  def __init__(self, data=None):
    self.geo_spec_all  = [] #: Contains all molecular geometries, i.e., :literal:`geo_spec`. (See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.)
    self.geo_info      = [] #: See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
    self.ao_spec       = [] #: See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
    self.mo_coeff_all  = [] #: Contains all molecular orbital coefficients. List of numpy.ndarray
    self.mo_energy_all = [] #: Contains all molecular orbital energies. List of numpy.ndarray
    self.mo_occ_all    = [] #: Contains all molecular orbital occupations. List of numpy.ndarray
    self.sym           = [] #: Python dictionary containing the molecular orbital self.symmetries and the corresponding position in self.mo_coeff_all, self.mo_energy_all, and self.mo_occ_all, respectively.
    self.index_list    = [] #: After the execution of the ordering routine, it contains the new indices of the molecular orbitals. If index < 0, the molecular orbital changes its sign. shape=(Nfiles,NMO)

    self.geo_spec_tck  = []
    self.mo_coeff_tck  = []
    self.mo_energy_tck = []
    self.mo_occ_tck    = []
    self.MO_Spec = []
    self.QC = []

    if data:
      if isinstance(data['ao_spec'], numpy.ndarray):
        ao_spec = data['ao_spec'][numpy.newaxis][0]
        ao_spec = data['ao_spec']
      self.ao_spec = AOClass(restart=ao_spec)
      self.geo_info = data['geo_info']
      self.geo_spec_all = data['geo_spec_all']
      if isinstance(data['mo_data'], numpy.ndarray):
        mo_data = data['mo_data'][numpy.newaxis][0]
        mo_data = data['mo_data']
      if isinstance(data['sym'], numpy.ndarray):
        self.sym = data['sym'][numpy.newaxis][0]
        self.sym = data['sym']
      self.index_list = data['index_list']
文件: gamess.py 项目: wangvei/orbkit
def read_gamess(fname,
    '''Reads all information desired from a Gamess-US output file.


  fname : str, file descriptor
    Specifies the filename for the input file.
    fname can also be used with a file descriptor instad of a filename.
  all_mo : bool, optional
      If True, all molecular orbitals are returned.


    qc (class QCinfo) with attributes geo_spec, geo_info, ao_spec, mo_spec, etot :
        See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.

    if isinstance(fname, str):
        filename = fname
        fname = descriptor_from_file(filename, index=0)
        filename = fname.name

    from io import TextIOWrapper
    if isinstance(fname, TextIOWrapper):
        flines = fname.readlines()  # Read the WHOLE file into RAM
        magic = 'This is an Orbkit magic string'
        text = fname.read().decode("iso-8859-1").replace(
            '\n', '\n{}'.format(magic))
        flines = text.split(magic)

    # Initialize the variables
    qc = QCinfo()
    qc.ao_spec = AOClass([])
    qc.mo_spec = MOClass([])
    has_alpha = False  # Flag for alpha electron set
    has_beta = False  # Flag for beta electron set
    restricted = True  # Flag for restricted calculation
    sec_flag = None  # A Flag specifying the current section
    is_pop_ana = True  # Flag for population analysis for ground state
    keyword = [' ATOM      ATOMIC                      COORDINATES', '']
    # Keywords for single point calculation and
    # geometry optimization
    mokey = 'EIGENVECTORS'  # Keyword for MOs
    unrestopt = False  # Flag for unrestricted optimization
    bopt = False  # Flag for geometry optimization
    sym = {}  # Symmetry of MOs
    geo_skip = 1  # Number of lines to skip in geometry section

    for il in range(len(flines)):
        line = flines[il]  # The current line as string
        thisline = line.split()  # The current line split into segments
        # Check the file for keywords
        if 'RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE' in line:
            keyword = [
                ' COORDINATES OF ALL ATOMS ARE',
                '***** EQUILIBRIUM GEOMETRY LOCATED *****'
            geo_skip = 2
            bopt = True
            if 'SCFTYP=UHF' in line:
                mokey = ' SET ****'
                restricted = False
                mokey = 'EIGENVECTORS'

        elif keyword[0] in line and keyword[1] in flines[il - 1]:
            # The section containing information about
            # the molecular geometry begins
            sec_flag = 'geo_info'
            atom_count = 0  # Counter for Atoms
            angstrom = not '(BOHR)' in line

        elif 'ATOMIC BASIS SET' in line:
            # The section containing information about
            # the atomic orbitals begins
            sec_flag = 'ao_info'
            ao_skip = 6  # Number of lines to skip
            AO = []  # Atomic orbitals

        elif '----- ALPHA SET ' in line:
            # The section for alpha electrons
            has_alpha = True
            has_beta = False
            restricted = False

        elif '----- BETA SET ' in line:
            # The section for alpha electrons
            restricted = False
            has_alpha = False
            has_beta = True

        elif mokey in line and len(thisline) < 3:
            # The section containing information about
            # the molecular orbitals begins
            sec_flag = 'mo_info'
            mo_skip = 1
            len_mo = 0  # Number of MOs
            init_mo = False  # Initialize new MO section
            info_key = None  # A Flag specifying the energy and symmetry section
            lxlylz = []
            if 'ALPHA' in line:
                has_alpha = True
                mo_skip = 0
            elif 'BETA' in line:
                has_beta = True
                has_alpha = False
                mo_skip = 0

        elif 'NATURAL ORBITALS' in line and len(thisline) <= 3:
            display('The natural orbitals are not extracted.')

        elif ' NUMBER OF OCCUPIED ORBITALS (ALPHA)          =' in line:
            occ = []  # occupation number of molecular orbitals
        elif ' NUMBER OF OCCUPIED ORBITALS (BETA )          =' in line:

#      elif 'ECP POTENTIALS' in line:
#        sec_flag = 'ecp_info'
#        ecp = ''
        elif ' NUMBER OF OCCUPIED ORBITALS (ALPHA) KEPT IS    =' in line:
            occ = []  # occupation number of molecular orbitals
        elif ' NUMBER OF OCCUPIED ORBITALS (BETA ) KEPT IS    =' in line:
        elif 'NUMBER OF STATES REQUESTED' in line and read_properties:
            # get the number of excited states and initialize variables for
            # transition dipole moment and energies
            exc_states = int(line.split('=')[1])  # Number of excited states
            # Dipole moments matrix: Diagonal elements -> permanent dipole moments
            # Off-diagonal elements -> transition dipole moments
            qc.dipole_moments = numpy.zeros(
                ((exc_states + 1), (exc_states + 1), 3))
            # Multiplicity of ground and excited states
            qc.states['multiplicity'] = numpy.zeros(exc_states + 1)
            # Energies of ground and excited states
            qc.states['energy'] = numpy.zeros(exc_states + 1)
            qc.states['energy'][0] = qc.etot
            qc.states['multiplicity'][0] = gs_multi
            dm_flag = None  # Flag specifying the dipole moments section
        elif 'TRANSITION DIPOLE MOMENTS' in line and read_properties:
            # Section containing energies of excited states
            sec_flag = 'dm_info'
            # Energy and Multiplicity for ground state
        elif 'SPIN MULTIPLICITY' in line and read_properties:
            # odd way to get gound state multiplicity
            gs_multi = int(line.split()[3])
        elif 'FINAL' in line and read_properties:
            # get (last) energy
            qc.etot = float(line.split()[4])
        elif 'TOTAL MULLIKEN AND LOWDIN ATOMIC POPULATIONS' in line and is_pop_ana == True and read_properties:
            # Read Mulliken and Lowdin Atomic Populations
            sec_flag = 'pop_info'
            pop_skip = 1
            is_pop_ana == False
            qc.pop_ana['Lowdin'] = []
            qc.pop_ana['Mulliken'] = []
            # Check if we are in a specific section
            if sec_flag == 'geo_info':
                if not geo_skip:
                    if len(line) < 2:
                        sec_flag = None
                            [thisline[0], atom_count + 1, thisline[1]])
                        qc.geo_spec.append([float(ii) for ii in thisline[2:]])
                        atom_count += 1
                elif geo_skip:
                    geo_skip -= 1

            elif sec_flag == 'ao_info':
                if not ao_skip:
                    if ' TOTAL NUMBER OF BASIS SET SHELLS' in line:
                        sec_flag = None
                        if len(thisline) == 1:
                            # Read atom type
                            at_type = thisline[0]
                            new_ao = False
                        elif len(thisline) == 0 and new_ao == False:
                            new_ao = True
                            coeffs = [float(ii) for ii in thisline[3:]]
                            if new_ao:
                                ao_type = thisline[1].lower().replace(
                                    'l', 'sp')
                                for i_ao, t_ao in enumerate(ao_type):
                                        [[coeffs[0], coeffs[1 + i_ao]]]
                                new_ao = False
                                for i_ao in range(len(ao_type)):
                                    AO[-1][-len(ao_type) +
                                               [coeffs[0], coeffs[1 + i_ao]])
                                    AO[-1][-len(ao_type) + i_ao]['pnum'] += 1
                elif ao_skip:
                    ao_skip -= 1
            elif sec_flag == 'mo_info':
                if not mo_skip:
                    if 'END OF' in line and 'CALCULATION' in line or '-----------' in line:
                        sec_flag = None
                        has_alpha = False
                        has_beta = False
                        if thisline == []:
                            info_key = None
                            init_mo = True
                                int(flines[il + 1].split()[0])
                            except ValueError:
                                sec_flag = None
                                init_mo = False
                        elif init_mo:
                            init_len = len(thisline)
                            lxlylz = []
                            for ii in range(len(thisline)):
                                if has_alpha == True or has_beta == True:
                                        'coeffs': [],
                                        'energy': 0.0,
                                        'occ_num': 0.0,
                                        'sym': '',
                                        'spin': ''
                                        'coeffs': [],
                                        'energy': 0.0,
                                        'occ_num': 0.0,
                                        'sym': ''
                            init_mo = False
                            info_key = 'energy'
                        elif len(
                                thisline) == init_len and info_key == 'energy':
                            for ii in range(init_len, 0, -1):
                                qc.mo_spec[-ii]['energy'] = float(
                                    thisline[init_len - ii])
                            info_key = 'symmetry'
                        elif len(thisline
                                 ) == init_len and info_key == 'symmetry':
                            for ii in range(init_len, 0, -1):
                                len_mo += 1
                                a = thisline[init_len - ii]
                                if a not in sym.keys(): sym[a] = 1
                                else: sym[a] = len_mo
                                if has_alpha:
                                    qc.mo_spec[-ii]['sym'] = '%d.%s_a' % (
                                        sym[a], thisline[init_len - ii])
                                    qc.mo_spec[-ii]['spin'] = 'alpha'
                                elif has_beta:
                                    qc.mo_spec[-ii]['sym'] = '%d.%s_b' % (
                                        sym[a], thisline[init_len - ii])
                                    qc.mo_spec[-ii]['spin'] = 'beta'
                                    qc.mo_spec[-ii]['sym'] = '%d.%s' % (
                                        sym[a], thisline[init_len - ii])
                            info_key = 'coeffs'
                        elif thisline != [] and info_key == 'coeffs':
                            for ii, m in enumerate(
                                    re.finditer('-?\d+\.\d+', line[16:])):
                                qc.mo_spec[-init_len + ii]['coeffs'].append(
                elif mo_skip:
                    mo_skip -= 1
            elif sec_flag == 'ecp_info':
                if 'THE ECP RUN REMOVES' in line:
                    sec_flag = None
                elif 'PARAMETERS FOR' in line:
                    if line[17:25].split()[0] != ecp:
                        ecp = line[17:25].split()[0]
                        zcore = float(line[51:55].split()[0])
                        ii_geo = int(line[35:41].split()[0]) - 1
                        qc.geo_info[ii_geo][2] = str(
                            float(qc.geo_info[ii_geo][2]) - zcore)
                        ii_geo = int(line[35:41].split()[0]) - 1
                        qc.geo_info[ii_geo][2] = str(
                            float(qc.geo_info[ii_geo][2]) - zcore)

