def lockUser(self, user_name):
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(user_name):
            return None

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        cacheService= CdiUtil.bean(CacheService)
        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)

        find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(user_name)
        if (find_user_by_uid == None):
            return None

        status_attribute_value = userService.getCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, .jans.tatus")
        if status_attribute_value != None:
            user_status = status_attribute_value.getValue()
            if StringHelper.equals(user_status, "inactive"):
                print "Basic (lock account). Lock user. User '%s' locked already" % user_name
        userService.setCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, .jans.tatus", "inactive")
        userService.setCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, "oxTrustActive", "false")
        updated_user = userService.updateUser(find_user_by_uid)

        object_to_store = json.dumps({'locked': True, 'created':}, separators=(',',':'))

        cacheService.put(StringHelper.toString(self.lockExpirationTime), "lock_user_"+user_name, object_to_store);
        facesMessages.add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Your account is locked. Please try again after " + StringHelper.toString(self.lockExpirationTime) + " secs")

        print "Basic (lock account). Lock user. User '%s' locked" % user_name
    def prepareClientRedirectUris(self, configurationAttributes):
        clientRedirectUrisSet = HashSet()
        if not configurationAttributes.containsKey("client_redirect_uris"):
            return clientRedirectUrisSet

        clientRedirectUrisList = configurationAttributes.get(
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(clientRedirectUrisList):
            print "Casa client registration. The property client_redirect_uris is empty"
            return clientRedirectUrisSet

        clientRedirectUrisArray = StringHelper.split(clientRedirectUrisList,
        if ArrayHelper.isEmpty(clientRedirectUrisArray):
            print "Casa client registration. No clients specified in client_redirect_uris property"
            return clientRedirectUrisSet

        # Convert to HashSet to quick search
        i = 0
        count = len(clientRedirectUrisArray)
        while i < count:
            uris = clientRedirectUrisArray[i]
            i = i + 1

        return clientRedirectUrisSet
    def authorize(self, context): # context is reference of org.jans.oxauth.uma.authorization.UmaAuthorizationContext
        print "RPT Policy. Authorizing ..."

        print "UmaRptPolicy. client_id = %s" % client_id

        if (StringHelper.isEmpty(client_id)):
            return False
        if (self.clientsSet.contains(client_id)):
            print "UmaRptPolicy. Authorizing client"
            return True
            print "UmaRptPolicy. Client isn't authorized"
            return False
    def setUserAttributeValue(self, user_name, attribute_name, attribute_value):
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(user_name):
            return None

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)

        find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(user_name)
        if find_user_by_uid == None:
            return None
        userService.setCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, attribute_name, attribute_value)
        updated_user = userService.updateUser(find_user_by_uid)

        print "Basic (lock account). Set user attribute. User's '%s' attribute '%s' value is '%s'" % (user_name, attribute_name, attribute_value)

        return updated_user
    def getUserAttributeValue(self, user_name, attribute_name):
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(user_name):
            return None

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)

        find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(user_name, attribute_name)
        if find_user_by_uid == None:
            return None

        custom_attribute_value = userService.getCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, attribute_name)
        if custom_attribute_value == None:
            return None
        attribute_value = custom_attribute_value.getValue()

        print "Basic (lock account). Get user attribute. User's '%s' attribute '%s' value is '%s'" % (user_name, attribute_name, attribute_value)

        return attribute_value
    def unLockUser(self, user_name):
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(user_name):
            return None

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        cacheService= CdiUtil.bean(CacheService)

        find_user_by_uid = userService.getUser(user_name)
        if (find_user_by_uid == None):
            return None

        object_to_store = json.dumps({'locked': False, 'created':}, separators=(',',':'))
        cacheService.put(StringHelper.toString(self.lockExpirationTime), "lock_user_"+user_name, object_to_store);

        userService.setCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, .jans.tatus", "active")
        userService.setCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, "oxTrustActive", "true")
        userService.setCustomAttribute(find_user_by_uid, self.invalidLoginCountAttribute, None)
        updated_user = userService.updateUser(find_user_by_uid)

