def cp_run_and_diff (stdin_text, file_to_copy, file_correct, stdout_correct): os.chdir('..') subprocess.getoutput('rm %soutput.txt' % csid) os.system('cp %s %s/input.txt' % (file_to_copy, csid)) os.chdir(csid) process = subprocess.Popen(['python3', fileToGrade], **pipes) stdout_output = str(process.communicate(bytes(stdin_text, 'UTF-8'))[0])[2:-1] print("%s %s" % ("Encrypting" if stdin_text == 'E' else "Decrypting", file_to_copy)) try: differences = subprocess.getoutput('diff -w output.txt ../%s' % file_correct) if differences != '': print("Expected:") line = "" [print("\t|%s" % line.strip()) for line in open('../%s' % file_correct, 'r')] print("Actual:") line = "" [print("\t|%s" % line.strip()) for line in open('output.txt', 'r')] else: print("File outputs match") except: print("Program did not output to file.") subprocess.getoutput('rm output.txt') subprocess.getoutput('rm input.txt') stdout_output = '\n'.join([line if line.count(' ') != len(line) else '\n' for line in stdout_output.replace(r'\n', '\n').replace('decrpyt', 'decrypt').strip().split('\n')]) print("STDOUT matches\n" if stdout_output == stdout_correct else "STDOUT does not match:\n%s\n" % stdout_output) return (differences == '', stdout_output == stdout_correct)
def cp_run_and_diff (file_to_copy): nonlocal perfect_formatting os.chdir ('..') subprocess.getoutput('rm "%s/hidden.txt"' % csid) subprocess.getoutput('rm "%s/found.txt"' % csid) os.system('cp %s.txt "%s/hidden.txt"' % (file_to_copy, csid)) os.chdir(csid) subprocess.getoutput('python3 %s' % fileToGrade) if file_to_copy != bonus_name: print ("Testing %s:" % file_to_copy) success = True try: with open ('found.txt', 'r') as actual, open ('../%s_found.txt' % file_to_copy, 'r') as expected: actual_lines = [x.strip() for x in list(actual) if len(x.strip()) != 0] actual_lines.sort() expected_lines = [x.strip() for x in list(expected) if len(x.strip()) != 0] expected_lines.sort() if (len(actual_lines) != len(expected_lines)): success = False if (file_to_copy == file_names[0]): perfect_formatting = False else: last_line = None for expected_line, actual_line in zip(expected_lines, actual_lines): if not success: break if file_to_copy == file_names[0] and last_line is not None: perfect_formatting = perfect_formatting and len(last_line) == len(actual_line) last_line = actual_line success = expected_line.split() == actual_line.split() if True or not success and file_to_copy != bonus_name: print (' Expected:') for line in expected_lines: print (' |%s' % line) print (' Actual:') for line in actual_lines: print (' |%s' % line) print() elif success: if file_to_copy == bonus_name: print ("Testing '%s':" % file_to_copy) print ('Program output matches exactly!\n') except: if file_to_copy != bonus_name: print ("Program did not output to file.\n") if (file_to_copy == file_names[0]): perfect_formatting = False return False subprocess.getoutput('rm hidden.txt') subprocess.getoutput('rm found.txt') return success
def main(argv): directory = argv[1] for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): os.chdir(dirname) for filename in filenames: if filename.endswith('.jar'): print filename jar = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r') for info in jar.infolist(): if info.filename == 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF': data = lines = data.splitlines() for line in lines: imp_version = line.find('Implementation-Version') if imp_version != -1: print line + '\n'
def run_program_compare(): os.chdir('..') os.system('cp %s %s/isbn.txt' % (input_file, csid)) os.chdir(csid) command = 'python3 ' + fileToGrade os.system( command ) wrongCases = testCases count = 1 try: user_file = open(output_file, 'r') user_line = user_file.readline() std_file = open('../%s' % output_file, 'r') std_line = std_file.readline() while (std_line and user_line ): print ("test case", count) print ("Expected: ", std_line, end='') print ("Actual: ", user_line) count += 1 if std_line.lower().split() == user_line.lower().split(): wrongCases -= 1 elif std_line.lower().split()[1] in user_line.lower().split(): wrongCases -= 0.5 user_line = user_file.readline() std_line = std_file.readline() while(std_line): print ("test case", count) print ("Expected: ", std_line, end='') print ("Actual: ") user_line = user_line.readline() count += 1 while(user_line): wrongCases += 1 print ("Expected: ", end='') print ("Actual: ", user_line) user_line = user_line.readline() except: pass if wrongCases <= testCases: return wrongCases else: return testCases
def assign2( csid , writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 linesWrong = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = " " manualComments = "" os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! if not fileToGrade == "" and late < 3: answers = [] for creditCardNumber in inputArray: process = subprocess.Popen(['python3', fileToGrade], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) out = process.communicate(bytes(creditCardNumber, 'UTF-8'))[0] answers.append(str(out)[2:-1]) perfectCount = 0 closeCount = 0 answerCount = 0 wrongCount = 0 for correctAnswer in correct.splitlines(): if correctAnswer in answers[answerCount]: #Does not contain the correct formatted answer print('Correct answer for #', answerCount+1) perfectCount += 1 else: if correctAnswer.lower()[0:5] in answers[answerCount].lower() and not "in" + correctAnswer.lower()[0:5] in answers[answerCount].lower(): #We can change to to account for invalid or not print ("Correct answer for #", answerCount+1," but incorrect formatting") print ("\t", correctAnswer[0:1],"-",answers[answerCount]) closeCount += 1 else: print("Wrong answer") wrongCount += 1 answerCount += 1 print("Perfect:", str(perfectCount) + "/8") print("Close:", str(closeCount) + "/8") print("Wrong:", str(wrongCount) + "/8") if(0 >= closeCount >= 4): grade = 70 - (4 * wrongCount) comments += " Output did not match instructors, " elif(closeCount >= 4): grade = 60 - (4 * wrongCount) comments += " Output did not match instructors, " #TODO take of 5 points if they're closeCount is 0 to 4 and take off 10 if closeCount is greater than 4 #TODO take off 4 * wrongCount points as well #TODO fix the else below to output the correct comments else: #print('Their output:') #print(out) #print('Correct output:') #print(correct) #print('logo has ' + str(len(lines)) +' lines, not 19') #don't dock points for lateness or wrong filename here gradeInput = input("Grade out of 70 (no style, hit enter if 65): ") if gradeInput == '' : grade = 65 else : grade = int(gradeInput) manualComments = input("Comments: ") #checking for header and style #os.system('vim ' + fileToGrade) input("Hit Enter to cat") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header( (y or enter) / n)? ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '' : header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Comments (Enter a number out of 30 to represent their grade, hit enter for 30): ") comments += input ("General Comments?: ") if not style.isdigit() : style = 30 else : style = int(style) #writing grade time! if late == 3 : if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t 3 days late') else : if late == 2 : comments = "2 days late, " grade -= 20 elif late == 1 : comments = "1 day late, " grade -= 10 if wrongFileName : comments += " wrong filename, " grade -= 10 if not header : comments += " no/malformed header, " grade -= 10 if linesWrong > 0 and linesWrong < 3 : comments += "improperly formed superman logo, " grade -= 5 elif linesWrong > 3 : comments += "nonsensical superman logo, " grade -= 5 if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t"+comments.rstrip(', ') + manualComments) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign12(csid , writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True # run student's and compare their output with standard output def run_program_compare(): os.chdir('..') os.system('cp %s %s/isbn.txt' % (input_file, csid)) os.chdir(csid) command = 'python3 ' + fileToGrade os.system( command ) wrongCases = testCases count = 1 try: user_file = open(output_file, 'r') user_line = user_file.readline() std_file = open('../%s' % output_file, 'r') std_line = std_file.readline() while (std_line and user_line ): print ("test case", count) print ("Expected: ", std_line, end='') print ("Actual: ", user_line) count += 1 if std_line.lower().split() == user_line.lower().split(): wrongCases -= 1 elif std_line.lower().split()[1] in user_line.lower().split(): wrongCases -= 0.5 user_line = user_file.readline() std_line = std_file.readline() while(std_line): print ("test case", count) print ("Expected: ", std_line, end='') print ("Actual: ") user_line = user_line.readline() count += 1 while(user_line): wrongCases += 1 print ("Expected: ", end='') print ("Actual: ", user_line) user_line = user_line.readline() except: pass if wrongCases <= testCases: return wrongCases else: return testCases if late != -1: wrongTests = run_program_compare() print ("correct: ", testCases - wrongTests) print ("wrong: ", wrongTests) if wrongTests == 0: print("Excellent! passed all tests") comments.append("passed all tests") else: grade = grade - (30/testCases) * wrongTests c = str(wrongTests) + " are wrong" comments.append(c) #checking for header and style #os.system('vim ' + fileToGrade) input("Hit Enter to cat") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header and comments? (y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '' : header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").rstrip().lstrip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') print('Late more than 7 days!') else : if late == 3: comments.append("3 - 7 days late (-30)") grade -= 30 elif late == 2 : comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1 : comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName : comments.append("wrong filename (-10)") grade -= 10 if not header : comments.append("missing comments or malformed header (-10)") grade -= 10 if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign05(csid, writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! ''' 6 players - 10 pts each 1 dealer - 10 pts ''' inputText = [6] outputList = [] formatted = False crashList = [] if not (fileToGrade == '' and late != -1): for numPlayers in inputText: try: process = subprocess.Popen(['python3', fileToGrade], **pipes) out = process.communicate(bytes(str(numPlayers), 'UTF-8'))[0] outputGame = str(out)[2:-1].split('\\n') crashed = False for o in outputGame: if o.find('Traceback') > -1: crashed = True break crashList.append(crashed) if not crashed: # check output format of all 11 tests if (outputGame[0].find('Enter number of players: ') < 0) or (outputGame[0].find('Enter the number of players: ') < 0): formatted = True outputList.append(list(filter(None, outputGame))) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(' passed ^C') grade = 0 # # run tests # for count in range(len(outputList)): # output = outputList[count] # numPlayers = inputText[count] # hands = [] # if not crashList[count]: # for test in output: # hand = [] # for token in test.split(): # if isCard(token): # hand.append(card(token)) # if len(hand) == 5: # hands.append(hand) # if len(hands) != numPlayers: # comments.append('failed test ' + str(count + 1) + ' (-5) - Wrong Number of Hands') # print('Failed Test ' + str(count + 1) + ':') # print('\tWrong