            elif sec_flag == 'dm_info':
                # instead of giving the output in a useful human and machine readable
                # way, gamess output syntax differs for transitions involving the
                # ground state compared to transitions between excited states...
                if 'GROUND STATE (SCF) DIPOLE=' in line:
                    # ground state dipole is in debye...convert to atomic units
                    for ii in range(3):
                        qc.dipole_moments[0][0][ii] = float(
                            thisline[ii + 4]) * 0.393430307
                    state = (int(line.replace('STATE', 'STATE ').split()[7]))
                    dm_flag = 'state_info'
                    state = [
                        0, int(line.replace('STATE', 'STATE ').split()[8])
                    dm_flag = 'transition_info'
                if 'TRANSITION BETWEEN EXCITED STATES' in line:
                    state = [
                        int(line.replace('AND', 'AND ').split()[6])
                    dm_flag = 'transition_info'
                    sec_flag = None
                    dm_flag = None
                if dm_flag == 'state_info':
                    if 'STATE MULTIPLICITY' in line:
                        qc.states['multiplicity'][state] = int(
                    if 'STATE ENERGY' in line:
                        qc.states['energy'][state] = float(line.split('=')[1])
                    if 'STATE DIPOLE' and 'E*BOHR' in line:
                        for ii in range(3):
                            qc.dipole_moments[state][state][ii] = float(
                                thisline[ii + 3])
                elif dm_flag == 'transition_info':
                    if 'TRANSITION DIPOLE' and 'E*BOHR' in line:
                        for ii in range(3):
                            qc.dipole_moments[state[0]][state[1]][ii] = float(
                                thisline[ii + 3])
                            qc.dipole_moments[state[1]][state[0]][ii] = float(
                                thisline[ii + 3])
            elif sec_flag == 'pop_info':
                if not pop_skip:
                    if line == '\n':
                        sec_flag = None
                        qc.pop_ana = {}
                elif pop_skip:
                    pop_skip -= 1

    # Check usage of same atomic basis sets
    basis_set = {}
    for ii in range(len(AO)):
        if not AO[ii][0]['atom_type'] in basis_set.keys():
            basis_set[AO[ii][0]['atom_type']] = AO[ii]
            for jj in range(len(AO[ii])):
                if AO[ii][jj]['coeffs'] != basis_set[
                    raise IOError('Different basis sets for the same atom.')
    # Numpy array
    for ii in basis_set.keys():
        for jj in range(len(basis_set[ii])):
            basis_set[ii][jj]['coeffs'] = numpy.array(

    for kk in range(len(qc.mo_spec)):
        qc.mo_spec[kk]['coeffs'] = numpy.array(qc.mo_spec[kk]['coeffs'])

    # Complement atomic basis sets
    for kk in range(len(qc.geo_info)):
        for ll in range(len(basis_set[qc.geo_info[kk][0]])):
                qc.geo_info[kk][1] - 1,
    # Reconstruct exponents list for ao_spec
    count = 0
    for i, j in enumerate(qc.ao_spec):
        l = l_deg(lquant[j['type']])
        j['lxlylz'] = []
        for i in range(l):
            count += 1
        j['lxlylz'] = numpy.array(j['lxlylz'], dtype=numpy.int64)

    if restricted:
        for ii in range(len(qc.mo_spec)):
            if occ[0] and occ[1]:
                qc.mo_spec[ii]['occ_num'] += 2.0
                occ[0] -= 1
                occ[1] -= 1
            if not occ[0] and occ[1]:
                qc.mo_spec[ii]['occ_num'] += 1.0
                occ[1] -= 1
            if not occ[1] and occ[0]:
                qc.mo_spec[ii]['occ_num'] += 1.0
                occ[0] -= 1

    if restricted == False:
        for ii in range(len(qc.mo_spec)):
            if qc.mo_spec[ii]['spin'] == 'alpha' and occ[0] > 0:
                qc.mo_spec[ii]['occ_num'] += 1.0
                occ[0] -= 1
                has_alpha = True
            elif qc.mo_spec[ii]['spin'] == 'beta' and occ[1] > 0:
                qc.mo_spec[ii]['occ_num'] += 1.0
                occ[1] -= 1
                has_beta = True

    if spin is not None:
        if restricted:
            raise IOError(
                'The keyword `spin` is only supported for unrestricted calculations.'
        if spin != 'alpha' and spin != 'beta':
            raise IOError('`spin=%s` is not a valid option' % spin)
        elif spin == 'alpha' and has_alpha == True:
            display('Reading only molecular orbitals of spin alpha.')
        elif spin == 'beta' and has_beta == True:
            display('Reading only molecular orbitals of spin beta.')
        elif (not has_alpha) and (not has_beta):
            raise IOError('No spin molecular orbitals available')
        elif ((spin == 'alpha' and not has_alpha)
              or (spin == 'beta' and not has_beta)):
            raise IOError(
                'You requested `%s` orbitals, but None of them are present.' %

    # Are all MOs requested for the calculation?
    if not all_mo:
        for i in range(len(qc.mo_spec))[::-1]:
            if qc.mo_spec[i]['occ_num'] < 0.0000001:
                del qc.mo_spec[i]

    # Only molecular orbitals of one spin requested?
    if spin is not None:
        for i in range(len(qc.mo_spec))[::-1]:
            if qc.mo_spec[i]['spin'] != spin:
                del qc.mo_spec[i]

    # Convert geo_info and geo_spec to numpy.ndarrays

    return qc
def read_gaussian_log(fname,
    '''Reads all information desired from a Gaussian .log file.

    fname: str, file descriptor
      Specifies the filename for the input file.
      fname can also be used with a file descriptor instad of a filename.
    all_mo :  bool, optional
      If True, all molecular orbitals are returned.
    spin : {None, 'alpha', or 'beta'}, optional
      If not None, returns exclusively 'alpha' or 'beta' molecular orbitals.
    orientation : string, choices={'input', 'standard'}, optional
      Specifies orientation of the molecule in Gaussian nomenclature. [#first]_ 
    i_link : int, default=-1
      Selects the file for linked Gaussian jobs.
    i_geo : int, default=-1
      Selects the geometry section of the output file.
    i_ao : int, default=-1
      Selects the atomic orbital section of the output file.
    i_mo : int, default=-1
      Selects the molecular orbital section of the output file.
    interactive : bool
      If True, the user is asked to select the different sets.
    qc (class QCinfo) with attributes geo_spec, geo_info, ao_spec, mo_spec, etot :
        See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.

.. [#first] Attention: The MOs in the output are only valid for the standard orientation!


    if isinstance(fname, str):
        filename = fname
        fname = descriptor_from_file(filename, index=0)
        filename = fname.name

    from io import TextIOWrapper
    if isinstance(fname, TextIOWrapper):
        flines = fname.readlines()  # Read the WHOLE file into RAM
        magic = 'This is an Orbkit magic string'
        text = fname.read().decode("iso-8859-1").replace(
            '\n', '\n{}'.format(magic))
        flines = text.split(magic)

    # Search the file the specific sections
    count = {
        'link': 0,
        'geometry': 0,
        'geometry_input': 0,
        'atomic orbitals': 0,
        'molecular orbitals': [],
        'state': []

    def check_sel(count, i, interactive=False, default=-1):
        if count == 0:
            raise IndexError
        elif count == 1:
            return 0
        message = '\tPlease give an integer from 0 to {0} (default: {0}): '.format(
            count - 1)

            if interactive:
                i = raw_input(message)
                i = default if i == '' else int(i)
            i = range(count)[i]
        except (IndexError, ValueError):
            raise IOError(message.replace(':', '!'))
            display('\tSelecting the %s' %
                    ('last element.' if
                     (i == count - 1) else 'element %d.' % i))
        return i

    # Go through the file line by line
    for il in range(len(flines)):
        line = flines[il]  # The current line as string
        # Check the file for keywords
        if ' Entering Link 1' in line:
            count['link'] += 1

        display('\tFound %d linked GAUSSIAN files.' % count['link'])
        i_link = check_sel(count['link'], i_link, interactive=interactive)
    except IndexError:
        raise IOError('Found no `Entering Link 1` keyword!')

    cartesian_basis = True
    c_link = 0
    # Go through the file line by line
    for il in range(len(flines)):
        line = flines[il]  # The current line as string
        thisline = line.split()  # The current line split into segments

        # Check the file for keywords
        if ' Entering Link 1' in line:
            c_link += 1
        if i_link == (c_link - 1):
            if ' orientation:' in line:
                if '%s orientation:' % orientation in line.lower():
                    count['geometry'] += 1
                if 'input orientation:' in line.lower():
                    count['geometry_input'] += 1
            elif 'Standard basis:' in line or 'General basis read from cards:' in line:
                # Check if a cartesian basis has been applied
                if '(5D, 7F)' in line:
                    cartesian_basis = False
                elif '(6D, 10F)' not in line:
                    raise IOError(
                        'Please apply a Spherical Harmonics (5D, 7F) or ' +
                        'a Cartesian Gaussian Basis Set (6D, 10F)!')
            elif 'AO basis set in the form of general basis input' in line:
                count['atomic orbitals'] += 1
            elif 'The electronic state is ' in line:
            elif 'Orbital Coefficients:' in line:
                mo_type = thisline[0]
                if mo_type != 'Beta':
                    count['molecular orbitals'].append(mo_type)
                    count['molecular orbitals'][-1] = 'Alpha&Beta'

    display('\nContent of the GAUSSIAN .log file:')
    display('\tFound %d geometry section(s). (%s orientation)' %
            (count['geometry'], orientation))
        i_geo = check_sel(count['geometry'], i_geo, interactive=interactive)
    except IndexError:
        count['geometry'] = count['geometry_input']
        orientation = 'input'
        display('\Looking for "Input orientation": \n' +
                '\tFound %d geometry section(s). (%s orientation)' %
                (count['geometry'], orientation))
            i_geo = check_sel(count['geometry'],
        except IndexError:
            raise IOError('Found no geometry section!' +
                          ' Are you sure this is a GAUSSIAN .log file?')

        display('\tFound %d atomic orbitals section(s) %s.' %
                (count['atomic orbitals'],
                 '(6D, 10F)' if cartesian_basis else '(5D, 7F)'))
        i_ao = check_sel(count['atomic orbitals'],
    except IndexError:
        raise IOError('Write GFINPUT in your GAUSSIAN route section to print' +
                      ' the basis set information!')

