def stack_on_map(lite_map, width_stamp_arcminute, pix_scale, ra_range, dec_range, catalog=None, n_random_points=None): width_stamp_degrees = width_stamp_arcminute / 60. Np = / pix_scale + 0.5) pad = / 2 + 0.5) print("Expected width in pixels = ", Np) lmap = lite_map stack = 0 N = 0 if catalog is not None: looprange = range(0, len(catalog)) assert n_random_points is None random = False else: assert n_random_points is not None assert len(ra_range) == 2 assert len(dec_range) == 2 looprange = range(0, n_random_points) random = True for i in looprange: if random: ra = np.random.uniform(*ra_range) dec = np.random.uniform(*dec_range) else: ra = catalog[i][1] dec = catalog[i][2] ix, iy = lmap.skyToPix(ra, dec) if ix >= pad and ix < lmap.Nx - pad and iy >= pad and iy < lmap.Ny - pad: print(i) #print(ra,dec) smap = lmap.selectSubMap(ra - width_stamp_degrees / 2., ra + width_stamp_degrees / 2., dec - width_stamp_degrees / 2., dec + width_stamp_degrees / 2.) #print ( #cutout = zoom(,zoom=(float(Np)/[0],float(Np)/[1])) cutout = resize(, output_shape=(Np, Np)) #print (cutout.shape) stack = stack + cutout xMap, yMap, modRMap, xx, yy = fmaps.getRealAttributes(smap) N = N + 1. else: print("skip") stack = stack / N #print(stack.shape()) #print( print(stack) print(N) io.quickPlot2d(stack, out_dir + "stackrandom.png") dt = pix_scale arcmax = 20. thetaRange = np.arange(0., arcmax, dt) breal = bin2D(modRMap * 180. * 60. / np.pi, thetaRange) cents, recons = breal.bin(stack) pl = Plotter(labelX='Distance from Center (arcminutes)', labelY='Temperature Fluctuation ($\mu K$)', ftsize=10) pl.add(cents, recons) pl._ax.axhline(y=0., ls="--", alpha=0.5) pl.done(out_dir + "randomprofiles.png") return stack, cents, recons
fieldCoords = (raLeft, decLeft, raRight, decRight) smap = lm.makeEmptyCEATemplateAdvanced(*fieldCoords, pixScaleXarcmin=pixScale, pixScaleYarcmin=pixScale) smap.loadDataFromHealpixMap(hpPlanck, hpCoords="GALACTIC") stamp = / tfact stamp = zoom(stamp, zoom=(float(Np) / stamp.shape[0], float(Np) / stamp.shape[1])) #print ra, dec, stamp.shape if i == 1: lxMap, lyMap, modLMap, angMap, lx, ly = fmaps.getFTAttributesFromLiteMap( smap) xMap, yMap, modRMap, xx, yy = fmaps.getRealAttributes(smap) polCombList = ["TT"] Ny, Nx = stamp.shape win = fmaps.initializeCosineWindowData(Ny, Nx, lenApod=40, pad=5) #win = 1. w2 = np.mean(win**2.) fwhm = 5.0 tht_fwhm = np.deg2rad(fwhm / 60.) l = np.arange(0., 10000.) beamells = np.exp(-(tht_fwhm**2.) * (l**2.) / (8. * np.log(2.))) beamTemplate = fmaps.makeTemplate(l, beamells, modLMap) #print beamTemplate.shape noiseT = 42.0
