        print "Job: "+job.getJobname()+", Error: "+error.getFailures().get(job).getLocalizedMessage()


print "Job distribution:"
for subLoc in multiPartJob.getOptimizationResult().keySet():
    print subLoc + " : " +multiPartJob.getOptimizationResult().get(subLoc)

print "Submitting jobs..."

restarted = False

# now we wait for all jobs to finish. Actually, we probably should test whether the job was successful as well...
while not multiPartJob.isFinished(True):
    # printing some stats
    print multiPartJob.getProgress()
    # restart failed jobs everytime
    failedpolicy = DefaultResubmitPolicy()
    # to only resubmit failed jobs, we have to remove the waiting jobs resubmission that is set by default
    multiPartJob.restart(failedpolicy, True)

    # restart once after the jobsubmission is finished to optimize job distributions to queues where the job actually runs
    if not restarted:
        # actually, it probably would be a good idea to refresh the job status here because otherwise the restart will just 
        # restart failed jobs that were already submitted with the restart above...  not really sure...
from org.vpac.grisu.control import DefaultResubmitPolicy
from org.vpac.grisu.frontend.control.login import LoginManager
from org.vpac.grisu.frontend.model.job import BatchJobObject
from org.vpac.grisu.frontend.model.job import JobException
import sys
import time

batchJobname  =  sys.argv[1]

si = LoginManager.loginCommandline()

# load (but not refresh yet) batchjob, this might take a while
batchJob = BatchJobObject(si, batchJobname, False)

while not batchJob.isFinished(True) and False:
    print batchJob.getProgress()
    print str(batchJob.getNumberOfFailedJobs())
    if batchJob.getNumberOfFailedJobs() > 0:
        print str(batchJob.getNumberOfFailedJobs()) + ' failed jobs found. restarting...'
        failedpolicy = DefaultResubmitPolicy()
        batchJob.restart(failedpolicy, True)
        print 'Restart finished.'

jobsToRestart = []