        display('\tFound the following %d molecular orbitals section(s):' %
                len(count['molecular orbitals']))
    except IndexError:
        raise IOError(
            'Write IOP(6/7=3) in your GAUSSIAN route section to print\n' +
            ' all molecular orbitals!')
    for i, j in enumerate(count['molecular orbitals']):
        string = '\t\tSection %d: %s Orbitals' % (i, j)
            string += ' (electronic state: %s)' % count['state'][i]
        except IndexError:
    i_mo = check_sel(len(count['molecular orbitals']),

    if spin is not None:
        if spin != 'alpha' and spin != 'beta':
            raise IOError('`spin=%s` is not a valid option' % spin)
            display('Reading only molecular orbitals of spin %s.' % spin)

    # Set a counter for the AOs
    basis_count = 0

    # Initialize some variables
    sec_flag = None
    skip = 0
    c_link = 0
    c_geo = 0
    c_ao = 0
    c_mo = 0
    c_sao = 0
    old_ao = -1
    orb_sym = []
    qc = QCinfo()
    qc.ao_spec = AOClass([])
    qc.mo_spec = MOClass([])
    index = []

    # Go through the file line by line
    for il in range(len(flines)):
        line = flines[il]  # The current line as string
        thisline = line.split()  # The current line split into segments

        # Check the file for keywords
        if ' Entering Link 1' in line:
            c_link += 1
        if i_link == (c_link - 1):
            if '%s orientation:' % orientation in line.lower():
                # The section containing information about
                # the molecular geometry begins
                if i_geo == c_geo:
                    qc.geo_info = []
                    qc.geo_spec = []
                    sec_flag = 'geo_info'
                c_geo += 1
                skip = 4
            elif 'Standard basis:' in line or 'General basis read from cards:' in line:
                # Check if a cartesian basis has been applied
                if '(5D, 7F)' in line:
                    cartesian_basis = False
                elif '(6D, 10F)' not in line:
                    raise IOError(
                        'Please apply a Spherical Harmonics (5D, 7F) or ' +
                        'a Cartesian Gaussian Basis Sets (6D, 10F)!')
            elif 'AO basis set in the form of general basis input' in line:
                # The section containing information about
                # the atomic orbitals begins
                if i_ao == c_ao:
                    qc.ao_spec = AOClass([])
                    if not cartesian_basis:
                        qc.ao_spec.spherical = True
                    sec_flag = 'ao_info'
                    basis_count = 0
                c_ao += 1
                bNew = True  # Indication for start of new AO section
            elif 'Orbital symmetries:' in line:
                sec_flag = 'mo_sym'
                add = ''
                orb_sym = []
            elif 'Orbital Coefficients:' in line:
                # The section containing information about
                # the molecular orbitals begins
                if (i_mo == c_mo):
                    sec_flag = 'mo_info'
                    mo_type = count['molecular orbitals'][i_mo]
                    qc.mo_spec = MOClass([])
                    offset = 0
                    add = ''
                    orb_spin = []
                    if orb_sym == []:
                        if 'Alpha' in mo_type:
                            add = '_a'
                            orb_spin = ['alpha'] * basis_count
                        orb_sym = ['A1' + add] * basis_count
                        if 'Beta' in mo_type:
                            add = '_b'
                            orb_spin += ['beta'] * basis_count
                            orb_sym += ['A1' + add] * basis_count
                    for i in range(len(orb_sym)):
                        # for numpy version < 1.6
                        c = ((numpy.array(orb_sym[:i + 1]) == orb_sym[i]) !=
                        # for numpy version >= 1.6 this could be used:
                        #c = numpy.count_nonzero(numpy.array(orb_sym[:i+1]) == orb_sym[i])
                            'coeffs': numpy.zeros(basis_count),
                            'energy': 0.,
                            'sym': '%d.%s' % (c, orb_sym[i])
                        if orb_spin != []:
                            qc.mo_spec[-1]['spin'] = orb_spin[i]
                if mo_type != 'Beta':
                    c_mo += 1
                bNew = True  # Indication for start of new MO section
            elif 'E(' in line:
                qc.etot = float(line.split('=')[1].split()[0])
                # Check if we are in a specific section
                if sec_flag == 'geo_info':
                    if not skip:
                            [thisline[1], thisline[0], thisline[1]])
                        qc.geo_spec.append([float(ij) for ij in thisline[3:]])
                        if '-----------' in flines[il + 1]:
                            sec_flag = None
                        skip -= 1
                if sec_flag == 'ao_info':
                    # Atomic orbital section
                    if ' ****' in line:
                        # There is a line with stars after every AO
                        bNew = True
                        # If there is an additional blank line, the AO section is complete
                        if flines[il + 1].split() == []:
                            sec_flag = None
                    elif bNew:
                        # The following AOs are for which atom?
                        bNew = False
                        at_num = int(thisline[0]) - 1
                        ao_num = 0
                    elif len(thisline) == 4:
                        # AO information section
                        # Initialize a new dict for this AO
                        ao_num = 0  # Initialize number of atomic orbiatls
                        ao_type = thisline[0].lower()  # Type of atomic orbital
                        pnum = int(thisline[1])  # Number of primatives
                        for i_ao in ao_type:
                            # Calculate the degeneracy of this AO and increase basis_count
                            basis_count += l_deg(
                                lquant[i_ao], cartesian_basis=cartesian_basis)
                                'atom': at_num,
                                'type': i_ao,
                                'pnum': pnum,
                                'coeffs': numpy.zeros((pnum, 2))
                            if not cartesian_basis:
                                qc.ao_spec[-1]['lm'] = []
                        # Append the AO coefficients
                        coeffs = numpy.array(line.replace('D', 'e').split(),
                        for i_ao in range(len(ao_type)):
                            qc.ao_spec[-len(ao_type) +
                                       i_ao]['coeffs'][ao_num, :] = [
                                           coeffs[0], coeffs[1 + i_ao]
                        ao_num += 1
                if sec_flag == 'mo_sym':
                    if 'electronic state' in line:
                        sec_flag = None
                        info = line[18:].replace('(', '').replace(')',
                        if 'Alpha' in line:
                            add = '_a'
                        elif 'Beta' in line:
                            add = '_b'
                        for i in info:
                            orb_sym.append(i + add)
                if sec_flag == 'mo_info':
                    # Molecular orbital section
                    info = line[:21].split()
                    if info == []:
                        coeffs = line[21:].split()
                        if bNew:
                            index = [offset + i for i in range(len(coeffs))]
                            bNew = False
                            for i, j in enumerate(index):
                                qc.mo_spec[j]['occ_num'] = int(
                                    'O' in coeffs[i])
                                if mo_type not in 'Alpha&Beta':
                                    qc.mo_spec[j]['occ_num'] *= 2
                    elif 'Eigenvalues' in info:
                        coeffs = line[21:].replace('-', ' -').split()
                        if mo_type == 'Natural':
                            key = 'occ_num'
                            key = 'energy'
                        for i, j in enumerate(index):
                            qc.mo_spec[j][key] = float(coeffs[i])
                        except ValueError:
                            for j in list(range(index[-1] + 1,
                                del qc.mo_spec[j]
                            sec_flag = None
                            orb_sym = []
                            bNew = True
                        coeffs = line[21:].replace('-', ' -').split()
                        if not cartesian_basis and offset == 0:
                            if old_ao != line[:14].split()[-1] or len(
                                    line[:14].split()) == 4:
                                old_ao = line[:14].split()[-1]
                                c_sao += 1
                            i = c_sao - 1
                            l = lquant[line[13].lower()]
                            m = line[14:21].replace(' ', '').lower()
                            p = 'yzx'.find(m) if len(m) == 1 else -1
                            if p != -1:
                                m = p - 1
                            elif m == '':
                                m = 0
                                m = int(m)

                            qc.ao_spec[i]['lm'].append((l, m))
                        for i, j in enumerate(index):
                            qc.mo_spec[j]['coeffs'][int(info[0]) - 1] = float(
                        if int(info[0]) == basis_count:
                            bNew = True
                            offset = index[-1] + 1
                            if index[-1] + 1 == len(orb_sym):
                                sec_flag = None
                                orb_sym = []

    # Are all MOs requested for the calculation?
    if not all_mo:
        for i in range(len(qc.mo_spec))[::-1]:
            if qc.mo_spec[i]['occ_num'] < 0.0000001:
                del qc.mo_spec[i]

    if spin is not None:
        if orb_spin == []:
            raise IOError(
                'You requested `%s` orbitals, but None of them are present.' %
            for i in range(len(qc.mo_spec))[::-1]:
                if qc.mo_spec[i]['spin'] != spin:
                    del qc.mo_spec[i]

    # Convert geo_info and geo_spec to numpy.ndarrays
    return qc
def read_wfx(fname, all_mo=False, spin=None, **kwargs):
    '''Reads all information desired from a wfn file.
    fname: str, file descriptor
      Specifies the filename for the input file.
      fname can also be used with a file descriptor instad of a filename.
    all_mo : bool, optional
      If True, all molecular orbitals are returned.
    spin : {None, 'alpha', or 'beta'}, optional
      If not None, returns exclusively 'alpha' or 'beta' molecular orbitals.
    qc (class QCinfo) with attributes geo_spec, geo_info, ao_spec, mo_spec, etot :
        See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.

    # Initialize the variables
    qc = QCinfo()
    qc.ao_spec = AOClass([])
    qc.mo_spec = MOClass([])
    lxlylz = []
    for j in exp_wfn:
    lxlylz = numpy.array(lxlylz, dtype=numpy.int64)

    if isinstance(fname, str):
        filename = fname
        fname = descriptor_from_file(filename, index=0)
        filename = fname.name

    from io import TextIOWrapper
    if isinstance(fname, TextIOWrapper):
        flines = fname.readlines()  # Read the WHOLE file into RAM
        magic = 'This is an Orbkit magic string'
        text = fname.read().decode("iso-8859-1").replace(
            '\n', '\n{}'.format(magic))
        flines = text.split(magic)

    is_valid = False
    for il in range(len(flines)):
        if '<Keywords>' in flines[il] and 'GTO' in flines[il + 1]:
            is_valid = True

    if not is_valid:
        raise IOError('No valid .wfx file!\nMissing:\n' +
                      '<Keywords>\n  GTO\n</Keywords>')

    sec_flag = None  # A Flag specifying the current section
    at_num = None
    mo_num = None
    ao_num = None
    restricted = True
    count = 0