Number of Hands') # else: # values = [] # failed = False # if not hasDuplicate: # hasDuplicate, hand = checkDuplicate(hands) # if hasDuplicate: # hasDuplicateList.append(hand) # for i in range(len(hands)): # hand = hands[i] # sortedHand1 = sorted(hand, reverse=True) # h1, sortedHand2 = is10(sortedHand1) # h2, sortedHand3 = isStraight(sortedHand1) # if isSorted: # isSorted = sameHand(hand, sortedHand1) or sameHand(hand, sortedHand2) or sameHand(hand, sortedHand3) # if not isSorted: # isSortedList.append(printHand(hand)) # if not failed: # indType = numPlayers # while (indType < len(output)) and (output[indType].find('1:') < 0): # indType += 1 # j = indType + i # line = output[j].rstrip() if j < len(output) else '' # pos = line.find(str(i + 1)) # if pos >= 0: # for p in range(pos, len(line)): # if 'a' <= line[p].lower() <= 'z': # pos = p # break # line = line[pos:].lower() # v = -1 # if line in mapping: # v = mapping[line] # if (v == -1) or ((v != h1) and (v != h2)): # comm = 'Hand = ' + printHand(hand) + '; Output = ' + line # comments.append('failed test ' + str(count + 1) + ' (-5) ' + comm) # print('Failed Test ' + str(count + 1) + ':') # print('\tHand: ' + printHand(hand)) # print('\tType: ' + line) # failed = True # break # if not failed: # if v == h1: # values.append(computeScore(h1, sortedHand2)) # else: # values.append(computeScore(h2, sortedHand3)) # else: # comments.append('failed test ' + str(count + 1) + ' (-5) - Unable to Find Type') # print('Failed Test ' + str(count + 1) + ':') # print('\tHand: ' + printHand(hand)) # print('\tType: ' + line) # failed = True # break # if not failed: # if len(values) != 0: # maxScore = max(values) # winners = [i + 1 for i in range(len(values)) if values[i] == maxScore][::-1] # if len(winners) == 1: # if output[-1].find(str(winners[0])) < 0: # strList = map(lambda x: printHand(x), hands) # comm = 'Hands = [' + ', '.join(strList) + ']; Winner = ' + str(winners[0]) + '; Output = ' + output[-1] # comments.append('failed test ' + str(count + 1) + ' (-5) ' + comm) # print('Failed Test ' + str(count + 1) + ':') # print('\tCorrect: ' + str(winners[0])) # print('\tOutput: ' + output[-1]) # failed = True # else: # pos = -1 # for w in winners: # if output[pos].find(str(w)) < 0: # strList = map(lambda x: printHand(x), hands) # comm = 'Hands = [' + ', '.join(strList) + ']; Winner = ' + str(w) + '; Output = ' + output[pos] # comments.append('failed test ' + str(count + 1) + ' (-5) ' + comm) # print('Failed Test ' + str(count + 1) + ':') # print('\tCorrect: ' + str(w)) # print('\tOutput: ' + output[pos]) # failed = True # break # if not failed: # grade += 5 # if formatted: # grade += 5 # else: # comments.append('wrong output format (-5)') # if isSorted: # grade += 5 # else: # comm = '[' + ', '.join(isSortedList) + ']' # comments.append('spotted incorrectly sorted hand (-5) ' + comm) # if not hasDuplicate: # grade += 5 # else: # comm = 'Hands = [' + ', '.join(hasDuplicateList) + ']' # comments.append('spotted duplicate cards (-5) ' + comm) # if grade == 70: # print('Perfection =D') # else: # print('Grade: ' + str(grade)+'/70') #checking for header and style input("Hit Enter to cat first 20 lines (header)") print(subprocess.getoutput('head -20 ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header(y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '': header = True else : header = False input("Hit Enter to cat whole file (style/comments)") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").rstrip().lstrip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') print('Late more than 7 days!') else : if late == 3: comments.append("3-7 days late (-30)") grade -= 30 elif late == 2: comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1: comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName or not header: grade -= 5 if wrongFileName and header: comments.append("wrong filename (-5)") elif header and not wrongFileName: comments.append("malformed header (-5)") else: comments.append("wrong filename and malformed header (-5)") if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign1( csid ) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 linesWrong = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = "" manualComments = "" os.chdir(csid) outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : outputFile.write("0\tno file") else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! if not fileToGrade == "" and late < 3: out = subprocess.getoutput('python3 ' + fileToGrade) lines = out.split('\n') if len(lines) == 19 : if re.match('\s*', lines[0]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\s*', lines[1]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\*\*\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\*\*\s*', lines[2]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\* \$\$ \$\$ \$ \*\*\s*', lines[3]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\* \$\$ \$\$\$ \*\*\s*', lines[4]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\* \$\$\$ \*\*\s*', lines[5]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$ \*\*\s*', lines[6]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$ \*\*\s*', lines[7]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\*\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\*\*\s*', lines[8]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\* \$\$\$\$\$\$\$\*\*\s*', lines[9]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\* \$\$\*\*\s*', lines[10]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\*\$\$\$ \$\$\*\*\s*', lines[11]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\*\*\s*', lines[12]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\* \*\*\s*', lines[13]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\* \*\*\s*', lines[14]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\* \*\*\s*', lines[15]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\*\*\s*', lines[16]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match(' \*\s*', lines[17]) is None : linesWrong += 1 if re.match('\s*', lines[18]) is None : linesWrong += 1 else : print('Their output:') print(out) print('Correct output:') print(correct) print('logo has ' + str(len(lines)) +' lines, not 19') #don't dock points for lateness or wrong filename here gradeInput = input("Grade out of 70 (no style, hit enter if 65): ") if gradeInput == '' : grade = 65 else : grade = int(gradeInput) manualComments = input("Comments: ") #checking for header and style #os.system('vim ' + fileToGrade) print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header(y or enter/n)? ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '' : header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Comments (out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") if not style.isdigit() : style = 30 else : style = int(style) #writing grade time! if late == 3 : outputFile.write('0\t 3 days late') else : if late == 2 : comments = "2 days late, " grade -= 20 elif late == 1 : comments = "1 day late, " grade -= 10 if wrongFileName : comments += "wrong filename, " grade -= 10 if not header : comments += "no/malformed header, " grade -= 10 if linesWrong > 0 and linesWrong < 3 : comments += "improperly formed superman logo, " grade -= 5 elif linesWrong > 3 : comments += "nonsensical superman logo, " grade -= 5 outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t"+comments.rstrip(', ') + manualComments) outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign11(csid , writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! ''' tests 1-6 are 3 points 7 and 8 are for multiple subsequences and are 4 points test 9 is to make sure they don't output singleton matches and is 3 points ''' if late != -1: answers = [] count = 0 for strand1,strand2 in zip(inputLines[0::2],inputLines[1::2]): count += 1 try: process = subprocess.Popen(['python3', fileToGrade], **pipes) out = process.communicate(bytes(strand1+'\n'+strand2+'\n', 'UTF-8'))[0] answers.append(str(out)[2:-1].replace('\\n','\n').strip()) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(" on test" +str(count)) correct_formatting = True extra_credit = True num_3_points_tests_failed = 0 num_4_points_tests_failed = 0 # gradin' normal tests correct = "" count = 0 for normal_out,extra_credit_out,out in zip(correctLines[0::2],correctLines[1::2],answers[:10]): printed = False correct_formatting = True count += 1 normal_out = normal_out.replace('\\n','\n') print("\n=====Test "+str(count)+"=====") extra_credit_out = extra_credit_out.replace('\\n','\n') # there was some ambiguity on if the no sequence found text had a period or not out = out.replace('.','') if extra_credit and out != extra_credit_out: extra_credit = False if not extra_credit and correct_formatting and out != normal_out : print("\tIncorrect Formatting -5") print("\t=====Correct=====\n"+normal_out+"\n\t=====Output=====\n"+out) if input("Hit enter to accept deduction, or type n: ") == "": printed = True correct_formatting = False #check correctness #if there's a perfect match no need to fuzzy match if not correct_formatting: failed = False splitted = set(out.split(':')[-1].split('\n')[1:]) correct_splitted = normal_out.split('\n') if count <= 6: if splitted != set(correct_splitted[-1:]): num_3_points_tests_failed += 1 failed = True points = "3" elif count == 7: if splitted != set(correct_splitted[-2:]): num_4_points_tests_failed += 1 failed = True points = "4" elif count == 8: if splitted != set(correct_splitted[-3:]): num_4_points_tests_failed += 1 failed = True points = "4" elif count == 9: if splitted != set(correct_splitted[-1:]): num_3_points_tests_failed += 1 failed = True points = "3" if failed: if not printed: print("\t=====Correct=====\n"+normal_out+"\n\t=====Output=====\n"+out) print("\tFailed Test -"+points) else: print("\tPassed") else: print("\tPassed") #calculating grade time total_off = 0 total_off -= num_3_points_tests_failed * 3 total_off -= num_4_points_tests_failed * 4 print() feedback = "3 point tests passed: "+str(7-num_3_points_tests_failed)+"/7 so " + str(num_3_points_tests_failed*-3) comments.append(feedback) print(feedback) feedback = "4 point tests passed: "+str(2-num_4_points_tests_failed)+"/2 so " + str(num_4_points_tests_failed*-4) comments.append(feedback) print(feedback) if not correct_formatting: total_off -= 5 feedback = "Incorrect formatting: -5" comments.append(feedback) print(feedback) if extra_credit: total_off +=3 feedback = "Extra credit formatting: +3" comments.append(feedback) print(feedback) grade += total_off print("Grade: "+str(grade)+"/70") #checking for header and style #os.system('vim ' + fileToGrade) input("Hit Enter to cat") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header and comments? (y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '' : header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").rstrip().lstrip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') print('Late more than 7 days!') else : if late == 3: comments.append("3 - 7 days late (-30)") grade -= 30 elif late == 2 : comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1 : comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName : comments.append("wrong filename (-10)") grade -= 10 if not header : comments.append("missing comments or malformed header (-10)") grade -= 10 if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign15(csid , writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! ''' 20 points for correctness -5 if there's not 1 number past the decimal point ''' if late != -1: #copy over input file os.system('cp ../Census_2009.txt .') try: process = subprocess.Popen(['python3', fileToGrade], **pipes) out = process.communicate(bytes('', 'UTF-8'))[0] answerList = str(out)[2:-1].replace('\\t',' ').strip().split('\\n') except KeyboardInterrupt: print(" on test" +str(count)) correct_formatting = True correct_output = True f = open('../correct.txt', 'r') correctList = f.close() correct = [] for x in correctList.split('\n'): correct.append(x.split(' ')) answer = [] for x in answerList: if x.strip(): #empty string is false answer.append(x.split()) #check correctness if len(correct) == len(answer): count = 0 for right,theirs in zip(correct,answer): count+=1 if count == 1: continue for rightElem, theirsElem in zip(right,theirs): if rightElem != theirsElem and (rightElem not in theirsElem and theirsElem not in rightElem): try: rightFloat = eval(rightElem) theirsFloat = eval(theirsElem) except Exception: rightFloat = "" theirsFloat = "" #SOOOOO MUCH COPY PASTA!!!! DON'T EVEN CAR IT WORKS!!! #YES CAR!!!! if type(rightFloat) == type(0.0) and type(theirsFloat) == type(0.0): if rightFloat == round(theirsFloat,1): correct_formatting = False print('Mismatch!') print('===Correct===') print(rightElem) print('===Theirs===') print(theirsElem) else: print('Mismatch!') print('===Correct===') print(rightElem) print('===Theirs===') print(theirsElem) correct_output = False else: print('Mismatch!') print('===Correct===') print(rightElem) print('===Theirs===') print(theirsElem) correct_output = False else: correct_output = False print("Lengths didn't match up?!?") print('===Correct===') for x in correct: print(x) print('===Theirs===') for x in answer: print(x) if not correct_output: print('===Correct===') for x in correct: print(x) print('===Theirs===') for x in answer: print(x) #calculating grade time total_off = 0 if not correct_output: total_off -=20 #Yup, kc. feedbakc = "Failed: -20 =(" comments.append(feedbakc) print(feedbakc) if not correct_formatting: total_off -= 5 feedback = "Incorrect formatting: -5" comments.append(feedback) print(feedback) grade += total_off if total_off == 0: print("<('.')^ Perfect ^('.')>") print("Grade: "+str(grade)+"/70") #checking for header and style #os.system('vim ' + fileToGrade) input("Hit Enter to cat") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header and comments? (y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '' : header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").rstrip().lstrip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') print('Late more than 7 days!') else : if late == 3: comments.append("3 - 7 days late (-30)") grade -= 30 elif late == 2 : comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1 : comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName : comments.append("wrong filename (-10)") grade -= 10 if not header : comments.append("missing comments or malformed header (-10)") grade -= 10 if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign10(csid , writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True # copies ../FILE_TO_COPY to ./ and runs the program in ./ # diffs output.txt with FILE_CORRECT # returns tuple (file output matches, stdout output matches) def cp_run_and_diff (stdin_text, file_to_copy, file_correct, stdout_correct): os.chdir('..') subprocess.getoutput('rm %soutput.txt' % csid) os.system('cp %s %s/input.txt' % (file_to_copy, csid)) os.chdir(csid) process = subprocess.Popen(['python3', fileToGrade], **pipes) stdout_output = str(process.communicate(bytes(stdin_text, 'UTF-8'))[0])[2:-1] print("%s %s" % ("Encrypting" if stdin_text == 'E' else "Decrypting", file_to_copy)) try: differences = subprocess.getoutput('diff -w output.txt ../%s' % file_correct) if differences != '': print("Expected:") line = "" [print("\t|%s" % line.strip()) for line in open('../%s' % file_correct, 'r')] print("Actual:") line = "" [print("\t|%s" % line.strip()) for line in open('output.txt', 'r')] else: print("File outputs match") except: print("Program did not output to file.") subprocess.getoutput('rm output.txt') subprocess.getoutput('rm input.txt') stdout_output = '\n'.join([line if line.count(' ') != len(line) else '\n' for line in stdout_output.replace(r'\n', '\n').replace('decrpyt', 'decrypt').strip().split('\n')]) print("STDOUT matches\n" if stdout_output == stdout_correct else "STDOUT does not match:\n%s\n" % stdout_output) return (differences == '', stdout_output == stdout_correct) if late != -1: # encrypting (3 tests; worth 4 points each; max 15) encrypt_tests = [] # decrypting (3 tests: worth 4 points each; max 15) decrypt_tests = [] # program formatting (1 test: worth 5 points) format_test = True correct_format = 'Do you want to encrypt or decrypt? (E / D): \nOutput written to output.txt' for decrypted, encrypted in zip (files_to_encrypt, files_to_decrypt): (correctness, format_test1) = cp_run_and_diff ('E', decrypted, encrypted, correct_format) encrypt_tests.append(correctness) (correctness, format_test2) = cp_run_and_diff ('D', encrypted, decrypted, correct_format) decrypt_tests.append(correctness) format_test = format_test and format_test1 and format_test2 if all(encrypt_tests) and all(decrypt_tests) and format_test: print("Perfect! ^_^") comments.append("passed all tests") elif not (any(encrypt_tests) or any(decrypt_tests) or format_test): print("Failed every test... ='(") comments.append("failed all tests (-30)") grade -= 30 else: first_fail = True def print_fail (string): nonlocal first_fail if first_fail: first_fail = False print(string) functionality_fail = "Tests failed (5 points each):" num_off = 0 if not encrypt_tests[0]: print_fail (functionality_fail) print("\tEncrypt even length") comments.append("failed encrypt even (-5)") num_off += 5 if not encrypt_tests[1]: print_fail (functionality_fail) print("\tEncrypt odd length") comments.append("failed encrypt odd (-5)") num_off += 5 if not encrypt_tests[2]: print_fail (functionality_fail) print("\tEncrypt multiple lines") comments.append("failed encrypt multi (-5)") num_off += 5 if not decrypt_tests[0]: print_fail (functionality_fail) print("\tDecrypt even length") comments.append("failed decrypt even (-5)") num_off += 5 if not decrypt_tests[1]: print_fail (functionality_fail) print("\tDecrypt odd length") comments.append("failed decrypt odd (-5)") num_off += 5 if not decrypt_tests[2]: print_fail (functionality_fail) print("\tDecrypt multiple lines") comments.append("failed decrypt multi (-5)") num_off += 5 if not format_test: print_fail (functionality_fail) print("\tSTDOUT Formatting") comments.append("incorrect formatting (-5)") num_off += 5 grade -= num_off print("Total off: (-%d)" % num_off) #checking for header and style #os.system('vim ' + fileToGrade) input("Hit Enter to cat") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header and comments? (y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '' : header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").rstrip().lstrip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') print('Late more than 7 days!') else : if late == 3: comments.append("3 - 7 days late (-30)") grade -= 30 elif late == 2 : comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1 : comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName : comments.append("wrong filename (-10)") grade -= 10 if not header : comments.append("missing comments or malformed header (-10)") grade -= 10 if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign09(csid, writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! ''' 30: for 3 x 3 squares 15: unique squares 15: correct number for squares 40: for the rest 10: magic square of size 7 10: magic square of size 9 10: reprompts user for bad input, and 3x3 square 10: formatting ''' grade = 70 #Test these squares inputText = ['7','9','2\n3'] inputNums = [7,9,3] output = [] formatting = True if not (fileToGrade == '' and late != -1): #grab output for text in inputText: try: process = subprocess.Popen(['python3', fileToGrade], **pipes) out = process.communicate(bytes(text, 'UTF-8'))[0] output.append(str(out)[2:-1].split('\\n')) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(' passed ^C on input',text) #test output checkedPermutations = False for (out,test) in zip(output,inputNums): out = [x.rstrip() for x in out] out = list(filter(None,out)) filtered = [] for line in out: #people spelt square wrong... if 'square' not in line and 'odd' not in line and 'magic' not in line: filtered.append(line) if len(filtered) != test + (3*8): print() square = [filtered[y] for y in range(test)] if formatting and not checkFormatting(square): formatting = False grade -= 10 comment = "incorrectly formatted square (-10)" print(comment) for row in square: print('\t' + str(row)) comments.append(comment) if not checkMagicSquare(square): grade -= 10 comment = "%dx%d magic square isn't well formed (-10)"%(test,test) if test == 3: comment += ', might not have reprompted for input when given an even number' print(comment) for row in square: print('\t' + str(row)) comments.append(comment) if not checkedPermutations: #only check permutations once checkedPermutations = True permutations = [] trimmed = filtered[test:] for x in range(0,len(trimmed),3): square = [] square.append(trimmed[x]) if x + 1 < len(trimmed): square.append(trimmed[x+1]) if x + 2 < len(trimmed): square.append(trimmed[x+2]) permutations.append(square) if len(permutations) != 8: grade -= 15 comment = 'outputted %d 3x3 squares instead of 8 (-15)'%len(permutations) print(comment) comments.append(comment) if not checkPermutations(permutations): grade -= 15 comment = 'incorrect set of unique 3x3 squares (-15)' print(comment) comments.append(comment) if len(filtered) != test + (3*8): s = 'more' if len(filtered) > test + (3*8) else 'less' print('!!!\nparsed output contains %s lines than expected'%s) print('dumping raw output for test %dx%d'%(test,test)) for line in out: print(line) off = input('Points off (enter is 0 too): ') off = off.strip() if off.isdigit(): comment = input('Comment: ') comments.append(comment) grade -= int(off) if grade == 70: print("<('.')^ Perfection ^('.')