def GetItemPath(self, item): path = [] while item.IsOk(): path.append(self._tree.GetPyData(item)) item = self._tree.GetItemParent(item) path.reverse() return path
def extend_path(path, name): """Simpler version of the stdlib's :obj:`pkgutil.extend_path`. It does not support ".pkg" files, and it does not require an (this is important: we want only one thing (pkgcore itself) to install the to avoid name clashes). It also modifies the "path" list in place (and returns C{None}) instead of copying it and returning the modified copy. """ if not isinstance(path, list): # This could happen e.g. when this is called from inside a # frozen package. Return the path unchanged in that case. return # Reconstitute as relative path. pname = os.path.join(*name.split('.')) for entry in sys.path: if not isinstance(entry, basestring) or not os.path.isdir(entry): continue subdir = os.path.join(entry, pname) # XXX This may still add duplicate entries to path on # case-insensitive filesystems if subdir not in path: path.append(subdir)
def default_lib_path(data_dir: str, pyversion: Tuple[int, int], python_path: bool) -> List[str]: """Return default standard library search paths.""" # IDEA: Make this more portable. path = [] # type: List[str] auto = os.path.join(data_dir, 'stubs-auto') if os.path.isdir(auto): data_dir = auto # We allow a module for e.g. version 3.5 to be in 3.4/. The assumption # is that a module added with 3.4 will still be present in Python 3.5. versions = ["%d.%d" % (pyversion[0], minor) for minor in reversed(range(pyversion[1] + 1))] # E.g. for Python 3.5, try 2and3/, then 3/, then 3.5/, then 3.4/, 3.3/, ... for v in ['2and3', str(pyversion[0])] + versions: for lib_type in ['stdlib', 'builtins', 'third_party']: stubdir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'typeshed', lib_type, v) if os.path.isdir(stubdir): path.append(stubdir) # Add fallback path that can be used if we have a broken installation. if sys.platform != 'win32': path.append('/usr/local/lib/mypy') # Contents of Python's sys.path go last, to prefer the stubs # TODO: To more closely model what Python actually does, builtins should # go first, then sys.path, then anything in stdlib and third_party. if python_path: path.extend(sys.path) return path
def _extract_system_path(self, script): """ Extracts and normalizes additional paths for code execution. For now, there's a default path of data/course/code; this may be removed at some point. script : ?? (TODO) """ DEFAULT_PATH = ["code"] # Separate paths by :, like the system path. raw_path = script.get("system_path", "").split(":") + DEFAULT_PATH # find additional comma-separated modules search path path = [] for dir in raw_path: if not dir: continue # path is an absolute path or a path relative to the data dir dir = os.path.join(self.capa_system.filestore.root_path, dir) # Check that we are within the filestore tree. reldir = os.path.relpath(dir, self.capa_system.filestore.root_path) if ".." in reldir: log.warning("Ignoring Python directory outside of course: %r", dir) continue abs_dir = os.path.normpath(dir) path.append(abs_dir) return path
def test_func_dir(tmpdir): # Test the creation of the memory cache directory for the function. memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0) path = __name__.split('.') path.append('f') path = tmpdir.join('joblib', *path).strpath g = memory.cache(f) # Test that the function directory is created on demand func_id = _build_func_identifier(f) location = os.path.join(g.store_backend.location, func_id) assert location == path assert os.path.exists(path) assert memory.location == os.path.dirname(g.store_backend.location) with warns(DeprecationWarning) as w: assert memory.cachedir == g.store_backend.location assert len(w) == 1 assert "The 'cachedir' attribute has been deprecated" in str(w[-1].message) # Test that the code is stored. # For the following test to be robust to previous execution, we clear # the in-memory store _FUNCTION_HASHES.clear() assert not g._check_previous_func_code() assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '')) assert g._check_previous_func_code() # Test the robustness to failure of loading previous results. func_id, args_id = g._get_output_identifiers(1) output_dir = os.path.join(g.store_backend.location, func_id, args_id) a = g(1) assert os.path.exists(output_dir) os.remove(os.path.join(output_dir, 'output.pkl')) assert a == g(1)
def extend_path(path, name): if not isinstance(path, list): return path pname = os.path.join(*name.split('.')) sname = os.extsep.join(name.split('.')) sname_pkg = sname + os.extsep + 'pkg' init_py = '__init__' + os.extsep + 'py' path = path[:] for dir in sys.path: if not isinstance(dir, basestring) or not os.path.isdir(dir): continue subdir = os.path.join(dir, pname) initfile = os.path.join(subdir, init_py) if subdir not in path and os.path.isfile(initfile): path.append(subdir) pkgfile = os.path.join(dir, sname_pkg) if os.path.isfile(pkgfile): try: f = open(pkgfile) except IOError as msg: sys.stderr.write("Can't open %s: %s\n" % (pkgfile, msg)) else: for line in f: line = line.rstrip('\n') if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue path.append(line) f.close() return path
def _read_xml(stream): document = XmlNode() current_node = document path = [] while not stream.atEnd(): stream.readNext() if stream.isStartElement(): node = XmlNode() attrs = stream.attributes() for i in xrange(attrs.count()): attr = node.attribs[_node_name(] = unicode(attr.value()) current_node.append_child(_node_name(, node) path.append(current_node) current_node = node elif stream.isEndElement(): current_node = path.pop() elif stream.isCharacters(): current_node.text += unicode(stream.text()) return document