    # Go through the file line by line
    for il in range(len(flines)):
        line = flines[il]  # The current line as string

        if '<Number of Nuclei>' in line:
            at_num = int(flines[il + 1])
            qc.geo_info = [[None, i + 1, None] for i in range(at_num)]
            qc.geo_spec = []
        elif '<Nuclear Names>' in line:
            if not at_num:
                raise IOError('`<Number of Nuclei>` has to be found ' +
                              'before `<Nuclear Names>`.')
            for i in range(at_num):
                qc.geo_info[i][0] = flines[il + i + 1].replace(' ',
                                                                   '\n', '')
        elif '<Atomic Numbers>' in line:
            if not at_num:
                raise IOError('`<Number of Nuclei>` has to be found ' +
                              'before `<Atomic Numbers>`.')
            for i in range(at_num):
                qc.geo_info[i][2] = flines[il + i + 1].replace(' ',
                                                                   '\n', '')
        elif '<Nuclear Cartesian Coordinates>' in line:
            if not at_num:
                raise IOError('`<Number of Nuclei>` has to be found ' +
                              'before `<Nuclear Cartesian Coordinates>`.')
            for i in range(at_num):
                qc.geo_spec.append(flines[il + i + 1].split())
        elif '<Number of Primitives>' in line:
            ao_num = int(flines[il + 1])
            qc.ao_spec = AOClass([
                    'atom': None,
                    'pnum': -1,
                    'coeffs': None,
                    'lxlylz': None,
                    #'lm': None
                } for i in range(ao_num)
        elif '<Primitive Centers>' in line:
            sec_flag = 'ao_center'
            count = 0
        elif '<Primitive Types>' in line:
            sec_flag = 'ao_type'
            count = 0
        elif '<Primitive Exponents>' in line:
            sec_flag = 'ao_exp'
            count = 0
        elif '<Number of Occupied Molecular Orbitals>' in line:
            mo_num = int(flines[il + 1])
            qc.mo_spec = MOClass([{
                'coeffs': numpy.zeros(ao_num),
                'energy': None,
                'occ_num': None,
                'spin': None,
                'sym': '%s.1' % (i + 1)
            } for i in range(mo_num)])
        elif '<Molecular Orbital Occupation Numbers>' in line:
            for i in range(mo_num):
                qc.mo_spec[i]['occ_num'] = float(flines[il + 1 + i])
        elif '<Molecular Orbital Energies>' in line:
            for i in range(mo_num):
                qc.mo_spec[i]['energy'] = float(flines[il + 1 + i])
        elif '<Molecular Orbital Spin Types>' in line:
            for i in range(mo_num):
                qc.mo_spec[i]['spin'] = (flines[il + 1 + i].replace(
                    ' ', '').replace('\n', '')).replace('and', '_').lower()
                restricted = restricted and ('_' in qc.mo_spec[i]['spin'])
        elif '<MO Number>' in line:
            index = int(flines[il + 1]) - 1
            for i in range(ao_num):
                qc.mo_spec[index]['coeffs'][i] = float(flines[il + 3 + i])
        elif '</' in line:
            sec_flag = None
        elif sec_flag is not None:
            if sec_flag == 'ao_center':
                for i in line.split():
                    qc.ao_spec[count]['atom'] = int(i) - 1
                    count += 1
            if sec_flag == 'ao_type':
                for i in line.split():
                    qc.ao_spec[count]['lxlylz'] = lxlylz[int(i) -
                    qc.ao_spec[count]['type'] = orbit[sum(lxlylz[int(i) - 1])]
                    count += 1
            if sec_flag == 'ao_exp':
                for i in line.split():
                    qc.ao_spec[count]['coeffs'] = numpy.array([[float(i),
                    count += 1

    has_alpha = any([i['spin'] == 'alpha' for i in qc.mo_spec])
    has_beta = any([i['spin'] == 'beta' for i in qc.mo_spec])

    spin_check(spin, restricted, has_alpha, has_beta)
    qc.select_spin(restricted, spin=spin)

    # Remove numbers from atom names
    for i in qc.geo_info:
        i[0] = ''.join([k for k in i[0] if not k.isdigit()])
    # Convert geo_info and geo_spec to numpy.ndarrays

    return qc
class Multi():
  def __init__(self, data=None):
    self.geo_spec_all  = [] #: Contains all molecular geometries, i.e., :literal:`geo_spec`. (See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.)
    self.geo_info      = [] #: See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
    self.ao_spec       = [] #: See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
    self.mo_coeff_all  = [] #: Contains all molecular orbital coefficients. List of numpy.ndarray
    self.mo_energy_all = [] #: Contains all molecular orbital energies. List of numpy.ndarray
    self.mo_occ_all    = [] #: Contains all molecular orbital occupations. List of numpy.ndarray
    self.sym           = [] #: Python dictionary containing the molecular orbital self.symmetries and the corresponding position in self.mo_coeff_all, self.mo_energy_all, and self.mo_occ_all, respectively.
    self.index_list    = [] #: After the execution of the ordering routine, it contains the new indices of the molecular orbitals. If index < 0, the molecular orbital changes its sign. shape=(Nfiles,NMO)

    self.geo_spec_tck  = []
    self.mo_coeff_tck  = []
    self.mo_energy_tck = []
    self.mo_occ_tck    = []
    self.MO_Spec = []
    self.QC = []

    if data:
      if isinstance(data['ao_spec'], numpy.ndarray):
        ao_spec = data['ao_spec'][numpy.newaxis][0]
        ao_spec = data['ao_spec']
      self.ao_spec = AOClass(restart=ao_spec)
      self.geo_info = data['geo_info']
      self.geo_spec_all = data['geo_spec_all']
      if isinstance(data['mo_data'], numpy.ndarray):
        mo_data = data['mo_data'][numpy.newaxis][0]
        mo_data = data['mo_data']
      if isinstance(data['sym'], numpy.ndarray):
        self.sym = data['sym'][numpy.newaxis][0]
        self.sym = data['sym']
      self.index_list = data['index_list']

  def read(self,fid_list,itype='auto',all_mo=True,nosym=False, sort=True, **kwargs_all):
    '''Reads a list of input files.
      fid_list : list of str
        List of input file names.
      itype : str, choices={'auto', 'tar', 'molden', 'gamess', 'gaussian.log', 'gaussian.fchk'}
        Specifies the type of the input files.
      sort: bool
        Sort input files by name.
    # self.geo_info and ao_info have to stay unchanged
    geo_old = []
    ao_old = []
    sym_list = {}
    n_ao = {}

    #Check if fname poits to a tar archive and
    #read all files from archive if that is the case 
    if is_tar_file(fid_list):
      fid_list, itypes = get_all_files_from_tar(fid_list, sort=sort)
      itypes = [[itype]*len(fid_list)][0]

    for i,fname in enumerate(fid_list):

      kwargs = kwargs_all['kwargs'][i] if 'kwargs' in kwargs_all.keys() else kwargs_all
      qc = main_read(fname, itype=itypes[i], all_mo=all_mo, **kwargs)
      # Geo Section
      if i > 0 and (geo_old != qc.geo_info).sum():
        raise IOError('qc.geo_info has changed!')
        geo_old = deepcopy(qc.geo_info)
      # AO Section
      if (i > 0 and not
                        for j in range(len(ao_old))]
          raise IOError('qc.ao_spec has changed!')
          ao_old = deepcopy(qc.ao_spec)

      # MO Section
      sym_tmp = {}    
      for i,mo in enumerate(qc.mo_spec):
        if nosym:
          qc.mo_spec[i]['sym'] = '%d.1' % (i+1)
        key = mo['sym'].split('.')
        if key[1] not in sym_tmp.keys():
          sym_tmp[key[1]] = 0
          n_ao[key[1]] = len(qc.mo_spec[0]['coeffs'])
        sym_tmp[key[1]] += 1

      for k,it in sym_tmp.items():
        if k in sym_list:
          sym_list[k] = max(sym_list[k],it)
          sym_list[k] = it
    self.geo_spec_all = numpy.array(self.geo_spec_all)
    self.geo_info = qc.geo_info
    self.ao_spec = qc.ao_spec

    # Presorting of the MOs according to their self.symmetry 
    n_r = len(fid_list)
    self.sym = []
    for k in sorted(sym_list.keys()):
      it = sym_list[k]

    self.sym = odict(self.sym)

    for i,spec in enumerate(self.MO_Spec):
      for j,mo in enumerate(spec):
        index,k = mo['sym'].split('.')
        index = int(index)-1
        self.mo_coeff_all[self.sym[k]][i,index,:] = mo['coeffs']
        self.mo_energy_all[self.sym[k]][i,index] = mo['energy']
        self.mo_occ_all[self.sym[k]][i,index] = mo['occ_num']

  def get_extrapolation(self,r1,r2,mo_coeff,deg=1,grid1d=None):
    '''Extrapolates the molecular orbital coefficients :literal:`mo_coeff` 
    using a polynomial of degree :literal:`deg`.
    r1 : int
      Specifies the index of the last known molecular orbital.
    r2 : int
      Specifies the index to which the molecular orbital coefficients are 
    deg : int
      Specifies the degree of the extrapolation polynomial.
    grid1d : list or numpy.1darray, optional
      Specifies the grid for the extrapolation.
    epol : numpy.ndarray, shape=(NMO,NAO))
      Contains the extrapolated molecular orbital coefficients.  
    if grid1d is None:
      grid1d = range(r2+1)
    if deg < 2:
      m = (mo_coeff[r1-1,:,:] - mo_coeff[r1,:,:])/float(grid1d[r1-1] - grid1d[r1])
      epol = (m * (grid1d[r2] - grid1d[r1]) + mo_coeff[r1,:,:])
      shape = mo_coeff.shape
      epol = numpy.zeros(shape[1:])
      for i in range(shape[1]):
        for j in range(shape[2]):
          x = grid1d[:r2]
          y = mo_coeff[:r2,i,j]
          z = numpy.polyfit(x, y, deg)
          epol[i,j] = numpy.poly1d(z)(grid1d[r2])
    return epol

  def order_using_analytical_overlap(self,fid_list=None,itype=None,deg=0,numproc=1,
    '''Performs an ordering routine using analytical overlap integrals between 
    molecular orbitals. Set fid_list to None to omit the reading of input files.
    If :literal:`deg` is set to a value larger than zero, the molecular orbital 
    coefficients are extrapolated with a polynomial of degree :literal:`deg`,
    before computing the molecular orbital overlap matrix.
    fid_list : list of str or None
      If not None, it contains the list of input file names.
    itype : str, choices={'auto', 'tar', 'molden', 'gamess', 'gaussian.log', 'gaussian.fchk'}
      Specifies the type of the input files.
    deg : None|int, optional
      - If deg is None, atomic orbitals of two successive geometries will be assumed 
        to be on the same positions.
      - If greater than zero, specifies the degree of the extrapolation polynomial
        for the molecular orbital coefficients.  
    index_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nfiles,NMO)
      Contains the new indices of the molecular orbitals. If index < 0, the 
      molecular orbital changes its sign.
    mo_overlap : numpy.ndarray, shape=((Nfiles - 1),NMO,NMO)
      Contains the overlap matrix between the molecular orbitals of two neighboring
      geometries, i.e., mo_overlap[i,j,k] corresponds to overlap between the 
      jth molecular orbital at geometry i to the kth molecular orbital at 
      geometry (i+1).
    if fid_list is not None:
    display('\nStarting the ordering routine using the molecular orbital overlap...')

