def simulatorOrdersPerf(plant, orderList, testNum): machines = plant.machines[:] orders = orderList.orders[:] pprint( "PERF Starting simulator benchmark test " + str(testNum) + " on orders", BLUE) orderList.orders = [] plant.machines = machines[:] times = [0] for i in range(1, len(orders) + 1): pprint("PERF Number of orders = " + str(i), BLUE) orderList.orders = orders[:i] optimizer = Optimizer(plant, orderList, Simulator(plant), Evaluator(plant)) schedule = optimizer.initialIndividual() t = time() simulator = Simulator(plant) simulator.simulate(schedule) t = time() - t times.append(t) pprint("PERF Time = " + str(t), GREEN) try: from thirdparty.CairoPlot import dot_line_plot except: pprint("PERF Will not output to graph.", RED) return dot_line_plot( path.join("benchmarks", "simulator-orders-" + str(testNum)) + FORMAT, times, 800, 800, (255, 255, 255), 5, True, True, True, None, None, None, None)
def bench(self): recipes = [] for o in self.orderList.orders: recipes.append(o.recipe.recipe[:]) o.recipe.recipe = [] machines = self.plant.machines[:] self.plant.machines = [] i = self.startValue while i <= len(machines): pprint("PERF Number of machines = " + str(i), BLUE) self.plant.machines = machines[:i] for j, o in enumerate(self.orderList.orders): o.recipe.recipe = recipes[j][:i] optimizer = Optimizer(self.plant, self.orderList, Simulator(self.plant), Evaluator(self.plant)) optimizer.populationSize = 10 optimizer.iterations = 10 optimizer.indivMutationRate = 0.5 optimizer.selectionRate = 0.5 optimizer.mutationRange = 10 t = time() t = time() - t t -= optimizer.simulatorTime self.addCairoPlotTime(t) self.addGnuPlotTime(i, t) i += 1
def bench(self): orders = self.orderList.orders[:] self.orderList.orders = [] i = self.startValue while i <= len(orders): pprint("PERF Number of orders = " + str(i), BLUE) self.orderList.orders = orders[:i] optimizer = Optimizer(self.plant, self.orderList, Simulator(self.plant), Evaluator(self.plant)) schedule = optimizer.initialIndividual() t = time() simulator = Simulator(self.plant) simulator.simulate(schedule) t = time() - t self.addCairoPlotTime(t) self.addGnuPlotTime(i, t) i += 1
def optimize(self): simulator = Simulator(self.plant) evaluator = Evaluator.fromXmlFile(self.configFilename, self.plant) optimizer = Optimizer.fromXmlFile(self.configFilename, self.plant, self.orderList, simulator, evaluator) result = best = bestSolution(result) best.unNormalize(self.normValue) print best
def bench(self): val = 4 i = self.startValue while i <= 6: pprint("PERF Large Value = " + str(i * val), BLUE) for o in self.orderList.orders: o.deadline *= val for r in o.recipe.recipe: r[1] *= val optimizer = Optimizer(self.plant, self.orderList, Simulator(self.plant), Evaluator(self.plant)) schedule = optimizer.initialIndividual() t = time() simulator = Simulator(self.plant) simulator.simulate(schedule) t = time() - t self.addCairoPlotTime(t) self.addGnuPlotTime((i + 1) * val, t) i += 1
def optimize(self): simulator = Simulator(self.plant) evaluator = Evaluator.fromXmlFile(self.configFilename, self.plant, self.normValue) optimizer = Optimizer.fromXmlFile(self.configFilename, self.plant, self.orderList, simulator, evaluator) result = best = bestSolution(result) best.unNormalize(self.normValue) # for item in best: # if "kettle" in item[1]: # print item[0], item[2] print best