from enlib.resample import resample_fft, resample_bin arcX = 20 * 60. arcY = 10 * 60. arc = 10. * 60. px = 0.5 pxDn = 7.5 fineTemplate = lm.makeEmptyCEATemplate(arcX / 60., arcY / 60., pixScaleXarcmin=px, pixScaleYarcmin=px) lxMap, lyMap, modLMap, thetaMap, lx, ly = fmaps.getFTAttributesFromLiteMap( fineTemplate) xMap, yMap, modRMap, xx, yy = fmaps.getRealAttributes(fineTemplate) # sigArc = 3.0 # sig = sigArc*np.pi/180./60. # = np.exp(-modRMap**2./2./sig**2.) import btip.inpaintStamp as inp ell, Cl = np.loadtxt("../btip/data/cltt_lensed_Feb18.txt", unpack=True) ell, Cl = inp.total_1d_power(ell, Cl, ellmax=modLMap.max(), beamArcmin=1.4, noiseMukArcmin=12.0, TCMB=2.7255e6) twoDPower = inp.spec1dTo2d(fineTemplate, ell, Cl) #,k=1) # !!!!! = twoDPower
def stack_on_map(lite_map, width_stamp_arcminute, pix_scale, ra_range, dec_range, catalog=None, n_random_points=None): width_stamp_degrees = width_stamp_arcminute / 60. Np = / pix_scale + 0.5) pad = / 2 + 0.5) print("Expected width in pixels = ", Np) lmap = lite_map stack = 0 N = 0 if catalog is not None: looprange = range(0, len(catalog)) assert n_random_points is None random = False else: assert n_random_points is not None assert len(ra_range) == 2 assert len(dec_range) == 2 looprange = range(0, n_random_points) random = True print(looprange) for i in looprange: banana = True mass = catalog[i][10] if random: ra = np.random.uniform(*ra_range) dec = np.random.uniform(*dec_range) if random == False: ra = catalog[i][1] #1 for ACT catalog 2 for SDSS dec = catalog[i][2] #2 for ACT catalog 3 for SDSS for j in range(0, 2130): distance = np.sqrt((ra - RAps[j])**2 + (dec - DECps[j])**2) crit = 0.25 if distance < crit: banana = False print('too close') ix, iy = lmap.skyToPix(ra, dec) if ix >= pad and ix < lmap.Nx - pad and iy >= pad and iy < lmap.Ny - pad and banana == True and mass > 8: print(i) #print(ra,dec) smap = lmap.selectSubMap(ra - width_stamp_degrees / 2., ra + width_stamp_degrees / 2., dec - width_stamp_degrees / 2., dec + width_stamp_degrees / 2.) #print ( #cutout = zoom(,zoom=(float(Np)/[0],float(Np)/[1]) cutout = resize(, output_shape=(Np, Np)) - randomstack xMap, yMap, modRMap, xx, yy = fmaps.getRealAttributes(smap) dt = pix_scale arcmax = 20. thetaRange = np.arange(0., arcmax, dt) breali = bin2D(modRMap * 180. * 60. / np.pi, thetaRange) a = breali.bin(cutout)[1] profiles.append(a) io.quickPlot2d(cutout, str(i) + "cutout.png") #print (cutout.shape) stack = stack + cutout N = N + 1 else: print("skip") stack = stack / N #-randomstack #print(stack.shape()) #print( # print(stack) print(N) statistics = stats.getStats(profiles) mean = statistics['mean'] error = statistics['errmean'] corrcoef = statistics['corr'] covmat = statistics['covmat'] print(mean / error)'statistics', statistics)'newrandomstamp',stack) # io.quickPlot2d(stack,out_dir+"newACTstack.png") dt = pix_scale arcmax = 20. thetaRange = np.arange(0., arcmax, dt) breal = bin2D(modRMap * 180. * 60. / np.pi, thetaRange) cents, recons = breal.bin(stack) pl = Plotter(labelX='Distance from Center (arcminutes)', labelY='Temperature Fluctuation ($\mu K$)', ftsize=10) pl.add(cents, mean) pl.addErr(cents, mean, yerr=error) pl._ax.axhline(y=0., ls="--", alpha=0.5) pl.done(out_dir + "error.png") print(covmat) io.quickPlot2d(covmat, 'covmat.png') return (stack, cents, recons)