    iterate= list(range(1,len(self.geo_spec_all)))
    if deg is not None and deg > 0:
      display('\tThe molecular orbital coefficients will be extrapolated')
      display('\tusing a least squares polynomial fit of degree %d.' % deg)
      std = numpy.array([numpy.std(i-self.geo_spec_all[0]) for i in self.geo_spec_all])
    sym_sorted_keys = sorted(self.sym.keys())
    mo_overlap = [[] for i in sym_sorted_keys]
    index_list = [[] for i in sym_sorted_keys]
    for ik in sym_sorted_keys:
      s = self.sym[ik]
      shape = numpy.shape(self.mo_coeff_all[s])
      index_list[s] = numpy.ones((shape[0],shape[1]),dtype=int)
      index_list[s] *= numpy.arange(shape[1],dtype=int)
    c = 0
    t = time()
    for rr in iterate:
      r1 = rr-1
      r2 = rr

      if (deg is None) or (deg > 0 and r1 >= deg):
        ao_overlap = get_ao_overlap(self.geo_spec_all[r2],self.geo_spec_all[r2],self.ao_spec)
        ao_overlap = get_ao_overlap(self.geo_spec_all[r1],self.geo_spec_all[r2],self.ao_spec)

      cs = 0
      for ik in sym_sorted_keys:
        s = self.sym[ik]
        mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff_all[s]
        shape = numpy.shape(mo_coeff)
        if deg is not None and deg > 0 and r1 >= deg:
          mo_r1 = get_extrapolation(r1,r2,mo_coeff,grid1d=std,deg=deg)
          mo_r1 = mo_coeff[r1]

        overlap = get_mo_overlap_matrix(mo_r1,mo_coeff[r2],ao_overlap,
        for i in range(shape[1]):
          # Iterate the rows of the overlap matrix
          line_max = None # variable for maximum value in the current row
          line_sort = numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(overlap[i,:]))[::-1] # sort the row
          for k in line_sort[::-1]:
            # Is this value the maximum in the current column?
            col_max = numpy.argmax(numpy.abs(overlap[:,k])) 
            if i == col_max:
              line_max = k
          if line_max is not None:
            # Interchange the coefficients
            mo_coeff[r2,[i,line_max],:] = mo_coeff[r2,[line_max,i],:]
            overlap[:,[i,line_max]] = overlap[:,[line_max,i]]
            index_list[s][r2,[i,line_max]] = index_list[s][r2,[line_max,i]]
        for i in range(shape[1]):
          # Change the signs
          mo_coeff[r2,i,:] *= numpy.sign(overlap[i,i])
          overlap[:,i] *= numpy.sign(overlap[i,i])
          index_list[s][r2,i] *= numpy.sign(overlap[i,i])
        cs += 1
        self.mo_coeff_all[s] = mo_coeff
        index = numpy.abs(index_list[s])[r2,:]
        self.mo_energy_all[s][r2,:] = self.mo_energy_all[s][r2,index]
        self.mo_occ_all[s][r2,:] = self.mo_occ_all[s][r2,index]
      c += 1
      #if not c % int(numpy.ceil(len(iterate)/10.)):
      display('\tFinished %d of %d geometries (%.1f s)' % (c, len(iterate), time()-t))
      t = time()
    tmp = []
    for i in mo_overlap:
    mo_overlap = tmp
    return index_list, mo_overlap

  def order_using_extrapolation(self,fid_list=None,itype=None,deg=1,
    '''Performs an ordering routine using extrapolation of quantities related to 
    the molecular orbitals. Set fid_list to None to omit the reading of input 
    The molecular orbital coefficients (If use_mo_values is False) are 
    extrapolated with a polynomial of degree :literal:`deg` and ordered by 
    minimizing a selected norm (default: Euclidian norm).
    fid_list : list of str or None
      If not None, it contains the list of input file names.
    itype : str, choices={None, 'tar', 'molden', 'gamess', 'gaussian.log', 'gaussian.fchk'}
      Specifies the type of the input files.
    deg : int
      Specifies the degree of the extrapolation polynomial.
    use_mo_values : bool, optional
      If True, some molecular orbital values and their derivatives are computed
      at the nuclear positions. The ordering routine is applied for those values
    matrix : None or numpy.ndarray with shape=(Nfiles,N,M)
      If not None, contains the data to be ordered.
    :if matrix is None:
      - index_list
      - matrix, index_list
    index_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nfiles,NMO)
      Contains the new indices of the molecular orbitals. If index < 0, the 
      molecular orbital changes its sign.
    matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nfiles,N,M)
      Contains the ordered matrix.
    # Read all input files
    if fid_list is not None:

    radius = range(len(self.geo_spec_all)) #: We assume an equally spaced grid
    if deg < 2:
      function = order_mo
      function = order_mo_higher_deg
    if matrix is not None:
      display('\tOdering backward')
      matrix, index_list = function(matrix,index_list=index_list[ii_s],backward=True,mu=mu,deg=deg)
      display('\tOdering forward')
      matrix, index_list = function(matrix,index_list=index_list[ii_s],backward=False,mu=mu,deg=deg)
      return matrix, index_list
    index_list = [None for i in self.sym.keys()]
    for s,ii_s in self.sym.items():
      display('Starting ordering of MOs of self.symmetry %s' % s)
      shape = numpy.shape(self.mo_coeff_all[ii_s])
      mu = 5e-2
      matrix = self.mo_coeff_all[ii_s]
      if use_mo_values:
        display('\tComputing molecular orbitals at the nuclear positions')
        matrix = compute_mo_list(self.geo_spec_all,self.ao_spec,matrix,
                                 iter_drv=[None, 'x', 'y', 'z'])
      display('\tOdering backward')
      matrix, index_list[ii_s] = function(matrix,index_list=index_list[ii_s],backward=True,mu=mu,deg=deg)
      display('\tOdering forward')
      matrix, index_list[ii_s] = function(matrix,index_list=index_list[ii_s],backward=False,mu=mu,deg=deg)
      for rr in range(shape[0]):
        index = numpy.abs(index_list[ii_s])[rr,:]
        sign = (-1)**(index_list[ii_s][rr] < 0)
        self.mo_energy_all[ii_s][rr,:] = self.mo_energy_all[ii_s][rr,index]
        self.mo_occ_all[ii_s][rr,:] = self.mo_occ_all[ii_s][rr,index]
        self.mo_coeff_all[ii_s][rr,:,:] = sign[:,numpy.newaxis]*self.mo_coeff_all[ii_s][rr,index,:] # numpy.array(matrix,copy=True)
    return index_list

  def order_manually(self,matrix,i_0,i_1,r_range,using_sign=True):
    '''Performs the ordering manually.
    def sign(x): return -1 if x < 0 and using_sign else 1
    for rr in r_range:
      matrix[rr,[abs(i_0),abs(i_1)]] = sign(i_1)*matrix[rr,[abs(i_1),abs(i_0)]]
    return matrix

  def order_mo(self,mo,index_list=None,backward=True,mu=1e-1,use_factor=False,**kwargs):
    '''Orders a 3d-matrix (shape=(Nfiles,NMO,NAO)) by interchanging the axis=1, 
    i.e., NMO, applying linear extrapolation.'''
    shape = numpy.shape(mo)
    if index_list == None:
      index_list = numpy.ones((shape[0],shape[1]),dtype=int)
      index_list *= numpy.arange(shape[1],dtype=int)
    if 'criterion' in kwargs:
      if kwargs['criterion'] == '1-norm':
        test = lambda x,y: numpy.sum(numpy.abs(x)) < numpy.sum(numpy.abs(y))
      if kwargs['criterion'] == '2-norm':
        test = lambda x,y: ((x**2).sum()) < ((y**2).sum())
      elif kwargs['criterion'] == 'infty-norm':
        test = lambda x,y: abs(x).max() < abs(y).max()
      elif kwargs['criterion'] == 'perc': 
        test = lambda x,y: ((x**2 < y**2).sum()/float(shape[2])) > 1./2.
        raise ValueError('creterion %s is not defined!' % kwargs['criterion'])
      # Take 2-norm by default
      test = lambda x,y: ((x**2).sum()) < ((y**2).sum())
    if backward:
      st = [-1, 1,-1]
      st = [ 0,-2, 1]
    x = 2.*st[2] # Extrapolate linearly to the next point    
    for i,i_0 in enumerate(range(shape[1])[:-1]):
      for rr in range(shape[0])[st[0]:st[1]:st[2]]:       
        f = numpy.ones(shape[2])
        if use_factor:
          is_larger = abs(mo[rr,i_0,:]) > mu
          f[is_larger] = 1/abs(mo[rr,i_0,is_larger])
        for ii_s,sign in enumerate([1,-1]):
          m = (sign*mo[rr+st[2],i_0,:] - mo[rr,i_0,:])/float(st[2])
          epol = (m * x + mo[rr,i_0,:])
          cp = ((f[:]*mo[rr+2*st[2],i_0,:] - f[:]*epol[:]))
          cm = ((-1*f[:]*mo[rr+2*st[2],i_0,:] - f[:]*epol[:]))
          is_smaller = test(cm,cp)
          current = cm if is_smaller else cp
          if ii_s == 0:
            diff = current
            i_1 = i_0
            new_signs = [sign,(-1)**is_smaller]
          elif test(current,diff):
            diff = current
            i_1 = i_0
            new_signs = [sign,(-1)**is_smaller]
          # Check other molecular orbitals
          for ik_index,ik in enumerate(range(shape[1])[i+1:]):
            cp = ((f[:]*mo[rr+2*st[2],ik,:] - f[:]*epol[:]))
            cm = ((-1*f[:]*mo[rr+2*st[2],ik,:] - f[:]*epol[:]))
            is_smaller = test(cm,cp)
            current = cm if is_smaller else cp
            if test(current,diff):
              diff = current
              i_1 = ik
              new_signs = [sign,(-1)**is_smaller]
        if i_0 != i_1:
          mo[rr+2*st[2],[i_0,i_1],:] = mo[rr+2*st[2],[i_1,i_0],:]
          index_list[rr+2*st[2],[i_0,i_1]] = index_list[rr+2*st[2],[i_1,i_0]]
        mo[rr+st[2],i_0,:] *= new_signs[0]
        mo[rr+2*st[2],i_0,:] *= new_signs[1]
        index_list[rr+st[2],i_0] *= new_signs[0]
        index_list[rr+2*st[2],i_0] *= new_signs[1]
    return mo, index_list

