def __init__(self, graph_path, router, print_every_n_lines=50, calculate_details=False, smart_search=False): self.otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs([ "--graphs", graph_path, "--router", router]) router = self.otp.getRouter() self.batch_processor = self.otp.createBatchProcessor(router) self.request = self.otp.createBatchRequest() self.request.setEvalItineraries(calculate_details) # smart search needs details (esp. start/arrival times), # even if not wanted explicitly if smart_search: calculate_details = True self.calculate_details = calculate_details self.smart_search = smart_search self.arrive_by = False self.print_every_n_lines = print_every_n_lines
#CPAL Group 4 #Team Members - Arpit Agarwal, Arpit Chaukiyal, Devendra Sawant & Tarun Goyal #University of Texas at Dallas from org.opentripplanner.scripting.api import * from org.opentripplanner.scripting.api import OtpsEntryPoint ### router = otp.getRouter("current") # Instantiate an OtpsEntryPoint otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs(['--graphs', 'graphs', '--router', 'current']) # Start timing the code import time start_time = time.time() # Get the default router router = otp.getRouter('current') # Read Points of Destination - The file points.csv contains the columns geoid, Centx and Centy. points = otp.loadCSVPopulation('points.csv', 'Centy', 'Centx') dests = otp.loadCSVPopulation('points.csv', 'Centy', 'Centx') # Create a default request for a given time # -- for h in range(0, 24): for h in range(8, 9): for m in range(0, 60, 30): # Loop every 30 minutes # Create a default request for a given time req = otp.createRequest() #req1 = otp.createRequest()
#!/usr/bin/jython from org.opentripplanner.scripting.api import OtpsEntryPoint # Instantiate an OtpsEntryPoint otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs(['--graphs', '.', '--router', 'portland']) # Start timing the code import time start_time = time.time() # Get the default router router = otp.getRouter('portland') # Create a default request for a given departure time req = otp.createRequest() req.setDateTime(2015, 9, 15, 10, 00, 00) # set departure time req.setMaxTimeSec(7200) # set a limit to maximum travel time (seconds) req.setModes('WALK,BUS,RAIL') # define transport mode # req.maxWalkDistance = 3000 # set the maximum distance (in meters) the user is willing to walk # req.walkSpeed = walkSpeed # set average walking speed ( meters ?) # req.bikeSpeed = bikeSpeed # set average cycling speed (miles per hour ?) # ?ERROR req.setSearchRadiusM(500) # set max snapping distance to connect trip origin to street network # for more routing options, check: # Read Points of Destination - The file points.csv contains the columns GEOID, X and Y. points = otp.loadCSVPopulation('points.csv', 'Y', 'X') dests = otp.loadCSVPopulation('points.csv', 'Y', 'X') # Create a CSV output matrixCsv = otp.createCSVOutput()
# Importing the current county and config vars with open("config.json") as filename: jsondata = json.load(filename) maxtt = jsondata["otp_settings"]["maximum_travel_time"] modes = ','.join(jsondata["otp_settings"]["transport_modes"]) dep_date = datetime.strptime( jsondata["otp_settings"]["departure_date"], "%Y-%m-%d") dep_time = datetime.strptime( jsondata["otp_settings"]["departure_time"], "%H:%M:%S") geoid = "17031" # Instantiate an OtpsEntryPoint otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs(['--graphs', 'otp/graphs', '--router', geoid]) # Start timing the code start_time = time.time() # Get the default router router = otp.getRouter(geoid) # Create a default request for a given departure time req = otp.createRequest() req.setDateTime( dep_date.year, dep_date.month,, dep_time.hour, dep_time.minute,
# SOURCE: RAFAEL PRERIA, python_script from org.opentripplanner.scripting.api import OtpsEntryPoint # Instantiate an OtpsEntryPoint # NOTE WOULD NEED TO CHANGE THIS IN ORDER TO otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs([ '--graphs', '/Users/BrianHill/otp/graphs', '--router', 'bogota_no_gondola' ]) # Start timing the code import time start_time = time.time() # Get the default router router = otp.getRouter('bogota_no_gondola') # Create a default request for a given departure time req = otp.createRequest() req.setDateTime(2019, 9, 15, 10, 00, 00) # set departure time (April 4, 2019) #req.setWaitReluctance(1) # Set walk reluctance to be 1 instead of the default 2, make walking time equally bad to other times #req.setMaxTimeSec(7200) # set a limit to maximum travel time (seconds) req.setModes('WALK,BUS,RAIL,TRANSIT') # define transport mode #req.setClampInitialWait(0) # clamp the initial wait time to zero # req.maxWalkDistance = 3000 # set the maximum distance (in meters) the user is willing to walk # req.walkSpeed = walkSpeed # set average walking speed ( meters ?) # req.bikeSpeed = bikeSpeed # set average cycling speed (miles per hour ?) # ?ERROR req.setSearchRadiusM(500) # set max snapping distance to connect trip origin to street network # for more routing options, check:
#!