def __init__(self, description): """ generated source for method __init__ """ super(AimaProver, self).__init__() description = self.knowledgeBase = KnowledgeBase(Sets.newHashSet(description))
class AimaProver(Prover): """ generated source for class AimaProver """ knowledgeBase = KnowledgeBase() fixedAnswerCache = ProverCache() def __init__(self, description): """ generated source for method __init__ """ super(AimaProver, self).__init__() description = self.knowledgeBase = KnowledgeBase(Sets.newHashSet(description)) @overloaded def ask(self, query, context, askOne): """ generated source for method ask """ goals = LinkedList() goals.add(query) answers = HashSet() alreadyAsking = HashSet() self.ask(goals, KnowledgeBase(context), Substitution(), ProverCache(), VariableRenamer(), askOne, answers, alreadyAsking) results = HashSet() for theta in answers: results.add(Substituter.substitute(query, theta)) return results # Returns true iff the result is constant across all possible states of the game. @ask.register(object, LinkedList, KnowledgeBase, Substitution, ProverCache, VariableRenamer, bool, Set, Set) def ask_0(self, goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, alreadyAsking): """ generated source for method ask_0 """ if len(goals) == 0: results.add(theta) return True else: if isinstance(qPrime, (GdlDistinct, )): isConstant = askDistinct(distinct, goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, alreadyAsking) elif isinstance(qPrime, (GdlNot, )): isConstant = askNot(not_, goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, alreadyAsking) elif isinstance(qPrime, (GdlOr, )): isConstant = askOr(or_, goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, alreadyAsking) else: isConstant = askSentence(sentence, goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, alreadyAsking) goals.addFirst(literal) return isConstant def askAll(self, query, context): """ generated source for method askAll """ return self.ask(query, context, False) # Returns true iff the result is constant across all possible states of the game. def askDistinct(self, distinct, goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, alreadyAsking): """ generated source for method askDistinct """ if not distinct.getArg1() == distinct.getArg2(): return self.ask(goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, alreadyAsking) return True # Returns true iff the result is constant across all possible states of the game. def askNot(self, not_, goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, alreadyAsking): """ generated source for method askNot """ notGoals = LinkedList() notGoals.add(not_.getBody()) notResults = HashSet() isConstant = True isConstant &= self.ask(notGoals, context, theta, cache, renamer, True, notResults, alreadyAsking) if len(notResults) == 0: isConstant &= self.ask(goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, alreadyAsking) return isConstant def askOne(self, query, context): """ generated source for method askOne """ results = self.ask(query, context, True) return results.iterator().next() if (len(results) > 0) else None # Returns true iff the result is constant across all possible states of the game. def askOr(self, or_, goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, alreadyAsking): """ generated source for method askOr """ isConstant = True i = 0 while i < or_.arity(): goals.addFirst(or_.get(i)) isConstant &= self.ask(goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, alreadyAsking) goals.removeFirst() if askOne and (len(results) > 0): break i += 1 return isConstant # Returns true iff the result is constant across all possible states of the game. def askSentence(self, sentence, goals, context, theta, cache, renamer, askOne, results, alreadyAsking): """ generated source for method askSentence """ varRenamedSentence = VariableRenamer().rename(sentence) if not self.fixedAnswerCache.contains(varRenamedSentence) and not cache.contains(varRenamedSentence): # Prevent infinite loops on certain recursive queries. if alreadyAsking.contains(sentence): return False alreadyAsking.add(sentence) candidates.addAll(self.knowledgeBase.fetch(sentence)) candidates.addAll(context.fetch(sentence)) for rule in candidates: if thetaPrime != None: while i < r.arity(): sentenceGoals.add(r.get(i)) i += 1 isConstant &= self.ask(sentenceGoals, context, theta.compose(thetaPrime), cache, renamer, False, sentenceResults, alreadyAsking) if isConstant: self.fixedAnswerCache.put(sentence, varRenamedSentence, sentenceResults) else: cache.put(sentence, varRenamedSentence, sentenceResults) alreadyAsking.remove(sentence) cachedResults = self.fixedAnswerCache.get(sentence, varRenamedSentence) isConstant = (cachedResults != None) if cachedResults == None: cachedResults = cache.get(sentence, varRenamedSentence) for thetaPrime in cachedResults: isConstant &= self.ask(goals, context, theta.compose(thetaPrime), cache, renamer, askOne, results, alreadyAsking) if askOne and (len(results) > 0): break return isConstant def isTrueOrDoesSentence(self, sentence): """ generated source for method isTrueOrDoesSentence """ name = sentence.__name__ return name == GdlPool.TRUE or name == GdlPool.DOES def prove(self, query, context): """ generated source for method prove """ return self.askOne(query, context) != None