>") else: print("Grade: %d/70"%grade) #checking for header and style input("Hit Enter to cat first 20 lines (header)") print(subprocess.getoutput('head -20 ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header(y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '': header = True else : header = False input("Hit Enter to cat whole file (style/comments)") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").rstrip().lstrip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') print('Late more than 7 days!') else : if late == 3: comments.append("3-7 days late (-30)") grade -= 30 elif late == 2: comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1: comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName or not header: grade -= 5 if wrongFileName and header: comments.append("wrong filename (-5)") elif header and not wrongFileName: comments.append("malformed header (-5)") else: comments.append("wrong filename and malformed header (-5)") if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign15(csid, writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 0 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! ''' 5 files, 2 cases (toposort/mst, djikstras) 10 cases total 7 points per case ''' if not (fileToGrade == '' and late != -1): correctFormatting = True count = 0 for run in range(1,6): try: print("\n=====File %d====="%run) testFile = 'graph%d.txt'%run correctFile = '../correct%d.txt'%run os.system('cp ../'+ testFile +' graph.txt') out = subprocess.getoutput('python3 ' + fileToGrade).split('\n') points,c = getPoints(run,out) grade += points comments += c print(str(points) + '/14') if c != []: print('\n'.join(c)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(' passed on run',run) grade = 0 if grade < 0 else grade if grade == 70: print('Perfection =D') else: print('Grade: ' + str(grade)+'/70') #checking for header and style input("Hit Enter to cat first 20 lines (header)") print(subprocess.getoutput('head -20 ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header(y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '': header = True else : header = False input("Hit Enter to cat whole file (style/comments)") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").rstrip().lstrip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late in [-1,2,3]: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 1 day late\n') if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..") print('Late more than 1 day') return elif late == 1: comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 print('1 day late (-10)') if wrongFileName or not header: grade -= 5 if wrongFileName and header: comments.append("wrong filename (-5)") elif header and not wrongFileName: comments.append("malformed header (-5)") else: comments.append("wrong filename and malformed header (-5)") if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign14(csid , writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! ''' 5 total test cases 2 normal test each 5 points all 1's alternating 1 -1 3 others test that it handles n correctly, 5 points test if inputting weird guesses is handled correctly, 5 points test that it handles 7 no's correctly, 5 points general formatting 5 points total of 30 points ''' initialPrompt = "Guessing Game\n\nThink of a number between 1 and 100 inclusive.\nAnd I will guess what it is in 7 tries or less.\n\nAre you ready? (y/n): " prompt = "Enter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: " goodResponse = "Thank you for playing the Guessing Game." badResponse = "Either you guessed a number out of range or you had an incorrect entry." testCases = [ 'y\n1\n1\n1\n1\n1\n0', 'y\n1\n-1\n1\n-1\n1\n-1\n0', 'n\n', 'y\nBAD INPUT\nBAD INPUT\n0\n', 'y\n1\n-1\n1\n-1\n1\n-1\n1' ] correctOutput = [ initialPrompt + '\nGuess 1 : The number you thought was 50\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 2 : The number you thought was 25\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 3 : The number you thought was 12\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 4 : The number you thought was 6\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 5 : The number you thought was 3\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 6 : The number you thought was 1\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \n'+ goodResponse, initialPrompt + '\nGuess 1 : The number you thought was 50\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 2 : The number you thought was 25\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 3 : The number you thought was 37\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 4 : The number you thought was 31\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 5 : The number you thought was 34\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 6 : The number you thought was 32\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 7 : The number you thought was 33\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \n'+goodResponse, initialPrompt + '\nBye', initialPrompt + '\nGuess 1 : The number you thought was 50\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \n' + goodResponse, initialPrompt + '\nGuess 1 : The number you thought was 50\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 2 : The number you thought was 25\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 3 : The number you thought was 37\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 4 : The number you thought was 31\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 5 : The number you thought was 34\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 6 : The number you thought was 32\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 7 : The number you thought was 33\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \n'+badResponse ] if late != -1: answers = [] count = 0 for test in testCases: count += 1 try: process = subprocess.Popen(['python3', fileToGrade], **pipes) out = process.communicate(bytes(test, 'UTF-8'))[0] answers.append(str(out)[2:-1].replace('\\n','\n').strip()) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(" on test" +str(count)) correct_formatting = True # gradin' normal tests correct = "" count = 0 numFailed = 0 for correct,out in zip(correctOutput,answers): printed = False count += 1 print("=====Test "+str(count)+"=====") #check formatting if out != correct and correct_formatting: print("\tIncorrect Formatting -5") print("\t=====Correct=====\n\t"+'\n\t'.join(correct.split('\n'))+"\n\t=====Output=====\n\t"+'\n\t'.join(out.split('\n'))) printed = True correct_formatting = False #check correctness #if there's a perfect match no need to fuzzy match if not correct_formatting: failed = False theirNums = [int(s) for s in out.split() if s.isdigit()] ourNums = [int(s) for s in correct.split() if s.isdigit()] if count == 3: if "bye" not in out.lower(): failed = True elif count == 5: if badResponse.lower()[:-1] not in out.lower(): failed = True elif set(theirNums) != set(ourNums): failed = True if failed: comments.append("Failed test " + str(count) + " (-5)") numFailed += 1 if not printed: print("\tFailed test "+str(count) + ": -5") print("\t=====Correct=====\n\t"+'\n\t'.join(correct.split('\n'))+"\n\t=====Output=====\n\t"+'\n\t'.join(out.split('\n'))) else: print("\tPassed") else: print("\tPassed") #take off for test that we had to ^C if len(answers) < 5: numFailed += 5 - len(answers) #calculating grade time total_off = (numFailed * -5) print() print("Failed " + str(numFailed)) if not correct_formatting: total_off -= 5 feedback = "Incorrect formatting: -5" comments.append(feedback) print(feedback) grade += total_off print("Grade: "+str(grade)+"/70") #checking for header and style #os.system('vim ' + fileToGrade) input("Hit Enter to cat") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header and comments? (y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '' : header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").rstrip().lstrip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') print('Late more than 7 days!') else : if late == 3: comments.append("3 - 7 days late (-30)") grade -= 30 elif late == 2 : comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1 : comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName : comments.append("wrong filename (-10)") grade -= 10 if not header : comments.append("missing comments or malformed header (-10)") grade -= 10 if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
# Open a File file = open(file="text.txt", mode='wb', buffering=1) print("Name of the title: ", print("Closed or not: ", file.closed) print("Opening mode: ", file.mode) file.write( bytes("I am not a psychopath, I am a high functioning sociopath.\n", "UTF-8")) file.close() file = open(file="text.txt", mode="r", buffering=1) print("Position: ", file.tell()) # Tell the position of the current seeking point. data = # Read all bytes file.close() print("The read data is: ", data) print("Closed or not: ", file.closed) # Use the OS path library. os.rename("text.txt", "newText.txt") # Rename the file name. os.remove("newText.txt") # Remove the file with this file name. os.mkdir("folder", mode=0o777) os.chdir("folder") # Changes the current directory with this. os.mkdir("test") # Makes folder in folder with name test. print("The current dir: ", os.getcwd()) # Prints the current directory path. os.rmdir("folder") # Removes the directory.
def assign01(csid, writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! ''' 53 points 2 24 point runs substution encode/decode is 10 points vigenere encode/decode is 14 points 5 for formatting ''' fillerText = ['Substitution Cipher','Enter Plain Text to be Encoded: Encoded Text: ','Enter Encoded Text to be Decoded: Decoded Plain Text: ','Vigenere Cipher','Enter Plain Text to be Encoded: Enter Pass Phrase (no spaces allowed): Encoded Text: ','Enter Encoded Text to be Decoded: Enter Pass Phrase (no spaces allowed): Decoded Plain Text: '] inputText = [] outputText = [] outputText.append(['dsvvb kbnvw','hello world','zilwg aocdh','hello world']) outputText.append(['dqc emlp!!!','hai guyz','qfh','!!tri cky!!']) inputText.append(['hello world', 'dsvvb kbnvw','hello world','seal','zilwg aocdh','seal']) inputText.append(['HAI GUYZ!!!', 'dqc emlp','xyz','thisisapassphrase','!!tri cky!!','aaaaaazzzzzz']) if not (fileToGrade == '' and late != -1): correctFormatting = True count = 0 for (inText,outText) in zip(inputText,outputText): try: process = subprocess.Popen(['python3',fileToGrade], **pipes) out = process.communicate(bytes('\n'.join(inText), 'UTF-8'))[0] answers = list(filter(None, str(out)[2:-1].split('\\n'))) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(' passed ^C') #there's probably a way to loop through this jazz but meh correctAnswers = [] correctAnswers.append(fillerText[0]) correctAnswers.append(fillerText[1] + outText[0]) correctAnswers.append(fillerText[2] + outText[1]) correctAnswers.append(fillerText[3]) correctAnswers.append(fillerText[4] + outText[2]) correctAnswers.append(fillerText[5] + outText[3]) modCount = count % 6 for (theirs, ours) in zip(answers,correctAnswers): if correctFormatting: if theirs.strip() != ours.strip(): correctFormatting = False grade -= 5 comments.append('Incorrect Formatting (-5) yours:' + theirs +' ours:'+ours) print('\tIncorrect Formatting') print('\tTheirs\n\t'+theirs) print('\tOurs\n\t'+ours) else: print('Passed Test ' + str(count + 1)) if not correctFormatting and modCount != 0 and modCount != 3: t = theirs.split(':')[-1].strip() o = ours.split(':')[-1].strip() if t != o: comments.append('Failed Test '+ str(count+1)) print('X '+comments[-1]) print('\tTheirs\n\t'+theirs) print('\tOurs\n\t'+ours) if modCount == 1 or modCount == 2: grade -= 5 else: grade -= 7 else: print('Passed Test ' + str(count+1)) count += 1 modCount += 1 if grade == 70: print('Perfection =D') else: print('Grade: ' + str(grade)+'/70') #checking for header and style input("Hit Enter to cat") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header(y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '': header = True else: header = False style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").rstrip().lstrip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 2 days late') print('Late more than 2 days!') else: if late == 2: comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1: comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName or not header: grade -= 5 if wrongFileName: comments.append("wrong filename (-5)") elif header: comments.append("malformed header (-5)") else: comments.append("wrong filename and malformed header (-5)") if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign13(csid , writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True # copies ../FILE_TO_COPY.txt to ./hidden.txt and runs the program in ./ # diffs ./found.txt with ../FILE_TO_COPY_found.txt perfect_formatting = True def cp_run_and_diff (file_to_copy): nonlocal perfect_formatting os.chdir ('..') subprocess.getoutput('rm "%s/hidden.txt"' % csid) subprocess.getoutput('rm "%s/found.txt"' % csid) os.system('cp %s.txt "%s/hidden.txt"' % (file_to_copy, csid)) os.chdir(csid) subprocess.getoutput('python3 %s' % fileToGrade) if file_to_copy != bonus_name: print ("Testing %s:" % file_to_copy) success = True try: with open ('found.txt', 'r') as actual, open ('../%s_found.txt' % file_to_copy, 'r') as expected: actual_lines = [x.strip() for x in list(actual) if len(x.strip()) != 0] actual_lines.sort() expected_lines = [x.strip() for x in list(expected) if len(x.strip()) != 0] expected_lines.sort() if (len(actual_lines) != len(expected_lines)): success = False if (file_to_copy == file_names[0]): perfect_formatting = False else: last_line = None for expected_line, actual_line in zip(expected_lines, actual_lines): if not success: break if file_to_copy == file_names[0] and last_line is not None: perfect_formatting = perfect_formatting and len(last_line) == len(actual_line) last_line = actual_line success = expected_line.split() == actual_line.split() if True or not success and file_to_copy != bonus_name: print (' Expected:') for line in expected_lines: print (' |%s' % line) print (' Actual:') for line in actual_lines: print (' |%s' % line) print() elif success: if file_to_copy == bonus_name: print ("Testing '%s':" % file_to_copy) print ('Program output matches exactly!\n') except: if file_to_copy != bonus_name: print ("Program did not output to file.\n") if (file_to_copy == file_names[0]): perfect_formatting = False return False subprocess.getoutput('rm hidden.txt') subprocess.getoutput('rm found.txt') return success if late != -1: test_results = [] for test in file_names: test_results.append (cp_run_and_diff (test)) test_results.append (cp_run_and_diff (bonus_name)) if test_results[-1]: print("Bonus: Diagonal searching implemented correctly! (+10)\n") comments.append("passed diagonal bonus (+10)") grade += 10 if perfect_formatting and any(test_results[:-2]): print("Bonus: formatting is perfect! (+5)\n") comments.append("passed formatting bonus (+5)") grade += 5 if all(test_results[:-1]): print("Perfect! ^_^") comments.append("passed all tests") elif not any(test_results[:-1]): print("Failed every test... ='(") comments.append("failed all tests (-30)") grade -= 30 else: first_fail = True def print_fail (string): nonlocal first_fail if first_fail: first_fail = False print(string) functionality_fail = "Tests failed (6 points each):" num_off = 0 for i in range (len(test_results) - 1): if not test_results[i]: print_fail (functionality_fail) print("\t%s" % file_names[i]) comments.append("failed %s (-6)" % file_names[i]) num_off += 6 grade -= num_off print("Total off: (-%d)" % num_off) #checking for header and style #os.system('vim ' + fileToGrade) input("Hit Enter to cat") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header and comments? (y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '' : header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").rstrip().lstrip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') print('Late more than 7 days!') else : if late == 3: comments.append("3 - 7 days late (-30)") grade -= 30 elif late == 2 : comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1 : comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName : comments.append("wrong filename (-10)") grade -= 10 if not header : comments.append("missing comments or malformed header (-10)") grade -= 10 if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign6( csid , writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = " " os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! if not fileToGrade == "" and late != -1: out = "XXInterrputed sprobs will be set to 13X" process = subprocess.Popen(['python3', fileToGrade], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) try: out = process.communicate(bytes('50000', 'UTF-8'))[0] except KeyboardInterrupt: pass #yup this next line of code is a little funky but yeah... it works and I'm lazy --Devin perfect = True wrong = False answer = (str(out)[2:-1]).replace('\\n','\n').rstrip().split('\n') try: switch = int(re.findall("\D+\d+\.(\d+)",answer[-2])[0]) noSwitch = int(re.findall("\D+\d+\.(\d+)",answer[-1])[0]) except IndexError: wrong = True perfect = False switch = 1337 noSwitch = 1337 #penalize for not rounding if switch > 99 or noSwitch > 99: perfect = False switch = round(int(str(switch)[:3]), -1) // 10 noSwitch = round(int(str(noSwitch)[:3]), -1) // 10 if perfect and switch + noSwitch == 100 and ( 66 <= switch <= 68) and (32 <= noSwitch <= 34): pass print("Perfect (feels nice to be nice =D)") elif not wrong and switch + noSwitch == 100 and (( 66 <= switch <= 68) or (32 <= noSwitch <= 34)): grade -= 10 print("Close") print(answer[-2:]) print("Prob when switching: " + str(switch) + " Prob when not switching: " +str(noSwitch)) comments += "Somewhat wrong output!" else: grade -= 30 print("Wrong") print(answer[-2:]) print("Prob when switching: " + str(switch) + " Prob when not switching: " +str(noSwitch)) comments += "Wrong output!" #checking for header and style #os.system('vim ' + fileToGrade) input("Hit Enter to cat") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header( (y or enter) / n)? ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '' : header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Comments (Enter a number out of 30 to represent their grade, hit enter for 30): ") comments += input ("General Comments?: ") if not style.isdigit() : style = 30 else : style = int(style) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') print('Late more than 7 days!') else : if late == 3: comments = "3 - 7 days late, " grade -= 30 elif late == 2 : comments = "2 days late, " grade -= 20 elif late == 1 : comments = "1 day late, " grade -= 10 if wrongFileName : comments += " wrong filename, " grade -= 10 if not header : comments += " no/malformed header, " grade -= 10 if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t"+comments.rstrip(', ')) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign4( csid , writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = " " os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! if not fileToGrade == "" and late < 3: answers = [] for x in range(0,len(inputArray),3): process = subprocess.Popen(['python3', fileToGrade], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) out = process.communicate(bytes(inputArray[x] + '\n' + inputArray[x+1] + '\n' + inputArray[x+2], 'UTF-8'))[0] answers.append(str(out)[2:-1]) perfectCount = 0 closeCount = 0 answerCount = 0 wrongCount = 0 for correctAnswer in correct.splitlines(): if correctAnswer in answers[answerCount]: #Does not contain the correct formatted answer print('Correct answer for #', answerCount+1) perfectCount += 1 else: correctSplitted = correctAnswer.split() if correctSplitted[-1][:-1].lower() in answers[answerCount].lower() : print ("Correct answer for #", answerCount+1," but incorrect formatting") print ("\t", correctAnswer," vs. ",answers[answerCount]) closeCount += 1 else: print("Wrong answer") print ("\t", correctAnswer," vs. ",answers[answerCount]) wrongCount += 1 answerCount += 1 print("Perfect:", str(perfectCount) + "/10") print("Close:", str(closeCount) + "/10") print("Wrong:", str(wrongCount) + "/10") if wrongCount != 0 or closeCount != 0: grade -= (2 * wrongCount) grade -= (1 * closeCount) comments += " Output did not match instructors, " #checking for header and style #os.system('vim ' + fileToGrade) input("Hit Enter to cat") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header( (y or enter) / n)? ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '' : header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Comments (Enter a number out of 30 to represent their grade, hit enter for 30): ") comments += input ("General Comments?: ") if not style.isdigit() : style = 30 else : style = int(style) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') else : if late == 3: comments = "3 - 7 days late, " grade -= 30 elif late == 2 : comments = "2 days late, " grade -= 20 elif late == 1 : comments = "1 day late, " grade -= 10 if wrongFileName : comments += " wrong filename, " grade -= 10 if not header : comments += " no/malformed header, " grade -= 10 if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t"+comments.rstrip(', ')) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign07(csid, writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! ''' 7 test cases (10 pts each) = 70 pts ''' grade = 0 inFiles = ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] outFiles = ['test1.out', 'test2.out', 'test3.out', 'test4.out', 'test5.out', 'test6.out', 'test7.out'] for idx in range(len(inFiles)): print('Test ' + str(idx + 1) + ':') os.system('cp ../' + inFiles[idx] + ' Boxes.txt') os.system('cp ../' + inFiles[idx] + ' boxes.txt') # output = subprocess.getoutput('python3 ' + fileToGrade).split('\n\n') signal, output = execute(['python3', fileToGrade], 15) output = output.split('\n\n') correct = open('../' + outFiles[idx]).read().split('\n\n') subsets = set() correctSubsets = set() if signal != -1: for out in output: boxes = set() for line in out.split('\n'): box = set() for d in re.sub('[^\d]', ' ', line).split(' '): if d.isdigit(): box.add(int(d)) if len(box) == 3: boxes.add(frozenset(box)) if len(boxes) > 0: subsets.add(frozenset(boxes)) for cor in correct: boxes = set() for line in cor.split('\n'): box = set() for d in re.sub('[^\d]', ' ', line).split(' '): if d.isdigit(): box.add(int(d)) if len(box) == 3: boxes.add(frozenset(box)) if len(boxes) > 0: correctSubsets.add(frozenset(boxes)) if (subsets == correctSubsets): print('\tPassed') grade += 10 else: print('\tFailed (-10)') comments.append('Failed Test ' + str(idx + 1)) else: print('\tTimed Out (-10)') comments.append('Failed Test ' + str(idx + 1) + ' (Timed Out)') if grade == 70: print('Perfection =D') else: print('Grade: ' + str(grade) + '/70') #checking for header and style input("Hit Enter to cat first 20 lines (header)") print(subprocess.getoutput('head -20 ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header(y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '': header = True else : header = False input("Hit Enter to cat whole file (style/comments)") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").rstrip().lstrip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') print('Late more than 7 days!') else : if late == 3: comments.append("3-7 days late (-30)") grade -= 30 elif late == 2: comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1: comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName or not header: grade -= 5 if wrongFileName and header: comments.append("wrong filename (-5)") elif not header and not wrongFileName: comments.append("malformed header (-5)") else: comments.append("wrong filename and malformed header (-5)") if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign12(csid, writeToFile,editor): fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! ''' 70 + 10 15 - Sparse add() 15 - Sparse mult() 10 - Sparse getRow() 10 - Sparse getCol() 20 - Sparse str() 10 - formatting 10 - including 0's setElement broken = -10 +10 - Sparse str() extra credit ''' grade = 70 #Test these squares formatting = True if not (fileToGrade == '' and late != -1): #grab output output = [] for run in range(1,4): try: print("\n=====File %d===== (Ours then Theirs)"%run) testFile = 'matrix%d.txt'%run outFile = 'out%d.txt'%run correctFile = '../correct%d.txt'%run os.system('cp ../'+ testFile +' matrix.txt') output.append(subprocess.getoutput('python3 ' + fileToGrade + '> ' + outFile).splitlines()) #modifying output f = open(outFile,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = open(outFile,'w') lines = [x.rstrip() for x in lines] lines = list(filter(None,lines)) f.write('\n'.join(lines)) f.close() os.system('diff -yB ' + correctFile +' '+outFile) print('\n'+'='*35) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(' passed on run',run) off = input('points off: ') while off != '': grade -= int(off) print('Current Grade: %d'%grade) comment = input('comments? ') if comment != '': comments.append(comment + ' (-%s)'%off) off = input('points off: ') print() if grade >= 70: print("<('.')