def main(): output_path = "/Users/ramapriyasridharan/Documents/clients_file.txt" path = [] with open(output_path) as f: for exptini_path_raw in f: exptini_path = exptini_path_raw.strip() path.append(exptini_path) print path for i in range(6,11): print i for j in range(0,len(path)): print j if i < 10: p = "/%s/0%d"%(path[j],i) else: p = "/%s/%d"%(path[j],i) print p for root, _, files in os.walk(p): for f in files: if f.endswith('.tgz'): print 'going to extract %s'%f f1 = os.path.join(p,f) print f1 tar = tar.extractall(p) tar.close()
def random_walk(self, path_length, alpha=0, rand=random.Random(), start=None): """ Returns a truncated random walk. path_length: Length of the random walk. alpha: probability of restarts. start: the start node of the random walk. """ G = self if start: path = [start] else: # Sampling is uniform w.r.t V, and not w.r.t E path = [rand.choice(G.keys())] while len(path) < path_length: cur = path[-1] if len(G[cur]) > 0: if rand.random() >= alpha: path.append(rand.choice(G[cur])) else: path.append(path[0]) else: break return path
def findBestPathFromWordToWord( self, word, toWord ): """ Do a breadth first search, which will find the shortest path between the nodes we are interested in This will only find a path if the words are linked by parent relationship you won't be able to find your cousins """ queue = [word] previous = { word: word } while queue: node = queue.pop(0) if node == toWord: # If we've found our target word. # Work out how we got here. path = [node] while previous[node] != node: node = previous[node] path.append( node ) return path # Continue on up the tree. for parent in self.getParentRelationships(node): # unless we've been to this parent before. if parent not in previous and parent not in queue: previous[parent] = node queue.append( parent ) # We didn't find a path to our target word return None
def mapping_to_alignment(mapping, sam_file, region_fetcher): ''' Convert a mapping represented by a pysam.AlignedRead into an alignment. ''' # The read indices in AlignedRead's aligned_pairs are relative to qstart. # Convert them to be absolute indices in seq. path = [] mismatches = set() deletions = set() rname = sam_file.getrname(mapping.tid) for read_i, ref_i in mapping.aligned_pairs: if read_i != None: read_i = read_i + mapping.qstart if ref_i == None: ref_i = sw.GAP else: read_base = mapping.seq[read_i] ref_base = region_fetcher(rname, ref_i, ref_i + 1).upper() if read_base != ref_base: mismatches.add((read_i, ref_i)) path.append((read_i, ref_i)) else: deletions.add(ref_i) alignment = {'path': path, 'XO': mapping.opt('XO'), 'XM': mapping.opt('XM'), 'is_reverse': mapping.is_reverse, 'mismatches': mismatches, 'deletions': deletions, 'rname': rname, 'query': mapping.seq, } return alignment
def url_to_filename(self, url): """ Map url to a unique file name/path. Register the directories in the path. """ filename = re.sub(r'^https?://', '', url) filename = os.path.normpath(filename) path = [] path_parts = filename.split("/") for idx, part in enumerate(path_parts): tries = 0 unique_part = part new_path = "/".join(path + [part]) while new_path in self.path_types and (self.path_types[new_path] == "file" or len(path_parts)-1 == idx): tries += 1 unique_part = "%s.%d" % (part, tries) new_path = "/".join(path + [unique_part]) if len(path_parts)-1 == idx: self.path_types[new_path] = "file" else: self.path_types[new_path] = "dir" path.append(unique_part) return "/".join(path)
def test_func_dir(): # Test the creation of the memory cache directory for the function. memory = Memory(cachedir=env["dir"], verbose=0) memory.clear() path = __name__.split(".") path.append("f") path = os.path.join(env["dir"], "joblib", *path) g = memory.cache(f) # Test that the function directory is created on demand yield, g._get_func_dir(), path yield, os.path.exists(path) # Test that the code is stored. # For the following test to be robust to previous execution, we clear # the in-memory store _FUNCTION_HASHES.clear() yield, g._check_previous_func_code() yield, os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "")) yield, g._check_previous_func_code() # Test the robustness to failure of loading previous results. dir, _ = g.get_output_dir(1) a = g(1) yield, os.path.exists(dir) os.remove(os.path.join(dir, "output.pkl")) yield, a, g(1)
def _gen(self, node, path, prefix): global args tail, heads = self._name_node(path), [] edges = node.sufs.keys() sort = args.sort == "all" or (args.sort == "root" and not path) if sort: edges.sort() for i, edge in enumerate(edges): child = node.sufs[edge] path.append(i) prefix.append(edge) self._gen_node(child, path, "".join(prefix)) head = self._name_node(path) if heads and sort: self._gen_edge(heads[-1], head, style="invisible", dir="none") heads.append(head) edge_label = [cgi.escape(edge)] edge_attrs = {'label': edge_label, 'tooltip': edge_label} if len(path) == 1: root = self._name_node([i + len(node.sufs)]) self._print(root, self._stringify_attrs(style="invisible")) self._gen_edge(root + ":e", head + ":w", **edge_attrs) else: self._gen_edge(tail, head, **edge_attrs) self._gen(child, path, prefix) path.pop() prefix.pop() if sort and heads: self._print("{ rank=same", " ".join(head for head in heads), "}")
