def test_get_fresh(self): ed = ExperimentDefinition() self.addCleanup(self._del_table, "experiment") ed.create_table(self._db) ed_2 = ExperimentDefinition() ed_f = ExperimentDefinition() ed_f.load_fresh(self._db) self.assertEqual(ed_f._trace_id, 1) ed_f_2 = ExperimentDefinition() ed_f_2.load_fresh(self._db) self.assertEqual(ed_f_2._trace_id, 2)
def do_work(self, central_db_obj, sched_db_obj, trace_id=None): """ Args: - central_db_obj: DB object configured to access the analysis database. - sched_db_obj: DB object configured to access the slurm database of an experiment worker. - trace_id: If set to an experiment valid trace_id, it runs only the experiment identified by trace_id. """ there_are_more=True while there_are_more: ed = ExperimentDefinition() if trace_id: ed.load(central_db_obj, trace_id) ed.mark_pre_simulating(central_db_obj) else: there_are_more = ed.load_fresh(central_db_obj) if there_are_more: print(("About to run exp({0}):{1}".format( ed._trace_id, ed._name))) er = ExperimentRunner(ed) if(er.do_full_run(sched_db_obj, central_db_obj)): print(("Exp({0}) Done".format( ed._trace_id))) else: print(("Exp({0}) Error!".format( ed._trace_id))) if trace_id: break
def test_get_fresh_concurrent(self): ed = ExperimentDefinition() self.addCleanup(self._del_table, "experiment") ed.create_table(self._db) for i in range(200): if os.path.exists("./out.file"): os.remove("./out.file") out = open("./out.file", "w") p = subprocess.Popen(["python", "./"], stdout=out) count = 0 there_are_more = True ids = [] while there_are_more: ed_f = ExperimentDefinition() there_are_more = ed_f.load_fresh(self._db) if there_are_more: ids.append(ed_f._trace_id) time.sleep(5) out.flush() out.close() out = open("./out.file", "r") lines = out.readlines() other_ids = [] for line in lines: if "END2" in line: print("") text_list = line.split("END2: [")[1] text_list = text_list.split("]")[0] other_ids = [int(x) for x in text_list.split(",")] self.assertGreater(len(ids), 0) self.assertGreater(len(other_ids), 0) for id in ids: self.assertNotIn(id, other_ids) print(("IDs", ids, other_ids))
from commonLib.DBManager import DB from orchestration.definition import ExperimentDefinition import os db_obj = DB(os.getenv("TEST_DB_HOST", ""), os.getenv("TEST_DB_NAME", "test"), os.getenv("TEST_DB_USER", "root"), os.getenv("TEST_DB_PASS", "")) there_are_more = True ids = [] while there_are_more: ed_f = ExperimentDefinition() there_are_more = ed_f.load_fresh(db_obj) if there_are_more: ids.append(ed_f._trace_id) print("END2:", ids) print("END3")