  def order_mo_higher_deg(self,mo,index_list=None,backward=True,mu=1e-1,deg=2,**kwargs):
    '''Orders a 3d-matrix (shape=(Nfiles,NMO,NAO)) by interchanging the axis=1, 
    i.e., NMO, applying an extrapolation a polynomial fit with a Vandermonde matrix
    as implemented in numpy.'''
    shape = numpy.shape(mo)
    # Check if degree is correctly set
    if not isinstance(deg, int) or deg < 1 or deg > (shape[0]-1):
      raise IOError('Wrong choice for degree of the fitting polynomial!')
    display('\tusing a least squares polynomial fit of degree %d.' % deg)
    if index_list == None:
      index_list = numpy.ones((shape[0],shape[1]),dtype=int)
      index_list *= numpy.arange(shape[1],dtype=int)
    if 'criterion' in kwargs:
      if kwargs['criterion'] == '1-norm':
        test = lambda x,y: numpy.sum(numpy.abs(x)) < numpy.sum(numpy.abs(y))
      if kwargs['criterion'] == '2-norm':
        test = lambda x,y: ((x**2).sum()) < ((y**2).sum())
      elif kwargs['criterion'] == 'infty-norm':
        test = lambda x,y: abs(x).max() < abs(y).max()
      elif kwargs['criterion'] == 'perc': 
        test = lambda x,y: ((x**2 < y**2).sum()/float(shape[2])) > 1./2.
        raise ValueError('creterion %s is not defined!' % kwargs['criterion'])
      # Take 2-norm by default
      test = lambda x,y: ((x**2).sum()) < ((y**2).sum())
    if backward:
      st = [-(deg + 1), 0,-1]  
      x = numpy.arange(0,deg+1)
      st = [deg, -1,1]
      x = numpy.arange(-deg,1)
    for i,i_0 in enumerate(range(shape[1])[:-1]):
      for rr in range(shape[0])[st[0]:st[1]:st[2]]:
        epol = numpy.zeros(shape[2])
        for k in range(shape[2]):
          if mo[rr,i_0,k] != 0.:
            xnew = rr+st[2]
            y = mo[rr+x,i_0,k]
            z = numpy.polyfit(rr+x, y, deg)
            epol[k] = numpy.poly1d(z)(xnew)
        cp = ((mo[rr+st[2],i_0,:] - epol[:])**2)
        cm = ((-1*mo[rr+st[2],i_0,:] - epol[:])**2)
        is_smaller = test(cm,cp)
        current = cm if is_smaller else cp
        diff = current
        i_1 = i_0
        new_signs = [1,(-1)**is_smaller]
        # Check other molecular orbitals
        for ik_index,ik in enumerate(range(shape[1])[i+1:]):
          cp = ((mo[rr+st[2],ik,:] - epol[:])**2)
          cm = ((-1*mo[rr+st[2],ik,:] - epol[:])**2)
          is_smaller = test(cm,cp)
          current = cm if is_smaller else cp
          if test(current,diff):
            diff = current
            i_1 = ik
            new_signs = [1,(-1)**is_smaller]
        if i_0 != i_1:
          mo[rr+st[2],[i_0,i_1],:] = mo[rr+st[2],[i_1,i_0],:]
          index_list[rr+st[2],[i_0,i_1]] = index_list[rr+st[2],[i_1,i_0]]
        mo[rr,i_0,:] *= new_signs[0]
        mo[rr+st[2],i_0,:] *= new_signs[1]
        index_list[rr,i_0] *= new_signs[0]
        index_list[rr+st[2],i_0] *= new_signs[1]
    return mo, index_list

  def order_pm(self,x,y,backward=True,mu=1e-1,use_factor=False):
    '''Outdated function to order exclusively the sign of a data set.
    if backward:
      st = [-2,1,-1]
      st = [1,-2,1]
    if numpy.ndim(y) == 1:
      diff = numpy.zeros(2)
      for rr in range(len(y))[st[0]:st[1]:st[2]]:
        m = (y[rr+st[2]]-y[rr])/(x[rr+st[2]]-x[rr])
        epol = m * (x[rr+2*st[2]]-x[rr]) + y[rr]
        for ii_d in range(2):
          diff[ii_d] = (((-1)**ii_d * y[rr+2*st[2]])-epol)**2
        if numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(diff)) == 1:
          y[rr+2*st[2]] = -y[rr+2*st[2]]
    elif numpy.ndim(y) == 2:
      y = numpy.array(y)
      shape = numpy.shape(y)
      for rr in range(shape[0])[st[0]:st[1]:st[2]]:
        for ii_s,sign in [(0,-1),(1,+1)]:
          f = numpy.ones(shape[1])
          if use_factor:
            f[numpy.abs(y[rr,:]) > mu] = 1/numpy.abs(y[rr,numpy.abs(y[rr,:]) > mu])
          m = (y[rr+st[2],:]-y[rr,:])/(x[rr+st[2]]-x[rr])
          epol = f[:]*(m * (x[rr+2*st[2]]-x[rr]) + y[rr,:])
          # Euclidean norm (2 norm)
          current = numpy.sum((f[:]*sign*y[rr+2*st[2],:] - epol[:])**2)
          # Current value
          if ii_s == 0:
            diff = current
            new_sign = sign
          elif current < diff:
            new_sign = sign
        y[rr+2*st[2],:] *= new_sign
      display('Function order_pm only works for vectors and 2D matrices')
    return y

  def mo_list_parsing(self,indata=None):
    # Parses lists of mos to and from the native Orbkit format
    parameters = {'energy': self.mo_energy_all, 
                  'coeff': self.mo_coeff_all, 
                  'occ': self.mo_occ_all}
    if indata is None:
      outdata = {}
      for param in parameters:
        for i in range(len(parameters[param])):
          outdata[param+'#'+str(i)] = parameters[param][i]
      return outdata
      order = {'energy': [], 
               'coeff': [], 
               'occ': []}
      param_tmp = {'energy': [], 
               'coeff': [], 
               'occ': []}
      for name in indata:
        param = name.split('#')[0]
      for param in parameters:
        sort = numpy.argsort(numpy.array(order[param],dtype=numpy.intc))
        for s in sort:

  def todict(self):
    data = {}
    data['ao_spec'] = self.ao_spec.todict()
    data['geo_info'] = self.geo_info
    data['geo_spec_all'] = self.geo_spec_all
    data['mo_data'] = self.mo_list_parsing()
    data['sym'] = self.sym
    data['index_list'] = self.index_list
    data['parent_class_name'] = self.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__
    return data

  def construct_qc(self, all_mo=True):
    '''Converts all global variables to a list of `QCinfo` classes.
    self.QC = []
    ilumo = None
    for rr in range(len(self.geo_spec_all)):
      qc = QCinfo()
      qc.geo_spec = self.geo_spec_all[rr]
      qc.geo_info = self.geo_info
      qc.ao_spec = self.ao_spec
      qc.mo_spec = []
      for s,ii_s in self.sym.items():
        for i,coeffs in enumerate(self.mo_coeff_all[ii_s][rr]):
          qc.mo_spec.append({'coeffs': coeffs,
                             'energy' : self.mo_energy_all[ii_s][rr,i],
                             'occ_num' : self.mo_occ_all[ii_s][rr,i],
                             'sym': '%d.%s' % (i+1,s)})
      qc.mo_spec = MOClass(qc.mo_spec)
      if not all_mo:
        ilumo = max(ilumo or 0, qc.mo_spec.get_lumo())
    if not all_mo:
      for i in range(len(self.QC)):
        self.QC[i].mo_spec = self.QC[i].mo_spec[slice(None,ilumo)]
    return self.QC

  def compute_mo_list(self,ao_spec,mo_matrix,
                      iter_drv=[None, 'x', 'y', 'z']):
    '''Computes the values of the molecular orbitals and, if requested, their 
    derivatives at the nuclear positions for a complete 
    mo_matrix (shape=(Nfiles,NMO,NAO)).'''
    from orbkit.core import ao_creator
    shape = numpy.shape(mo_matrix)
    mo_list = numpy.zeros((shape[0],shape[1],4*numpy.shape(self.geo_spec_all)[1]))

    for rr in range(shape[0]):
      geo_spec = self.geo_spec_all[rr]
      x = geo_spec[:,0]
      y = geo_spec[:,1]
      z = geo_spec[:,2]
      N = len(x)
      for i,drv in enumerate(iter_drv):
        ao_list = ao_creator(geo_spec,self.ao_spec,
        for i_mo in range(shape[1]):
          for i_ao in range(shape[2]):
            mo_list[rr,i_mo,N*i+numpy.arange(N)] += mo_matrix[rr,i_mo,i_ao] * ao_list[i_ao,:]
      return mo_list

  def data_interp(self,x,y,xnew,k=3,der=0,s=0,**kwargs):
    '''Interpolates a dataset y(x) to y(xnew) using B-Splines of order k.'''
    from scipy import interpolate
    tck = interpolate.splrep(x,y,s=s,k=k)
    ynew = interpolate.splev(xnew,tck,der=der)
    return ynew

  def splrep_all(self,x,k=3,**kwargs):
    from scipy import interpolate
    geo_spec_tck  = []
    mo_coeff_tck  = []
    mo_energy_tck = []
    mo_occ_tck    = []
    shape = self.geo_spec_all.shape
    for i in range(shape[1]):
      for j in range(shape[2]):
    for i_mo in range(len(self.mo_coeff_all)):
      shape = self.mo_coeff_all[i_mo].shape    
      for i in range(shape[1]):
        for j in range(shape[2]):

  def interpolate_all(self,x,xnew,k=3,**kwargs):
    '''Interpolates a dataset y(x) to y(xnew) using B-Splines of order k.'''
    from scipy import interpolate
    shape = list(self.geo_spec_all.shape)
    shape[0] = len(xnew)
    tmp = numpy.zeros(shape)  
    for i in range(shape[1]):
      for j in range(shape[2]):
        tmp[:,i,j] = data_interp(x,self.geo_spec_all[:,i,j],xnew,k=k,**kwargs)
    self.geo_spec_all = numpy.copy(tmp)
    for i_mo in range(len(self.mo_coeff_all)):
      shape = list(self.mo_coeff_all[i_mo].shape)
      shape[0] = len(xnew)
      tmp = numpy.zeros(shape)  
      for i in range(shape[1]):
        for j in range(shape[2]):
          tmp[:,i,j] = data_interp(x,self.mo_coeff_all[i_mo][:,i,j],xnew,k=k,**kwargs)
      self.mo_coeff_all[i_mo] = numpy.copy(tmp)
      shape = list(mo_energy_all[i_mo].shape)
      shape[0] = len(xnew)
      tmp = numpy.zeros(shape)  
      for i in range(shape[1]):
        tmp[:,i] = data_interp(x,mo_energy_all[i_mo][:,i],xnew,k=k,**kwargs)
      self.mo_energy_all[i_mo] = numpy.copy(tmp)
      shape = list(mo_occ_all[i_mo].shape)
      shape[0] = len(xnew)
      tmp = numpy.zeros(shape)  
      for i in range(shape[1]):
        tmp[:,i] = data_interp(x,mo_occ_all[i_mo][:,i],xnew,k=k,**kwargs)
      self.mo_occ_all[i_mo] = numpy.copy(tmp)

  def plot(self,mo_matrix,symmetry='1',title='All',x_label='index',
           y_label='MO coefficients',output_format='png',
    '''Plots all molecular orbital coefficients of one self.symmetry.'''
    import pylab as plt
    from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
    import os
    display('Plotting data of self.symmetry %s to %s/' % (symmetry,plt_dir))
    if not os.path.exists(plt_dir):
    if numpy.ndim(mo_matrix) == 2:
      mo_matrix = mo_matrix[:,numpy.newaxis,:]
    shape = numpy.shape(mo_matrix)
    def plot_mo(i):
      plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=16) 
      plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=16)
      ax = plt.subplot(111)
      for ij in range(shape[2]):
        Y = mo_matrix[:,i,ij]
        if x_grid is None:
          X = numpy.arange(len(Y))+x0
          X = x_grid
        if max(numpy.abs(Y)) > thresh:
          curves.append(ax.plot(X,Y, '.-' ,linewidth=1.5))
      plt.xlabel(x_label, fontsize=16);
      plt.ylabel(y_label, fontsize=16);
      plt.title('%s: %d.%s'%  (title,i+1,symmetry))
      return fig
    if output_format == 'pdf':
      from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
      output_fid = '%s.%s.pdf'% (title,symmetry.replace(' ','_'))
      display('\t%s' % output_fid)
      with PdfPages(os.path.join(plt_dir,output_fid)) as pdf:
        for i in range(shape[1]):
          fig = plot_mo(i)
    elif output_format == 'png':
      for i in range(shape[1]):
        fig = plot_mo(i)
        output_fid = '%d.%s.png' % (i+1,symmetry.replace(' ','_'))
        display('\t%s' % output_fid)
        fig.savefig(os.path.join(plt_dir, output_fid),format='png',**kwargs)
      raise ValueError('output_format `%s` is not supported' % output_format)

