def test_CreateGroup():
    for num in range(10):
        # threshold = recombination number of private key
        # totalPlayers = total number in group
        totalPlayers = randint(101, 150)
        threshold = randint(3, 50)
        # Contains core logic for orchestrating (co-ordination) Threshold Signature
        coordinator = orchestrator.Orchestrator()
        proposer = "proposer" + str(num) + "@sdk.co.uk"

        # Orchestrator creates the group with n total player
        groupId, invitees = coordinator.createGroup(proposer, threshold,

        # Verify Recombination Threshold calculation applies, which is 2*t + 1 < = total number of player
        assert len(groupId) == 36, "Test failed"
        assert len(invitees) == 0, "Test failed"

        totalInvitation = []
        for ordinal in range(totalPlayers):
            userId = "player" + str(ordinal) + "@sdk.co.uk"

            # Register each player in the group with Orchestrator
            coordinator.register(userId, "player" + str(ordinal))
            # Orchestrator receiving inivitation reply from each player
                coordinator.acceptInvite(userId, groupId, True))

        # Returns a list of players participating in the group
        teamList = coordinator.getParticipants(groupId)
        # Verify the validation of the group
        assert len(teamList) == totalPlayers, "Test failed"
        assert coordinator.validGroup(groupId), "Test failed"
        assert len(totalInvitation) == totalPlayers, "Test failed"
def test_PlayerGroupMetadata():
    for num in range(10):
        # threshold = recombination number of private key
        # totalPlayers = total number in group
        totalPlayers = randint(101, 150)
        threshold = randint(3, 50)
        # Contains core logic for orchestrating (co-ordination) Threshold Signature
        coordinator = orchestrator.Orchestrator()
        proposer = "proposer" + str(num) + "@sdk.co.uk"

        # Orchestrator creates the group with n total player
        groupId, invitees = coordinator.createGroup(proposer, threshold,

        # Verify Recombination Threshold calculation applies, which is 2*t + 1 < = total number of player
        assert len(groupId) == 36, "Test failed"
        assert len(invitees) == 0, "Test failed"

        totalInvitation = []
        for ordinal in range(totalPlayers):
            userId = "player" + str(ordinal) + "@sdk.co.uk"

            # Register player in the group with Orchestrator
            coordinator.register(userId, "player" + str(ordinal))
                coordinator.acceptInvite(userId, groupId, True))

        # Returns a list of players participating in the group
        teamList = coordinator.getParticipants(groupId)
        # Verify the validation of the group
        assert len(teamList) == totalPlayers, "Test failed"
        assert coordinator.validGroup(groupId), "Test failed"
        assert len(totalInvitation) == totalPlayers, "Test failed"

        playerList = []
        for num, userName in enumerate(teamList):
            # Returns a list of users which is the participant List
            ordinal, listExcludingUser, degree = coordinator.getGroupIsSetParameters(
                userName, groupId)

            # To create each player metadata
            gpMetadata = player.PlayerGroupMetadata(printLog, num, ordinal,
                                                    listExcludingUser, degree,

            # verifying metadata info of each player in the group
            assert gpMetadata.ordinal == ordinal, "Test failed"
            assert gpMetadata.degree == coordinator.getDegree(
                groupId), "Test failed"
            assert gpMetadata.presignInitiator is False, "Test failed"
        assert len(playerList) == totalPlayers, "Test failed"
def test_ThresholdPlusThresholdPlusOne_Equal_TotalPlayer():
    for num in range(10):
        # threshold = recombination number of private key
        # totalPlayers = total number in group
        threshold = randint(3, 50)
        totalPlayers = threshold + threshold + 1
        coordinator = orchestrator.Orchestrator()
        proposer = "proposer" + str(num) + "@sdk.co.uk"
        groupId, invitees = coordinator.createGroup(proposer, threshold,

        # Verify Recombination Threshold calculation applies, which is 2*t + 1 < = total number of player
        assert len(groupId) == 36, "Test failed"
        assert len(invitees) == 0, "Test failed"
def main(args, rootDir):
    # Import is done here to avoid library re-initialization with mutiprocessing
    import orchestrator
        # Load context / configuration
        configPath = args.get('config')
        dataPath = args.get('p')

        if not os.path.isabs(configPath):
            configPath = os.path.join(rootDir, configPath)

        context = entities.context.Context(configPath)
        context.dataPath = dataPath

        setContextParameters(context, rootDir)

        command = args.get('c')