        print "Basic (lock account). Lock user. User '%s' unlocked" % user_name
    def prepareClientsSet(self, configurationAttributes):
        clientsSet = HashSet()
        if (not configurationAttributes.containsKey("allowed_clients")):
            return clientsSet

        allowedClientsList = configurationAttributes.get("allowed_clients").getValue2()
        if (StringHelper.isEmpty(allowedClientsList)):
            print "UmaRptPolicy. The property allowed_clients is empty"
            return clientsSet    

        allowedClientsListArray = StringHelper.split(allowedClientsList, ",")
        if (ArrayHelper.isEmpty(allowedClientsListArray)):
            print "UmaRptPolicy. No clients specified in allowed_clients property"
            return clientsSet
        # Convert to HashSet to quick search
        i = 0
        count = len(allowedClientsListArray)
        while (i < count):
            client = allowedClientsListArray[i]
            i = i + 1

        return clientsSet
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        user_name = credentials.getUsername()

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        if step == 1:
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 1"
            login_button = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(login_button):
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 1. Form were submitted incorrectly"
                return False
            if self.enabled_recaptcha:
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 1. Validating recaptcha response"
                recaptcha_response = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(
                    requestParameters, "g-recaptcha-response")

                recaptcha_result = self.validateRecaptcha(recaptcha_response)
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 1. recaptcha_result: '%s'" % recaptcha_result

                return recaptcha_result

            return True
        elif step == 2:
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2"

            # Validate if user selected certificate
            cert_x509 = self.getSessionAttribute("cert_x509")
            if cert_x509 == None:
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. User not selected any certs"
                identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_selected", False)

                # Return True to inform user how to reset workflow
                return True
                identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_selected", True)
                x509Certificate = self.certFromString(cert_x509)

            subjectX500Principal = x509Certificate.getSubjectX500Principal()
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. User selected certificate with DN '%s'" % subjectX500Principal

            # Validate certificates which user selected
            valid = self.validateCertificate(x509Certificate)
            if not valid:
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Certificate DN '%s' is not valid" % subjectX500Principal
                identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_valid", False)

                # Return True to inform user how to reset workflow
                return True

            identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_valid", True)

            # Calculate certificate fingerprint
            x509CertificateFingerprint = self.calculateCertificateFingerprint(
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Fingerprint is '%s' of certificate with DN '%s'" % (
                x509CertificateFingerprint, subjectX500Principal)

            # Attempt to find user by certificate fingerprint
            cert_user_external_uid = "cert:%s" % x509CertificateFingerprint
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Attempting to find user by oxExternalUid attribute value %s" % cert_user_external_uid

            find_user_by_external_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                "oxExternalUid", cert_user_external_uid)
            if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to find user"

                if self.map_user_cert:
                    print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Storing cert_user_external_uid for step 3"
                    return True
                    print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Mapping cert to user account is not allowed"
                    identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_count_login_steps", 2)
                    return False

            foundUserName = find_user_by_external_uid.getUserId()
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 2. foundUserName: "******"Cert. Authenticate for step 2. Setting count steps to 2"
            identity.setWorkingParameter("cert_count_login_steps", 2)

            return logged_in
        elif step == 3:
            print "Cert. Authenticate for step 3"

            cert_user_external_uid = self.getSessionAttribute(
            if cert_user_external_uid == None:
                print "Cert. Authenticate for step 3. cert_user_external_uid is empty"
                return False

            user_password = credentials.getPassword()

            logged_in = False
            if (StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_name)
                    and StringHelper.isNotEmptyString(user_password)):
                logged_in = authenticationService.authenticate(
                    user_name, user_password)

            if (not logged_in):
                return False

            # Double check just to make sure. We did checking in previous step
            # Check if there is user which has cert_user_external_uid
            # Avoid mapping user cert to more than one IDP account
            find_user_by_external_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                "oxExternalUid", cert_user_external_uid)
            if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                # Add cert_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                    user_name, "oxExternalUid", cert_user_external_uid)
                if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                    print "Cert. Authenticate for step 3. Failed to update current user"
                    return False

                return True

            return True
            return False
    def processOtpAuthentication(self, requestParameters, user_name, identity,
        facesMessages = CdiUtil.bean(FacesMessages)

        userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)

        otpCode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
        if StringHelper.isEmpty(otpCode):
                              "Failed to authenticate. OTP code is empty")
            print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. otpCode is empty"

            return False

        if otp_auth_method == "enroll":
            # Get key from session
            otp_secret_key_encoded = identity.getWorkingParameter(
            if otp_secret_key_encoded == None:
                print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. OTP secret key is invalid"
                return False

            otp_secret_key = self.fromBase64Url(otp_secret_key_encoded)

            if self.otpType == "hotp":
                validation_result = self.validateHotpKey(
                    otp_secret_key, 1, otpCode)

                if (validation_result != None) and validation_result["result"]:
                    print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during enrollment. otpCode is valid"
                    # Store HOTP Secret Key and moving factor in user entry
                    otp_user_external_uid = "hotp:%s;%s" % (

                    # Add otp_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                    find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                        user_name, "oxExternalUid", otp_user_external_uid)
                    if find_user_by_external_uid != None:
                        return True

                    print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during enrollment. Failed to update user entry"
            elif self.otpType == "totp":
                validation_result = self.validateTotpKey(
                    otp_secret_key, otpCode, user_name)
                if (validation_result != None) and validation_result["result"]:
                    print "OTP. Process TOTP authentication during enrollment. otpCode is valid"
                    # Store TOTP Secret Key and moving factor in user entry
                    otp_user_external_uid = "totp:%s" % otp_secret_key_encoded

                    # Add otp_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                    find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                        user_name, "oxExternalUid", otp_user_external_uid)
                    if find_user_by_external_uid != None:
                        return True

                    print "OTP. Process TOTP authentication during enrollment. Failed to update user entry"
        elif otp_auth_method == "authenticate":
            user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(user_name)

            if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. There is no OTP enrollment for user '%s'" % user_name
                                  "There is no valid OTP user enrollments")
                return False

            if self.otpType == "hotp":
                for user_enrollment in user_enrollments:
                    user_enrollment_data = user_enrollment.split(";")
                    otp_secret_key_encoded = user_enrollment_data[0]

                    # Get current moving factor from user entry
                    moving_factor = StringHelper.toInteger(
                    otp_secret_key = self.fromBase64Url(otp_secret_key_encoded)

                    # Validate TOTP
                    validation_result = self.validateHotpKey(
                        otp_secret_key, moving_factor, otpCode)
                    if (validation_result !=
                            None) and validation_result["result"]:
                        print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during authentication. otpCode is valid"
                        otp_user_external_uid = "hotp:%s;%s" % (
                            otp_secret_key_encoded, moving_factor)
                        new_otp_user_external_uid = "hotp:%s;%s" % (

                        # Update moving factor in user entry
                        find_user_by_external_uid = userService.replaceUserAttribute(
                            user_name, "oxExternalUid", otp_user_external_uid,
                        if find_user_by_external_uid != None:
                            return True

                        print "OTP. Process HOTP authentication during authentication. Failed to update user entry"
            elif self.otpType == "totp":
                for user_enrollment in user_enrollments:
                    otp_secret_key = self.fromBase64Url(user_enrollment)

                    # Validate TOTP
                    validation_result = self.validateTotpKey(
                        otp_secret_key, otpCode, user_name)
                    if (validation_result !=
                            None) and validation_result["result"]:
                        print "OTP. Process TOTP authentication during authentication. otpCode is valid"
                        return True

                          "Failed to authenticate. OTP code is invalid")
        print "OTP. Process OTP authentication. OTP code is invalid"

        return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()


        if step == 1:
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1"
            authenticated_user = self.processBasicAuthentication(credentials)
            if authenticated_user == None:
                return False

            otp_auth_method = "authenticate"
            # Uncomment this block if you need to allow user second OTP registration
            #enrollment_mode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:registerButton")
            #if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(enrollment_mode):
            #    otp_auth_method = "enroll"

            if otp_auth_method == "authenticate":
                user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(
                if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                    otp_auth_method = "enroll"
                    print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1. There is no OTP enrollment for user '%s'. Changing otp_auth_method to '%s'" % (
                        authenticated_user.getUserId(), otp_auth_method)

            if otp_auth_method == "enroll":
                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1. Setting count steps: '%s'" % 3
                identity.setWorkingParameter("otp_count_login_steps", 3)

