def decryptPassword(encryptedpassword, key): secretKey = Base64.decodeBase64(key) seckeySpec = SecretKeySpec(secretKey, "AES") if encryptedpassword is not None and encryptedpassword is not ' ': encData = Base64.decodeBase64(encryptedpassword) cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, seckeySpec) decrypted = cipher.doFinal(encData) originalString = decrypted.tostring() return originalString
def authenticate_user_in_azure(tenant_id, user_name, pwd, client_id, client_secret): post_params_json = { 'resource': AZURE_AD_GRAPH_RESOURCE_ENDPOINT, 'client_id': client_id, 'client_secret': client_secret, 'username': user_name, 'password': pwd, 'grant_type': 'password', 'scope': 'openid' } post_params_url_encoded = urllib.urlencode(post_params_json) headers_json = { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept': 'application/json' } conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(MICROSOFT_AUTHORITY_URL + ':443') relative_url = '/' + tenant_id + '/oauth2/token' conn.request('POST', relative_url, post_params_url_encoded, headers_json) response = conn.getresponse() # print response.status, response.reason azure_response = conn.close() # print "Response Data: %s" % azure_response azure_response_json = json.loads(azure_response) if 'id_token' in azure_response_json: id_token = azure_response_json['id_token'] id_token_array = String(id_token).split("\\.") id_token_payload = id_token_array[1] id_token_payload_str = String( Base64.decodeBase64(id_token_payload), 'UTF-8') return str(id_token_payload_str) else: return azure_response
def log_plot(self, plot, name=None, footer=None): if name == None: name = "Scripting plot" if not plot is None and hasattr(plot, 'pv'): if footer is None: if hasattr(plot, 'title'): footer = plot.title try: self.logger.appendImageEntry(name, plot.pv.getPlot().getImage(), footer) except: print 'failed to send plot to notebook db' elif not plot is None and hasattr(plot, 'cache'): if footer is None: if hasattr(plot, 'title'): footer = plot.title try: from org.apache.commons.codec.binary import Base64 from java.lang import String self.logger.appendImageEntry( name, String(Base64.encodeBase64(plot.cache.getImageCache())), footer) except: print 'failed to send plot to notebook db'
def retrieveBody(delivery): if == "DEF": compressed = Base64.decodeBase64(String(delivery.body).getBytes("UTF-8")) inflated = ByteArrayOutputStream() inflatedOs = InflaterOutputStream(inflated) inflatedOs.write(compressed) inflatedOs.close() return inflated.toString("UTF-8") else: return String(delivery.body, "UTF-8")
def decodeMessage(wrapper, message): result = "" decoded = Base64.decodeBase64(message) try: Z = String(decoded, "UTF-8") result = Z.split(wrapper)[1] except Exception as ex: self._logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error decoding a Tango message", ex) self._logger.log(Level.SEVERE, traceback.format_exc()) return result
def decodeMessage(wrapper, message): result = "" decoded = Base64.decodeBase64(message) try: Z = String(decoded, "UTF-8") result = Z.split(wrapper)[1] except Exception as ex: # Error decoding a Tango message. pass return result
def retrieveBody(delivery): if == "DEF": compressed = Base64.decodeBase64( String(delivery.body).getBytes("UTF-8")) inflated = ByteArrayOutputStream() inflatedOs = InflaterOutputStream(inflated) inflatedOs.write(compressed) inflatedOs.close() return inflated.toString("UTF-8") else: return String(delivery.body, "UTF-8")
def set_credentials(self, request): if self.username: username = self.username password = self.password elif self.params.getUsername(): username = self.params.getUsername() password = self.params.getPassword() else: return encoding = Base64.encodeBase64String(String(username + ':' + password).getBytes()) request.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + encoding)
def setCredentials(self, request): if self.username: username = self.username password = self.password elif self.params.getUsername(): username = self.params.getUsername() password = self.params.getPassword() else: return encoding = Base64.encodeBase64String(String(username + ':' + password).getBytes('ISO-8859-1')) request.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + encoding)