def default_lib_path(data_dir: str, target: int, pyversion: int) -> List[str]: """Return default standard library search paths.""" # IDEA: Make this more portable. path = List[str]() # Add MYPYPATH environment variable to library path, if defined. path_env = os.getenv('MYPYPATH') if path_env is not None: path[:0] = path_env.split(os.pathsep) if target in [ICODE, C]: # Add C back end library directory. path.append(os.path.join(data_dir, 'lib')) else: # Add library stubs directory. By convention, they are stored in the # stubs/x.y directory of the mypy installation. version_dir = '3.2' if pyversion < 3: version_dir = '2.7' path.append(os.path.join(data_dir, 'stubs', version_dir)) path.append(os.path.join(data_dir, 'stubs-auto', version_dir)) #Add py3.3 and 3.4 stubs if sys.version_info.major == 3: versions = ['3.' + str(x) for x in range(3, sys.version_info.minor + 1)] for v in versions: path.append(os.path.join(data_dir, 'stubs', v)) # Add fallback path that can be used if we have a broken installation. if sys.platform != 'win32': path.append('/usr/local/lib/mypy') return path
def evaluateTopicPaths(inputFl, pathFl, outputFl, topicId, metric, cutoff): profiles = ranking.readInputFl.readInputFl(inputFl, topicId) # path files can be quite large, so it opens and processes # the path file line-by-line. with open(pathFl) as pthFl: metricFun = ranking.calcUtilities.getMetricFunction(metric) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("r+", delete=False) as tmpF: for line in pthFl: # 15017299068 1 5 d4 : 0 d4:0 d1:0 d3:1 d2:0 (usell, ll) = utils.utils.stripComments(line) if usell: lline = re.sub("\s:\s", ":", ll) lst = lline.split(None) instId = lst[0] tTopicId = lst[1] if topicId == tTopicId: profileId = lst[2] path = [] for dc in lst[3 : len(lst)]: (d, _, c) = dc.partition(":") path.append(d) if profiles.getDocRelMap(profileId) == None: raise Exception("Profile id not found.") docsToRels = dict(profiles.getDocRelMap(profileId)) util = metricFun(path, docsToRels, cutoff) tmpF.write(instId + " " + topicId + " " + profileId + " " + str(util) + "\n") tmpF.flush() tmpF.close() shutil.move(, outputFl) if os.path.exists( os.remove( return outputFl
def GetCertificatePath(self, cert): """ Return the certification path for cert. """ path = [] repo = self.GetCertificateRepository() c = cert checked = {} while 1: subj = str(c.GetSubject()) path.append(c) if c.GetSubject().as_der() == c.GetIssuer().as_der(): break # If we come back to a place we've been before, we're in a cycle # and won't get anywhere. Bail. if subj in checked: return "" checked[subj] = 1 issuers = repo.FindCertificatesWithSubject(str(c.GetIssuer())) validIssuers = filter(lambda x: not x.IsExpired(), issuers) # Find an issuer to return. If none is valid, pick one to return. if len(validIssuers) == 0: if len(issuers) > 0: path.append(issuers[0]) break c = issuers[0] return path
def searchPath(goal, path, graph): if goal == path[-1]: return for key in graph[path[-1]]: if key not in path: path.append(key) searchPath(goal, path, graph)
def test_func_dir(tmpdir): # Test the creation of the memory cache directory for the function. memory = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0) memory.clear() path = __name__.split('.') path.append('f') path = tmpdir.join('joblib', *path).strpath g = memory.cache(f) # Test that the function directory is created on demand assert g._get_func_dir() == path assert os.path.exists(path) # Test that the code is stored. # For the following test to be robust to previous execution, we clear # the in-memory store _FUNCTION_HASHES.clear() assert not g._check_previous_func_code() assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '')) assert g._check_previous_func_code() # Test the robustness to failure of loading previous results. dir, _ = g.get_output_dir(1) a = g(1) assert os.path.exists(dir) os.remove(os.path.join(dir, 'output.pkl')) assert a == g(1)
def chain_wires(wires): assert wires.num_vertices > 0 visited = np.zeros(wires.num_vertices, dtype=bool) path = [0] visited[0] = True while not np.all(visited): front = path[0] front_neighbors = wires.get_vertex_neighbors(int(front)) for v in front_neighbors: if visited[v]: continue path.insert(0, v) visited[v] = True break end = path[-1] end_neighbors = wires.get_vertex_neighbors(int(end)) for v in end_neighbors: if visited[v]: continue visited[v] = True path.append(v) break first_neighbors = wires.get_vertex_neighbors(int(path[0])).squeeze() if len(path) > 2 and path[-1] in first_neighbors: # Close the loop. path.append(path[0]) path = wires.vertices[path] return path
def test_func_dir(): # Test the creation of the memory cache directory for the function. memory = Memory(cachedir=env['dir'], verbose=0) path = __name__.split('.') path.append('f') path = os.path.join(env['dir'], 'joblib', *path) g = memory.cache(f) # Test that the function directory is created on demand yield, g._get_func_dir(), path yield, os.path.exists(path) # Test that the code is stored. yield, \ g._check_previous_func_code() yield, \ os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '')) yield, \ g._check_previous_func_code() # Test the robustness to failure of loading previous results. dir, _ = g.get_output_dir(1) a = g(1) yield, os.path.exists(dir) os.remove(os.path.join(dir, 'output.pkl')) yield, a, g(1)
def _read_structure_lazy(infile=None, include_hosts=True): '''Determine and return the organizational structure from a given host file. ''' path, hosts, structure = [], [], [] lines = _read_lines_lazy(infile) for line in lines: if not _iscomment(line): if include_hosts: hosts.append(line) continue match = if match: path.append( continue match = if match: if include_hosts: yield (list(path), list(hosts)) hosts = [] else: yield list(path) path.pop() return