def NFWMatchedFilterSN(clusterCosmology,log10Moverh,c,z,ells,Nls,kellmax,overdensity=500.,critical=True,atClusterZ=True,arcStamp=100.,pxStamp=0.05,saveId=None,verbose=False,rayleighSigmaArcmin=None,returnKappa=False,winAtLens=None): if rayleighSigmaArcmin is not None: assert rayleighSigmaArcmin>=pxStamp M = 10.**log10Moverh lmap = lm.makeEmptyCEATemplate(raSizeDeg=arcStamp/60., decSizeDeg=arcStamp/60.,pixScaleXarcmin=pxStamp,pixScaleYarcmin=pxStamp) kellmin = 2.*np.pi/arcStamp*np.pi/60./180. xMap,yMap,modRMap,xx,yy = fmaps.getRealAttributes(lmap) lxMap,lyMap,modLMap,thetaMap,lx,ly = fmaps.getFTAttributesFromLiteMap(lmap) cc = clusterCosmology cmb = False if winAtLens is None: cmb = True comS = cc.results.comoving_radial_distance(cc.cmbZ)*cc.h comL = cc.results.comoving_radial_distance(z)*cc.h winAtLens = (comS-comL)/comS kappaReal, r500 = NFWkappa(cc,M,c,z,modRMap*180.*60./np.pi,winAtLens,overdensity=overdensity,critical=critical,atClusterZ=atClusterZ) dAz = cc.results.angular_diameter_distance(z) * cc.h th500 = r500/dAz #fiveth500 = 10.*np.pi/180./60. #5.*th500 fiveth500 = 5.*th500 # print "5theta500 " , fiveth500*180.*60./np.pi , " arcminutes" # print "maximum theta " , modRMap.max()*180.*60./np.pi, " arcminutes" kInt = kappaReal.copy() kInt[modRMap>fiveth500] = 0. # print "mean kappa inside theta500 " , kInt[modRMap<fiveth500].mean() # print "area of th500 disc " , np.pi*fiveth500**2.*(180.*60./np.pi)**2. # print "estimated integral " , kInt[modRMap<fiveth500].mean()*np.pi*fiveth500**2. k500 = simps(simps(kInt, yy), xx) if verbose: print "integral of kappa inside disc ",k500 kappaReal[modRMap>fiveth500] = 0. #### !!!!!!!!! Might not be necessary! # if cmb: print z,fiveth500*180.*60./np.pi Ukappa = kappaReal/k500 # pl = Plotter() # pl.plot2d(Ukappa) # pl.done("output/kappa.png") ellmax = kellmax ellmin = kellmin Uft = fftfast.fft(Ukappa,axes=[-2,-1]) if rayleighSigmaArcmin is not None: Prayleigh = rayleigh(modRMap*180.*60./np.pi,rayleighSigmaArcmin) outDir = "/gpfs01/astro/www/msyriac/plots/" # io.quickPlot2d(Prayleigh,outDir+"rayleigh.png") rayK = fftfast.fft(ifftshift(Prayleigh),axes=[-2,-1]) rayK /= rayK[modLMap<1.e-3] Uft = Uft.copy()*rayK Upower = np.real(Uft*Uft.conjugate()) # pl = Plotter() # pl.plot2d(fftshift(Upower)) # pl.done("output/upower.png") Nls[Nls<0.]=0. s = splrep(ells,Nls,k=3) Nl2d = splev(modLMap,s) Nl2d[modLMap<ellmin]=np.inf Nl2d[modLMap>ellmax] = np.inf area = lmap.Nx*lmap.Ny*lmap.pixScaleX*lmap.pixScaleY Upower = Upower *area / (lmap.Nx*lmap.Ny)**2 filter = np.nan_to_num(Upower/Nl2d) #filter = np.nan_to_num(1./Nl2d) filter[modLMap>ellmax] = 0. filter[modLMap<ellmin] = 0. # pl = Plotter() # pl.plot2d(fftshift(filter)) # pl.done("output/filter.png") # if (cmb): print Upower.sum() # if not(cmb) and