class StackAsLinkedList(Stack):
    Stack implemented using a linked list.



    # ...

    def __init__(self):
        Constructs a stack.
        super(StackAsLinkedList, self).__init__()
        self._list = LinkedList()

    def purge(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> None
        Purges this stack.
        self._count = 0


    def push(self, obj):
        (StackAsLinkedList, Object) -> None
        Pushes the given object on to this stack.
        self._count += 1

    def pop(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> None
        Pops the top object off this stack.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        result = self._list.first
        self._count -= 1
        return result

    def getTop(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> None
        Returns the object at the top of this stack.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        return self._list.first


    def accept(self, visitor):
        (StackAsLinkedList, Visitor) -> None
        Makes the given visitor visit all the objects in this stack.
        assert isinstance(visitor, Visitor)
        ptr = self._list.head
        while ptr is not None:
            if visitor.isDone:
            ptr = ptr.next


    class Iterator(Iterator):
        Enumerates the elements of a StackAsLinkedList.
        def __init__(self, stack):
            (StackAsLinkedList.Iterator, StackAsLinkedList) -> None
            Constructs an iterator for the given stack.
            super(StackAsLinkedList.Iterator, self).__init__(stack)
            self._position = stack._list.head

        def next(self):
            (StackAsLinkedList.Iterator) -> Object
            Returns the next element.
            if self._position is None:
                raise StopIteration
            element = self._position
            self._position = self._position.next
            return element.datum

    def __iter__(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> StackAsLinkedList.Iterator
        Returns an iterator for this stack.
        return self.Iterator(self)


    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (StackAsLinkedList, StackAsLinkedList) -> int

        Compares this stack with the given stack.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "StackAsLinkedList test program."
        print StackAsLinkedList.main.__doc__
        stack2 = StackAsLinkedList()
        return 0
class GeneralTree(Tree):
    A general tree implemented using a linked list of subtrees.


    # ...

    def __init__(self, key):
        (GeneralTree, Object) -> None
        Constructs a general tree with the given object at its root.
        super(GeneralTree, self).__init__()
        self._key = key
        self._degree = 0
        self._list = LinkedList()

    def purge(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> None
        Purges this general tree.
        self._degree = 0

    def getIsEmpty(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> bool
        Returns false always.
        return False

    def getIsLeaf(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> bool
        Returns true if this general tree is a leaf.
        return self._degree == 0

    def getDegree(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> int
        Returns the degree of this general tree node.
        return self._degree

    def getKey(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> Object
        Returns the key in this general tree node.
        return self._key

    def getSubtree(self, i):
        (GeneralTree) -> Object
        Returns the specified subtree of this general tree node.
        if i < 0 or i >= self._degree:
            raise IndexError
        ptr = self._list.head
        for j in xrange(i):
            ptr = ptr.next
        return ptr.datum

    def attachSubtree(self, t):
        (GeneralTree, GeneralTree) -> None
        Attaches the given general tree as a subtree
        of this general tree node.
        self._degree += 1

    def detachSubtree(self, t):
        (GeneralTree, GeneralTree) -> GeneralTree
        Detaches and returns specified general tree
        from this general tree node.
        self._degree -= 1
        return t

    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (GeneralTree, GeneralTree) -> int

        Compares this general tree with the given general tree.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "GeneralTree test program."
        print GeneralTree.main.__doc__
        gt = GeneralTree('A')
        return 0
class GeneralTree(Tree):
    A general tree implemented using a linked list of subtrees.


    # ...

    def __init__(self, key):
        (GeneralTree, Object) -> None
        Constructs a general tree with the given object at its root.
        super(GeneralTree, self).__init__()
        self._key = key
        self._degree = 0
        self._list = LinkedList()

    def purge(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> None
        Purges this general tree.
        self._degree = 0

    def getIsEmpty(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> bool
        Returns false always.
        return False

    def getIsLeaf(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> bool
        Returns true if this general tree is a leaf.
        return self._degree == 0

    def getDegree(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> int
        Returns the degree of this general tree node.
        return self._degree


    def getKey(self):
        (GeneralTree) -> Object
        Returns the key in this general tree node.
        return self._key

    def getSubtree(self, i):
        (GeneralTree) -> Object
        Returns the specified subtree of this general tree node.
        if i < 0 or i >= self._degree:
            raise IndexError
        ptr = self._list.head
        for j in xrange(i):
            ptr = ptr.next
        return ptr.datum

    def attachSubtree(self, t):
        (GeneralTree, GeneralTree) -> None
        Attaches the given general tree as a subtree
        of this general tree node.
        self._degree += 1

    def detachSubtree(self, t):
        (GeneralTree, GeneralTree) -> GeneralTree
        Detaches and returns specified general tree
        from this general tree node.
        self._degree -= 1
        return t


    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (GeneralTree, GeneralTree) -> int

        Compares this general tree with the given general tree.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "GeneralTree test program."
        print GeneralTree.main.__doc__
        gt = GeneralTree('A')
        return 0
class QueueAsLinkedList(Queue):
    Queue implemented using a linked list.