def _find_path(self, src, tgt): visited = set() to_visit = [src] came_from = {} while len(to_visit) > 0: elem = to_visit[0] del to_visit[0] if elem in visited: continue # if path found, redo path and return if elem is tgt and src in visited: # elem in visited for the case where src = tgt path = [] prev_elem = elem while prev_elem is not src: path.append(prev_elem) prev_elem = came_from[prev_elem] path.append(src) path.reverse() return path visited.add(elem) for outelem in elem.outset: came_from[outelem] = elem to_visit.append(outelem) return [] # if no path found, return an empty path
def read_mda(self, attribute): lines = attribute.split('\n') mda = {} current_dict = mda path = [] for line in lines: if not line: continue if line == 'END': break key, val = line.split('=') key = key.strip() val = val.strip() try: val = eval(val) except NameError: pass if key in ['GROUP', 'OBJECT']: new_dict = {} path.append(val) current_dict[val] = new_dict current_dict = new_dict elif key in ['END_GROUP', 'END_OBJECT']: if val != path[-1]: raise SyntaxError path = path[:-1] current_dict = mda for item in path: current_dict = current_dict[item] elif key in ['CLASS', 'NUM_VAL']: pass else: current_dict[key] = val return mda
def build_model_results_path(self, model): opt = self.process[model] K_part = "K-{0}".format(self.process["options"]["K"]) path = [opt["init"].upper(), model, K_part] for key in ["burnIn", "maxIter", "sampleLag", "alpha", "beta"]: path.append("{0}-{1}".format(self.argmap(key), opt[key])) return "_".join(path)
def get_node_path(self): node = self path = [] while node: if not node._key: break path.append(node._key) node = node._parent return '.'.join(path)
def dp(dist_mat): """ Find minimum-cost path through matrix `dist_mat` using dynamic programming. The cost of a path is defined as the sum of the matrix entries on that path. See the following for details of the algorithm: - - The notation in the first reference was followed, while Dan Ellis's code (second reference) was used to check for correctness. Return a list path of indices and the cost matrix. """ N, M = dist_mat.shape # Initialize the cost matrix cost_mat = np.zeros((N + 1, M + 1)) for i in range(1, N + 1): cost_mat[i, 0] = np.inf for i in range(1, M + 1): cost_mat[0, i] = np.inf # Fill the cost matrix while keeping traceback information traceback_mat = np.zeros((N, M)) for i in range(N): for j in range(M): penalty = [ cost_mat[i, j], # match (0) cost_mat[i, j + 1], # insertion (1) cost_mat[i + 1, j]] # deletion (2) i_penalty = np.argmin(penalty) cost_mat[i + 1, j + 1] = dist_mat[i, j] + penalty[i_penalty] traceback_mat[i, j] = i_penalty # Traceback from bottom right i = N - 1 j = M - 1 path = [(i, j)] while i > 0 or j > 0: tb_type = traceback_mat[i, j] if tb_type == 0: # Match i = i - 1 j = j - 1 elif tb_type == 1: # Insertion i = i - 1 elif tb_type == 2: # Deletion j = j - 1 path.append((i, j)) # Strip infinity edges from cost_mat before returning cost_mat = cost_mat[1:, 1:] return (path[::-1], cost_mat)
def load_path_file(filename): path = [] with open(filename, "r") as fin: for line in fin: fields = line.split() if len(fields) == 0 or line[0] == "#": continue path.append([float(x) for x in fields]) return np.array(path, dtype=float)
def gen_refs(o, path=None): path = path or [''] path.append(o.xpathname()) yield (, '/'.join(path)) if hasattr(o, 'items'): for child in o.items: for entry in gen_refs(child, list(path)): yield entry
def path(self): '''Nodes from root to self, every tree node has a unique path. Path can represente a tree node identically, so we use a path to represent a file in tree file system. ''' if self.isRoot(): return [self] path = self.parent.path() path.append(self) return path
def make_process(*args, **kwargs): """Choose whether to use python built in process or jasper.""" process_cls = process.Process if config.SPAWN_USING == "jasper": process_cls = jasper_process.Process # Add the current working directory and /data/multiversion to the PATH. env_vars = kwargs.get("env_vars", {}).copy() path = [ os.getcwd(), config.DEFAULT_MULTIVERSION_DIR, ] # If installDir is provided, add it early to the path if config.INSTALL_DIR is not None: path.append(config.INSTALL_DIR) env_vars["INSTALL_DIR"] = config.INSTALL_DIR path.append(env_vars.get("PATH", os.environ.get("PATH", ""))) env_vars["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join(path) kwargs["env_vars"] = env_vars return process_cls(*args, **kwargs)
def find_shortest_path(self, src, dest): # does not need to be recalculated for all src = self.Cities.inverse[src] dest = self.Cities.inverse[dest] a, pr = shortest_path(self.DistanceMap, directed=False, return_predecessors=True) path = [dest] k = dest while pr[src, k] != -9999: path.append(pr[src, k]) k = pr[src, k] if path[-1] == src: path = path[::-1] res = [(self.Cities[path[0]], self.Cities[path[1]], a[path[0], path[1]])] for i in range(len(path) - 2): res.append((self.Cities[path[i + 1]], self.Cities[path[i + 2]], res[-1][2] + a[path[i + 1], path[i + 2]])) return res else: return np.zeros(1, int)
def move_up_tree(graph, hpo, move_up, min_dist): c = hpo d = 0 path = [hpo] try: while graph.nodes[c]['name'] != 'All': c = graph.nodes[c]['is_a'][0] d += 1 path.append(c) except KeyError: print('Key Error ' + current + ' dist: ' + str(dist)) return None if min_dist == None or d > min_dist: if len(path) - move_up > min_dist: return path[move_up] else: # return the item at min_dist print('Cannot move ' + str(move_up) + ' spaces up the tree. Returning node at minimum distance') return path[-(min_dist + 1)] else: print('Path shorter than min distance. Returning starting point') return hpo