/usr/bin/jython from org.opentripplanner.scripting.api import OtpsEntryPoint # Instantiate an OtpsEntryPoint otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs(['--graphs', '.', '--router', 'portland']) # Start timing the code import time start_time = time.time() # Get the default router router = otp.getRouter('portland') # Read Points of Destination - The file points.csv contains the columns GEOID, X and Y. points = otp.loadCSVPopulation('points.csv', 'Y', 'X') dests = otp.loadCSVPopulation('points.csv', 'Y', 'X') for h in range(7, 13): # Loop every hour between 7h and 13h for m in range(0,60,10): # Loop every 10 minutes # Create a default request for a given time req = otp.createRequest() req.setDateTime(2015, 9, 15, h, m, 00) # set departure time req.setMaxTimeSec(7200) # set a limit to maximum travel time (seconds) req.setModes('WALK,TRANSIT') # define transport mode : ("WALK,CAR, TRANSIT, TRAM,RAIL,SUBWAY,FUNICULAR,GONDOLA,CABLE_CAR,BUS")
def OD_matrix(day, hour, minute): print "start" + "_" + str(day) + "_" + str(hour) + "_" + str(minute) # initial load graph otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs( ["--graphs", "/path/to/dir/graphs", "--router", "ttc_realtime"]) router = otp.getRouter() # basic routing stuff - can set more via json r = otp.createRequest() r.setDateTime(2016, 7, day, hour, minute, 00) r.setModes('WALK, TRANSIT') r.setMaxTimeSec(3600) r.setClampInitialWait(0) r.setMaxWalkDistance(5000) # out lists out_table = [] origin_list = [] destination_list = [] # grab lists of origina and destinations with open('da.csv', 'rb') as csv_da: da_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_da) for da in da_reader: if int(da['DAuid']) not in origin_list: origin_list.append(int(da['DAuid'])) with open('TAZ_centroids.csv', 'rb') as csv_TAZ: TAZ_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_TAZ) for row in TAZ_reader: if int(row['GTA06']) not in destination_list: destination_list.append(int(row['GTA06'])) # loop over input da and use as origins with open('da.csv', 'rb') as csv_da: da_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_da) d = 0 for da in da_reader: # add origin d_lat = float(da['DAlat']) d_lon = float(da['DAlong']) # set up router for point r.setOrigin(d_lat, d_lon) spt = router.plan(r) # loop over input supers and use as destinations with open('TAZ_centroids.csv', 'rb') as csv_super: super_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_super) s = 0 for row in super_reader: out_row = [] # add dest lat = float(row['Y']) lon = float(row['X']) # solve result = spt.eval(lat, lon) if result is not None: # get time travel_time = result.getTime() # output row to array out_row = [ int(da['Geo_ID']), int(da['DAuid']), int(row['ID']), int(row['GTA06']), int(travel_time) ] out_table.append(out_row) s += 1 d += 1 print '---------' print d print time.time() - start_time print '---------' # sort out_table out_table = sorted(out_table, key=itemgetter(0, 1)) # grab list of all origins and destinations - can bring in externally if needed origin_list = sorted(origin_list) destination_list = sorted(destination_list) # set up matrix matrix = [[0 for x in range(len(destination_list) + 1)] for y in range(len(origin_list) + 1)] print "------------" # code in matrix values for tr in out_table: matrix[tr[0]][tr[2]] = tr[4] # add row and column names x = 0 while x < len(destination_list): x += 1 matrix[0][x] = destination_list[x - 1] x = 0 while x < len(origin_list): x += 1 matrix[x][0] = origin_list[x - 1] matrix[0][0] = hour * 100 + minute # out to csv file_name = "r_" + "7_" + str(day) + "_" + str(hour) + "_" + str( minute) + ".csv" with open(file_name, 'wb') as csv_walk: writer = csv.writer(csv_walk) for tt in matrix: writer.writerow(tt)
