def test(config): options = optionsLoader(LOG, config.optionsFrame, disp=True) Vocab = loadFromPKL("vocab/" + + ".Vocab") Best_Model = torch.load("model/" + config.model + "_" + + "/model_best.pth.tar") if options['network']['type'] == 'LSTM2_MeanDiff_FlatParse': emb_init = np.concatenate([ random_weights(2 + options['network']['n_nt'], options['network']['Embedding']['n_dim'], 0.01), Vocab.i2e ], axis=0) elif options['network']['type'] == 'LSTM2_MeanDiff_deRNNG': emb_init = np.concatenate([ random_weights(3, options['network']['Embedding']['n_dim'], 0.01), Vocab.i2e ], axis=0) else: emb_init = Vocab.i2e net = framework(options, LOG, emb_tok_init=torch.from_numpy(emb_init)) net.load_state_dict(Best_Model['state_dict']) if torch.cuda.is_available(): LOG.log('Using Device: %s' % torch.cuda.get_device_name(torch.cuda.current_device())) net = net.cuda() print(net) f_in = open(config.inputFile, 'r') f = open('summary.txt', 'w') fp = open('parse.txt', 'w') Annotator = PyCoreNLP() for idx, line in enumerate(f_in): source_ = line.strip() anno = Annotator.annotate(source_.encode('ascii', 'ignore'), eolonly=True) source_token = [] for sent in anno['sentences']: for token in sent["tokens"]: source_token.append(token["originalText"].lower()) source = ListOfWord2ListOfIndex(source_token, Vocab) [text, parse] = net.genSummary([source], Vocab, source_token) print(idx) print(text[0]) print(parse[0]) print(text[0], file=f) print(parse[0], file=fp)
def train(config): net = BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(config.model) lossFunc = KLDivLoss(config) if torch.cuda.is_available(): net = net.cuda() lossFunc = lossFunc.cuda() if config.dataParallel: net = DataParallelModel(net) lossFunc = DataParallelCriterion(lossFunc) options = optionsLoader(LOG, config.optionFrames, disp=False) Tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(config.model) prepareFunc = prepare_data trainSet = Dataset('train', config.batch_size, lambda x: len(x[0]) + len(x[1]), prepareFunc, Tokenizer, options['dataset'], LOG, 'train') validSet = Dataset('valid', config.batch_size, lambda x: len(x[0]) + len(x[1]), prepareFunc, Tokenizer, options['dataset'], LOG, 'valid') print(trainSet.__len__()) Q = [] best_vloss = 1e99 counter = 0 lRate = config.lRate prob_src = config.prob_src prob_tgt = config.prob_tgt num_train_optimization_steps = trainSet.__len__( ) * options['training']['stopConditions']['max_epoch'] param_optimizer = list(net.named_parameters()) no_decay = ['bias', 'LayerNorm.bias', 'LayerNorm.weight'] optimizer_grouped_parameters = [{ 'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.01 }, { 'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.0 }] optimizer = BertAdam(optimizer_grouped_parameters, lr=lRate, e=1e-9, t_total=num_train_optimization_steps, warmup=0.0) for epoch_idx in range(options['training']['stopConditions']['max_epoch']): total_seen = 0 total_similar = 0 total_unseen = 0 total_source = 0 trainSet.setConfig(config, prob_src, prob_tgt) trainLoader = data.DataLoader(dataset=trainSet, batch_size=1, shuffle=True, num_workers=config.dataLoader_workers, pin_memory=True) validSet.setConfig(config, 0.0, prob_tgt) validLoader = data.DataLoader(dataset=validSet, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=config.dataLoader_workers, pin_memory=True) for batch_idx, batch_data in enumerate(trainLoader): if (batch_idx + 1) % 10000 == 0: gc.collect() start_time = time.time() net.train() inputs, positions, token_types, labels, masks, batch_seen, batch_similar, batch_unseen, batch_source = batch_data inputs = inputs[0].cuda() positions = positions[0].cuda() token_types = token_types[0].cuda() labels = labels[0].cuda() masks = masks[0].cuda() total_seen += batch_seen total_similar += batch_similar total_unseen += batch_unseen total_source += batch_source n_token = int(( != 0).data.sum()) predicts = net(inputs, positions, token_types, masks) loss = lossFunc(predicts, labels, n_token).sum() Q.append(float(loss)) if len(Q) > 200: Q.pop(0) loss_avg = sum(Q) / len(Q) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() LOG.log( 'Epoch %2d, Batch %6d, Loss %9.6f, Average Loss %9.6f, Time %9.6f' % (epoch_idx + 1, batch_idx + 1, loss, loss_avg, time.time() - start_time)) # Checkpoints idx = epoch_idx * trainSet.__len__() + batch_idx + 1 if (idx >= options['training']['checkingPoints']['checkMin']) and ( idx % options['training']['checkingPoints']['checkFreq'] == 0): if config.do_eval: vloss = 0 total_tokens = 0 for bid, batch_data in enumerate(validLoader): inputs, positions, token_types, labels, masks, batch_seen, batch_similar, batch_unseen, batch_source = batch_data inputs = inputs[0].cuda() positions = positions[0].cuda() token_types = token_types[0].cuda() labels = labels[0].cuda() masks = masks[0].cuda() n_token = int(( != config.PAD).data.sum()) with torch.no_grad(): net.eval() predicts = net(inputs, positions, token_types, masks) vloss += float(lossFunc(predicts, labels).sum()) total_tokens += n_token vloss /= total_tokens is_best = vloss < best_vloss best_vloss = min(vloss, best_vloss) LOG.log( 'CheckPoint: Validation Loss %11.8f, Best Loss %11.8f' % (vloss, best_vloss)) if is_best: LOG.log('Best Model Updated') save_check_point( { 'epoch': epoch_idx + 1, 'batch': batch_idx + 1, 'options': options, 'config': config, 'state_dict': net.state_dict(), 'best_vloss': best_vloss }, is_best, path=config.save_path, fileName='latest.pth.tar') counter = 0 else: counter += options['training']['checkingPoints'][ 'checkFreq'] if counter >= options['training']['stopConditions'][ 'rateReduce_bound']: counter = 0 for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: lr_ = param_group['lr'] param_group['lr'] *= 0.55 _lr = param_group['lr'] LOG.log( 'Reduce Learning Rate from %11.8f to %11.8f' % (lr_, _lr)) LOG.log('Current Counter = %d' % (counter)) else: save_check_point( { 'epoch': epoch_idx + 1, 'batch': batch_idx + 1, 'options': options, 'config': config, 'state_dict': net.state_dict(), 'best_vloss': 1e99 }, False, path=config.save_path, fileName='checkpoint_Epoch' + str(epoch_idx + 1) + '_Batch' + str(batch_idx + 1) + '.pth.tar') LOG.log('CheckPoint Saved!') if options['training']['checkingPoints']['everyEpoch']: save_check_point( { 'epoch': epoch_idx + 1, 'batch': batch_idx + 1, 'options': options, 'config': config, 'state_dict': net.state_dict(), 'best_vloss': 1e99 }, False, path=config.save_path, fileName='checkpoint_Epoch' + str(epoch_idx + 1) + '.pth.tar') LOG.log('Epoch Finished.') LOG.log( 'Total Seen: %d, Total Unseen: %d, Total Similar: %d, Total Source: %d.' % (total_seen, total_unseen, total_similar, total_source)) gc.collect()
def train(config): # Load Options options = optionsLoader(LOG, config.optionsFrame, disp=True) # Build Vocabulary Vocab = loadFromPKL('settings/vocab/newData.Vocab') # Load data datasets = dataLoader(LOG, options['dataset'], Vocab) # Embedding Matrix for the model if options['network']['type'] == 'LSTM2_MeanDiff_FlatParse': emb_init = np.concatenate([random_weights(2 + options['network']['n_nt'],options['network']['Embedding']['n_dim'], 0.01), Vocab.i2e], axis = 0) elif options['network']['type'] == 'LSTM2_MeanDiff_deRNNG': emb_init = np.concatenate([random_weights(3, options['network']['Embedding']['n_dim'], 0.01), Vocab.i2e], axis = 0) else: emb_init = Vocab.i2e net = framework(options, LOG, emb_tok_init=torch.from_numpy(emb_init)) if torch.cuda.is_available(): LOG.log('Using Device: %s' % torch.cuda.get_device_name(torch.cuda.current_device())) net = net.cuda() print(net) if (options['training']['optimizer']['type'] == "Adam"): optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), **options['training']['optimizer']['params']) startEpoch = 0 Q = [] best_vloss = 1e99 use_earlyStop = options['training']['stopConditions']['earlyStopping'] if use_earlyStop: reduce_counter = 0 stop_counter = 0 flag = False for epoch_idx in range(startEpoch, options['training']['stopConditions']['max_epoch']): LOG.log('Batch Shuffle') datasets.batchShuffle('train') print(datasets.Parts['train'].n_batches()) print(datasets.Parts['train'].number()) for batch_idx in range(datasets.Parts['train'].n_batches()): if ((batch_idx + 1) % 10000 == 0): gc.collect() start_time = time.time() source, target, sfeat, rfeat = datasets.get_Kth_Batch(batch_idx, 'train') # Updating loss = net.getLoss(source, target, sfeat, rfeat) Q.append(float(loss)) if len(Q) > 200: Q.pop(0) loss_avg = sum(Q) / len(Q) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() for p in net.parameters():, 5) optimizer.step() LOG.log('Epoch %3d, Batch %6d, Loss %11.8f, Average Loss %11.8f, Time %11.8f' % ( epoch_idx + 1, batch_idx + 1, loss, loss_avg, time.time() - start_time)) loss = None # Checkpoints idx = epoch_idx * datasets.Parts['train'].n_batches() + batch_idx + 1 if (idx >= options['training']['checkingPoints']['checkMin']) and ( idx % options['training']['checkingPoints']['checkFreq'] == 0): vloss = 0 for bid in range(datasets.Parts['valid'].n_batches()): source, target, sfeat, rfeat = datasets.get_Kth_Batch(bid, 'valid') vloss += float(net.getLoss(source, target, sfeat, rfeat)) vloss /= datasets.Parts['valid'].n_batches() is_best = vloss < best_vloss best_vloss = min(vloss, best_vloss) save_check_point({ 'epoch': epoch_idx + 1, 'options': options, 'state_dict': net.state_dict(), 'best_vloss': best_vloss, 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict()}, is_best, fileName='./model/checkpoint_Epoch' + str(epoch_idx + 1) + '_Batch' + str(batch_idx) + '.pth.tar' ) LOG.log('CheckPoint: Validation Loss %11.8f, Best Loss %11.8f' % (vloss, best_vloss)) if (use_earlyStop): if is_best: reduce_counter = 0 stop_counter = 0 else: reduce_counter += options['training']['checkingPoints']['checkFreq'] stop_counter += options['training']['checkingPoints']['checkFreq'] if stop_counter >= options['training']['stopConditions']['earlyStopping_bound']: flag = True LOG.log('EarlyStop Here') break if reduce_counter >= options['training']['stopConditions']['rateReduce_bound']: reduce_counter = 0 options['training']['optimizer']['params']['lr'] *= 0.5 if (options['training']['optimizer']['type'] == "Adam"): optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), **options['training']['optimizer']['params']) LOG.log( 'Reduce Learning Rate to %11.8f' % (options['training']['optimizer']['params']['lr'])) vloss = None if options['training']['checkingPoints']['everyEpoch']: save_check_point({ 'epoch': epoch_idx + 1, 'options': options, 'state_dict': net.state_dict(), 'best_vloss': best_vloss, 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict()}, False, fileName='./model/checkpoint_Epoch' + str(epoch_idx + 1) + '.pth.tar' ) LOG.log('Epoch Summary: Best Loss %11.8f' % (best_vloss)) gc.collect() if (use_earlyStop and flag): break