def eval_hermite(xi, alpha):
	assert xi.shape[1] == len(alpha)
	P = np.zeros((xi.shape[0], len(alpha)))
	for i in range(len(alpha)):
		p = orthpol.OrthogonalPolynomial(alpha[i], rv=st.norm())
		P[:,i] = p(xi[:,i])[:,0]
	return np.prod(P, axis = 1)
def find_bsdo_ncap(J, domain, nof_coefficients, min_ncap=10000, step_ncap=1000,
                   max_ncap=60000, stop_abs=1e-10, stop_rel=1e-10, threshold=1e-15):
        See get_bsdo_from_convergence method
    assert 0 < min_ncap < max_ncap
    assert step_ncap > 0
    poly = orthpol.OrthogonalPolynomial(nof_coefficients - 1, left=domain[0], right=domain[1], wf=J, ncap=min_ncap)
    last_alpha, last_beta = np.array(poly.alpha), np.array(poly.beta)
    for ncap in range(min_ncap+step_ncap, max_ncap+step_ncap, step_ncap):
        poly = orthpol.OrthogonalPolynomial(nof_coefficients - 1, left=domain[0], right=domain[1], wf=J, ncap=ncap)
        curr_alpha, curr_beta = np.array(poly.alpha), np.array(poly.beta)
        if check_array_convergence(last_alpha, last_beta, curr_alpha, curr_beta, stop_abs, stop_rel,
            return ncap
        last_alpha, last_beta = last_alpha, last_beta
    print('Did not reach convergence, use maximum ncap = ' + str(max_ncap))
    return max_ncap
 def get_monic_recurrence(nof_coefficients, support, wf, ncap):
         Calculates two-point coefficients(alpha, beta) for monic polynomials using py-orthpol
     :param nof_coefficients: Number of coefficients to calculate
     :param support: Support of the orthognal polynomials
     :param wf: Weight function for the inner product
     :param ncap: Used by py-orthpol to determine the accuracy for the calculation of the coefficients coefficients.
                  Must be <= 60000. A larger ncap results in greater accuracy at the cost of runtime.
     :return: Tuple of lists (alpha, beta) of length nof_coefficients each
     # First positional argument of OrthogonalPolynomial is actually the order of the polynomial to generate
     # OrthogonalPolynomial actually generates one additional coefficient (if order 2 was selected, it would
     # generate coefficients alpha_0, alpha_1 and alpha_2 for example!)
     poly = orthpol.OrthogonalPolynomial(nof_coefficients-1, left=support[0], right=support[1], wf=wf, ncap=ncap)
     return np.array(poly.alpha), np.array(poly.beta)
def get_bsdo(J, domain, nof_coefficients, orthpol_ncap=None):
        Computes chain bsdo coefficients (TEDOPA coefficients, see Chin et al., J. Math. Phys. 51, 092109 (2010))
        using monic orthogonal polynomial recurrence
    :param J: Spectral density of the bath
    :param domain: Domain (support) of the spectral density
    :param nof_coefficients: Number of coefficients to be calculated
    :param orthpol_ncap: Accuracy parameter for orthpol (internal discretization parameter). If set None a default of
                         60000 is used.
    :return: c0 (System-Bath coupling), omega (Bath energies), t (bath-bath couplings)
    if orthpol_ncap is None:
        orthpol_ncap = 60000
    poly = orthpol.OrthogonalPolynomial(nof_coefficients - 1, left=domain[0], right=domain[1], wf=J, ncap=orthpol_ncap)
    alpha, beta = np.array(poly.alpha), np.array(poly.beta)
    return np.sqrt(beta[0]), alpha, np.sqrt(beta[1:])

import orthpol
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats

# The desired degree
degree = 4

# The first way of doing it is write down the random variable:
rv = scipy.stats.norm()
# Construct it:
p = orthpol.OrthogonalPolynomial(degree, rv=rv)
# An orthogonal polynomial is though of as a function.
# Here is how to get the number of inputs and outputs of that function
print 'Number of inputs:', p.num_input
print 'Number of outputs:', p.num_output
# Test if the polynomials are normalized (i.e., their norm is 1.):
print 'Is normalized:', p.is_normalized
# Get the degree of the polynomial:
print 'Polynomial degree:', p.degree
# Get the alpha-beta recursion coefficients:
print 'Alpha:', p.alpha
print 'Beta:', p.beta
# The following should print a description of the polynomial
print str(p)
# Now you can evaluate the polynomial at any points you want:
X = np.linspace(-2., 2., 100)

import orthpol
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# The desired degree
degree = 4