def test_JCD(im, silence=False): """ Testing: Joint Color Descriptor (JCD) """ if not silence: print "" print "JCD:" jcd = JCD() jcd.extract(im) return ( "n/a", #jcd.getStringRepresentation() Base64.encodeBase64String( jcd.getByteArrayRepresentation()), ParallelSolrIndexer.arrayToString( BitSampling.generateHashes( jcd.getDoubleHistogram())))
def test_PHOG(im, silence=False): """ Testing: Pyramidal Histogram of Gradient (PHOG) Descriptor """ if not silence: print "" print "PHOG:" phog = PHOG() phog.extract(im) return ( "n/a", # phog.getStringRepresentation() Base64.encodeBase64String( phog.getByteArrayRepresentation()), ParallelSolrIndexer.arrayToString( BitSampling.generateHashes( phog.getDoubleHistogram())))
def test_color_layout(im, silence=False): """ Testing: color layout """ if not silence: print "" print "Color Layout:" colorlay = ColorLayout() colorlay.extract(im) return ( colorlay.getStringRepresentation(), Base64.encodeBase64String( colorlay.getByteArrayRepresentation()), ParallelSolrIndexer.arrayToString( BitSampling.generateHashes( colorlay.getDoubleHistogram())))
def test_edge_histogram(im, silence=False): """ Testing: edge histogram """ if not silence: print "" print "Edge Histogram:" edgehist = EdgeHistogram() edgehist.extract(im) return ( edgehist.getStringRepresentation(), Base64.encodeBase64String( edgehist.getByteArrayRepresentation()), ParallelSolrIndexer.arrayToString( BitSampling.generateHashes( edgehist.getDoubleHistogram())))
def test_opponent_histogram(im, silence=False): """ Testing: opponent histogram """ # sb.append(arrayToString(BitSampling.generateHashes(feature.getDoubleHistogram()))); if not silence: print "" print "Opponent Histogram:" opphist = OpponentHistogram() opphist.extract(im) return ( opphist.getStringRepresentation(), Base64.encodeBase64String( opphist.getByteArrayRepresentation()), ParallelSolrIndexer.arrayToString( BitSampling.generateHashes( opphist.getDoubleHistogram())))
def encryptPassword(password): if password is not None and password is not ' ': cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec) encrypted = cipher.doFinal(password) encodeTxt = Base64.encodeBase64(encrypted) return encodeTxt.tostring()
def set_basic_credentials(self, request): credentials = self.get_credentials() encoding = Base64.encodeBase64String( String(credentials["username"] + ':' + credentials["password"]).getBytes()) request.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + encoding)
def encodeCommand(cmdlet): # return String(Base64().encode(cmdlet)) utf16bytes = list(String(cmdlet).getBytes('UTF-16')) utf16bytes = utf16bytes[3:] utf16bytes.append(0) return String(Base64().encode(utf16bytes))
ntpipelineapiSet = mbo.getMboSet("NTPIPELINEAPI") if ntpipelineapiSet.isEmpty(): service.error('ntpipeline', 'pipelineMap', None) #Break pipelineapi = ntpipelineapiSet.moveFirst() uri = host + '/os/' uri = uri + pipelineapi.getString("INTOBJECTNAME") uri = uri + '?lean=1&oslc.where=' #MAXDOMAINID=' uri = uri + pipelineapi.getString("UNIQUECOLUMN") + '=' uri = uri + str(mbo.getInt("FOREIGNKEY")) uri = uri + '&*' clientid = "maxadmin" clientsecurity = "maxadmin" # get authentication header auth = clientid + ":" + clientsecurity encodedAuth = String(Base64.encodeBase64(String.getBytes(auth, 'ISO-8859-1')), "UTF-8") authHeader = str(encodedAuth) # get http parameters params = BasicHttpParams() paramsBean = HttpProtocolParamBean(params) paramsBean.setVersion(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1) paramsBean.setContentCharset("UTF-8") paramsBean.setUseExpectContinue(True) # get http body entities formparams = ArrayList() #formparams.add(BasicNameValuePair("username", username)) entity = UrlEncodedFormEntity(formparams, "UTF-8")
from java.lang import System, String from java.util import Properties from java.math import BigInteger from import * from javax.crypto import KeyGenerator, SecretKey, Cipher from javax.crypto.spec import SecretKeySpec from org.apache.log4j import Logger from org.apache.commons.codec.binary import Base64 log = Logger.getLogger('password_encrypter') kgen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES") kgen.init(128) skey = kgen.generateKey() raw = skey.getEncoded() rawkey = Base64.encodeBase64(raw).tostring() skeySpec = SecretKeySpec(raw, "AES") cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES") def encryptPassword(password): if password is not None and password is not ' ': cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec) encrypted = cipher.doFinal(password) encodeTxt = Base64.encodeBase64(encrypted) return encodeTxt.tostring() def encryptAllPasswords(configfile):"Encrypting Passwords in config file") if (configfile is not None and not ''):
