 1 - p[2] - p[0], 1 - p[3] - p[1]])
        upper.set_ylabel(u'$r(t)-r(0)$ [Å]')

        p = [0.15, 0.15, 0.05, 0.45
             ]  # margins: left, bottom, right, top. Height: 1-.15-.46 = .39
        lower = fig.add_axes([p[0], p[1], 1 - p[2] - p[0], 1 - p[3] - p[1]])
        lower.set_xlabel('Time $t$ [ps]')
        lower.set_ylabel(u'$r(t)-R$ (å)')

        time = self.traj.time[::self.step_size] / 1.e3
        y = np.sqrt(self.followed_atom_r2[:, 0:self.num_neighbours])

        lower.plot(time, y, **styles[0])
        ticks = [0.]
        ticklabels = [0.]
        for i in range(y.shape[1]):
            lower.axhline(y[0, i],
            print "Y:", y[0, i]
            ticks.append(y[0, i])
            ticklabels.append("%.2f" % (y[0, i]))

        r = np.sqrt(
            np.sum((self.pos[::self.step_size, 0] - self.pos[0, 0])**2,

        print time.shape
        print r.shape
        upper.plot(time, r)

        # ================== Paint bottombar ==================================

        prev_site = -1
        cur_site = -1
        cur_count = 0
        n = self.occupancies.shape[0]
        labelled_sites = []
        for i in range(n):
            cur_site = self.followed_atom_site[i, 0]
            if cur_site != prev_site and prev_site != -1:
                labelled_sites = self.bottombar_fill(lower, prev_site,
                                                     time[i - cur_count],
                                                     time[i], labelled_sites)
                cur_count = 0
            prev_site = cur_site
            cur_count += 1

        labelled_sites = self.bottombar_fill(lower, prev_site,
                                             time[-cur_count], time[-1],

        self.plt = plt
        self.lower = lower
        self.upper = upper

    def save(self, fig_filename=''):
        if fig_filename == '':
            fig_filename = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[0])[0] + '.pdf'
        sys.stdout.write("Writing %s... " % os.path.basename(fig_filename))

    def time_at_lattice_sites(self, treshold=0.5):
        print self.followed_atom_r2.shape  # (65, 600, 8)
        y = np.sqrt(self.followed_atom_r2[:, :, 0:self.num_neighbours])
        print "y", y.shape
        return [float(j[j < treshold].shape[0]) / j.shape[0] for j in y]
import argparse 
from oppvasp.vasp.parsers import PoscarParser
import oppvasp.util 
from oppvasp import direct_to_cartesian

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = 'Adds small random displacements to all atoms, and saves as a new file.' )

parser.add_argument('--max', '-m', type=float, default=0.4, help='Max displacement, in Angstrom' )
#parser.add_argument('--no_wrap', '-n', action='store_true', help='Don\'t wrap coordinates back into unit cell' )
parser.add_argument('infile', nargs='?', type=oppvasp.util.FileType('r'), default='POSCAR', help='Input filename (defaults to POSCAR)')
parser.add_argument('outfile', nargs='?', type=oppvasp.util.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout, help='Output filename (defaults to stdout)')
args = parser.parse_args()

# Read atoms from POSCAR:
structure1 = PoscarParser(args.infile, silent=True).get_structure()
pos = structure1.get_positions( coords = 'cart' )

#print "Max displacement: %.3f Angstrom" % args.max
# find random displacements using spherical coordinates:
rnd = np.random.random(pos.shape)
r = rnd[:,0] * args.max
azimuth = rnd[:,1]*2*np.pi
zenith = rnd[:,1]*np.pi

# convert to cartesian coordinates:
rnd[:,0] = r * np.cos(azimuth) * np.sin(zenith)
rnd[:,1] = r * np.sin(azimuth) * np.sin(zenith)
rnd[:,2] = r * np.cos(zenith)

structure1.set_positions( pos + rnd , coords='cart' )