def simulatorLargeValuesPerf(plant, orderList, testNum): machines = plant.machines[:] orders = orderList.orders[:] pprint( "PERF Starting simulator benchmark test " + str(testNum) + " with large values", BLUE) orderList.orders = orders[:] plant.machines = machines[:] times = [0] val = 4 for i in range(1, 7): pprint("PERF Large Value = " + str(i * val), BLUE) for o in orderList.orders: o.deadline *= val for r in o.recipe.recipe: r[1] *= val optimizer = Optimizer(plant, orderList, Simulator(plant), Evaluator(plant)) schedule = optimizer.initialIndividual() t = time() simulator = Simulator(plant) simulator.simulate(schedule) t = time() - t times.append(t) pprint("PERF Time = " + str(t), GREEN) try: from thirdparty.CairoPlot import dot_line_plot except: pprint("PERF Will not output to graph.", RED) return dot_line_plot( path.join("benchmarks", "simulator-largevalues-" + str(testNum)) + FORMAT, times, 800, 800, (255, 255, 255), 5, True, True, True, None, None, None, None)
def bench(self): recipes = [] for o in self.orderList.orders: recipes.append(o.recipe.recipe[:]) o.recipe.recipe = [] machines = self.plant.machines[:] self.plant.machines = [] i = self.startValue while i <= len(machines): pprint("PERF Number of machines = " + str(i), BLUE) self.plant.machines = machines[:i] for j, o in enumerate(self.orderList.orders): o.recipe.recipe = recipes[j][:i] optimizer = Optimizer(self.plant, self.orderList, Simulator(self.plant), Evaluator(self.plant)) schedule = optimizer.initialIndividual() t = time() simulator = Simulator(self.plant) simulator.simulate(schedule) t = time() - t self.addCairoPlotTime(t) self.addGnuPlotTime(i, t) i += 1
def run(self): simulator = Simulator(self.plant) evaluator = Evaluator.fromXmlFile(self.configFilename, self.plant) optimizer = Optimizer.fromXmlFile(self.configFilename, self.plant, self.orderList, simulator, evaluator) scheduler = Scheduler(self.plant, self.orderList) result = scheduler.start() if result != None: solutions = parseSolutions(result, self.plant, self.orderList) for s in solutions: s.loadStartTimes(self.plant) result = best = bestSolution(result) best.unNormalize(self.normValue) print best
def optimizerMachinesPerf(plant, orderList, testNum): machines = plant.machines[:] orders = orderList.orders[:] pprint( "PERF Starting optimizer benchmark test " + str(testNum) + " on machines", BLUE) orderList.orders = orders[:] recipes = [] for o in orderList.orders: recipes.append(o.recipe.recipe[:]) o.recipe.recipe = [] plant.machines = [] times = [0] for i in range(1, len(machines) + 1): pprint("PERF Number of machines = " + str(i), BLUE) plant.machines = machines[:i] for j, o in enumerate(orderList.orders): o.recipe.recipe = recipes[j][:i] optimizer = Optimizer(plant, orderList, Simulator(plant), Evaluator(plant)) optimizer.populationSize = 10 optimizer.iterations = 10 optimizer.indivMutationRate = 0.5 optimizer.selectionRate = 0.5 optimizer.mutationRange = 10 t = time() t = time() - t t -= optimizer.simulatorTime times.append(t) pprint("PERF Time = " + str(t), GREEN) try: from thirdparty.CairoPlot import dot_line_plot except: pprint("PERF Will not output to graph.", RED) return dot_line_plot( path.join("benchmarks", "optimizer-machines-" + str(testNum)) + FORMAT, times, 800, 800, (255, 255, 255), 5, True, True, True, None, None, None, None)