        # Do job
        if command == 'train':
            logger = utils.log.Logging(['info'], context)
            orchest = orchestrator.Orchestrator(logger)

        elif command == 'detect':
            logger = utils.log.Logging(['info'], context)
            orchest = orchestrator.Orchestrator(logger)
        elif command == 'measure':

    except Exception as e:
            logger.error(e, traceback.format_exc())
        except Exception as e1:
            print('Exception1:', e, traceback.format_exc())
            print('Exception2: ', e1, traceback.format_exc())
def test_TotalPlayer_Less_Or_Equal_Two():
    for num in range(10):
        # threshold = recombination number of private key
        # totalPlayers = total number in group
        threshold = randint(-100, 0)
        totalPlayers = threshold + threshold + 1
        coordinator = orchestrator.Orchestrator()
        proposer = "proposer" + str(num) + "@sdk.co.uk"
            groupId, invitees = coordinator.createGroup(
                proposer, threshold, totalPlayers)
            # Verify Recombination Threshold calculation applies, which is 2*t + 1 < = total number of player
            assert len(groupId) == 36, "Test failed"
            assert len(invitees) == 0, "Test failed"

        except Exception as errorMsg:

            assert "Parameters are not valid!" in str(errorMsg), "Test failed"
    def __init__(self, socket, config_file, haproxy_file):
        """Parse the config file and create corresponding watchers and pools"""
        self._watchers = []
        self._orchestrators = []

        # Config parser
        self._configurator = configurator.Configurator(socket, config_file,

        # Get list of services and their configs
        services = self._configurator.parse_config()

        # Write the initial configuration to file

        # If there is an existing HAProxy running that is using the same
        # pid file, take over the existing to avoid conflicts
        if haproxy_cmd.haproxy_proc():

        # Instantiate initial connection to haproxy socket only once
        haproxy_sock = haproxy.HAProxy(socket_dir=socket)

        # Share the single instance of haproxy socket and config parser for
        # efficiency
        for service_name, service in services.items():
                watcher.Watcher(service_name, service, self._configurator))

            # Only create orchestrators when the config is present
            if 'elasticity' in service:
                    orchestrator.Orchestrator(service_name, service,

        # Run self._cleanup on exit
文件: cli.py 项目: saji-v/EasyJobLite
def start(type, url, import_paths, max_retries, asyc_timeout,
          eqc_sleep_duration, workers_log_file_path, dead_message_log_file,
    """command to start a worker"""
    # todo: get rabbitmq config params from command line (e.g. user, passwd, host separately)
    logger = logging.getLogger("easyjobcli:start")

    orst = orchestrator.Orchestrator(

    pid = os.getpid()

    orst.update_consumer_pid(type, pid)

    logger.info("started worker of type {} with pid {}".format(type, pid))

import orchestrator as o
from tensorforce import Agent, Environment
import pickle

env = o.Orchestrator()

model_dir = './data/m1/'

num_ep = 100
max_ep_ts = 200

# Pre-defined or custom environment
environment = Environment.create(
    environment='gym', level=env, max_episode_timesteps=max_ep_ts

# Instantiate a Tensorforce agent
agent = Agent.create(
    environment=environment,  # alternatively: states, actions, (max_episode_timesteps)
        directory=(model_dir + 'checkpoints'),
        frequency=2  # save checkpoint every 10 updates

output = []
def test_setSigner():
    for num in range(1):
        # threshold = recombination number of private key
        # totalPlayers = total number in group
        totalPlayers = 5
        threshold = 3
        # Contains core logic for orchestrating (co-ordination) Threshold Signature
        coordinator = orchestrator.Orchestrator()
        proposer = "proposer" + str(num) + "@sdk.co.uk"

        # Orchestrator creates the group with n total player
        groupId, invitees = coordinator.createGroup(proposer, threshold,

        # Verify Recombination Threshold calculation applies, which is 2*t + 1 < = total number of player
        assert len(groupId) == 36, "Test failed"
        assert len(invitees) == 0, "Test failed"

        totalInvitation = []
        for ordinal in range(totalPlayers):
            userId = "player" + str(ordinal) + "@sdk.co.uk"