^ Perfection ^('.')>") print("Grade: %d/70"%grade) else: print("Grade: %d/70"%grade) #checking for header and style input("Hit Enter to cat first 20 lines (header)") print(subprocess.getoutput('head -20 ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header(y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '': header = True else: header = False input("Hit Enter to cat whole file (style/comments)") if editor != '': os.system(editor +' '+ fileToGrade) else: print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").strip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') print('Late more than 7 days!') else : if late == 3: comments.append("3-7 days late (-30)") grade -= 30 elif late == 2: comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1: comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName or not header: grade -= 5 if wrongFileName and header: comments.append("wrong filename (-5)") elif header and not wrongFileName: comments.append("malformed header (-5)") else: comments.append("wrong filename and malformed header (-5)") if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign06(csid, writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! ''' 5 handles wrong input 5 handles non existant names 60 options 1 - 6 (5 off for wrong ordering, 10 for wrong names, 5 for wrong name singular) -5 formatting -10 for no try except -15 for no while loop -20 for not reading from web ''' inputList = ['1','test','1','Devin','2','Daniel','3','1950','4','5','6','A'] ignore = ['The names are in alphabetical'] if not (fileToGrade == '' and late != -1): try: process = subprocess.Popen(['python3',fileToGrade], **pipes) out = process.communicate(bytes('\n'.join(inputList), 'UTF-8'))[0] answers = str(out)[2:-1].replace(':','\\n').split('\\n') answers = list(filter(None, [line.strip() for line in answers])) os.chdir('..') process = subprocess.Popen(['python3',''], **pipes) correctOut = process.communicate(bytes('\n'.join(inputList), 'UTF-8'))[0] correctAnswers = str(correctOut)[2:-1].replace(':','\\n').split('\\n') correctAnswers = list(filter(None, [line.strip() for line in correctAnswers])) os.chdir(csid) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(' passed ^C') temp = [] for a in answers: if a not in ignore: temp.append(a) else: print('ignoring: ' + a) answers = temp input('done ignoring, continue?') perfect = True for (theirs,ours) in zip(answers,correctAnswers): if theirs.replace(' display','') != ours.replace(' display',''): print('\t!!!Mismatch\n'+theirs+'\n'+ours) perfect = False elif not perfect: print(theirs+'\n'+ours) print() if len(answers) != len(correctAnswers): print(len(answers),'!=',len(correctAnswers)) for x in range(len(correctAnswers) - len(answers)): print(correctAnswers[len(correctAnswers)-x -1]) if not perfect: grade = input('Enter a grade out of 70: ') if grade == '': grade = 70 else: grade = int(grade) if grade == 70: print('Perfection =D') else: print('Grade: ' + str(grade)+'/70') # style time! input("Hit Enter to cat whole file (style/comments)") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) #looking for try except block usedTry, usedExcept,tryExceptPoints = False, False,0 f = open(fileToGrade, 'r') for line in f: if 'try:' in line: usedTry = True if 'except' in line: usedExcept = True if usedTry and usedExcept: break f.close() if not (usedTry and usedExcept): noTryExcept = input("!!!\ncouldn't find try except block\nhit enter to take of 10 points: ") if noTryExcept == "": tryExceptPoints = 10 comments.append('no try except block (-10)') #-10 for no header headerInput = input("Header(y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '': header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").rstrip().lstrip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) style -= tryExceptPoints if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') print('Late more than 7 days!') else : if late == 3: comments.append("3-7 days late (-30)") grade -= 30 elif late == 2: comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1: comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName or not header: grade -= 5 if wrongFileName and header: comments.append("wrong filename (-5)") elif not header and not wrongFileName: comments.append("malformed header (-5)") else: comments.append("wrong filename and malformed header (-5)") if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def setUp(self): #chdir to test dir so that relative resource files are resolved # even when test is run from an other directory self.previous_workdir=os.getcwd(); os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__))
def assign14(csid , writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! ''' 5 total test cases 2 normal test each 5 points all 1's alternating 1 -1 3 others test that it handles n correctly, 5 points test if inputting weird guesses is handled correctly, 5 points test that it handles 7 no's correctly, 5 points general formatting 5 points total of 30 points ''' initialPrompt = "Guessing Game\n\nThink of a number between 1 and 100 inclusive.\nAnd I will guess what it is in 7 tries or less.\n\nAre you ready? (y/n): " prompt = "Enter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: " goodResponse = "Thank you for playing the Guessing Game." badResponse = "Either you guessed a number out of range or you had an incorrect entry." testCases = [ 'y\n1\n1\n1\n1\n1\n0', 'y\n1\n-1\n1\n-1\n1\n-1\n0', 'n\n', 'y\nBAD INPUT\nBAD INPUT\n0\n', 'y\n1\n-1\n1\n-1\n1\n-1\n1' ] testDescription = [ 'Thinking of 1', 'Thinking of 33', "User doesn't want to play", 'Entering something other than 1, -1, or 0', 'More than 7 guesses should fail' ] correctOutput = [ initialPrompt + '\nGuess 1 : The number you thought was 50\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 2 : The number you thought was 25\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 3 : The number you thought was 12\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 4 : The number you thought was 6\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 5 : The number you thought was 3\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 6 : The number you thought was 1\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \n'+ goodResponse, initialPrompt + '\nGuess 1 : The number you thought was 50\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 2 : The number you thought was 25\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 3 : The number you thought was 37\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 4 : The number you thought was 31\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 5 : The number you thought was 34\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 6 : The number you thought was 32\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 7 : The number you thought was 33\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \n'+goodResponse, initialPrompt + '\nBye', initialPrompt + '\nGuess 1 : The number you thought was 50\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \n' + goodResponse, initialPrompt + '\nGuess 1 : The number you thought was 50\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 2 : The number you thought was 25\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 3 : The number you thought was 37\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 4 : The number you thought was 31\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 5 : The number you thought was 34\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 6 : The number you thought was 32\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \nGuess 7 : The number you thought was 33\nEnter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct: \n'+badResponse ] if late != -1: answers = [] for i, test in enumerate(testCases): try: process = subprocess.Popen(['python3', fileToGrade], **pipes) out = process.communicate(bytes(test, 'UTF-8'))[0] answers.append(str(out)[2:-1].replace('\\n','\n').strip()) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(" on test" +str(i+1)) # Check formatting using the first test case. correct_formatting = True answer_lines = answers[0].replace(' ', ' ').split('\n') correct_lines = correctOutput[0].replace(' ', ' ').split('\n') if len(answer_lines) != len(correct_lines): formatting_mistake = "Output has the wrong number of lines." correct_formatting = False elif "Guessing Game" not in answer_lines[0]: formatting_mistake = "First line in output is incorrect." correct_formatting = False elif "Think of a number between 1 and 100 inclusive." not in answer_lines[2] or \ "And I will guess what it is in 7 tries or less." not in answer_lines[3]: formatting_mistake = "Game intro is missing or incorrect." correct_formatting = False elif "Are you ready? (y/n):" not in answer_lines[5]: formatting_mistake = "Did not ask if user was ready." correct_formatting = False elif "Guess 1" not in answer_lines[6] or \ "Guess 2" not in answer_lines[8] or \ "Guess 3" not in answer_lines[10]: formatting_mistake = "Didn't list guess numbers correctly." correct_formatting = False elif "Enter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct:" not in answer_lines[7] or \ "Enter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct:" not in answer_lines[9] or \ "Enter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct:" not in answer_lines[11]: formatting_mistake = "Didn't promp user to enter 0, -1, or 1 correctly." correct_formatting = False elif "Thank you for playing the Guessing Game." not in answer_lines[-1]: formatting_mistake = "Did not correctly thank the user for playing." correct_formatting = False if not correct_formatting: print("\tIncorrect Formatting (-5)") print("\t=====Correct=====\n\t"+'\n\t'.join(correct_lines)+"\n\t=====Output=====\n\t"+'\n\t'.join(answer_lines)) # gradin' normal tests numFailed = 0 for i,(correct,out) in enumerate(zip(correctOutput,answers)): print("=====Test "+str(i+1)+"=====") # check correctness failed = False # Get numbers following the intro to the game. theirNums = [int(s) for s in out[out.find('Are you ready')+1:].split() if s.isdigit()] ourNums = [int(s) for s in correct[correct.find('Are you ready')+1:].split() if s.isdigit()] if i == 2: if "bye" not in out.lower(): failed = True elif i == 3: if out.count("Enter 1 if my guess was high, -1 if low, and 0 if correct:") != 3: failed = True elif i == 4: if badResponse.lower()[:-1] not in out.lower(): failed = True elif theirNums != ourNums: failed = True if failed: comments.append("Failed test " + str(i+1) + ": " + testDescription[i] + " (-5)") numFailed += 1 print("\tFailed test "+str(i+1) + ": -5") print("\t=====Correct=====\n\t"+'\n\t'.join(correct.split('\n'))+"\n\t=====Output=====\n\t"+'\n\t'.join(out.split('\n'))) else: print("\tPassed") #take off for test that we had to ^C if len(answers) < 5: numFailed += 5 - len(answers) #calculating grade time total_off = (numFailed * -5) print() print("Failed " + str(numFailed)) if not correct_formatting: total_off -= 5 feedback = "Incorrect formatting: " + formatting_mistake + " (-5)" comments.append(feedback) print(feedback) grade += total_off print("Grade: "+str(grade)+"/70") #checking for header and style #os.system('vim ' + fileToGrade) input("Hit Enter to cat") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header and comments? (y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '' : header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").rstrip().lstrip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') print('Late more than 7 days!') else : if late == 3: comments.append("3 - 7 days late (-30)") grade -= 30 elif late == 2 : comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1 : comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName : comments.append("wrong filename (-10)") grade -= 10 if not header : comments.append("missing comments or malformed header (-10)") grade -= 10 if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def tearDown(self): os.chdir(self.previous_workdir)
def assign8( csid , writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! if not fileToGrade == "" and late != -1: correct_format_left = True correct_format_mid = True correct_format_right = True correct_format_other = True valid_output = True calculated_values = [] # perfect match first_line = "Computation of PI using Random Numbers" last_line = "Difference = Calculated PI - math.pi" # Columns must line up, the calculated pi must have 6 decimal places, and # there must be a +/- in front of the difference. However, column spacing # can be off by +/- 1. regex_perfect = "^num = 100[0 ]{5} [ ]{0,2}Calculated PI = \d\.\d{6} [ ]{0,2}Difference = [+-]\d(?:\.\d{6}|e[+-]\d{5})$" regex_left = "100[\d\s]{5}" regex_mid = "=\s*[\d\.]{8}" regex_right = "[+-e\d\.]{9}$" # grab pi and difference regex_grab = "[+-]?\d*\.?\d+(?:[eE][+-]\d+)?" for run_num in range(averageNumRuns): process = subprocess.Popen(['python3', fileToGrade], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) try: out = process.communicate(bytes('50000', 'UTF-8'))[0] except KeyboardInterrupt: out = "\n\n\n\n" answer = list(line.strip() for line in str(out)[2:-1].replace('\\n', '\n').replace('\\t', '\t').strip().split('\n')) print('\n'.join(answer)) # grab the difference try: raw_grabbed = list(filter(lambda match: len(match) > 0, [re.findall(regex_grab, line) for line in answer])) grabbed_pi = [float(pi) for (_, pi, _) in raw_grabbed] grabbed_diff = [float(diff) for (_, _, diff) in raw_grabbed] calculated_values.append(grabbed_diff) except: pass # perfect matching correct_format_other = correct_format_other and answer[0] == first_line and answer[-1] == last_line and len(answer) is 10 try: perfect_matches = list(filter(lambda match: match is not None, [, line) for line in answer])) correct_format_other = correct_format_other and len(perfect_matches) is 6 except: correct_format_other = False try: left_matches = list(filter(lambda match: match is not None, [, line) for line in answer])) correct_format_left = correct_format_left and len(left_matches) is 6 except: correct_format_left = False try: mid_matches = list(filter(lambda match: match is not None, [, line) for line in answer])) correct_format_mid = correct_format_mid and len(mid_matches) is 6 except: correct_format_mid = False try: right_matches = list(filter(lambda match: match is not None, [, line) for line in answer])) correct_format_right = correct_format_right and len(right_matches) is 6 except: correct_format_right = False # 0. verify decreasing error as n increases # 1. verify avg_diff + avg_pi is very close to math.pi # 2. verify avg_pi is within 0.5 of math.pi try: averages = list(map(lambda tup: sum(tup) / len(tup), zip(*[[math.fabs(x) for x in run] for run in calculated_values]))) average_pi = [math.fabs(x) for x in grabbed_pi] average_pi = sum(average_pi) / len(average_pi) print("This Run: %s" % ', '.join(['%.6f' % math.fabs(x) for x in grabbed_diff])) print("All Runs: %s\n" % ', '.join(map(lambda i: '%.6f' % i, averages))) valid_output = valid_output and all([(math.fabs(calc - math.pi - diff) < 0.0001) for calc, diff in zip(grabbed_pi, grabbed_diff)]) valid_output = valid_output and math.fabs(math.pi - average_pi) < 0.5 except: valid_output = False # stops if either the current run or the average runs pass condition 0 if all(x >= y for x,y in zip(averages, averages[1:])) or all(math.fabs(x) >= math.fabs(y) for x,y in zip(grabbed_diff, grabbed_diff[1:])): break if correct_format_left and correct_format_mid and correct_format_right and correct_format_other and valid_output: print("Perfect! ^_^") elif not (correct_format_left or correct_format_mid or correct_format_right or correct_format_other or valid_output): print("non-working code. ='(") comments.append("non-working code (-25)") grade -= 25 else: if not correct_format_left: manual_override = input("Is num left justified? (y / (n or enter)): ") if manual_override != 'y': comments.append("num not left justified (-5)") grade -= 5 if not correct_format_mid: manual_override = input("Does pi have 6 decimals and no sign in front? (y / (n or enter)): ") if manual_override != 'y': comments.append("pi not expressed to six decimals or with sign (-5)") grade -= 5 if not correct_format_right: manual_override = input("Does diff have 6 decimals and a sign in front? (y / (n or enter)): ") if manual_override != 'y': comments.append("diff not expressed to six decimals or without sign (-5)") grade -= 5 if not correct_format_other: manual_override = input("Is there spacing or other general misformatting " + "not yet covered? This includes the case where " + "they forgot to have the opening and ending lines. " + "((y or enter) / n): ") if manual_override != 'n': explanation = input("Care to elaborate? ") if explanation == "": explanation = "spacing or other general misformatting in output" comments.append(explanation + " (-5)") grade -= 5 if not valid_output: print("calculations are wrong (-5)") comments.append("diff is wrong sign or just wrong (-5)") grade -= 5 #checking for header and style #os.system('vim ' + fileToGrade) input("Hit Enter to cat") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header and comments? (y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '' : header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").strip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "code style looks fine" if not style.isdigit() or style == 30: style = 30 gen_comments += " (-0)" else : style = int(style) gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') print('Late more than 7 days!') else : if late == 3: comments.append("3 - 7 days late (-30)") grade -= 30 elif late == 2 : comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1 : comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName : comments.append("wrong filename (-10)") grade -= 10 if not header : comments.append("missing comments or malformed header (-10)") grade -= 10 if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign01(csid, writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! ''' tests 1-5: 10 pts ea tests 6-9: 5 pts ea ''' if not (fileToGrade == '' and late != -1): os.system('cp ../nim.txt .') outputLines = subprocess.getoutput('python3 ' + fileToGrade).splitlines() minLen = min(len(outputLines), len(correctLines)) grade = 0 index = 0 testsFailed = [] for i in range(minLen): if i < 5 and outputLines[i] == correctLines[i]: grade += 10 elif i < 9 and outputLines[i] == correctLines[i]: grade += 5 elif i == 4 and outputLines[i] == 'Remove 1 counters from Heap 1': grade += 10 else: print('Failed Test',i) print('\tTheir Output') print('\t' + outputLines[i]) print('\tCorrect Output') print('\t' + correctLines[i]) testsFailed.append(i) if len(testsFailed) != 0: comments.append("Failed tests " + ' '.join(str(x) for x in testsFailed)) else: print('Passed all tests =D') #checking for header and style input("Hit Enter to cat") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header(y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '': header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").rstrip().lstrip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 2 days late') print('Late more than 2 days!') else : if late == 2: comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1: comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName: comments.append("wrong filename (-10)") grade -= 10 if not header: comments.append("missing comments or malformed header (-5)") grade -= 5 if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign14(csid, writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = [] os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! ''' 75 points (caps at 70) 10 7 pt runs 5 for formatting ''' #fillerText = ['Substitution Cipher','Enter Plain Text to be Encoded: Encoded Text: ','Enter Encoded Text to be Decoded: Decoded Plain Text: ','Vigenere Cipher','Enter Plain Text to be Encoded: Enter Pass Phrase (no spaces allowed): Encoded Text: ','Enter Encoded Text to be Decoded: Enter Pass Phrase (no spaces allowed): Decoded Plain Text: '] fillerText = ['Enter encryption key: ', 'Enter string to be encrypted: Encrypted string: ', 'Enter string to be decrypted: Decrypted string: '] inputText = [] outputText = [] #TODO: Modify this text: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1======================== outputText.append(['*!<!<!>!<<!*!<','meet me']) outputText.append(['<!<<!<><>><<<!<><>><<<!<><>>!<<<!>>!<><>>!<>>!<><>><<<!<<<>>','civic racecar']) outputText.append(['<><>><<!<<!<<!*!<<<!<><>><<!<<','meet me']) outputText.append(['>>!>>>!>>>!<!*!>>>>>>>>>>>>><','no cd']) outputText.append(['<<<><<!<><>><<<!<><!<<<>!<<!<<<!<><>><!<<<!<<<><!<><>>!<<<><','ttt ']) inputText.append(['meet me', 'meet me','*!<!<!>!<<!*!<']) inputText.append(['the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 'Hello World','<<<>!<><!>><!<><!<<<>!<<<!<>>!<<<><<!<<<>!<<!<<<>!<<<><<!<>>']) inputText.append(['the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 'meet me','<><>><<!<<!<<!*!<<<!<><>><<!<<']) inputText.append(['abcdefghijklm zyxwvutsrqpno', 'CDd ay','>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<!>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<>!<!>>!