            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 1. otp_auth_method: '%s'" % otp_auth_method
            identity.setWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method", otp_auth_method)

            return True
        elif step == 2:
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2"

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            session_id_validation = self.validateSessionId(identity)
            if not session_id_validation:
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            identity.setWorkingParameter("retry_current_step", False)
            otp_auth_method = identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method")
            if otp_auth_method == 'enroll':
                auth_result = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
                if not StringHelper.isEmpty(auth_result):
                    # defect fix #1225  - Retry the step, show QR code again
                    if auth_result == 'timeout':
                        print "OTP. QR-code timeout. Authenticate for step %s. Reinitializing current step" % step
                        return True

                    print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. User not enrolled OTP"
                    return False

                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. Skipping this step during enrollment"
                return True

            otp_auth_result = self.processOtpAuthentication(
                requestParameters, user.getUserId(), identity, otp_auth_method)
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. OTP authentication result: '%s'" % otp_auth_result

            return otp_auth_result
        elif step == 3:
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 3"

            authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)
            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if user == None:
                print "OTP. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            session_id_validation = self.validateSessionId(identity)
            if not session_id_validation:
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            otp_auth_method = identity.getWorkingParameter("otp_auth_method")
            if otp_auth_method != 'enroll':
                return False

            otp_auth_result = self.processOtpAuthentication(
                requestParameters, user.getUserId(), identity, otp_auth_method)
            print "OTP. Authenticate for step 3. OTP authentication result: '%s'" % otp_auth_result

            return otp_auth_result
            return False
    def prepareForStep(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        authenticationService = CdiUtil.bean(AuthenticationService)

        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        session_attributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()


        if (step == 1):
            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2"

            session = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService).getSessionId()
            if session == None:
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_id"
                return False

            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False

            uaf_auth_method = session_attributes.get("uaf_auth_method")
            if StringHelper.isEmpty(uaf_auth_method):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine auth_method"
                return False

            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method

            uaf_obb_auth_method = "OOB_REG"
            uaf_obb_server_uri = self.uaf_server_uri + "/nnl/v2/reg"
            if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(uaf_auth_method, "authenticate"):
                uaf_obb_auth_method = "OOB_AUTH"
                uaf_obb_server_uri = self.uaf_server_uri + "/nnl/v2/auth"

            # Prepare START_OBB
            uaf_obb_start_request_dictionary = {
                "operation": "START_%s" % uaf_obb_auth_method,
                "userName": user.getUserId(),
                "policyName": "default",
                "oobMode": {
                    "qr": "true",
                    "rawData": "false",
                    "push": "false"

            uaf_obb_start_request = json.dumps(
                uaf_obb_start_request_dictionary, separators=(',', ':'))
            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Prepared START request: '%s' to send to '%s'" % (
                uaf_obb_start_request, uaf_obb_server_uri)

            # Request START_OBB
            uaf_obb_start_response = self.executePost(uaf_obb_server_uri,
            if uaf_obb_start_response == None:
                return False

            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Get START response: '%s'" % uaf_obb_start_response
            uaf_obb_start_response_json = json.loads(uaf_obb_start_response)

            # Prepare STATUS_OBB
            #TODO: Remove needDetails parameter
            uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary = {
                "operation": "STATUS_%s" % uaf_obb_auth_method,
                "userName": user.getUserId(),
                "needDetails": 1,

            uaf_obb_status_request = json.dumps(
                uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary, separators=(',', ':'))
            print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Prepared STATUS request: '%s' to send to '%s'" % (
                uaf_obb_status_request, uaf_obb_server_uri)


            return True
            return False
    def authenticate(self, configurationAttributes, requestParameters, step):
        identity = CdiUtil.bean(Identity)
        credentials = identity.getCredentials()

        session_attributes = identity.getSessionId().getSessionAttributes()


        if (step == 1):
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1"

            user_name = credentials.getUsername()

            authenticated_user = self.processBasicAuthentication(credentials)
            if authenticated_user == None:
                return False

            uaf_auth_method = "authenticate"
            # Uncomment this block if you need to allow user second device registration
            #enrollment_mode = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters, "loginForm:registerButton")
            #if StringHelper.isNotEmpty(enrollment_mode):
            #    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"

            if uaf_auth_method == "authenticate":
                user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(credentials)
                if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1. There is no UAF enrollment for user '%s'. Changing uaf_auth_method to '%s'" % (
                        user_name, uaf_auth_method)