            # Register player in the group with Orchestrator
            coordinator.register(userId, "player" + str(ordinal))
                coordinator.acceptInvite(userId, groupId, True))

        # Returns a list of players participating in the group
        teamList = coordinator.getParticipants(groupId)

        # Verify the validation of the group
        assert len(teamList) == totalPlayers, "Test failed"
        assert coordinator.validGroup(groupId), "Test failed"
        assert len(totalInvitation) == totalPlayers, "Test failed"

        playerList = []
        for num in range(len(teamList)):

        for num, userName in enumerate(playerList):
            ordinal = 1
            userOrdinal = 1
            ordlist = []
            for num1, userid in enumerate(playerList):
                if userName == userid:
                    userOrdinal = ordinal
                    ordinal += 1
                    ordlist.append((ordinal, ' '))
                    ordinal += 1
            # Add Group - create the PlayerGroupMetadata, create the Polynomial, and call pre-calculation
            playerList[num].addGroup(groupId, userOrdinal, ordlist,
                                     threshold - 1)
            fx = len(playerList[num].groups[groupId].transientData.f_x)

            # verifying metadata info of each player in the group
            assert playerList[num].GroupIDs() == groupId, "Test failed"
            assert playerList[num].groups[
                groupId].ordinal == userOrdinal, "Test failed"
            assert len(playerList[num].groups[groupId].transientData.evals
                       ) == len(teamList) - 1, "Test failed"
            assert fx == 64, "Test failed"

        # Received all encrypted coefficient data, distribute of the players
        for num in range(len(teamList)):
            gpId = playerList[num].GroupIDs()
            ord = playerList[num].groups[groupId].ordinal
            hidPoly = playerList[num].groups[
            hidEval = playerList[num].groups[groupId].transientData.hiddenEvals

            # Received all encrypted coefficient data, distribute
            allEncryptedRec = coordinator.collateData(gpId, ord, hidPoly,

        # Verify all encrypted coefficient data, distribute of the players are received
        assert allEncryptedRec, "Test failed"

        # To create a secret - used to create a privateKeyShare, little-k, alpha
        for caltype in ['PRIVATEKEYSHARE', 'ALPHA', 'LITTLEK']:

            for num in range(len(teamList)):
                gpId = playerList[num].GroupIDs()
                tordinal = playerList[num].groups[groupId].ordinal
                frmOrdinal = playerList[num].groups[groupId].ordinalList
                fx = playerList[num].groups[groupId].transientData.f_x
                # 1st time through JVRSS don't need to generate new polynomial
                # 2nd and 3rd times through JVRSS need to create new polynomial
                groupid, ord, hidPoly, hidEval = playerList[num].requestData(
                    gpId, caltype)

                # The Orchestrator collates data for all players
                allCollateData = coordinator.collateData(
                    groupid, ord, hidPoly, hidEval)

                # The Orchestrator receives collated data
                collatedHidPolys, collatedHidEval = coordinator.getCollatedData(

                # add evals to sumOfEvals - this is the shared secret
                #   - used for privateKeyShare, little-k, alpha
                allEvalsReceivedOrch = coordinator.allEvalsReceived(
                    gpId, tordinal)
                for frmOrd in enumerate(frmOrdinal):
                    # All Players have received all their evals
                    allEvalsReceivedPlay = playerList[num].allEvalsReceived(
                        gpId, tordinal, frmOrd, fx)

                # To create a secret - used to create a privateKeyShare, little-k, alpha
                groupId, result = playerList[num].createSecret(
                    gpId, caltype, collatedHidPolys, collatedHidEval)
                priKey = playerList[num].groups[groupId].privateKeyShare
                pubKey = playerList[num].groups[groupId].publicKeyShare

                # Verify the created Public keys
                assert groupId == gpId, "Test failed"
                assert len(str(result)) == 64 or len(
                    str(result)) == 62, "Test failed"
                assert len(str(pubKey)) == 66, "Test failed"

            # Verify all Players have received their evaluation values
            assert allEvalsReceivedPlay, "Test failed"
            # assert allEvalsReceivedOrch, "Test failed"

