elif o == "--min-batches": min_batches = int(a) elif o == "--max-batches": max_batches = int(a) elif o == "--batch-size": batch_size = int(a) elif o == "--conf-perc": conf_perc = int(a) conf_fact = invstdnrmlcdf(1 - (100 - conf_perc) / 200) elif o == "--out": text_file = a print("Output is written out to {}".format(text_file)) tic = perf_counter() stateSpace = og.StateSpace(m1, n2, reduced=True) toc = timedelta(seconds=perf_counter() - tic) og.print_header("m1 = {}, n2 = {}".format(m1, n2), text_file) f = open(text_file, 'a') print("Generating the state space took {}".format(toc), file=f) f.close() ################################################# # Simulations ################################################# policies = ['RA', 'LF', 'MF'] f = open(text_file, 'a') print("SSA simulation with batch size {:,d},".format(batch_size) +
for _i in range(numrhos) ] elif o == "--method": if a == "lgmres": use_lgmres = True elif o == "--maxit": maxit = int(a) elif o == "--out": text_file = a elif o == "--repeat": reps = a print("Output is written out to {}".format(text_file)) tic = perf_counter() stateSpace = og.StateSpace(m1, n2, reduced=reduced_st_sp) toc = timedelta(seconds=perf_counter() - tic) f = open(text_file, 'a') print("Generating the state space took {}".format(toc), file=f) f.close() og.print_header("m1 = {}, n2 = {}".format(m1, n2), text_file) ################################################# # Actual computations ################################################# f = open(text_file, 'a') print("Using the precise chain", file=f) print("Using the {} approximation method".format( 'LGMRES' if use_lgmres else 'iterative'),