def on_click(event, x, y, flags, param): if event != cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP: return # kp = clostest_key_points(key_points, (x,y), 1)[0] res_frame = resize_frame(frame) kp_grid = key_point_grid(orb, res_frame) print("len(kp_grid)", len(kp_grid)) pos = (y, x) grid_offset_x = ((frame.shape[0] - 32) % stride) / 2.0 + 16 grid_offset_y = ((frame.shape[1] - 32) % stride) / 2.0 + 16 g_pos = (int(math.floor((pos[0] - grid_offset_x) / stride)), int(math.floor((pos[1] - grid_offset_y) / stride))) print("g_pos", g_pos) path = [] for i in range(playback_random_walk_length): g_pos, pos = next_pos_play(kp_grid, res_frame.shape, g_pos) print("g_pos, pos", g_pos, pos) if g_pos is None: break path.append(pos) path = list(set(path)) windows = np.array([extract_window(res_frame, p) for p in path]) preprocess_input(windows) features = model.predict(windows) features = features.reshape((windows.shape[0], 512)) print("windows.shape, feats.shape", windows.shape, features.shape) show_patches(windows, features, path, frame.shape, memory_graph)
def A_star(start, goal, MyWorld): # frontier of points that havent been searched frontier = PriorityQueue() # put a point in frontier frontier.put(start, 0) # dictionary of squares that other squares came from came_from = {} came_from[start] = None cost_so_far = {} cost_so_far[start] = 0 while not frontier.empty(): current = frontier.get() print("Searching {0}".format(current)) # If the place we are at is the goal end the search if current == goal: break # Search for each point that is next to current for next in MyWorld.neighbors(current): new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + distance( current, next) + angle_cost(came_from[current], current, next) if new_cost < cost_so_far.get(next, math.inf): cost_so_far[next] = new_cost priority = new_cost + distance(next, goal) frontier.put(next, priority) came_from[next] = current # Find the path from the start to end current = goal path = [] while current != start: print("Current: {0}".format(current)) path.append(current) current = came_from[current] path.append(start) path.reverse() return path
def random_walk(self, path_length, alpha=0, rand=random.Random(), cumulated_cache=None, nodes=None, q=None, p=None): """ Returns a truncated random walk. path_length: Length of the random walk. alpha: probability of restarts. start: the start node of the random walk. """ G = self paths = [] for node in nodes: if node: path = [node] else: # Sampling is uniform w.r.t V, and not w.r.t E path = [rand.choice(G.keys())] while len(path) < path_length: cur = path[-1] if len(G[cur]) > 0: if cur == path[0] or rand.random() >= alpha: #path.append(rand.choice(G[cur].keys())) path.append( weighted_choice(G[cur], cumulated_cache[cur])) #path.append(choice(G[cur].keys(), p=weights[cur])) else: path.append(path[0]) else: break paths.append(path) q.put(paths)
def default_lib_path(data_dir: str, pyversion: Tuple[int, int], python_path: bool) -> List[str]: """Return default standard library search paths.""" # IDEA: Make this more portable. path = [] # type: List[str] # Add MYPYPATH environment variable to library path, if defined. path.extend(mypy_path()) auto = os.path.join(data_dir, 'stubs-auto') if os.path.isdir(auto): data_dir = auto # We allow a module for e.g. version 3.5 to be in 3.4/. The assumption # is that a module added with 3.4 will still be present in Python 3.5. versions = [ "%d.%d" % (pyversion[0], minor) for minor in reversed(range(pyversion[1] + 1)) ] # E.g. for Python 3.5, try 2and3/, then 3/, then 3.5/, then 3.4/, 3.3/, ... for v in ['2and3', str(pyversion[0])] + versions: for lib_type in ['stdlib', 'builtins', 'third_party']: stubdir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'typeshed', lib_type, v) if os.path.isdir(stubdir): path.append(stubdir) # Add fallback path that can be used if we have a broken installation. if sys.platform != 'win32': path.append('/usr/local/lib/mypy') # Contents of Python's sys.path go last, to prefer the stubs # TODO: To more closely model what Python actually does, builtins should # go first, then sys.path, then anything in stdlib and third_party. if python_path: path.extend(sys.path) return path
def viterbi(self, sentence): pmv = np.zeros(shape=(len(self.states), len(sentence))) bp = np.zeros(shape=(len(self.states), len(sentence))) for i in range(len(self.states)): pmv[i][0] = self.start_probas[self.states[ i]] * self.emission_probas[self.states[i]][sentence[0]] bp[i][0] = 0 for i in range(1, len(sentence)): for j in range(len(self.states)): li = [] li1 = [] for k in range(len(self.states)): li.append( pmv[k][i - 1] * self.emission_probas[self.states[j]][sentence[i]] * self.transition_probas[self.states[k]][self.states[j]]) li1.append( pmv[k][i - 1] * self.transition_probas[self.states[k]][self.states[j]]) pmv[j][i] = max(li) bp[j][i] = li1.index(max(li1)) li2 = [] for k in range(len(self.states) - 1): li2.append(pmv[k][len(sentence) - 1]) self.proba = max(li2) bptr = li2.index(max(li2)) li3 = [bptr] for i in range(len(sentence) - 1, 0, -1): a = bp[int(bptr)][i] li3.append(int(a)) bptr = a li3 = li3[::-1] path = [] for i in li3: path.append(self.states[i]) return path, self.proba
