def parse_arguments(a_args):  # pylint: disable-msg=R0912
            Arguments to parse
               a_args: list of arguments to parse. 
               return a dict containing all the parsed arguments

    result = {}

    # add defaults
    result["bin_dir"] = Conf.get_instance().get("G2S", "gs2_default_bin_dir", "/tmp/bin_dir")

    result["netcdf_dir"] = Conf.get_instance().get("G2S", "gs2_default_necdf_dir", "/tmp/netcdf_dir")

        reassoc_args = reassociate_arguments(a_args)
        (opts, _) = getopt.gnu_getopt(reassoc_args, "hs:e:b:n:v", ["help", "start=", "end=", "bin_dir=", "netcdf_dir="])
    except Exception, err:  # IGNORE:W0703
        # print help information and exit:
        print str(err)  # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
def build_list_of_filenames(a_start_date, a_end_date):
     Get list of files
          a_start: starting date (included)
          a_end  : end date (included)
           return list of file names
    result = []
    current_date = a_start_date
    # get step from conf
    step = datetime.timedelta(hours=Conf.get_instance().getint('ECMWFDATA', 'time_step', 3))

    while current_date < a_end_date:
        result.append('EN%s' % (current_date.strftime('%y%m%d%H') ) )
        # add step
        current_date += step
    return result
def get_ecmwf_data(a_start, a_end):
     Find all ECMWF data within a given period.
     Look first in prod then in archive
          a_start: starting date (included)
          a_end  : end date (included)
    result = []

    filenames = build_list_of_filenames(a_start, a_end)

    print ("filenames = %s\n" % (filenames))

    conf = Conf.get_instance()

    prod_dir = conf.get("ECMWFDATA", "production_loc")
    arch_dir = conf.get("ECMWFDATA", "archive_loc")

    prod_list = []
    arch_list = []

    # best effort policy try to get all possible files
        prod_list = get_files_from(prod_dir, filenames)
    except Exception, exc:  # pylint: disable-msg=W0703
        print ("Warning. Error: %s\n" % (exc))
def load_configuration(a_args):
        try to load the configuration from the config file.
        priority rules: if --conf_dir is set, try to read a dir/rnpicker.config. Otherwise look for RNPICKER_CONF_DIR env var
           return a conf object
    #read from command_line
    conf_dir = a_args.get('conf_dir', None)
    #try to read from env
    if conf_dir == None:
        conf_dir = os.environ.get('INFRAPROFILER_CONF_DIR', None)
        #always force the ENV Variable
        os.environ['INFRAPROFILER_CONF_DIR'] = dir
    if conf_dir is None:
        raise ConfAccessError('The conf dir needs to be set from the command line or using the env variable RNPICKER_CONF_DIR')
    if os.path.isdir(conf_dir):
        os.environ[Conf.ENVNAME] = '%s/%s'%(conf_dir, 'infra_profiler.config')
        return Conf.get_instance()
        raise ConfAccessError('The conf dir %s set with the env variable INFRAPROFILER_CONF_DIR is not a dir' % (dir))
def main():
    os.environ['RNPICKER_CONF_DIR'] = _get_tests_dir_path()
    os.environ[Conf.ENVNAME] = '%s/%s'%(_get_tests_dir_path(),'rnpicker.config')
    # create an empty shell Conf object
    conf = Conf.get_instance()
    local_dir = '/tmp/request_data'
    # cheat and always ask for 5 MB
    remote_file_size =5 * 1024 * 1024
    fd = get_list_messages_to_copy(conf.get("RemoteAccess","getRequestMessage"), conf.get("RemoteAccess","devlanAccessHost"),"/ops/data/shared/messages/2009/207",local_dir,conf.get("RemoteAccess","devlanAccessUser"))
    #fd = open('/tmp/req_messages/result.msgs','r')

    cpt = 0
    for line in fd:
        print "line = %s\n"%(line)
        filename = os.path.basename(line.strip())
        # this will automatically write the file in the destination dir as there is some caching
        theInput = ctbto.db.rndata.RemoteArchiveDataSource(aDataPath = line.strip(),aID = cpt,aRemoteOffset = 0,aRemoteSize = remote_file_size,aRemoteHostname=conf.get("RemoteAccess","devlanAccessHost"),aRemoteScript=conf.get("RemoteAccess","archiveAccessScript"),aRemoteUser=conf.get("RemoteAccess","devlanAccessUser"),aLocalDir=local_dir,a_DoNotUseCache=False,a_LocalFilename=filename)
        #writer = open('/tmp/req_messages/%s'%(filename),'w')
        #for data in theInput:
        #   writer.write(data)
        cpt += 1
def run_g2s(a_output_dir, a_filename, a_f107, a_f107a, a_ap):
    $g2smodel_dir/$g2smodel -v -d $output_dir -i $F107 $F107a $Ap $ECMWF_ops/$ENfilename >& $logdir/$g2s_logfile
    conf = Conf.get_instance()