azure_response = conn.close() print "Response Data: %s" % azure_response azure_response_json = json.loads(azure_response) if 'id_token' in azure_response_json: id_token = azure_response_json['id_token'] id_token_array = String(id_token).split("\\.") id_token_payload = id_token_array[1] id_token_payload_str = String(Base64.decodeBase64(id_token_payload), 'UTF-8') return str(id_token_payload_str) else: return azure_response print "Start Time: %s" % pwd = String(Base64.decodeBase64('UHJhbWF0aUAxMjM='), 'UTF-8') auth_response = authenticate_user_in_azure(AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_USER_NAME, pwd, AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET) print "End Time: %s" % print "Auth response: %s" % auth_response azure_auth_response_json = json.loads(auth_response) if 'upn' in azure_auth_response_json: name = azure_auth_response_json['upn'] print "upn is present: %s" % name elif 'error' in azure_auth_response_json: error = azure_auth_response_json['error'] error_msg = azure_auth_response_json['error_description'] print "Error is %s" % error print "Error Message is %s" % error_msg # azureAuthConnector = AzureAuthConnector()
# # Copyright 2019 XEBIALABS # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # from import ByteArrayInputStream from org.apache.commons.codec.binary import Base64 from org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel import XSSFWorkbook from templateImportExcel.TemplateImportExcelClientUtil import Template_Import_Excel_Client_Util"Executing templateImportExcel/") targetFolderId = request.entity['data']['targetFolderId'] templateName = request.entity['data']['templateName'] workbook = XSSFWorkbook( ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.decodeBase64( request.entity['data']['result']))) print "created workbook\n" client = Template_Import_Excel_Client_Util.create_client( workbook, targetFolderId, templateName, templateApi, phaseApi, taskApi) client.convertWorkbookToTemplate()"Exiting")
def executeSSOTest(): reqInstant = dateFormat.format(GregorianCalendar(utctz).getTime()) reqId = UUID.randomUUID().toString() authnRequest = props.get('shib.sp.authnreq') % (idpSSOEndpoint, reqId, reqInstant, spId) webClient = WebClient() webClient.setUseInsecureSSL(True) listreq = ArrayList() listreq.add( NameValuePair( "SAMLRequest", String(Base64.encodeBase64(String(authnRequest).getBytes()), 'US-ASCII'))) wrs = WebRequestSettings(URL(idpSSOEndpoint), HttpMethod.POST) wrs.setRequestParameters(listreq) if props.get('shib.idp.auth') == 'FORM': webClient.setRedirectEnabled(True) if debug: log("sending SSO request to: " + idpSSOEndpoint, stdout) wr = webClient.loadWebResponse(wrs) if debug: log("Response content: \n" + wr.getContentAsString(), stdout) if wr.getStatusCode() != 200: raise Exception('Invalid HTTP response code: ' + str(wr.getStatusCode())) wrs.setHttpMethod(HttpMethod.POST) listauth = ArrayList() listauth.add(NameValuePair("j_username", props.get(''))) listauth.add(NameValuePair("j_password", props.get('shib.user.pass'))) wrs.setRequestParameters(listauth) wrs.setUrl(wr.getRequestUrl()) else: # BASIC auth webClient.setRedirectEnabled(False) if debug: log("sending SSO request to: " + idpSSOEndpoint, stdout) wr = webClient.loadWebResponse(wrs) if debug: log("Response content: \n" + wr.getContentAsString(), stdout) if wr.getStatusCode() != 302: raise Exception('Invalid HTTP response code: ' + str(wr.getStatusCode())) wrs.setHttpMethod(HttpMethod.GET) creds = DefaultCredentialsProvider() creds.addCredentials(props.get(''), props.get('shib.user.pass'), idpHost, idpPort, props.get('shib.user.realm')) wrs.setCredentialsProvider(creds) if debug: log( "sending BASIC auth to: " + wr.getResponseHeaderValue('Location'), stdout) wrs.setUrl(URL(wr.getResponseHeaderValue('Location'))) if debug: log("sending login request to: " + str(wr.getRequestUrl()), stdout) wr = webClient.loadWebResponse(wrs) if debug: log("Request URL = " + wr.getRequestUrl().toString(), stdout) log(wr.getContentAsString(), stdout) if wr.getStatusCode() not in [200, 301, 302]: if debug: log("error response: " + response.getText(), stdout) raise Exception('Invalid HTTP response code: ' + str(wr.getStatusCode())) return wr.getContentAsString()