def nestTree(parent_node, path, export_data, count_nodes): ### export_data,count_nodes are used for QC only children = edges[parent_node] path.append(0) for child in children.keys(): tuple_path = tuple(path) #count_nodes+=1 #try: temp = string.join(edges[child].keys(),'|') #except Exception: temp = '' #export_data.write(str(tuple_path)+'\t'+child+'\t'+temp+'\n') p = list( path ) ### Otherwise, the same path somehow gets used (alternative to copy.deepcopy()) if child in edges: count_nodes = nestTree(child, p, export_data, count_nodes) #if count_nodes==1000: kill path_ontology_db[tuple_path] = child if child not in built_ontology_paths: built_ontology_paths[child] = [tuple_path] elif tuple_path not in built_ontology_paths[child]: built_ontology_paths[child].append(tuple_path) path[-1] += 1 return count_nodes
def restore_path(grid, start, end, geo_ref): increments = [(1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (0, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (1, -1)] path = [] current = start time_start = timeit.default_timer() while True: path.append(current) neighbours = [(current[0] + dx, current[1] + dy) for dx, dy in increments] vals = [] for x, y in neighbours: try: val = grid[x, y] if val == 0 and not ((x, y) == end): val = 10000000000000 vals.append(val) except IndexError: vals.append(10000000000000000000) minimum = min(vals) current = neighbours[vals.index(minimum)] if current == end: break #if grid[current] <2: break if timeit.default_timer() - time_start > 0.1: return None return path[::-1]
def normal_random_walk(self, path_length, rand=random.Random(), start=None): """ Define a normal random walk without restart to generate positive training pairs """ G = self pairs = [] if start: path = [start] else: # Sampling is uniform w.r.t V, and not w.r.t E path = [rand.choice(G.keys())] while len(path) < path_length: cur = path[-1] if len(G[cur]) > 0: next_node = rand.choice(G[cur]) path.append(next_node) if path[0] != next_node: pairs.append((path[0], next_node)) else: break return pairs
def get_lowest_latency_path(start, end): # disjktra's algorithm distances = {} predecessors = {} to_assess = partial_latencies.keys() for node in partial_latencies: distances[node] = float("inf") predecessors[node] = None sp_set = [] distances[start] = 0 while len(sp_set) < len(to_assess): still_in = { node: distances[node] for node in [node for node in to_assess if node not in sp_set] } closest = min(still_in, key=distances.get) sp_set.append(closest) for node in partial_latencies[closest]: if distances[node] > distances[closest] + partial_latencies[ closest][node]: distances[node] = distances[closest] + partial_latencies[ closest][node] predecessors[node] = closest path = [end] while start not in path: path.append(predecessors[path[-1]]) path_ordered = path[::-1] path_latency = distances[end] return {"path": path_ordered, "latency": path_latency}
def deserialize_lms_sig(buffer): q = deserialize_u32(buffer[0:4]) # print "q: " + str(q) lmots_type = typecode_peek(buffer[4:8]) # print "lmots_type: " + str(lmots_type) if lmots_type in lmots_params: pos = 4 + LmotsSignature.bytes(lmots_type) else: raise ValueError(err_unknown_typecode, str(lmots_type)) lmots_sig = buffer[4:pos] lms_type = typecode_peek(buffer[pos:pos + 4]) if lms_type in lms_params: m, h, LenI = lms_params[lms_type] else: raise ValueError(err_unknown_typecode, str(lms_type)) if (q >= 2**h): raise ValueError(err_bad_value) pos = pos + 4 path = list() for i in xrange(0, h): path.append(buffer[pos:pos + m]) pos = pos + m # PrintUtl.print_hex("buffer tail", buffer[pos:]) return lms_type, q, lmots_sig, path
def a_star(grid, start, goal): path = [] path_cost = 0 if (start == goal): return path, path_cost queue = PriorityQueue() queue.put((0, start)) visited = set(start) branch = {} found = False while not queue.empty(): item = queue.get() current_node = item[1] if current_node == start: current_cost = 0.0 else: current_cost = branch[current_node][0] if current_node == goal: print('Found a path.') found = True break else: for action in valid_actions(grid, current_node): # get the tuple representation da = next_node = (current_node[0] + da[0], current_node[1] + da[1]) branch_cost = current_cost + action.cost queue_cost = branch_cost + heuristic(next_node, goal) if next_node not in visited: visited.add(next_node) branch[next_node] = (branch_cost, current_node, action) queue.put((queue_cost, next_node)) if found: # retrace steps n = goal path_cost = branch[n][0] path.append(goal) while branch[n][1] != start: path.append(branch[n][1]) n = branch[n][1] path.append(branch[n][1]) else: print('**********************') print('Failed to find a path!') print('**********************') return None return path[::-1], path_cost
def show_result(self, initial, goal, duration, length, term, potarr): line = dict() line['initial'] = [self.int_float(x) for x in initial] line['goal'] = [self.int_float(x) for x in goal] # Omit duration for reproducibility # line['duration'] = duration line['length'] = int(length) if length % 1 == 0.0 else float(f"{length:.5f}") path = list() # Iterable of poses, handles unitary paths if term == self.noPath: poses = [] elif term.getSort() == self.m.findSort('Pose'): poses = [term] else: poses = term.arguments() for pose in poses: x, y, t = self.destruct_pose(pose) path.append([self.int_float(x), self.int_float(y)]) line['path'] = path if potarr is not None: line['navfn'] = [float(entry) for row in potarr.arguments() for entry in row.arguments()] print(json.dumps(line))
def __random_walk__(G, path_length, start, alpha=0, rand=random.Random()): ''' Returns a truncated random walk. :param G: networkx graph :param path_length: Length of the random walk. :param alpha: probability of restarts. :param rand: random number generator :param start: the start node of the random walk. :return: ''' path = [start] while len(path) < path_length: cur = path[-1] if len(G.neighbors(cur)) > 0: if rand.random() >= alpha: path.append(rand.choice(G.neighbors(cur))) else: path.append(path[0]) else: break return path