z>2.5: # bin_edges = np.arange(500,ellmax,100) # binner = bin2D(modLMap, bin_edges) # centers, nl2dells = binner.bin(Nl2d) # centers, upowerells = binner.bin(np.nan_to_num(Upower)) # centers, filterells = binner.bin(filter) # from import Plotter # pl = Plotter(scaleY='log') # pl.add(centers,upowerells,label="upower") # pl.add(centers,nl2dells,label="noise") # pl.add(centers,filterells,label="filter") # pl.add(ells,Nls,ls="--") # pl.legendOn(loc='upper right') # #pl._ax.set_ylim(0,1e-8) # pl.done("output/filterells.png") # sys.exit() varinv = filter.sum() std = np.sqrt(1./varinv) sn = k500/std if verbose: print sn if saveId is not None: np.savetxt("data/"+saveId+"_m"+str(log10Moverh)+"_z"+str(z)+".txt",np.array([log10Moverh,z,1./sn])) if returnKappa: return sn,fftfast.ifft(Uft,axes=[-2,-1],normalize=True).real*k500 return sn, k500, std
def getDLnMCMB(ells,Nls,clusterCosmology,log10Moverh,z,concentration,arcStamp,pxStamp,arc_upto,bin_width,expectedSN,Nclusters=1000,numSims=30,saveId=None,numPoints=1000,nsigma=8.,overdensity=500.,critical=True,atClusterZ=True): import flipper.liteMap as lm if saveId is not None: from import Plotter M = 10.**log10Moverh cc = clusterCosmology stepfilter_ellmax = max(ells) lmap = lm.makeEmptyCEATemplate(raSizeDeg=arcStamp/60., decSizeDeg=arcStamp/60.,pixScaleXarcmin=pxStamp,pixScaleYarcmin=pxStamp) xMap,yMap,modRMap,xx,xy = fmaps.getRealAttributes(lmap) lxMap,lyMap,modLMap,thetaMap,lx,ly = fmaps.getFTAttributesFromLiteMap(lmap) kappaMap,retR500 = NFWkappa(cc,M,concentration,z,modRMap*180.*60./np.pi,winAtLens,overdensity,critical,atClusterZ) finetheta = np.arange(0.01,arc_upto,0.01) finekappa,retR500 = NFWkappa(cc,M,concentration,z,finetheta,winAtLens,overdensity,critical,atClusterZ) kappaMap = fmaps.stepFunctionFilterLiteMap(kappaMap,modLMap,stepfilter_ellmax) generator = fmaps.GRFGen(lmap,ells,Nls) bin_edges = np.arange(0.,arc_upto,bin_width) binner = bin2D(modRMap*180.*60./np.pi, bin_edges) centers, thprof = binner.bin(kappaMap) if saveId is not None: pl = Plotter() pl.plot2d(kappaMap) pl.done("output/"+saveId+"kappa.png") expectedSNGauss = expectedSN*np.sqrt(numSims) sigma = 1./expectedSNGauss amplitudeRange = np.linspace(1.-nsigma*sigma,1.+nsigma*sigma,numPoints) lnLikes = 0. bigStamp = 0. for i in range(numSims): profiles,totstamp = getProfiles(generator,stepfilter_ellmax,kappaMap,binner,Nclusters) bigStamp += totstamp stats = getStats(profiles) if i==0 and (saveId is not None): pl = Plotter() pl.add(centers,thprof,lw=2,color='black') pl.add(finetheta,finekappa,lw=2,color='black',ls="--") pl.addErr(centers,stats['mean'],yerr=stats['errmean'],lw=2) pl._ax.set_ylim(-0.01,0.3) pl.done("output/"+saveId+"profile.png") pl = Plotter() pl.plot2d(totstamp) pl.done("output/"+saveId+"totstamp.png") Likes = getAmplitudeLikelihood(stats['mean'],stats['covmean'],amplitudeRange,thprof) lnLikes += np.log(Likes) width = amplitudeRange[1]-amplitudeRange[0] Likes = np.exp(lnLikes) Likes = Likes / (Likes.sum()*width) #normalize ampBest,ampErr = cfit(norm.pdf,amplitudeRange,Likes,p0=[1.0,0.5])[0] sn = ampBest/ampErr/np.sqrt(numSims) snAll = ampBest/ampErr if snAll<5.: print "WARNING: ", saveId, " run with mass ", M , " and redshift ", z , " has overall S/N<5. \ Consider re-running with a greater numSims, otherwise estimate of per Ncluster S/N will be noisy." if saveId is not None: Fit = np.array([np.exp(-0.5*(x-ampBest)**2./ampErr**2.) for x in amplitudeRange]) Fit = Fit / (Fit.sum()*width) #normalize pl = Plotter() pl.add(amplitudeRange,Likes,label="like") pl.add(amplitudeRange,Fit,label="fit") pl.legendOn(loc = 'lower left') pl.done("output/"+saveId+"like.png") pl = Plotter() pl.plot2d(bigStamp/numSims) pl.done("output/"+saveId+"bigstamp.png") np.savetxt("data/"+saveId+"_m"+str(log10Moverh)+"_z"+str(z)+".txt",np.array([log10Moverh,z,1./sn])) return 1./sn
def stack_on_map(lite_map, width_stamp_arcminute, pix_scale, ra_range, dec_range, catalog=None, n_random_points=None): from skimage.transform import resize import as stats width_stamp_degrees = width_stamp_arcminute / 60. Np = / pix_scale + 0.5) pad = / 2 + 0.5) print("Expected width in pixels = ", Np) lmap = lite_map stack = 0 N = 0 if catalog is not None: looprange = goodobjects print(looprange) assert n_random_points is None random = False else: assert n_random_points is not None assert len(ra_range) == 2 assert len(dec_range) == 2 looprange = range(0, n_random_points) random = True for i in looprange: if random: ra = np.random.uniform(*ra_range) dec = np.random.uniform(*dec_range) if random == False: ra = catalog[i][1] #1 for ACT catalog 2 for SDSS and redmapper dec = catalog[i][2] #2 for ACT catalog 3 for SDSS and redmapper ix, iy = lmap.skyToPix(ra, dec) if ix >= pad and ix < lmap.Nx - pad and iy >= pad and iy < lmap.Ny - pad: print(i) smap = lmap.selectSubMap(ra - width_stamp_degrees / 2., ra + width_stamp_degrees / 2., dec - width_stamp_degrees / 2., dec + width_stamp_degrees / 2.) #cutout = zoom(,zoom=(float(Np)/[0],float(Np)/[1])) cutout = resize(, output_shape=(Np, Np)) cutouts.append(cutout - randomstack) stack = stack + cutout xMap, yMap, modRMap, xx, yy = fmaps.getRealAttributes(smap) N = N + 1. ixs.append(ix) iys.append(iy) modRMaps.append(modRMap) else: print("skip") stack = stack / N - randomstack print(N) if catalog is not None: io.quickPlot2d(stack, out_dir + "stack.png") else:'randomstamp', stack) dt = pix_scale arcmax = 20. thetaRange = np.arange(0., arcmax, dt) breal = stats.bin2D(modRMap * 180. * 60. / np.pi, thetaRange) cents, recons = breal.bin(stack) pl = Plotter(labelX='Distance from Center (arcminutes)', labelY='Temperature Fluctuation ($\mu K$)', ftsize=10) pl.add(cents, recons) pl._ax.axhline(y=0., ls="--", alpha=0.5) pl.done(out_dir + "profiles.png") return stack, cents, recons