    #get info from conf
    log_dir = conf.get('G2S', 'g2s_log_dir')
    #the_dir    = conf.get('G2S', 'dir')
    exe = conf.get('G2S', 'exe')

    log_file = '%s/g2s_%s.log' % (log_dir, os.path.basename(a_filename))

    print("log_dir = %s\n" % (log_dir))
    print("output_dir = %s\n" % (a_output_dir))

    # makedirs

    #check if the bin file already exists. If yes don't do anything
    the_date = get_datetime_from_ecmwf_file_name(a_filename)
    bin_file = 'G2SGCSx%s_HWM07.bin' % (the_date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H'))

    # look for bin_file
    if not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (a_output_dir, bin_file)):

        # substitute command line
        exe = re.sub(r'\${log_file}', log_file, exe)
        exe = re.sub(r'\${output_dir}', a_output_dir, exe)

        # substitue params
        exe = re.sub(r'\${f107}', a_f107, exe)
        exe = re.sub(r'\${f107a}', a_f107a, exe)
        exe = re.sub(r'\${ap}', a_ap, exe)
        # substitute ecmwf file
        exe = re.sub(r'\${ecmwf_file}', a_filename, exe)

        command = '%s' % (exe)

        print('will run [%s]\n' % (command))

        # call the command
        retcode = call(command, shell=True)

        print("retcode %s\n" % (retcode))

        if retcode != 0:
            raise Exception("Cannot run g2s for %s. Check error in %s" %
                            (a_filename, log_file))

        print("G2S bin file %s/%s generated \n" % (a_output_dir, bin_file))

        print("G2S bin file %s/%s previously generated \n" % (a_output_dir,

    return '%s/%s' % (a_output_dir, bin_file)
def get_noaa_indices(a_ecmwf_file_name):
       get noaa indices for a particular date.
       This calls a scripts that gets the data from NOAA web site
          a_ecmwf_file_name : ecmwf file name starting with EN
    print("Get NOAA indices \n")
    # create a datetime from the ECMWF filename and convert it in NOAA form '%Y%m%d'
    noaa_date = get_datetime_from_ecmwf_file_name(a_ecmwf_file_name).strftime('%Y%m%d')
    conf = Conf.get_instance()
    the_dir = conf.get('NOAADATA', 'dir')
    exe     = conf.get('NOAADATA', 'exe')
    exe = re.sub(r'\${date}', noaa_date , exe)
    exe = re.sub(r'\${dir}', the_dir , exe)
    command = '%s/%s' % (the_dir, exe)
    print('Run command [%s]\n' % (command) )
    # call the command
    pipe = Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True)
    # call and wait for it to stop
    stdout, stderr = pipe.communicate()
    if pipe.returncode != 0:
        #error for this file
        print("Cannot get NOAA data for %s.\nError = \n[%s]\n"%(a_ecmwf_file_name, stderr))
        raise Exception("Cannot get NOAA data for %s.\nError = \n[%s]\n"%(a_ecmwf_file_name, stderr))
        the_fh = cStringIO.StringIO(stdout)
        f107  = ""
        f107a = ""
        ap    = ""
        cpt = 0
        for line in the_fh:
            if cpt == 0:
                f107 = line.strip()
            elif cpt == 1:
                f107a = line.strip()
            elif cpt == 2:
                ap = line.strip()
            cpt += 1
        print("noaa indices = %s,%s,%s\n" %(f107, f107a, ap))
        return (f107, f107a, ap)
def create_netcdf(a_netcdf_filename, a_lat_points, a_lon_points, a_nb_levels, a_celerity_arr, a_u_arr, a_v_arr, a_time, a_loc_names):
      altitude = 401;
      profile  = 1 ;

       float altitude(altitude) ;
         altitude:long_name = "height above mean sea level" ;
         altitude:units = "km" ;
         altitude:positive = "up" ; 