def dsp(n, s, t, C): ''' DSP algorithm using label correction. ''' openList = [s] g = [float('inf') for i in range(n)] g[s] = 0 parent = [-1 for i in range(n)] while (len(openList) > 0): i = openList.pop() for j in range(n): if (g[i] + C[i, j]) < g[j] and (g[i] + C[i, j]) < g[t]: g[j] = g[i] + C[i, j] parent[j] = i if j != t: openList = [j] + openList end = int(t) path, cost = [], [] while (end != -1): path.append(int(end)) cost.append(g[end]) end = parent[end] return path[::-1], cost
def make_path(fid, sfid=None, cid=None, subid=None): path = [urllib.unquote(fid)] if sfid is not None: path.append(urllib.unquote(sfid)) if cid is not None: if subid is not None: path.append(cid + '@' + subid) else: path.append(cid) return '/'.join(path)
def a_starGraph(graph, start, goal): """Modified A* to work with NetworkX graphs.""" path = [] path_cost = 0 if (start == goal): return path, path_cost queue = PriorityQueue() queue.put((0, start)) visited = set(start) branch = {} found = False while not queue.empty(): item = queue.get() current_node = item[1] if current_node == start: current_cost = 0.0 else: current_cost = branch[current_node][0] if current_node == goal: print('Found a path.') found = True break else: for next_node in graph[current_node]: cost = graph.edges[current_node, next_node]['weight'] branch_cost = current_cost + cost queue_cost = branch_cost + heuristic(next_node, goal) if next_node not in visited: visited.add(next_node) branch[next_node] = (branch_cost, current_node) queue.put((queue_cost, next_node)) if found: # retrace steps n = goal path_cost = branch[n][0] path.append(goal) while branch[n][1] != start: path.append(branch[n][1]) n = branch[n][1] path.append(branch[n][1]) else: print('**********************') print('Failed to find a path in graph!') print('**********************') return None, None return path[::-1], path_cost
def _extract_path(tpl: BIP32Template, want_nomatch: bool = False) -> List[int]: path = [] have_nomatch = False for s in tpl.sections: for start, end in s: if want_nomatch and not have_nomatch: if (start & HARDENED_INDEX_MASK) != 0: path.append(start-1) have_nomatch = True break if (end | HARDENED_INDEX_START) != 0xFFFFFFFF: path.append(end+1) have_nomatch = True break elif random.choice((True, False)): path.append(random.randint(start, end)) break else: path.append(s[0][0]) if want_nomatch and not have_nomatch: # Could not put non-matching value in any position, that means that # all sections contain wildcard match. To make a non-matching path, # just flip the last hardened section to unhardened. # If there's no hardened sections, flip first section to hardened have_flipped = False for i, s in enumerate(tpl.sections): assert len(s) == 1 start, end = s[0] assert (start & HARDENED_INDEX_MASK) == 0 assert (end | HARDENED_INDEX_START) == 0xFFFFFFFF if start >= HARDENED_INDEX_START and not have_flipped: # Found the hardened section, flip path[i] = start ^ HARDENED_INDEX_START have_flipped = True # do not break so all sections are checked with asserts if not have_flipped: # All sections were unhardened, make first section hardened assert tpl.sections[0][0][0] < HARDENED_INDEX_START path[0] = tpl.sections[0][0][0] | HARDENED_INDEX_START return path
def compute_path(cls, col, row, depth): """Constructor that takes a col,row of a tile and computes the path. """ assert col % 2 == 0 assert row % 4 == 0 xradius = 2**depth yradius = 2 * 2**depth colbounds = [-xradius, xradius] rowbounds = [-yradius, yradius] path = [] for level in xrange(depth): # Strategy: Find the midpoint of this level, and determine which # quadrant this row/col is in. Then set the bounds to that level # and repeat xmid = (colbounds[1] + colbounds[0]) // 2 ymid = (rowbounds[1] + rowbounds[0]) // 2 if col < xmid: if row < ymid: path.append(0) colbounds[1] = xmid rowbounds[1] = ymid else: path.append(2) colbounds[1] = xmid rowbounds[0] = ymid else: if row < ymid: path.append(1) colbounds[0] = xmid rowbounds[1] = ymid else: path.append(3) colbounds[0] = xmid rowbounds[0] = ymid return cls(col, row, path)
def random_walk(self, path_length, alpha=0, rand=random.Random(), start=None): """ Returns a truncated random walk. path_length: Length of the random walk. alpha: probability of restarts. start: the start node of the random walk. """ G = self if start: path = [start] else: # Sampling is uniform w.r.t V, and not w.r.t E path = [rand.choice(list(G.keys()))] while len(path) < path_length: cur = path[-1] if len(G[cur]) > 0: if rand.random() >= alpha: ############### # RANDOM WALK # ############### # path.append(rand.choice(G[cur])) ############### # RANDOM WALK # ############### ################################ # NON-BACKTRACKING RANDOM WALK # ################################ neighbors = G[cur] if len(path) > 1: previous = path[-2] try: neighbors.remove(previous) except ValueError: pass if neighbors: path.append(rand.choice(neighbors)) else: path.append(path[0]) ################################ # NON-BACKTRACKING RANDOM WALK # ################################ else: path.append(path[0]) else: break return [str(node) for node in path]
def get_resource(self, action=None, token=True): path = [] if self.settings.prefix is not None: path.append(self.settings.prefix) if action is None: path.append('') if action is not None: path.append(action) if token == 'one-time': query = {'token': self.gen_one_time_token()} elif token: query = {'token': self.auth_token} else: query = None return url.Resource('/'.join(path), query)