  def show_selected_mos(self,selected_mos,r0=0,steps=1,select_slice='xz',where=0.0,
    '''Uses orbkit to compute selected molecular orbitals and plots it with
    from orbkit import grid
    from orbkit.core import ao_creator,mo_creator
    r = range(r0,r0+steps)
    grid.N_ = [1,1,1]
    grid.min_ = [0,0,0]
    grid.max_ = [0,0,0]
    if select_slice == 'xy':
      k = [0,1]
      grid.min_[2] += where
      grid.max_[2] += where
    elif select_slice == 'yz':
      k = [1,2]
      grid.min_[0] += where
      grid.max_[0] += where
    elif select_slice == 'xz':
      k = [0,2]
      grid.min_[1] += where
      grid.max_[1] += where
      raise ValueError('`show_selected_mos` currently only' + 
                       'supports slices parallel to the following planes:' +
                       'select_slice = `xy`, `yz`, or `xz`')
    for i,j in enumerate(k):
      grid.N_[j] = npts[i]
      grid.min_[j] = minpts[i]
      grid.max_[j] = maxpts[i]
    # Initialize grid
    grid.is_initialized = False
    xyz = grid.x,grid.y,grid.z
    for mo_sel in selected_mos:
      i,j = mo_sel.split('.')
      mo = []
      for rr in r:
        ao_list = ao_creator(self.geo_spec_all[rr],self.ao_spec)
      f, pics = contour_mult_mo(xyz[k[0]],xyz[k[1]],mo,
                      title='MO:%s' % mo_sel,r0=r0)
      for i,pic in enumerate(pics):

  def contour_mult_mo(self,x,y,mo,xlabel='x',ylabel='y',title='',r0=0):
    '''Uses matplotlib to show slices of a molecular orbitals.'''
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Plot slices
    f, pics = \
    vmax = numpy.max(numpy.abs(mo))
    for i,pic in enumerate(pics):
      pic.set_title('Data Point %d' % (r0+i))
    return f,pics
def read_aomix(fname,
    '''Reads all information desired from a aomix file.
  fname : str, file descriptor
    Specifies the filename for the input file.
    fname can also be used with a file descriptor instad of a filename.
  all_mo : bool, optional
    If True, all molecular orbitals are returned.
  spin : {None, 'alpha', or 'beta'}, optional
    If not None, returns exclusively 'alpha' or 'beta' molecular orbitals.
  i_md : int, default=-1
    Selects the `[AOMix Format]` section of the output file.
  interactive : bool
    If True, the user is asked to select the different sets.
  created_by_tmol : bool
    If True and if Cartesian basis set is found, the molecular orbital 
    coefficients will be converted.
  qc (class QCinfo) with attributes geo_spec, geo_info, ao_spec, mo_spec, etot :
    See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.

    aomix_regex = re.compile(r"\[[ ]{,}[Aa][Oo][Mm]ix[ ]+[Ff]ormat[ ]{,}\]")

    if isinstance(fname, str):
        filename = fname
        fname = descriptor_from_file(filename, index=0)
        filename = fname.name

    from io import TextIOWrapper
    if isinstance(fname, TextIOWrapper):
        flines = fname.readlines()  # Read the WHOLE file into RAM
        magic = 'This is an Orbkit magic string'
        text = fname.read().decode("iso-8859-1").replace(
            '\n', '\n{}'.format(magic))
        flines = text.split(magic)

    # Is this really a aomix file?
    if not '[AOMix Format]\n' in flines:
        raise IOError('The input file %s is no valid aomix file!\n\nIt does' %
                      filename + ' not contain the keyword: [AOMix Format]\n')

    def check_sel(count, i, interactive=False):
        if count == 0:
            raise IndexError
        elif count == 1:
            return 0
        message = '\tPlease give an integer from 0 to %d: ' % (count - 1)

            if interactive:
                i = int(input(message))
            i = range(count)[i]
        except (IndexError, ValueError):
            raise IOError(message.replace(':', '!'))
            display('\tSelecting the %s' %
                    ('last element.' if
                     (i == count - 1) else 'element %d.' % i))
        return i

    has_alpha = []
    has_beta = []
    restricted = []
    count = 0
    # Go through the file line by line
    for il in range(len(flines)):
        line = flines[il]  # The current line as string

        # Check the file for keywords
        if aomix_regex.search(line):
            count += 1
        if 'Spin' in line and 'alpha' in line.lower():
            has_alpha[-1] = True
        if 'Spin' in line and 'beta' in line.lower():
            has_beta[-1] = True
        if 'Occup' in line:
            restricted[-1] = restricted[-1] or (float(line.split('=')[1]) >
                                                1. + 1e-4)

    if count == 0:
        raise IOError('The input file %s is no valid aomix file!\n\nIt does' %
                      filename + ' not contain the keyword: [AOMix Format]\n')
        if count > 1:
            display('\nContent of the aomix file:')
            display('\tFound %d [AOMix Format] keywords, i.e., ' % count +
                    'this file contains %d aomix files.' % count)
        i_md = check_sel(count, i_md, interactive=interactive)

    spin_check(spin, restricted[i_md], has_alpha[i_md], has_beta[i_md])

    # Set a counter for the AOs
    basis_count = 0

    # Declare synonyms for molden keywords
    synonyms = {
        'Sym': 'sym',
        'Ene': 'energy',
        'Occup': 'occ_num',
        'Spin': 'spin'
    MO_keys = synonyms.keys()

    lxlylz = []
    count = 0
    start_reading = False
    # Go through the file line by line
    for il in range(len(flines)):
        line = flines[il]  # The current line as string
        thisline = line.split()  # The current line split into segments

        # Check the file for keywords
        if '[aomix format]' in line.lower():
            # A new file begins
            # Initialize the variables
            if i_md == count:
                qc = QCinfo()
                qc.ao_spec = AOClass([])
                qc.mo_spec = MOClass([])
                sec_flag = False  # A Flag specifying the current section
                start_reading = True  # Found the selected section
                start_reading = False
            count += 1
        if start_reading:
            if '[SCF Energy / Hartree]' in line:
                    qc.etot = float(flines[il + 1].split()[0])
                except IndexError:
            elif '[atoms]' in line.lower():
                # The section containing information about
                # the molecular geometry begins
                sec_flag = 'geo_info'
                angstrom = 'Angs' in line
            elif '[gto]' in line.lower():
                # The section containing information about
                # the atomic orbitals begins
                sec_flag = 'ao_info'
                bNew = True  # Indication for start of new AO section
            elif '[mo]' in line.lower():
                # The section containing information about
                # the molecular orbitals begins
                sec_flag = 'mo_info'
                bNew = True  # Indication for start of new MO section
            elif '[sto]' in line.lower():
                # The orbkit does not support Slater type orbitals
                raise IOError('orbkit does not work for STOs!\nEXIT\n')
                # Check if we are in a specific section
                if sec_flag == 'geo_info':
                    # Geometry section
                    qc.geo_spec.append([float(ii) for ii in thisline[3:]])
                if sec_flag == 'ao_info':
                    # Atomic orbital section
                    def check_int(i):
                            return True
                        except ValueError:
                            return False

                    if thisline == []:
                        # There is a blank line after every AO
                        bNew = True
                    elif bNew:
                        # The following AOs are for which atom?
                        bNew = False
                        at_num = int(thisline[0]) - 1
                        ao_num = 0
                    elif len(thisline) == 3 and check_int(thisline[1]):
                        # AO information section
                        # Initialize a new dict for this AO
                        ao_num = 0  # Initialize number of atomic orbiatls
                        ao_type = thisline[
                            0]  # Which type of atomic orbital do we have
                        pnum = int(thisline[1])  # Number of primatives
                        # Calculate the degeneracy of this AO and increase basis_count
                        for i_ao in ao_type:
                            # Calculate the degeneracy of this AO and increase basis_count
                            basis_count += l_deg(lquant[i_ao])
                                'atom': at_num,
                                'type': i_ao,
                                'pnum': pnum,
                                #'ao_spherical': None,
                                'coeffs': numpy.zeros((pnum, 2))
                        # Append the AO coefficients
                        coeffs = numpy.array(line.replace('D', 'e').split(),
                        for i_ao in range(len(ao_type)):
                            qc.ao_spec[-len(ao_type) +
                                       i_ao]['coeffs'][ao_num, :] = [
                                           coeffs[0], coeffs[1 + i_ao]
                        ao_num += 1
                if sec_flag == 'mo_info':
                    # Molecular orbital section
                    if '=' in line:
                        # MO information section
                        if bNew:
                            # Create a numpy array for the MO coefficients and
                            # for backward compability create a simple counter for 'sym'
                                '%d.1' % (len(qc.mo_spec) + 1)
                            bNew = False
                        # Append information to dict of this MO
                        info = line.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')
                        info = info.split('=')
                        if info[0] in MO_keys:
                            if info[0] == 'Spin':
                                info[1] = info[1].lower()
                            elif info[0] != 'Sym':
                                info[1] = float(info[1])
                            elif not '.' in info[1]:
                                from re import search
                                a = search(r'\d+', info[1]).group()
                                if a == info[1]:
                                    info[1] = '%s.1' % a
                                    info[1] = info[1].replace(a, '%s.' % a, 1)
                            qc.mo_spec[-1][synonyms[info[0]]] = info[1]
                        if ('[' or ']') in line:
                            # start of another section that is not (yet) read
                            sec_flag = None
                            # Append the MO coefficients
                            bNew = True  # Reset bNew
                            index = int(thisline[0]) - 1
                                # Try to convert coefficient to float
                                qc.mo_spec[-1]['coeffs'][index] = float(
                                if len(qc.mo_spec) == 1:
                            except ValueError:
                                # If it cannot be converted print error message
                                raise ValueError(
                                    'Error in coefficient %d of MO %s!' %
                                    (index, qc.mo_spec[-1]['sym']) +
                                    '\nSetting this coefficient to zero...')

    # Check usage of same atomic basis sets
    for ii in range(len(lxlylz)):
        s = lxlylz[ii]
        exp = [0, 0, 0]
        c_last = None
        for jj in s[1:]:
                c = int(jj)
                exp[c_last] += (c - 1)
            except ValueError:
                for kk, ll in enumerate('xyz'):
                    if jj == ll:
                        exp[kk] += 1
                        c_last = kk
        lxlylz[ii] = exp

    count = 0
    for i, j in enumerate(qc.ao_spec):
        l = l_deg(lquant[j['type']])
        j['lxlylz'] = []
        for i in range(l):
                (lxlylz[count][0], lxlylz[count][1], lxlylz[count][2]))
            count += 1
        j['lxlylz'] = numpy.array(j['lxlylz'], dtype=numpy.int64)

    # For Cartesian basis sets in Turbomole, the molecular orbital coefficients
    # have to be converted.
    is_tmol_cart = not (len(qc.mo_spec) % len(qc.mo_spec[0]['coeffs']))

    # Are all MOs requested for the calculation?
    if not all_mo:
        for i in range(len(qc.mo_spec))[::-1]:
            if qc.mo_spec[i]['occ_num'] < 0.0000001:
                del qc.mo_spec[i]

    # Modify qc.mo_spec to support spin
    qc.select_spin(restricted[i_md], spin=spin)

    # Convert geo_info and geo_spec to numpy.ndarrays

    if is_tmol_cart and created_by_tmol:
        display('\nFound a Cartesian basis set in the AOMix file.')
        display('We assume that this file has been created by Turbomole.')
            'Applying a conversion to the molecular orbital coefficients, ')
        display('in order to get normalized orbitals.')