       double time(profile);
         time:long_name = "time" ;
         time:units = "days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ;
       string loc_name(profile) ;
        loc_name:units = "-" ;
        loc_name:long_name = "Location name" ;

       float lon(profile);
         lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
         lon:units = "degrees_east" ;

       float lat(profile);
         lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
         lat:units = "degrees_north" ;

       float celerity(profile, altitude) ;
         celerity:long_name = "celerity" ;
         celerity:units = "m s**-1" ;
         celerity:coordinates = "time lon lat altitude" ;

       float u(profile, altitude) ;
         u:long_name = "U velocity" ;
         u:units = "m s**-1" ;
         u:coordinates = "time lon lat altitude" ;

       float v(profile, altitude) ;
         u:long_name = "V velocity" ;
         v:units = "m s**-1" ;
         v:coordinates = "time lon lat altitude" ;
          :CF\:featureType = "profile";

    print("In create_netcdf %s" %(a_netcdf_filename))
    conf = Conf.get_instance()
    netcdf_format  = conf.get('NETCDF', 'produced_format', 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC')
    #create file
    dataset = Dataset(a_netcdf_filename, 'w', format=netcdf_format)
    #create dimension
    dataset.createDimension('altitude', a_nb_levels)
    dataset.createDimension('profile', len(a_lat_points))
    loc_name_len = dataset.createDimension('loc_name_len', 5)

    #create basic variables
    the_time  = dataset.createVariable('time',      'f8', ('profile'))
    lat       = dataset.createVariable('latitude',  'f4', ('profile'))
    lon       = dataset.createVariable('longitude', 'f4', ('profile'))
    altitudes = dataset.createVariable('altitude',  'f4', ('altitude'))

    # create loc_name
    # In netcdf4 it would be 
    #loc_names  = dataset.createVariable('loc_name', str,('profile'))
    if netcdf_format == 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC':
        loc_names  = dataset.createVariable('loc_name', 'c', ('profile','loc_name_len') )
        loc_names  = dataset.createVariable('loc_name', str, ('profile') )
    # create param variables
    # u and v wind components
    u         = dataset.createVariable('u',   'f4', ('profile', 'altitude'))
    v         = dataset.createVariable('v',   'f4', ('profile', 'altitude'))
    # celerity 
    c         = dataset.createVariable('c',    'f4', ('profile','altitude'))


    # add attributes
    dataset.description = 'CTBTO Infrasound wind profiles'
    dataset.history     = 'Created ' + time.ctime(time.time()) + ' by infra-profile-generator-v1.2.2'
    dataset.source      = 'infra-profile-generator-v1.2.2'
    dataset.version     = 'infrasound profile v1.0-20090801'
    #dataset.station     = 'IS42'
    lat.units           = 'degrees north'
    lat.long_name       = 'Latitude'
    lon.units           = 'degrees east'
    lon.long_name       = 'Longitude'
    altitudes.units     = 'm'
    altitudes.long_name = 'Altitude'
    loc_names.units     = '-'
    loc_names.long_name = 'Location name'
    the_time.units      = 'hours since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0'
    the_time.calendar   = 'gregorian'
    the_time.long_name  = 'Time'
    # param attributes
    u.units             = 'm s**-1'
    u.long_name         = 'U velocity'
    v.units             = 'm s**-1'
    v.long_name         = 'V velocity'
    c.units             = 'm s**-1'
    c.long_name         = 'Celerity'

    # create altitude
    alts = numpy.arange(0, 500 * a_nb_levels, 500)

    altitudes[:] = alts

    # add lat,lon
    lat[:]    = a_lat_points
    lon[:]    = a_lon_points
    #not used for the moment
    print("a_loc_names %s\n" % (a_loc_names))
    if netcdf_format == 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC':
        # NETCDF3 CLASSIC doesn't know about str
        cpt = 0
        for name in a_loc_names:
            loc_names[cpt] = stringtoarr(name,len(loc_name_len))
            cpt += 1
        # NETCDF4
        cpt = 0
        for name in a_loc_names:
            loc_names[cpt] = name
            cpt += 1
    #add time
    dt  = date2num(a_time, "days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00", calendar = 'gregorian') 
    #create the time array
    data_time = numpy.repeat(dt, len(a_lat_points) )

    the_time[:] = data_time

    c[:] = a_celerity_arr[:]
    u[:] = a_u_arr[:]
    v[:] = a_v_arr[:]