def bench(self): i = 10 while i <= 200: pprint("PERF Mutation Range = " + str(i), BLUE) optimizer = Optimizer(self.plant, self.orderList, Simulator(self.plant), Evaluator(self.plant)) optimizer.populationSize = 10 optimizer.iterations = 10 optimizer.indivMutationRate = 0.5 optimizer.selectionRate = 0.5 optimizer.mutationRange = i t = time() t = time() - t t -= optimizer.simulatorTime self.addCairoPlotTime(t) self.addGnuPlotTime(i, t) i += 20
def optimizerLargeValuesPerf(plant, orderList, testNum): machines = plant.machines[:] orders = orderList.orders[:] pprint( "PERF Starting optimizer benchmark test " + str(testNum) + " with large values", BLUE) orderList.orders = orders[:6] plant.machines = machines[:] times = [0] val = 2 for i in range(1, 6): pprint("PERF Large Value = " + str(i * val), BLUE) for o in orderList.orders: o.deadline *= val for r in o.recipe.recipe: r[1] *= val optimizer = Optimizer(plant, orderList, Simulator(plant), Evaluator(plant)) optimizer.populationSize = 5 optimizer.iterations = 5 optimizer.indivMutationRate = 0.5 optimizer.selectionRate = 0.5 optimizer.mutationRange = 500 t = time() t = time() - t t -= optimizer.simulatorTime times.append(t) pprint("PERF Time = " + str(t), GREEN) try: from thirdparty.CairoPlot import dot_line_plot except: pprint("PERF Will not output to graph.", RED) return dot_line_plot( path.join("benchmarks", "optimizer-largevalues-" + str(testNum)) + FORMAT, times, 800, 800, (255, 255, 255), 5, True, True, True, None, None, None, None)
def bench(self): orders = self.orderList.orders[:] self.orderList.orders = [] i = self.startValue while i <= len(orders): pprint("PERF Number of orders = " + str(i), BLUE) self.orderList.orders = orders[:i] optimizer = Optimizer(self.plant, self.orderList, Simulator(self.plant), Evaluator(self.plant)) optimizer.populationSize = 10 optimizer.iterations = 10 optimizer.indivMutationRate = 0.5 optimizer.selectionRate = 0.5 optimizer.mutationRange = 10 t = time() t = time() - t t -= optimizer.simulatorTime self.addCairoPlotTime(t) self.addGnuPlotTime(i, t) i += 1
def bench(self): val = 2 i = self.startValue while i < 10: pprint("PERF Large Value = " + str(i * val), BLUE) for o in self.orderList.orders: o.deadline *= val for r in o.recipe.recipe: r[1] *= val optimizer = Optimizer(self.plant, self.orderList, Simulator(self.plant), Evaluator(self.plant)) optimizer.populationSize = 10 optimizer.iterations = 10 optimizer.indivMutationRate = 0.5 optimizer.selectionRate = 0.5 optimizer.mutationRange = 500 t = time() t = time() - t t -= optimizer.simulatorTime self.addCairoPlotTime(t) self.addGnuPlotTime((i + 1) * val, t) i += 1
def optimizerMutationRangePerf(plant, orderList, testNum): machines = plant.machines[:] orders = orderList.orders[:] pprint( "PERF Starting optimizer benchmark test " + str(testNum) + " on mutation range", BLUE) orderList.orders = orders[:] plant.machines = machines[:] times = [0] for i in range(10, 200, 20): pprint("PERF Selection rate = " + str(i), BLUE) optimizer = Optimizer(plant, orderList, Simulator(plant), Evaluator(plant)) optimizer.populationSize = 5 optimizer.iterations = 5 optimizer.indivMutationRate = 0.5 optimizer.selectionRate = 0.5 optimizer.mutationRange = i t = time() t = time() - t t -= optimizer.simulatorTime times.append(t) pprint("PERF Time = " + str(t), GREEN) try: from thirdparty.CairoPlot import dot_line_plot except: pprint("PERF Will not output to graph.", RED) return dot_line_plot( path.join("benchmarks", "optimizer-mutationrange-" + str(testNum)) + FORMAT, times, 800, 800, (255, 255, 255), 5, True, True, True, None, None, None, None)