        # Convert MO coefficients
        def dfact(n):
            if n <= 0:
                return 1
                return n * dfact(n - 2)

        mo = qc.mo_spec.get_coeffs()
        for i, j in enumerate(qc.ao_spec.get_lxlylz()):
            norm = (dfact(2 * j[0] - 1) * dfact(2 * j[1] - 1) *
                    dfact(2 * j[2] - 1))
            j = sum(j)
            if j > 1:
                mo[:, i] *= numpy.sqrt(norm)
        for ii in range(len(qc.mo_spec)):
            qc.mo_spec[ii]['coeffs'] = mo[ii]

    return qc
def convert_cclib(ccData, all_mo=False, spin=None):
  '''Converts a ccData class created by cclib to an instance of
  orbkit's QCinfo class.

    ccData : class
      Contains the input data created by cclib.
    all_mo : bool, optional
      If True, all molecular orbitals are returned.
    spin : {None, 'alpha', or 'beta'}, optional
      If not None, returns exclusively 'alpha' or 'beta' molecular orbitals.


    qc (class QCinfo) with attributes geo_spec, geo_info, ao_spec, mo_spec, etot :
          See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
  # Initialize the variables 
  qc = QCinfo()
  qc.ao_spec = AOClass([])
  qc.mo_spec = MOClass([])
  # Converting all information concerning atoms and geometry
  qc.geo_spec = ccData.atomcoords[0] * aa_to_a0
  for ii in range(ccData.natom):
    symbol = get_atom_symbol(atom=ccData.atomnos[ii])
  # Convert geo_info and geo_spec to numpy.ndarrays
  # Converting all information about atomic basis set

  for ii in range(ccData.natom):
    for jj in range(len(ccData.gbasis[ii])):
      pnum = len(ccData.gbasis[ii][jj][1])
      qc.ao_spec.append({'atom': ii,
                  'type': str(ccData.gbasis[ii][jj][0]).lower(),
                  'pnum':  pnum,
                  'coeffs': numpy.zeros((pnum, 2))
      for kk in range(pnum):
        qc.ao_spec[-1]['coeffs'][kk][0] = ccData.gbasis[ii][jj][1][kk][0]
        qc.ao_spec[-1]['coeffs'][kk][1] = ccData.gbasis[ii][jj][1][kk][1]
  if hasattr(ccData,'aonames'):
    # Reconstruct exponents list for ao_spec
    cartesian_basis = True
    for i in ccData.aonames:
      if '+' in i or '-' in i:
        cartesian_basis = False

    if not cartesian_basis:
        qc.ao_spec.spherical = True
    count = 0
    for i,ao in enumerate(qc.ao_spec):
      l = l_deg(lquant[ao['type']],cartesian_basis=cartesian_basis)
      if cartesian_basis:
        ao['lxlylz'] = []
        ao['lm'] = []
      for ll in range(l):
        if cartesian_basis:
          m = ccData.aonames[count].lower().split('_')[-1]
          m = m.replace('+',' +').replace('-',' -').replace('s','s 0').split(' ') 
          p = 'yzx'.find(m[0][-1])
          if p != -1:
            m = p - 1
            m = int(m[-1])
        count += 1
  # Converting all information about molecular orbitals
  ele_num = numpy.sum(ccData.atomnos) - numpy.sum(ccData.coreelectrons) - ccData.charge
  ue = (ccData.mult-1)
  # Check for natural orbitals and occupation numbers
  is_natorb = False
  if hasattr(ccData,'nocoeffs'):
    if not hasattr(ccData,'nooccnos'):
      raise IOError('There are natural orbital coefficients (`nocoeffs`) in the cclib' + 
                    ' ccData, but no natural occupation numbers (`nooccnos`)!')
    is_natorb = True
  restricted = (len(ccData.mosyms) == 1)
  if spin is not None:
    if spin != 'alpha' and spin != 'beta':
      raise IOError('`spin=%s` is not a valid option' % spin)
    elif restricted:
      raise IOError('The keyword `spin` is only supported for unrestricted calculations.')
      display('Converting only molecular orbitals of spin %s.' % spin)
  sym = {}
  if len(ccData.mosyms) == 1:
    add = ['']
    orb_sym = [None]
    add = ['_a','_b']      
    orb_sym = ['alpha','beta']
  nmo = ccData.nmo if hasattr(ccData,'nmo') else len(ccData.mocoeffs[0])  
  for ii in range(nmo):    
    for i,j in enumerate(add):
      a = '%s%s' % (ccData.mosyms[i][ii],j)
      if a not in sym.keys(): sym[a] = 1
      else: sym[a] += 1
      if is_natorb:
        occ_num = ccData.nooccnos[ii]
      elif not restricted:
        occ_num = 1.0 if ii <= ccData.homos[i] else 0.0
      elif ele_num > ue:
        occ_num = 2.0
        ele_num -= 2.0
      elif ele_num > 0.0 and ele_num <= ue: 
        occ_num = 1.0
        ele_num -= 1.0
        ue -= 1.0
        occ_num = 0.0
      qc.mo_spec.append({'coeffs': (ccData.nocoeffs if is_natorb else ccData.mocoeffs[i])[ii],
              'energy': 0.0 if is_natorb else ccData.moenergies[i][ii]*ev_to_ha,
              'occ_num': occ_num,
              'sym': '%d.%s' %(sym[a],a)
      if orb_sym[i] is not None:
        qc.mo_spec[-1]['spin'] = orb_sym[i]
        if spin is not None and spin != orb_sym[i]:
          del qc.mo_spec[-1]
  # Use default order for atomic basis functions if aonames is not present
  if not hasattr(ccData,'aonames'):
    display('The attribute `aonames` is not present in the parsed data.')
    display('Using the default order of basis functions.')
    # Check which basis functions have been used
    c_cart = sum([l_deg(l=ao['type'], cartesian_basis=True) for ao in qc.ao_spec])
    c_sph = sum([l_deg(l=ao['type'], cartesian_basis=False) for ao in qc.ao_spec])
    c = qc.mo_spec.get_coeffs().shape[-1]
    if c != c_cart and c == c_sph: # Spherical basis
    elif c != c_cart:
      display('Warning: The basis set type does not match with pure spherical ' +
              'or pure Cartesian basis!') 
      display('Please specify qc.ao_spec["lxlylz"] and/or qc.ao_spec["lm"] by your self.')
  # Are all MOs requested for the calculation? 
  if not all_mo:
    for i in range(len(qc.mo_spec))[::-1]:
      if qc.mo_spec[i]['occ_num'] < 0.0000001:
        del qc.mo_spec[i]

  return qc
文件: wfn.py 项目: wangvei/orbkit
def read_wfn(fname, all_mo=False, spin=None, **kwargs):
    '''Reads all information desired from a wfn file.
    fname: str, file descriptor
      Specifies the filename for the input file.
      fname can also be used with a file descriptor instad of a filename.
    all_mo : bool, optional
      If True, all molecular orbitals are returned.
    qc (class QCinfo) with attributes geo_spec, geo_info, ao_spec, mo_spec, etot :
        See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
    if spin is not None:
        raise IOError(
            'The option `spin` is not supported for the `.wfn` reader.')

    # Initialize the variables
    qc = QCinfo()
    qc.ao_spec = AOClass([])
    qc.mo_spec = MOClass([])
    sec_flag = None  # A Flag specifying the current section
    is_wfn = False  # Check type of file
    ao_num = 0  # Number of AO
    mo_num = 0  # Number of MO
    at_num = 0  # Number of atoms
    c_type = 0  # Counting variable for AO type
    c_exp = 0  # Counting variable for AO exponents
    lxlylz = []
    for j in exp_wfn:
    lxlylz = numpy.array(lxlylz, dtype=numpy.int64)

    if isinstance(fname, str):
        filename = fname
        fname = descriptor_from_file(filename, index=0)
        filename = fname.name

    from io import TextIOWrapper
    if isinstance(fname, TextIOWrapper):
        flines = fname.readlines()  # Read the WHOLE file into RAM
        magic = 'This is an Orbkit magic string'
        text = fname.read().decode("iso-8859-1").replace(
            '\n', '\n{}'.format(magic))
        flines = text.split(magic)

    for line in flines:
        thisline = line.split()  # The current line split into segments
        # Check the file for keywords
        if 'GAUSSIAN' in line or 'GTO' in line:
            if len(thisline) == 8:
                mo_num = int(thisline[1])
                ao_num = int(thisline[4])
                at_num = int(thisline[6])
                sec_flag = 'geo_info'
        elif 'CENTRE ASSIGNMENTS' in line:
            thisline = line[20:].split()
            for i in range(len(thisline)):
                    'atom': int(thisline[i]) - 1,
                    'pnum': -1,
                    'coeffs': None,
                    'lxlylz': None,
                    #'lm': None
        elif 'TYPE ASSIGNMENTS' in line:
            thisline = line[18:].split()
            for i in range(len(thisline)):
                qc.ao_spec[c_type]['lxlylz'] = lxlylz[int(thisline[i]) -
                qc.ao_spec[c_type]['type'] = orbit[sum(lxlylz[int(i) - 1])]
                c_type += 1
        elif 'EXPONENTS' in line:
            thisline = line.replace('EXPONENTS', '').replace('D', 'E').split()
            for i in thisline:
                qc.ao_spec[c_exp]['coeffs'] = numpy.array([[float(i), 1.0]])
                c_exp += 1
        elif 'MO' in line and 'OCC NO =' in line and 'ORB. ENERGY =' in line:
                'coeffs': numpy.zeros(ao_num),
                'energy': float(line[25:].split()[7]),
                'occ_num': float(line[25:].split()[3]),
                'sym': '%s.1' % thisline[1]
            sec_flag = 'mo_info'
            c_mo = 0  # Counting variable for MOs
            if sec_flag == 'geo_info':
                if not at_num:
                    sec_flag = None
                elif at_num:
                        [thisline[0], thisline[-7][:-1], thisline[-1]])
                    qc.geo_spec.append([float(ii) for ii in thisline[-6:-3]])
                    at_num -= 1
            elif sec_flag == 'mo_info':
                for i in thisline:
                    if (c_mo) < ao_num:
                        qc.mo_spec[-1]['coeffs'][c_mo] = numpy.array(
                            float(i.replace('D', 'E')))
                        c_mo += 1
                    if (c_mo) == ao_num:
                        sec_flag = None

    if isinstance(fname, str):
        fname.close()  # Leave existing file descriptors alive

    # Remove numbers from atom names
    for i in qc.geo_info:
        i[0] = ''.join([k for k in i[0] if not k.isdigit()])
    # Convert geo_info and geo_spec to numpy.ndarrays

    return qc