    buffer = wx.EmptyBitmap(200, 200, 32)
    dc = wx.MemoryDC(buffer)
    dc = wx.GraphicsContext.Create(dc)
    print('default matrix %s' % dc.GetTransform().Get())
    import math
    original_matrix = dc.GetTransform()
    path = dc.CreatePath()
    path.AddEllipse(0, 20, 40, 20)
    path.MoveToPoint(0, 0)
    path.AddLineToPoint(10, 10)
    path.AddLineToPoint(20, 0)

    if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
        a = 45
        a = radians(45)

    original = dc.CreateMatrix(*original_matrix.Get())
    om = dc.CreateMatrix(*original_matrix.Get())
    m0 = dc.CreateMatrix()
    m0.Scale(0.5, 0.5)
    m1 = dc.CreateMatrix()
    m1.Translate(150, 150)
    m2 = dc.CreateMatrix()
    def _draw_balloon_bg(self, dc, inner_size, tip_pos, above, sticky):
        Draw the balloon background leaving inner_size for content.

        tip_pos determines where the tip of the ballon should be.

        above determines if the balloon should be above the tip (True) or below
        (False). This is not currently implemented.

             ______________           _
            /              \          |             R = Corner Radius
           |                |         |            AA = Left Arrow-leg angle
           |  W_ARROW       |         |  H     MARGIN = Text margin
           |     |--|       |         |             * = Starting point
            \____    ______/          _
                /  /                  |
               /_/                    |  H_ARROW
              *                       -

        Calculation of points starts at the tip of the arrow and continues
        clockwise around the ballon.

        Return (bounding_rect, x, y) where x and y is at top of inner region.
        # Prepare path object
        gc = wx.GraphicsContext.Create(self.dc)
        path = gc.CreatePath()
        # Calculate path
        W = 1 * R + inner_size[0]
        H = 1 * R + inner_size[1]
        H_ARROW = 14
        W_ARROW = 15
        AA = 20
        # Starting point at the tip of the arrow
        (tipx, tipy) = tip_pos
        p0 = wx.Point(tipx, tipy)
        path.MoveToPoint(p0.x, p0.y)
        # Next point is the left base of the arrow
        p1 = wx.Point(p0.x + H_ARROW * math.tan(math.radians(AA)),
                      p0.y - H_ARROW)
        path.AddLineToPoint(p1.x, p1.y)
        # Start of lower left rounded corner
        p2 = wx.Point(p1.x - ARROW_OFFSET + R, p1.y)
        path.AddLineToPoint(p2.x, p2.y)
        # The lower left rounded corner. p3 is the center of the arc
        p3 = wx.Point(p2.x, p2.y - R)
        path.AddArc(p3.x, p3.y, R, math.radians(90), math.radians(180))
        # The left side
        p4 = wx.Point(p3.x - R, p3.y - H + R)
        left_x = p4.x
        path.AddLineToPoint(p4.x, p4.y)
        # The upper left rounded corner. p5 is the center of the arc
        p5 = wx.Point(p4.x + R, p4.y)
        path.AddArc(p5.x, p5.y, R, math.radians(180), math.radians(-90))
        # The upper side
        p6 = wx.Point(p5.x + W - R, p5.y - R)
        top_y = p6.y
        path.AddLineToPoint(p6.x, p6.y)
        # The upper right rounded corner. p7 is the center of the arc
        p7 = wx.Point(p6.x, p6.y + R)
        path.AddArc(p7.x, p7.y, R, math.radians(-90), math.radians(0))
        # The right side
        p8 = wx.Point(p7.x + R, p7.y + H - R)
        path.AddLineToPoint(p8.x, p8.y)
        # The lower right rounded corner. p9 is the center of the arc
        p9 = wx.Point(p8.x - R, p8.y)
        path.AddArc(p9.x, p9.y, R, math.radians(0), math.radians(90))
        # The lower side
        p10 = wx.Point(p9.x - W + W_ARROW + ARROW_OFFSET, p9.y + R)
        path.AddLineToPoint(p10.x, p10.y)
        # Draw sharp lines on GTK which uses Cairo
        # See: http://www.cairographics.org/FAQ/#sharp_lines
        gc.Translate(0.5, 0.5)
        # Draw the ballon
        BORDER_COLOR = wx.Colour(127, 127, 127)
        BG_COLOR = wx.Colour(255, 255, 231)
        PEN = wx.Pen(BORDER_COLOR, 1, wx.SOLID)
        BRUSH = wx.Brush(BG_COLOR, wx.SOLID)
        # Draw the pin
        if sticky:
            pin = wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(ICONS_DIR, "stickypin.png"))
            pin = wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(ICONS_DIR, "unstickypin.png"))
        self.dc.DrawBitmap(pin, p7.x - 5, p6.y + 5, True)

        # Return
        bx = left_x
        by = top_y
        bw = W + R + 1
        bh = H + R + H_ARROW + 1
        bounding_rect = wx.Rect(bx, by, bw, bh)
        return (bounding_rect, left_x + BALLOON_RADIUS, top_y + BALLOON_RADIUS)