            # Verify all data for all players are colllated by Orchestrator
            assert allCollateData, "Test failed"

        # Calculate V and W share for each player
        for num in range(len(teamList)):
            grpOrdinal, shareVW = playerList[num].getVWshares(groupId)

            # collate V and W data
            allVWdataCollated = coordinator.collateVWData(
                groupId, grpOrdinal, shareVW)

        # get collated V and W data
        collatedVW = coordinator.getCollatedVWData(groupId)
        for num in range(len(teamList)):
            # sets the collated VW Data for all players in group
            playerList[num].setSharedVWData(groupId, collatedVW)
            # Verify ephemeral key for each player
            ephemeralKeysCompleted = coordinator.allEphemeralKeysCompleted(
                teamList[num], groupId)

        # Verify all V and W data for all players are collated
        assert allVWdataCollated, "Test failed"
        # Verify all ephemeral keys for all players are completed
        assert ephemeralKeysCompleted, "Test failed"

        for num in range(len(teamList)):
            playerShareInitiator = playerList[num].isShareInitiator(
            playerPresignInitiator = playerList[num].isPresignInitiator(
            # verify each player's share and pre-sign initiator in the group
            assert playerShareInitiator, "Test failed"
            assert playerPresignInitiator, "Test failed"

        # collection of all player's signatures
        for num in range(len(teamList)):
            hMSG = playerList[num].hashMessage(msg)
            index = 0

            # Request all player's signature
            grpId, grpOrd, sValue, playersMsg = playerList[
                num].requestSignatureData(playerList[num].GroupIDs(), index,

            # collate signature data
            allSignCollated = coordinator.signature(grpId, grpOrd, sValue)

        # get collated signature data
        collatedSign = coordinator.getSignatureData(grpId)

        # Verify all signature data from all players are collated
        assert allSignCollated, "Test failed"

        # for num in range(len(teamList)):
        signer, sign0 = playerList[0].sign(playerList[0].GroupIDs(), hMSG,
        assert len(str(signer)) == 64, "Test failed"
def test_AddGroup():
    for num in range(10):
        # threshold = recombination number of private key
        # totalPlayers = total number in group
        totalPlayers = randint(11, 13)
        threshold = randint(3, 5)
        # Contains core logic for orchestrating (co-ordination) Threshold Signature
        coordinator = orchestrator.Orchestrator()
        proposer = "proposer" + str(num) + "@sdk.co.uk"

        # Orchestrator creates the group with n total player
        groupId, invitees = coordinator.createGroup(proposer, threshold,

        # Verify Recombination Threshold calculation applies, which is 2*t + 1 < = total number of player
        assert len(groupId) == 36, "Test failed"
        assert len(invitees) == 0, "Test failed"

        totalInvitation = []
        for ordinal in range(totalPlayers):
            userId = "player" + str(ordinal) + "@sdk.co.uk"

            # Register player in the group with Orchestrator
            coordinator.register(userId, "player" + str(ordinal))
                coordinator.acceptInvite(userId, groupId, True))

        # Returns a list of players participating in the group
        teamList = coordinator.getParticipants(groupId)
        # Verify the validation of the group
        assert len(teamList) == totalPlayers, "Test failed"
        assert coordinator.validGroup(groupId), "Test failed"
        assert len(totalInvitation) == totalPlayers, "Test failed"

        playerList = []
        for num in range(len(teamList)):

        for num, userName in enumerate(playerList):
            ordinal = 1
            userOrdinal = 1
            ordlist = []
            for num1, userid in enumerate(playerList):
                if userName == userid:
                    userOrdinal = ordinal
                    ordinal += 1
                    ordlist.append((ordinal, ' '))
                    ordinal += 1
            # Add Group - create the PlayerGroupMetadata, create the Polynomial, and call pre-calculation
            playerList[num].addGroup(groupId, userOrdinal, ordlist,
                                     threshold - 1)
            fx = len(playerList[num].groups[groupId].transientData.f_x)

            # verifying metadata info of each player in the group
            assert playerList[num].GroupIDs() == groupId, "Test failed"
            assert playerList[num].groups[
                groupId].ordinal == userOrdinal, "Test failed"
            assert len(playerList[num].groups[groupId].transientData.evals
                       ) == len(teamList) - 1, "Test failed"
            assert fx == 62 or fx == 64, "Test failed"