    # ...

    def __init__(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> None
        Constructs a queue.
        super(QueueAsLinkedList, self).__init__()
        self._list = LinkedList()

    def purge(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> None
        Purges this queue.
        self._count = 0


    def getHead(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> Object
        Returns the object at the head of this queue.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        return self._list.first

    def enqueue(self, obj):
        (QueueAsLinkedList, Object) -> None
        Enqueues the given object to the tail of this queue.
        self._count += 1

    def dequeue(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> Object
        Dequeues the object at the head of this queue.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        result = self._list.first
        self._count -= 1
        return result


    def accept(self, visitor):
        (QueueAsLinkedList, Visitor) -> None
        Makes the given visitor visit all the objects in this queue.
        assert isinstance(visitor, Visitor)
        ptr = self._list.head
        while ptr is not None:
            if visitor.isDone:
            ptr = ptr.next

    class Iterator(Iterator):
        Enumerates the elements of a QueueAsLinkedList.
        def __init__(self, queue):
            (QueueAsLinkedList.Iterator, QueueAsLinkedList) -> None
            Constructs an iterator for the given queue.
            self._position = None

        def next(self):
            (QueueAsLinkedList.Iterator) -> Object
            Returns the next element.
            if self._position is None:
                self._position = self._container._list.head
                self._position = self._position.next
            if self._position is None:
                raise StopIteration
            return self._position.datum

    def __iter__(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> QueueAsLinkedList.Iterator
        Returns an iterator for this queue.
        return self.Iterator(self)

    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (QueueAsLinkedList, QueueAsLinkedList) -> int

        Comparse this queue with the given queue.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "QueueAsLinkedList test program."
        print QueueAsLinkedList.main.__doc__
        queue2 = QueueAsLinkedList()
        return 0
class QueueAsLinkedList(Queue):
    Queue implemented using a linked list.



    # ...

    def __init__(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> None
        Constructs a queue.
        super(QueueAsLinkedList, self).__init__()
        self._list = LinkedList()

    def purge(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> None
        Purges this queue.
        self._count = 0

    def getHead(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> Object
        Returns the object at the head of this queue.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        return self._list.first

    def enqueue(self, obj):
        (QueueAsLinkedList, Object) -> None
        Enqueues the given object to the tail of this queue.
        self._count += 1

    def dequeue(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> Object
        Dequeues the object at the head of this queue.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        result = self._list.first
        self._count -= 1
        return result

    def accept(self, visitor):
        (QueueAsLinkedList, Visitor) -> None
        Makes the given visitor visit all the objects in this queue.
        assert isinstance(visitor, Visitor)
        ptr = self._list.head
        while ptr is not None:
            if visitor.isDone:
            ptr = ptr.next

    class Iterator(Iterator):
        Enumerates the elements of a QueueAsLinkedList.

        def __init__(self, queue):
            (QueueAsLinkedList.Iterator, QueueAsLinkedList) -> None
            Constructs an iterator for the given queue.
            self._position = None

        def next(self):
            (QueueAsLinkedList.Iterator) -> Object
            Returns the next element.
            if self._position is None:
                self._position = self._container._list.head
                self._position = self._position.next
            if self._position is None:
                raise StopIteration
            return self._position.datum

    def __iter__(self):
        (QueueAsLinkedList) -> QueueAsLinkedList.Iterator
        Returns an iterator for this queue.
        return self.Iterator(self)

    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (QueueAsLinkedList, QueueAsLinkedList) -> int

        Comparse this queue with the given queue.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "QueueAsLinkedList test program."
        print QueueAsLinkedList.main.__doc__
        queue2 = QueueAsLinkedList()
        return 0
    main = staticmethod(main)
class StackAsLinkedList(Stack):
    Stack implemented using a linked list.



    # ...

    def __init__(self):
        Constructs a stack.
        super(StackAsLinkedList, self).__init__()
        self._list = LinkedList()

    def purge(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> None
        Purges this stack.
        self._count = 0

    def push(self, obj):
        (StackAsLinkedList, Object) -> None
        Pushes the given object on to this stack.
        self._count += 1

    def pop(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> None
        Pops the top object off this stack.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        result = self._list.first
        self._count -= 1
        return result

    def getTop(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> None
        Returns the object at the top of this stack.
        if self._count == 0:
            raise ContainerEmpty
        return self._list.first

    def accept(self, visitor):
        (StackAsLinkedList, Visitor) -> None
        Makes the given visitor visit all the objects in this stack.
        assert isinstance(visitor, Visitor)
        ptr = self._list.head
        while ptr is not None:
            if visitor.isDone:
            ptr = ptr.next

    class Iterator(Iterator):
        Enumerates the elements of a StackAsLinkedList.

        def __init__(self, stack):
            (StackAsLinkedList.Iterator, StackAsLinkedList) -> None
            Constructs an iterator for the given stack.
            super(StackAsLinkedList.Iterator, self).__init__(
            self._position = stack._list.head

        def next(self):
            (StackAsLinkedList.Iterator) -> Object
            Returns the next element.
            if self._position is None:
		raise StopIteration
	    element = self._position
	    self._position = self._position.next
            return element.datum

    def __iter__(self):
        (StackAsLinkedList) -> StackAsLinkedList.Iterator
        Returns an iterator for this stack.
        return self.Iterator(self)
    def _compareTo(self, obj):
        (StackAsLinkedList, StackAsLinkedList) -> int

        Compares this stack with the given stack.
        assert isinstance(self, obj.__class__)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def main(*argv):
        "StackAsLinkedList test program."
        print StackAsLinkedList.main.__doc__
        stack2 = StackAsLinkedList()
        return 0