#!/usr/bin/jython from org.opentripplanner.scripting.api import OtpsEntryPoint # Instantiate an OtpsEntryPoint otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs(["--graphs", ".", "--router", "portland"]) # Start timing the code import time start_time = time.time() # Get the default router router = otp.getRouter("portland") # Create a default request for a given time req = otp.createRequest() req.setDateTime(2015, 9, 15, 10, 00, 00) # set departure time req.setMaxTimeSec(7200) # set a limit to maximum travel time (seconds) req.setModes("WALK,BUS,RAIL") # define transport mode # Read Points of Destination - The file points.csv contains the columns GEOID, X and Y. points = otp.loadCSVPopulation("points.csv", "Y", "X") dests = otp.loadCSVPopulation("points.csv", "Y", "X") # Create a CSV output matrixCsv = otp.createCSVOutput() matrixCsv.setHeader(["Origin", "Destination", "Walk_distance", "Travel_time"]) # Start Loop
import random # Start timing the code import time start_time = time.time() # THREADED VERSION OF OTP SCRIPT import threading from time import sleep #!/usr/bin/jython from org.opentripplanner.scripting.api import OtpsEntryPoint # Instantiate an OtpsEntryPoint otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs(['--graphs', '.', '--router', router_v]) # Get the default router router = otp.getRouter(router_v) # Read Points of Destination - The file points.csv contains the columns GEOID, X and Y. # points = otp.loadCSVPopulation('harris_hex.csv', 'Y', 'X') # dests = otp.loadCSVPopulation('harris_hex.csv', 'Y', 'X') ### make a list of jobs to do # times should be randomly selected to avoid periodicity effects jobs = [] random.seed(534) for h in range(fromm, until): for m in range(0, 60, every):
# Setup for threading chunks = int(os.environ.get('CHUNKS')) max_threads = int(os.environ.get('MAX_THREADS')) # Setting up file imports origins_file = tmp_dir + geoid + '-origins' destinations_file = tmp_dir + geoid + '-destinations.csv' output_file = tmp_dir + geoid + '-output' # Getting the datetime for the nearest Monday today = get_day = lambda date, day: date + datetime.timedelta(days=(day-date.weekday() + 7) % 7) d = get_day(today, 0) # Instantiate an OtpsEntryPoint otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs(['--graphs', input_dir, '--router', geoid]) # Start timing the code start_time = time.time() # Get the default router router = otp.getRouter(geoid) # Create a list of jobs if using chunking jobs = [str(chunk).zfill(len(str(chunks))) for chunk in range(1, chunks + 1)] i = 0 def create_matrix(chunk): # Create a default request for a given departure time req = otp.createRequest()
parser.add_argument('--date', nargs=3, type=int, default=[2015, 9, 14]) # default = [now.year, now.month,]) parser.add_argument( '--time', nargs=3, type=int, default=[10, 00, 00]) # default = [now.hour, now.minute, now.second]) parser.add_argument('--modes', default='WALK,BUS,RAIL') parser.add_argument('--maxTimeSec', type=int, default=7200) parser.add_argument('--output_file', default='tt_matrix.csv') parser.add_argument('--output_vars', nargs='+', default=['walk_distance', 'travel_time', 'boardings']) args = parser.parse_args() # Instantiate an OtpsEntryPoint otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs( ['--graphs', args.graph, '--router', args.router]) # Start timing the code import time start_time = time.time() # Get the default router router = otp.getRouter('portland') # Create a default request for a given departure time req = otp.createRequest() req.setDateTime([0],[1],[2], args.time[0], args.time[1], args.time[2]) # set departure time req.setMaxTimeSec( args.maxTimeSec) # set a limit to maximum travel time (seconds) req.setModes(args.modes) # define transport modes
# ask how many processes to use max_threads = int(raw_input('how many threads? -> ')) # read in the O/D points to route between points = [] with open(ODfile, 'rb') as point_csv: point_reader = csv.DictReader(point_csv) for record in point_reader: points.append({ 'id': str(record['uid']), 'lat': float(record['lat']), 'lon': float(record['lon']) }) # load the graph otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs( ['--graphs', 'data/graphs', '--router', router_name]) def process_matrix(time): # check whether this file has actually already been written output_file = out_dir + str(time) + '.csv' # and if it has skip it. No need to do that again if os.path.exists(output_file): print output_file, 'already exists' return start = unix_time() # make a router router = otp.getRouter() request = otp.createRequest() request.setModes('WALK, TRANSIT') request.setMaxTimeSec(1 * 3600) # seconds
max_threads = int(os.environ.get('MAX_THREADS')) # Setting up file imports origins_file = working_dir + location_dir + str(geoid) + '-origins-' destinations_file = working_dir + location_dir + str( geoid) + '-destinations.csv' output_file = working_dir + str(geoid) + '-output-' # Getting the datetime for the nearest Monday today = get_day = lambda date, day: date + datetime.timedelta(days=(day - date.weekday( ) + 7) % 7) d = get_day(today, 0) # Instantiate an OtpsEntryPoint otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs( ['--graphs', working_dir + 'graphs/', '--router', geoid]) # Start timing the code start_time = time.time() # Get the default router router = otp.getRouter(geoid) # Create a list of jobs if using chunking jobs = [str(chunk).zfill(len(str(chunks))) for chunk in range(1, chunks + 1)] def create_matrix(chunk): # Create a default request for a given departure time req = otp.createRequest()
#!/usr/bin/jython from org.opentripplanner.scripting.api import OtpsEntryPoint import time #%% # jython -Dpython.path=otp-1.2.0-shaded.jar # jython -Dpython.path=otp-x.y.z-shaded.jar # java -cp otp-1.2.0-shaded.jar:jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar org.opentripplanner.standalone.OTPMain --script print('Instantiate an OtpsEntryPoint') dir_graph = 'graphs' otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs(['--graphs', dir_graph, '--router', 'gb']) indir = 'OD_lists' flo = '_OA2013_origs.csv' facility = '_dests' #mins = ['00','10','05'] #mins = ['20','15','25'] #mins = ['30','45','35'] #mins = ['40','50','55'] mins = ['00', '30'] hours = [ '08', '10', '12', '14', '16', '18', '20', '22', '09', '11', '13', '15', '17', '19', '21', '07', '23', '00', '06', '05', '04', '03', '02', '01' ] #%% print('Get the default router')
#!/usr/bin/jython from org.opentripplanner.scripting.api import OtpsEntryPoint # Instantiate an OtpsEntryPoint otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs(['--graphs', '.', '--router', 'chicago']) # Start timing the code import time start_time = time.time() # Get the default router router = otp.getRouter('chicago') #set times {GTFS data from 4 October 2018 to 31 December 2018} year = 2017 month = 10 day = 19 h = 8 m = 00 s = 00 # Create a default request for a given departure time req = otp.createRequest() req.setDateTime(year, month, day, h, m, s) # set departure time req.setMaxTimeSec(50000) # set a limit to maximum travel time (seconds) req.setModes( 'WALK,BUS,RAIL,TRAM,TRANSIT,SUBWAY' ) # define transport mode ("WALK,CAR, TRANSIT, TRAM,RAIL,SUBWAY,FUNICULAR,GONDOLA,CABLE_CAR,BUS") req.setClampInitialWait(0) # clamp the initial wait time to zero # Read Points of Destination - The file points.csv contains the columns GEOID, X and Y.
from org.opentripplanner.analyst.batch import BatchProcessor from org.opentripplanner.scripting.api import OtpsEntryPoint import time import csv from operator import itemgetter print "cow!" # print cow! # time for time start_time = time.time() csv_origins = "da_wpg_2016_2.csv" csv_destinations = "ct_wpg_2016_2.csv" # initial load graph otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs(["--graphs", "graphs", "--router", "g"]) router = otp.getRouter() # basic routing stuff - can set more via json r = otp.createRequest() # function for single OD matrix def OD_matrix(month, day, hour, minute): print "start" + "_" + str(day) + "_" + str(hour) + "_" + str(minute) r.setDateTime(2016, month, day, hour, minute, 00) r.setModes('WALK, TRANSIT') r.setMaxTimeSec(5400)
# computes travel time matrix from origins (lat long in DA.csv) # to destinations (TAZ_centroids.csv) # run with ... # java -Xmx4G -cp otp.jar:jython.jar org.opentripplanner.standalone.OTPMain --graphs . --script # jython -Dpython.path=otp.jar from org.opentripplanner.scripting.api import * from org.opentripplanner.scripting.api import OtpsEntryPoint import time import csv from operator import itemgetter # initial load graph otp = OtpsEntryPoint.fromArgs( ["--graphs", "/path/to/dir/graphs", "--router", "ttc_realtime"]) router = otp.getRouter() # basic routing stuff - can set more via json r = otp.createRequest() r.setDateTime(2016, 4, 20, 4, 20, 00) r.setModes('WALK, TRANSIT') r.setMaxTimeSec(3600) r.setClampInitialWait(0) r.setMaxWalkDistance(5000) # out lists out_table = [] origin_list = [] destination_list = []