def bgpa_customers_routes(AS, br_tuples): if self.paths_from_customers == {}: return for br_id, br_addr in brs: nn = br_addr[0] msg_dst = br_addr[0] + ' ' + br_addr[1] for path_dst, path_tuple in self.paths_from_customers: path = path_tuple[0] path = path.append(self.AS) networks = self.networks_in_as[path[-1]] networks = ' '.join(networks) path = ' '.join(path) for ip_addr in self.addrs: if ip_addr[0] == nn: msg_src = ip_addr[0] + ' ' + ip_addr[1] bgpa_msg = msg_src + ' ' + msg_dst + ' ' + self.ID + ' PATHADV ' + path + ' NETWKS ' + networks print bgpa_msg
def get_parameter(param_path, template_path, db): """returns string value of parameter, given its path, which can contain wildcards,template path, from which wildcards will be substituted and structure, from which it should be fetched""" # path to parameter to be built path = [] # TODO optimize this if param_path.startswith('.'): path = template_path[:-1] + [param_path[1:]] else: paths_diverged = False all_steps = param_path.split('.') for j in range(len(all_steps)): step = all_steps[j] # we need to substitute all asterisks for their values if step == '*': if not paths_diverged: path.append(template_path[j]) else: sys.stderr.write(""" Paths already diverged,wildcard cant be substituted {}""".format(path)) # special case if we want to return key not value of dict # only for assurance that ^ is at the end and paths has not # diverged elif step == '^': if j == len(all_steps) - 1 and not paths_diverged: path.append('^') else: sys.stderr.write(""" Paths already diverged or ^ in parameter path\n""") else: if step != template_path[j]: paths_diverged = True path.append(step) # now we get value for built path val = db for i in range(len(path)): step = path[i] if step == '^': val = template_path[i] else: val = val[step] return str(val)
def get_blocks(self): ''' Compares two binary strings under the assumption that y is the result of applying the following transformations onto x: * change single bytes in x (likely) * expand single bytes in x to two bytes (less likely) * drop single bytes in x (even less likely) Returns a generator that yields elements of the form (unmodified, xdiff, ydiff), where each item represents a binary chunk with "unmodified" denoting whether the chunk is the same in both strings, "xdiff" denoting the size of the chunk in x and "ydiff" denoting the size of the chunk in y. Example: >>> x = "abcdefghijklm" >>> y = "mmmcdefgHIJZklm" >>> list(MemoryComparator(x, y).get_blocks()) [(False, 2, 3), (True, 5, 5), (False, 3, 4), (True, 3, 3)] ''' x, y = self.x, self.y _, moves = self.get_grid() # walk the grid path = [] i, j = 0, 0 while True: dy, dx = self.move_to_gradient[moves[j][i]] if dy == dx == 0: break path.append((dy == 1 and x[i] == y[j], dy, dx)) j, i = j + dy, i + dx for i, j in zip(range(i, len(x)), itertools.count(j)): if j < len(y): path.append((x[i] == y[j], 1, 1)) else: path.append((False, 0, 1)) i = j = 0 for unmodified, subpath in itertools.groupby(path, itemgetter(0)): ydiffs = list(map(itemgetter(1), subpath)) dx, dy = len(ydiffs), sum(ydiffs) yield unmodified, dx, dy i += dx j += dy
def find_best_path(k, n, curr_path, actual_path, min_cost, cost): if k == n: c = 0 path = [] path.append(0) for i in curr_path: path.append(i) path.append(n + 1) for j in range(len(path) - 1): c += cost[path[j], path[j + 1]] if min_cost[0] == -1 or c < min_cost[0]: while actual_path.__len__() > 0: actual_path.pop() for tmp in path: actual_path.append(tmp) min_cost[0] = c else: for i in range(k -1, n): curr_path[k - 1], curr_path[i] = curr_path[i], curr_path[k - 1] find_best_path(k + 1, n, curr_path, actual_path, min_cost, cost) curr_path[k - 1], curr_path[i] = curr_path[i], curr_path[k - 1]
def random_walk(G, path_length, alpha=0, rand=random.Random(), start=None, temporal=False): """ Returns a truncated random walk. path_length: Length of the random walk. alpha: probability of restarts. start: the start node of the random walk. temporal: whether to use "time" edge attribute to only generate a temporal walk """ if start: path = [start] else: # Sampling is uniform w.r.t V, and not w.r.t E path = [rand.choice(G.nodes())] if temporal: u = path[-1] times = [G[u][v]['time'] for v in G.neighbors(u)] if times: t = rand.choice(times) else: return path while len(path) < path_length: cur = path[-1] if len(G[cur]) > 0: if rand.random() >= alpha: if temporal: node_and_time = [(v,G[cur][v]['time']) for v in G.neighbors(cur) if G[cur][v]['time'] > t] if node_and_time: next_node, t = rand.choice(node_and_time) path.append(next_node) else: break else: path.append(rand.choice(list(G[cur].keys()))) else: path.append(path[0]) else: break return path
def run_trial(policy, problem_server, limit=1000, det_sample=False, show_time=False): """Run policy on problem. Returns (cost, path), where cost may be None if goal not reached before horizon.""" env = RemoteEnv(problem_server) obs = env.reset() # total cost of this run cost = 0 path = [] if det_sample: bak_sample = policy.action_space.weighted_sample policy.action_space.weighted_sample = det_sampler try: for action_num in range(1, limit): if show_time: start = time() action, _ = policy.get_action(obs) if show_time: elapsed = time() - start print('get_action took %fs' % elapsed) path.append(env.action_name(action)) obs, reward, done, step_info = env.step(action) cost += step_info['step_cost'] if step_info['goal_reached']: path.append('GOAL! :D') return cost, True, path # we can run out of time or run out of actions to take if done: break path.append('FAIL! D:') finally: if det_sample: policy.action_space.weighted_sample = bak_sample return cost, False, path