def testImageCacheForSameSizeImageLeavesImageUnmodified(self):
     asset, image_size = get_test_thumbnail_asset()
     width, height = image_size
     thumbnail = default_thumbnail_cache.get_thumbnail(asset, width, height, "resize")
     self.assertEqual(thumbnail.width, width)
     self.assertEqual(thumbnail.height, height)
     # Make sure the assets are identical.
     self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha1(, hashlib.sha1(
 def testImageCacheThumbnailLarger(self):
     asset, image_size = get_test_thumbnail_asset()
     width, height = image_size
     width *= 3
     height *= 2
     thumbnail = default_thumbnail_cache.get_thumbnail(asset, width, height, "proportional")
     self.assertNotEqual(thumbnail.width, width)
     self.assertEqual(thumbnail.height, height)
     # Make sure the file contents are not identical.
     self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha1(, hashlib.sha1(
 def testGetImgTag(self):
     asset, image_size = get_test_thumbnail_asset()
     width, height = image_size
     width /= 2
     height /= 2
     thumbnail = default_thumbnail_cache.get_thumbnail(asset, width, height, "resize")
         Template("{% load assets %}{% get_img asset width=width height=height method='resize' as img %}{{img.url}}:{{img.width}}:{{img.height}}").render(Context({
             "asset": asset,
             "width": width,
             "height": height,
             src = thumbnail.url,
             width = thumbnail.width,
             height = thumbnail.height,
 def testImgTag(self):
     asset, image_size = get_test_thumbnail_asset()
     width, height = image_size
     width /= 2
     height /= 2
     thumbnail = default_thumbnail_cache.get_thumbnail(asset, width, height, "resize")
         Template("{% load assets %}{% img asset width=width height=height method='resize' %}").render(Context({
             "asset": asset,
             "width": width,
             "height": height,
         u'<img src="{src}" width={width} height={height} alt="">'.format(
             src = thumbnail.url,
             width = thumbnail.width,
             height = thumbnail.height,