>>>']) inputText.append(['the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 'Alice N BOB','*!*!*!<<<!<<<!<<<']) if not (fileToGrade == '' and late != -1): correctFormatting = True count = 0 for (inText,outText) in zip(inputText,outputText): try: process = subprocess.Popen(['python3',fileToGrade], **pipes) out = process.communicate(bytes('\n'.join(inText), 'UTF-8'))[0] answers = list(filter(None, str(out)[2:-1].split('\\n'))) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(' passed ^C') #there's probably a way to loop through this jazz but meh correctAnswers = [] correctAnswers.append(fillerText[0]) correctAnswers.append(fillerText[1] + outText[0]) correctAnswers.append(fillerText[2] + outText[1]) for (theirs, ours) in zip(answers,correctAnswers): if correctFormatting: if theirs.strip() != ours.strip(): correctFormatting = False grade -= 5 comments.append('Incorrect Formatting (-5) YOURS:' + theirs +' OURS:'+ours) print('\tIncorrect Formatting') print('\tTheirs\n\t'+theirs) print('\tOurs\n\t'+ours) else: print('Passed Test ' + str(count + 1)) if not correctFormatting: t = theirs.split(':')[-1].strip() o = ours.split(':')[-1].strip() if t != o: comments.append(' || Failed Test '+ str(count+1)) comments.append(': ' + inText[(count%3)] + ' with key: ' + inText[0]) comments.append(' YOURS:' + theirs +' OURS:'+ours) print('Failed Test '+ str(count+1)) print(inText[(count%3)] + ' with key: ' + inText[0]) print('\tTheirs\n\t'+theirs) print('\tOurs\n\t'+ours) grade -= 7 else: print('Passed Test ' + str(count+1)) count += 1 if grade == 70: print('Perfection =D') elif grade < 0: grade = 0 print('Grade: ' + str(grade)+'/70') else: print('Grade: ' + str(grade)+'/70') #checking for header and style input("Hit Enter to cat first 20 lines (header)") print(subprocess.getoutput('head -20 ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header(y/n, hit enter for y): ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '': header = True else : header = False input("Hit Enter to cat whole file (style/comments)") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) style = input("Style/Other (Out of 30, hit enter for 30): ") gen_comments = input("General Comments?: ").rstrip().lstrip() gen_comments = gen_comments if len(gen_comments) is not 0 else "style" if not style.isdigit(): style = 30 else : style = int(style) if (gen_comments != "style" or style != 30): gen_comments += " (%+d)" % (style - 30) comments.append("%s" % gen_comments) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') print('Late more than 7 days!') else : if late == 3: comments.append("3-7 days late (-30)") grade -= 30 elif late == 2: comments.append("2 days late (-20)") grade -= 20 elif late == 1: comments.append("1 day late (-10)") grade -= 10 if wrongFileName or not header: grade -= 5 if wrongFileName and header: comments.append("wrong filename (-5)") elif header and not wrongFileName: comments.append("malformed header (-5)") else: comments.append("wrong filename and malformed header (-5)") if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t" + ', '.join(comments)) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
def assign6( csid , writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = " " os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! if not fileToGrade == "" and late != -1: answers = [] for x in range(len(inputArray)): process = subprocess.Popen(['python3', fileToGrade], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) try: out = process.communicate(bytes('\n'.join(inputArray[x].split()) + '\n', 'UTF-8'))[0] except KeyboardInterrupt: pass answers.append(str(out)[2:-1]) count = 0 perfectCount = 0 closeCount = 0 wrongCount = 0 for answer, cor in zip(answers,correct): cor = cor.split() #extracting relevant data form the students output nums = re.findall("\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)", answer) if len(nums) != 1: wrongCount += 1 continue elif len(nums[0]) != 2: wrongCount += 1 continue longNum = int(nums[0][0]) cycleLength = int(nums[0][1]) #perfect check if count >= 6: #negative testing time! perfect = "Enter starting number of the range: \nEnter ending number of the range: \n" * 6 +"The number " + str(cor[0]) + " has the longest cycle length of " + str(cor[1]+".") else: perfect = "Enter starting number of the range: \nEnter ending number of the range: \nThe number " + str(cor[0]) + " has the longest cycle length of " + str(cor[1]+".") if perfect == answer.replace('\\n','\n').rstrip('\n'): print('Perfect answer for #', count + 1) perfectCount +=1 elif longNum == int(cor[0]) and cycleLength == int(cor[1]): print('Close answer for #', count + 1) print(perfect+"\n\tvs.\n\t"+answer.replace('\\n','\n\t')) closeCount += 1 else: print('Wrong answer for #', count + 1) print(perfect+"\n\tvs.\n\t"+answer.replace('\\n','\n\t')) wrongCount += 1 count += 1 print("Perfect:", str(perfectCount) + "/10") print("Close:", str(closeCount) + "/10") print("Wrong:", str(wrongCount) + "/10") if wrongCount != 0 or closeCount != 0: grade -= (3 * wrongCount) grade -= (1 * closeCount) comments += " Output did not match instructors P: "+str(perfectCount)+" C: "+str(closeCount)+" W: "+str(wrongCount)+ ", " #checking for header and style #os.system('vim ' + fileToGrade) input("Hit Enter to cat") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header( (y or enter) / n)? ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '' : header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Comments (Enter a number out of 30 to represent their grade, hit enter for 30): ") comments += input ("General Comments?: ") if not style.isdigit() : style = 30 else : style = int(style) #writing grade time! if late == -1: if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t More than 7 days late') else : if late == 3: comments = "3 - 7 days late, " grade -= 30 elif late == 2 : comments = "2 days late, " grade -= 20 elif late == 1 : comments = "1 day late, " grade -= 10 if wrongFileName : comments += " wrong filename, " grade -= 10 if not header : comments += " no/malformed header, " grade -= 10 if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t"+comments.rstrip(', ')) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")
# 关闭打开的文件 fo.close() fo = open(pathfile, "r+"); strRead =; print (strRead) strReada =; print (strReada); fo.close(); #remove()方法删除文件,需要提供要删除的文件名作为参数。 os.remove("foo1.txt"); #rename()方法需要两个参数,当前的文件名和新文件名。 os.renames("foo.txt", "foo1.txt"); #可以使用os模块的mkdir()方法在当前目录下创建新的目录们。你需要提供一个包含了要创建的目录名称的参数 os.mkdir("test"); #可以用chdir()方法来改变当前的目录。chdir()方法需要的一个参数是你想设成当前目录的目录名称。 os.chdir("test") #getcwd()方法显示当前的工作目录。 # 给出当前的目录 print (os.getcwd()); #os.removedirs("")
def assign2( csid , writeToFile) : fileToGrade = "" late = 0 grade = 70 style = 30 wrongFileName = False header = True comments = " " manualComments = "" os.chdir(csid) if writeToFile: outputFile.write(csid + "\t") files = os.listdir('.') #filename checking for f in files : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + f).split() if f == filename : fileToGrade = filename late = isLate(splitted) break elif f == filename.lower() : fileToGrade = filename.lower() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True break #really odd filename if fileToGrade == "" : print(subprocess.getoutput('ls -l')) fileToGrade = input("Which file should I grade? ") if fileToGrade == "" : if writeToFile: outputFile.write("0\tno file\n") os.chdir("..") return else : splitted = subprocess.getoutput('ls -l ' + fileToGrade.replace(' ','\ ')).split() late = isLate(splitted) wrongFileName = True #grading time! if not fileToGrade == "" and late < 3: answers = [] for creditCardNumber in inputArray: process = subprocess.Popen(['python3', fileToGrade], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) out = process.communicate(bytes(creditCardNumber, 'UTF-8'))[0] answers.append(str(out)[2:-1]) perfectCount = 0 closeCount = 0 wrongCount = 0 VISA_answers = [0, 1, 2, 3] MasterCard_answers = [4, 5] correct_VISA_count = 0 correct_MasterCard_count = 0 # Used to ensure the inverse of the right answer is not also in the output. inverse = {'Valid credit card number': 'Invalid credit card number', 'Invalid credit card number': 'Valid credit card number'} correct_answers = correct.splitlines() for answerCount, correctAnswer in enumerate(correct_answers): answer = answers[answerCount] # Contains the correct formatted answer. if correctAnswer in answer and not inverse[correctAnswer] in answer: print('Correct answer for #', answerCount+1) perfectCount += 1 # If the card number is a VISA, check if they did extra credit. if answerCount in VISA_answers and '\\nVISA\\n' in answer: correct_VISA_count += 1 # If the card number is a MasterCard, check if they did extra credit. if answerCount in MasterCard_answers and '\\nMasterCard\\n' in answer: correct_MasterCard_count += 1 # Contains right answer, but not correctly formatted. elif correctAnswer.lower()[0:5] in answer.lower() and not inverse[correctAnswer].lower()[0:5] in answer.lower(): print ("Correct answer for #", answerCount+1," but incorrect formatting") print ("\t", correctAnswer[0:1],"-",answer) closeCount += 1 else: print("Wrong answer for #", answerCount+1) wrongCount += 1 print("Perfect:", str(perfectCount) + "/" + str(len(correct_answers))) print("Close:", str(closeCount) + "/" + str(len(correct_answers))) print("Wrong:", str(wrongCount) + "/" + str(len(correct_answers))) print("Correct VISA:", str(correct_VISA_count) + "/" + str(len(VISA_answers))) print("Correct MasterCard:", str(correct_MasterCard_count) + "/" + str(len(MasterCard_answers))) grade = 70 - (5 * wrongCount) if(1 <= closeCount <= 4): grade -= 5 comments += " Output did not match instructor's, " elif(closeCount > 4): grade -= 10 comments += " Output did not match instructor's, " # Add points for extra credit - 5 if all correct, 3 if some. if correct_VISA_count == len(VISA_answers) and correct_MasterCard_count == len(MasterCard_answers): grade += 5 elif correct_VISA_count > 0 or correct_MasterCard_count > 0: grade += 3 #TODO fix the else below to output the correct comments else: #print('Their output:') #print(out) #print('Correct output:') #print(correct) #print('logo has ' + str(len(lines)) +' lines, not 19') #don't dock points for lateness or wrong filename here gradeInput = input("Grade out of 70 (no style, hit enter if 65): ") if gradeInput == '' : grade = 65 else : grade = int(gradeInput) manualComments = input("Comments: ") #checking for header and style #os.system('vim ' + fileToGrade) input("Hit Enter to cat") print(subprocess.getoutput('cat ' + fileToGrade)) headerInput = input("Header( (y or enter) / n)? ") if headerInput == 'y' or headerInput == '' : header = True else : header = False style = input("Style/Comments (Enter a number out of 30 to represent their grade, hit enter for 30): ") comments += input ("General Comments?: ") if not style.isdigit() : style = 30 else : style = int(style) #writing grade time! if late == 3 : if writeToFile: outputFile.write('0\t 3 days late') else : if late == 2 : comments = "2 days late, " grade -= 20 elif late == 1 : comments = "1 day late, " grade -= 10 if wrongFileName : comments += " wrong filename, " grade -= 10 if not header : comments += " no/malformed header, " grade -= 10 if writeToFile: outputFile.write(str(grade+style) + "\t"+comments.rstrip(', ') + manualComments) if writeToFile: outputFile.write('\n') os.chdir("..")