    return 0
def call_g2s_client(a_netcdf_dir, a_file_path, a_ecmwf_path, a_lats, a_lons, a_sta_names):
    """  call g2s_client """
    conf = Conf.get_instance()
    lib_g2s_path = conf.get('G2SCLIENT','lib_g2s')
    # get nb of altitude values
    n_z = conf.getint('G2SCLIENT', 'nb_levels', 401)
    d_z = conf.getfloat('G2SCLIENT', 'level_step', 0.5)

    libg2s = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_g2s_path)
    print("libg2s = %s\n" % (libg2s) )
    # call the g2sclient
    g2sclient_pt = libg2s.g2sclient_pt
    err = -1
    pt_err = ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_int(err))
    nb_points = len(a_lats)
    pt_nb_points = ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_int(nb_points))
    # Prepare type double * nb of lat points
    lat_arr = ctypes.c_double * nb_points
    lon_arr = ctypes.c_double * nb_points
    # allocate and add values (lat=10 and lon=10)
    lat_points = lat_arr()
    lon_points = lon_arr()
    for i in xrange(0, nb_points):
        lat_points[i] = a_lats[i]
        lon_points[i] = a_lons[i]
    pt_nz = ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_int(n_z))
    pt_dz = ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_double(d_z))
    #command  = 'extract'
    # need to pad with space chars the command string
    command     = 'extract'.ljust(128)
    pt_command  = ctypes.c_char_p(command)
    # check if filename exist otherwise error
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.normpath(a_file_path)):
        print("Error the G2S binary file cannot be found %s\n" % (a_file_path))
        return err

    filename = a_file_path.ljust(128)

    pt_filename = ctypes.c_char_p(filename)
    # add datetime
    the_dt = get_datetime_from_ecmwf_file_name(a_ecmwf_path)
    # create the 3 array types
    dim = nb_points * n_z
    cz_t = ctypes.c_double * dim
    uz_t = ctypes.c_double * dim
    vz_t = ctypes.c_double * dim
    c_z = cz_t()
    u_z = uz_t()
    v_z = vz_t()
    print("Calling g2sclient_pt")
    #g2sclient_pt(pt_err,lat_points, lon_points, pt_nb_points, pt_filename, pt_command, pt_nz, pt_dz, cz, uz, vz)
    time_spent = utils.ftimer(g2sclient_pt, [pt_err, lat_points, lon_points, pt_nb_points, pt_filename, \
                                       pt_command, pt_nz, pt_dz, c_z, u_z, v_z], {})
    print("Run g2sclient in %.2f sec\n" %(time_spent))
    # the fortran program returns if we have 2 points and 3 lev
    # (pt1,lev1),(pt2,lev1),(pt1,lev2),(pt2,lev2),(pt1,lev3),(pt2,lev3)
    # so we need to reshape dim1=nz (3) dim= nb_points (2):
    #  (pt1,lev3),(pt2,lev3)
    #  (pt1,lev2),(pt2,lev2)
    #  (pt1,lev1),(pt2,lev1)
    # we can then transpose the axes to obtain
    #  (pt2,lev1),(pt2,lev2),(pt2,lev3)
    #  (pt1,lev1),(pt1,lev2),(pt1,lev3)
    # try to reshape
    c_z = numpy.reshape(c_z, (n_z, nb_points))
    c_z = numpy.transpose(c_z)
    u_z = numpy.reshape(u_z, (n_z, nb_points))
    u_z = numpy.transpose(u_z)
    v_z = numpy.reshape(v_z, (n_z, nb_points))
    v_z = numpy.transpose(v_z)
    #for pt in range(nb_points):
    #    for lev in range(nz):
    #        print("pt_ind=%s,lev_ind=%s,celerity=%s\n" %(pt, lev, cz[pt][lev]))
    err = create_netcdf('%s/' % (a_netcdf_dir, the_dt.strftime('%y%m%d%H') ), \
                         lat_points, lon_points, n_z, c_z, u_z, v_z, the_dt, a_sta_names)
    return err
def create_netcdf(
    a_netcdf_filename, a_lat_points, a_lon_points, a_nb_levels, a_celerity_arr, a_u_arr, a_v_arr, a_time, a_loc_names
      altitude = 401;
      profile  = 1 ;

       float altitude(altitude) ;
         altitude:long_name = "height above mean sea level" ;
         altitude:units = "km" ;
         altitude:positive = "up" ; 

