    def get_dependencies(self):
        """Return variables and attributes needed to compute this variable.
        This is returned as a list of tuples where the first element is the
        name of the particular dataset and the second element is the variable
        name. It does not work through the dependencies tree.
        dependencies = []
        if has_this_method(self, "dependencies"):
            dependencies = self.dependencies()

            parser = LagVariableParser()
            for i in range(len(dependencies)):
                variable_name = dependencies[i]
                dependencies[i] = parser.add_this_lag_offset_to_this_short_name(variable_name, self.lag_offset)

        return dependencies
    def get_dependencies(self):
        """Return variables and attributes needed to compute this variable.
        This is returned as a list of tuples where the first element is the
        name of the particular dataset and the second element is the variable
        name. It does not work through the dependencies tree.
        dependencies = []
        if has_this_method(self, "dependencies"):
            dependencies = self.dependencies()

            parser = LagVariableParser()
            for i in range(len(dependencies)):
                variable_name = dependencies[i]
                    i] = parser.add_this_lag_offset_to_this_short_name(
                        variable_name, self.lag_offset)

        return dependencies
    def get_variable(self,
        """Returns an instance of class Variable. 
        'variable_name' is an instance of class VariableName. 
        'dataset' is an object of class Dataset to which the variable belongs to. 
        In case of an error in either importing the module or evaluating its constructor, 
        the method returns None.
        If quiet is True no warnings are printed.
        index_name is used for lag variables only.
        lag_attribute_name = None
        lag_offset = 0

        if not isinstance(debug, DebugPrinter):
            debug = DebugPrinter(debug)

        if variable_name.get_autogen_class() is not None:
            # variable_name has an autogenerated class -- just use that
            variable_subclass = variable_name.get_autogen_class()
            substrings = ()
            # either find the variable name in the expression library (if present), in an appropriate 'aliases' file,
            # or load our variable class as 'variable_subclass' using an import statement
            short_name = variable_name.get_short_name()
            dataset_name = variable_name.get_dataset_name()
            package_name = variable_name.get_package_name()
            # if there isn't a package name, first look in the expression library (if there is a package name, look elsewhere)
            if package_name is None:
                e = VariableFactory._expression_library.get(
                    (dataset_name, short_name), None)
                if e is not None:
                    if e == variable_name.get_expression(
                    ):  # it is a primary attribute
                        return None
                    v = VariableName(e)
                    return VariableFactory().get_variable(v,
                # not in the expression library - next look in the appropriate 'aliases' file, if one is present
                # (but only if we have a package name in the first place)
                    stmt = 'from %s.%s.aliases import aliases' % (package_name,
                except ImportError:
                    aliases = []
                for a in aliases:
                    # for each definition, see if the alias is equal to the short_name.  If it is,
                    # then use that definition for the variable
                    v = VariableName(a)
                    if v.get_alias() == short_name:
                        return VariableFactory().get_variable(v,

            lag_variable_parser = LagVariableParser()
            if lag_variable_parser.is_short_name_for_lag_variable(short_name):
                lag_attribute_name, lag_offset = lag_variable_parser.parse_lag_variable_short_name(
                true_short_name = "VVV_lagLLL"
                substrings = (package_name, lag_attribute_name, lag_offset,
                              dataset_name, index_name)
                opus_path = 'opus_core.variables'

                if package_name is None:
                    raise LookupError(
                        "Incomplete variable specification for '%s.%s' (missing package name, "
                        "and variable is not in expression library not a lag variable)."
                        % (dataset_name, short_name))

                opus_path = '%s.%s' % (package_name, dataset_name)

                true_short_name, substrings = VariableFamilyNameTranslator().\
                        get_translated_variable_name_and_substring_arguments(opus_path, short_name)

            module = '%s.%s' % (opus_path, true_short_name)