# The first way of doing it is by directly supplying the weight function.
wf = lambda x: 1. / np.sqrt(1. - x)
# Construct it:
p = orthpol.OrthogonalPolynomial(degree,
                                 left=-1., right=1.,  # Domain
# An orthogonal polynomial is though of as a function.
# Here is how to get the number of inputs and outputs of that function
print('Number of inputs:', p.num_input)
print('Number of outputs:', p.num_output)
# Test if the polynomials are normalized (i.e., their norm is 1.):
print('Is normalized:', p.is_normalized)
# Get the degree of the polynomial:
print('Polynomial degree:', p.degree)
# Get the alpha-beta recursion coefficients:
print('Alpha:', p.alpha)
print('Beta:', p.beta)
# The following should print a description of the polynomial
# Now you can evaluate the polynomial at any points you want:

import orthpol
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# The desired degree
degree = 4

# The first way of doing it is by directly supplying the weight function.
wf = lambda (x): np.exp(-x)
# Construct it:
p = orthpol.OrthogonalPolynomial(
    right=np.inf,  # Domain
# An orthogonal polynomial is though of as a function.
# Here is how to get the number of inputs and outputs of that function
print 'Number of inputs:', p.num_input
print 'Number of outputs:', p.num_output
# Test if the polynomials are normalized (i.e., their norm is 1.):
print 'Is normalized:', p.is_normalized
# Get the degree of the polynomial:
print 'Polynomial degree:', p.degree
# Get the alpha-beta recursion coefficients:
print 'Alpha:', p.alpha
print 'Beta:', p.beta
# The following should print a description of the polynomial
print str(p)
def recurrenceCoefficients(n, lb, rb, j, g, ncap=60000):
    Calculate recurrence coefficients for given spectral density

    Recurrence coeffcients for an arbitrary measure are defined as follows.
    Given some measure :math:`d\mu(x)`, which defines the set
    :math:`\\{\\pi_n(x)\\in \\mathbb{P}_n,n=0,1,2,\\ldots\\}` of monic
    orthogonal polynomials with respect to the measure, the following recurrence
    relation holds.

    .. math::

       \\pi_{k+1}(x)=(x- \\alpha_k)\\pi_k(x)-\\beta_k\\pi_{k-1}(x), \\quad k=0,1,2...

    where :math:`\\pi_{-1}(x)\\equiv 0`, and the recurrence coefficients are:

    .. math::

       \\alpha_k=\\frac{\\langle x \\pi_k,\pi_k\\rangle}{\\langle \\pi_k,\\pi_k\\rangle}, \\quad \\beta_k=\\frac{\\langle \\pi_k,\\pi_k\\rangle}{\\langle \\pi_{k-1},\\pi_{k-1}\\rangle}.

    The TEDOPA mapping for a given spectral density relies on calculating the
    recurrence coefficients with respect to the measure :math:`d\mu(x)=h^2(x)dx`,
    where :math:`J(\\omega)=\\pi h^2[g^{-1}(\\omega)]
    \\frac{dg^{-1}(\\omega)}{d\\omega}` and :math:`g(x) = gx`. Thus, this function
    first calculates the function :math:`h^2(x)` from :math:`J(\\omega)` and then
    calls py-orthpol package to find the recurrence coefficients.

    For more details, see Journal of Mathematical Physics 51, 092109 (2010);
    doi: 10.1063/1.3490188 and ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 20, 21-62 (1994);
    doi: 10.1145/174603.174605

    Note that the input `j` must be a python lambda function representing the
    spectral density :math:`J(\omega)`

      n (int):
        Number of recurrence coefficients required.
      g (float):
        Constant g, assuming that for J(omega) it is g(omega)=g*omega.
      lb (float):
        Left bound of interval on which J is defined.
      rb (float):
        Right bound of interval on which J is defined.
      j (types.LambdaType):
        :math:`J(\omega)` defined on the interval (lb, rb)
      ncap (int):
        Number internally used by py-orthpol to determine the accuracy with
        which the recurrence coefficients are calculated. Must be >n and <=60000.
        Between 10000 and 60000 recommended, the higher the number the higher
        the accuracy and the longer the execution time. (Default value = 60000)

        list[list[float], list[float]]:
            A list of two lists, each with the respective recurrence coefficients
            :math:`\{\\alpha_i: i = 1,2,\\dots,n\}` and
            :math:`\{\\beta_i: i = 1,2,\\dots,n\}` defined above.

    # It would also be possible to give lists of J(omega) and intervals as input
    # if the py-orthpol package was changed accordingly, adding the quadrature
    # points obtained there. But that turned out to return coefficients which
    # were too inaccurate for our purposes.
    # Also the procedure does not work for ncap > 60000, it would return wrong
    # values. n must be < ncap for orthpol to work

    # ToDo: Check if ncap <= 60000 is system dependent or holds everywhere

    if ncap > 60000:
        raise ValueError("ncap <= 60000 is not fulfilled")

    if n > ncap:
        raise ValueError("n must be smaller than ncap.")

    lb, rb, h_squared = _j_to_hsquared(func=j, lb=lb, rb=rb, g=g)

    p = orth.OrthogonalPolynomial(n,

    return p.alpha, p.beta