       double time(profile);
         time:long_name = "time" ;
         time:units = "days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ;
       string loc_name(profile) ;
        loc_name:units = "-" ;
        loc_name:long_name = "Location name" ;

       float lon(profile);
         lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
         lon:units = "degrees_east" ;

       float lat(profile);
         lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
         lat:units = "degrees_north" ;

       float celerity(profile, altitude) ;
         celerity:long_name = "celerity" ;
         celerity:units = "m s**-1" ;
         celerity:coordinates = "time lon lat altitude" ;

       float u(profile, altitude) ;
         u:long_name = "U velocity" ;
         celerity:units = "m s**-1" ;
         celerity:coordinates = "time lon lat altitude" ;

       float v(profile, altitude) ;
         u:long_name = "V velocity" ;
         celerity:units = "m s**-1" ;
         celerity:coordinates = "time lon lat altitude" ;
          :CF\:featureType = "profile";

    print ("In create_netcdf %s" % (a_netcdf_filename))

    conf = Conf.get_instance()

    netcdf_format = conf.get("NETCDF", "produced_format", "NETCDF3_CLASSIC")

    # create file
    dataset = Dataset(a_netcdf_filename, "w", format=netcdf_format)

    # create dimension
    dataset.createDimension("altitude", a_nb_levels)
    dataset.createDimension("profile", len(a_lat_points))
    loc_name_len = dataset.createDimension("loc_name_len", 5)

    # create basic variables
    the_time = dataset.createVariable("time", "f8", ("profile"))
    lat = dataset.createVariable("latitude", "f4", ("profile"))
    lon = dataset.createVariable("longitude", "f4", ("profile"))
    altitudes = dataset.createVariable("altitude", "f4", ("altitude"))

    # create loc_name
    # In netcdf4 it would be
    # loc_names  = dataset.createVariable('loc_name', str,('profile'))
    if netcdf_format == "NETCDF3_CLASSIC":
        loc_names = dataset.createVariable("loc_name", "c", ("profile", "loc_name_len"))
        loc_names = dataset.createVariable("loc_name", str, ("profile"))

    # create param variables
    # u and v wind components
    u = dataset.createVariable("u", "f4", ("profile", "altitude"))
    v = dataset.createVariable("v", "f4", ("profile", "altitude"))
    # celerity
    c = dataset.createVariable("c", "f4", ("profile", "altitude"))

    # dataset.sync()

    # add attributes
    dataset.description = "CTBTO Infrasound wind profiles"
    dataset.history = "Created " + time.ctime(time.time()) + " by infra-profile-generator-v1.2.2"
    dataset.source = "infra-profile-generator-v1.2.2"
    dataset.version = "infrasound profile v1.0-20090801"
    # dataset.station     = 'IS42'
    lat.units = "degrees north"
    lat.long_name = "Latitude"
    lon.units = "degrees east"
    lon.long_name = "Longitude"
    altitudes.units = "m"
    altitudes.long_name = "Altitude"
    loc_names.units = "-"
    loc_names.long_name = "Location name"
    the_time.units = "hours since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0"
    the_time.calendar = "gregorian"
    the_time.long_name = "Time"
    # param attributes
    u.units = "m s**-1"
    u.long_name = "U velocity"
    v.units = "m s**-1"
    v.long_name = "V velocity"
    c.units = "m s**-1"
    c.long_name = "Celerity"

    # create altitude
    alts = numpy.arange(0, 500 * a_nb_levels, 500)

    altitudes[:] = alts

    # add lat,lon
    lat[:] = a_lat_points
    lon[:] = a_lon_points
    # not used for the moment

    print ("a_loc_names %s\n" % (a_loc_names))

    if netcdf_format == "NETCDF3_CLASSIC":
        # NETCDF3 CLASSIC doesn't know about str
        cpt = 0
        for name in a_loc_names:
            loc_names[cpt] = stringtoarr(name, len(loc_name_len))
            cpt += 1
        # NETCDF4
        cpt = 0
        for name in a_loc_names:
            loc_names[cpt] = name
            cpt += 1

    # add time
    dt = date2num(a_time, "days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00", calendar="gregorian")

    # create the time array
    data_time = numpy.repeat(dt, len(a_lat_points))

    the_time[:] = data_time

    c[:] = a_celerity_arr[:]
    u[:] = a_u_arr[:]
    v[:] = a_v_arr[:]



    return 0