            # Note that simply checking for the .py module file would not
            # be safe here, as objects could be instantiated in __init__.py files.
                ev = "from %s import %s as variable_subclass" % (
                    module, true_short_name)
                debug.print_debug("Evaluating '" + ev + "'.", 12)
                debug.print_debug("Successful.", 12)
            except ImportError, e:
                if not quiet:
                    from opus_core.simulation_state import SimulationState
                    time = SimulationState().get_current_time()
                    desc = '\n'.join((
                        "Opus variable '%s' does not exist for dataset '%s' in year %s. "
                        "The following error occured when finally trying to import "
                        "the variable '%s' from the Python module "
                    )) % (true_short_name, opus_path, time, true_short_name,
                    raise NameError(desc)
                return None
 def get_variable(self, variable_name, dataset, quiet=False, debug=0, index_name=None):
     """Returns an instance of class Variable. 
     'variable_name' is an instance of class VariableName. 
     'dataset' is an object of class Dataset to which the variable belongs to. 
     In case of an error in either importing the module or evaluating its constructor, 
     the method returns None.
     If quiet is True no warnings are printed.
     index_name is used for lag variables only.
     lag_attribute_name = None
     lag_offset = 0
     if not isinstance(debug, DebugPrinter):
         debug = DebugPrinter(debug)
     if variable_name.get_autogen_class() is not None:
         # variable_name has an autogenerated class -- just use that
         variable_subclass = variable_name.get_autogen_class()
         substrings = ()
         # either find the variable name in the expression library (if present), in an appropriate 'aliases' file, 
         # or load our variable class as 'variable_subclass' using an import statement
         short_name = variable_name.get_short_name()
         dataset_name = variable_name.get_dataset_name()
         package_name = variable_name.get_package_name()
         # if there isn't a package name, first look in the expression library (if there is a package name, look elsewhere)
         if package_name is None:
             e = VariableFactory._expression_library.get( (dataset_name,short_name), None)
             if e is not None:
                 if e == variable_name.get_expression(): # it is a primary attribute
                     return None
                 v = VariableName(e)
                 return VariableFactory().get_variable(v, dataset, quiet=quiet, debug=debug)
             # not in the expression library - next look in the appropriate 'aliases' file, if one is present
             # (but only if we have a package name in the first place)
                 stmt = 'from %s.%s.aliases import aliases' % (package_name, dataset_name)
             except ImportError:
                 aliases = []
             for a in aliases:
                 # for each definition, see if the alias is equal to the short_name.  If it is,
                 # then use that definition for the variable
                 v = VariableName(a)
                 if v.get_alias() == short_name:
                     return VariableFactory().get_variable(v, dataset, quiet=quiet, debug=debug)
         lag_variable_parser = LagVariableParser()
         if lag_variable_parser.is_short_name_for_lag_variable(short_name):
             lag_attribute_name, lag_offset = lag_variable_parser.parse_lag_variable_short_name(short_name)
             true_short_name = "VVV_lagLLL"
             substrings = (package_name, lag_attribute_name, lag_offset, dataset_name, index_name)
             opus_path = 'opus_core.variables'
             if package_name is None:
                 raise LookupError("Incomplete variable specification for '%s.%s' (missing package name, "
                                   "and variable is not in expression library not a lag variable)." 
                                   % (dataset_name, short_name))
             opus_path = '%s.%s' % (package_name,dataset_name)
             true_short_name, substrings = VariableFamilyNameTranslator().\
                     get_translated_variable_name_and_substring_arguments(opus_path, short_name)
         module = '%s.%s' % (opus_path, true_short_name)
         # Note that simply checking for the .py module file would not
         # be safe here, as objects could be instantiated in __init__.py files.
             ev = "from %s import %s as variable_subclass" % (module, true_short_name)
             debug.print_debug("Evaluating '" + ev + "'.",12)
             debug.print_debug("Successful.", 12)
         except ImportError, e:
             if not quiet:
                 from opus_core.simulation_state import SimulationState
                 time = SimulationState().get_current_time()
                 desc = '\n'.join(("Opus variable '%s' does not exist for dataset '%s' in year %s. "
                                   "The following error occured when finally trying to import "
                                   "the variable '%s' from the Python module "
                                  )) % (true_short_name, opus_path, time,
                 raise NameError(desc)
             return None