            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 1. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method

            identity.setWorkingParameter("uaf_auth_method", uaf_auth_method)

            return True
        elif (step == 2):
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2"

            session = CdiUtil.bean(SessionIdService).getSessionId()
            if session == None:
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to determine session_id"
                return False

            user = authenticationService.getAuthenticatedUser()
            if (user == None):
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to determine user name"
                return False
            user_name = user.getUserId()

            uaf_auth_result = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(requestParameters,
            if uaf_auth_result != "success":
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. auth_result is '%s'" % uaf_auth_result
                return False

            # Restore state from session
            uaf_auth_method = session_attributes.get("uaf_auth_method")

            if not uaf_auth_method in ['enroll', 'authenticate']:
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to authenticate user. uaf_auth_method: '%s'" % uaf_auth_method
                return False

            # Request STATUS_OBB
            if True:
                #TODO: Remove this condition
                # It's workaround becuase it's not possible to call STATUS_OBB 2 times. First time on browser and second ime on server
                uaf_user_device_handle = ServerUtil.getFirstValue(
                    requestParameters, "auth_handle")
                uaf_obb_auth_method = session_attributes.get(
                uaf_obb_server_uri = session_attributes.get(
                uaf_obb_start_response = session_attributes.get(

                # Prepare STATUS_OBB
                uaf_obb_start_response_json = json.loads(
                uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary = {
                    "STATUS_%s" % uaf_obb_auth_method,

                uaf_obb_status_request = json.dumps(
                    uaf_obb_status_request_dictionary, separators=(',', ':'))
                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Prepared STATUS request: '%s' to send to '%s'" % (
                    uaf_obb_status_request, uaf_obb_server_uri)

                uaf_status_obb_response = self.executePost(
                    uaf_obb_server_uri, uaf_obb_status_request)
                if uaf_status_obb_response == None:
                    return False

                print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Get STATUS response: '%s'" % uaf_status_obb_response
                uaf_status_obb_response_json = json.loads(

                if uaf_status_obb_response_json["statusCode"] != 4000:
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. UAF operation status is invalid. statusCode: '%s'" % uaf_status_obb_response_json[
                    return False

                uaf_user_device_handle = uaf_status_obb_response_json[

            if StringHelper.isEmpty(uaf_user_device_handle):
                print "UAF. Prepare for step 2. Failed to get UAF handle"
                return False

            uaf_user_external_uid = "uaf:%s" % uaf_user_device_handle
            print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. UAF handle: '%s'" % uaf_user_external_uid

            if uaf_auth_method == "authenticate":
                # Validate if user used device with same keYHandle
                user_enrollments = self.findEnrollments(credentials)
                if len(user_enrollments) == 0:
                    uaf_auth_method = "enroll"
                    print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. There is no UAF enrollment for user '%s'." % user_name
                    return False

                for user_enrollment in user_enrollments:
                    if StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCase(user_enrollment,
                        print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. There is UAF enrollment for user '%s'. User authenticated successfully" % user_name
                        return True
                userService = CdiUtil.bean(UserService)

                # Double check just to make sure. We did checking in previous step
                # Check if there is user which has uaf_user_external_uid
                # Avoid mapping user cert to more than one IDP account
                find_user_by_external_uid = userService.getUserByAttribute(
                    "oxExternalUid", uaf_user_external_uid)
                if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                    # Add uaf_user_external_uid to user's external GUID list
                    find_user_by_external_uid = userService.addUserAttribute(
                        user_name, "oxExternalUid", uaf_user_external_uid)
                    if find_user_by_external_uid == None:
                        print "UAF. Authenticate for step 2. Failed to update current user"
                        return False

                    return True

            return False
            return False