def find_prebuilt_extensions(search_dirs): """collect prebuilt python extensions""" extensions = [] ext_pattern = '' if sys.platform == 'linux': ext_pattern = '**/*.so' elif sys.platform == 'win32': ext_pattern = '**/*.pyd' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': ext_pattern = '**/*.so' for base_dir in search_dirs: for path in Path(base_dir).glob(ext_pattern): if path.match('openvino/libs/*'): continue relpath = path.relative_to(base_dir) if relpath.parent != '.': package_names = str(relpath.parent).split(os.path.sep) else: package_names = [] package_names.append('.', 1)[0]) name = '.'.join(package_names) extensions.append(PrebuiltExtension(name, sources=[str(path)])) if not extensions: extensions.append( PrebuiltExtension('openvino', sources=[str('')])) return extensions
def genFileTree(widget, pathobj, expandAbovePathName=None, onlyIncludeDirsWithPyFiles=False): """ Construct the file tree :param widget: Initial object is root TreeWidget :param pathobj: Root directory that contains files that show up in the file tree :param expandAbovePathName: Specifies path of a new file so directories can be expanded to reveal the file :return: """ childrange = range(widget.childCount()) for path in pathobj.iterdir(): if str(path) in [widget.child(p).path for p in childrange]: #check if tree item already exists for childind in childrange: if widget.child(childind).path == str(path): if path.is_dir(): genFileTree(widget.child(childind), path, expandAbovePathName) else: #otherwise make a new tree item. if[-1].split('.')[-1] == 'py': child = TreeItem() child.setText(0, str([-1])) child.path = str(path) child.isdir = False child.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) child.setIcon(0,QtGui.QIcon( ":/openicon/icons/edit-shred.png")) widget.addChild(child) if not expandAbovePathName is None and path == expandAbovePathName: # expand directories containing a new file expandAboveChild(widget) elif path.is_dir() and not path.match('*/__*__*') and (not onlyIncludeDirsWithPyFiles or len(list(path.glob('**/*.py')))): child = TreeItem() child.setText(0, str([-1])) child.path = str(path) child.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) child.setIcon(0,QtGui.QIcon( ":/openicon/icons/document-open-5.png")) widget.addChild(child) genFileTree(child, path, expandAbovePathName) widget.sortChildren(0, 0)
def getSubModules(): if (not os.path.isfile(".gitmodules")): return [] gitmfile = open(".gitmodules", "r") modules = [] urlregex = "(\s)*url(\s)*=(\s)*[email protected]:(.*)/(.*)" pathregex = "(\s)*path(\s)*=(.*)" url = re.compile(urlregex) path = re.compile(pathregex) module = {} for line in gitmfile: print "Obtained: %s" % line if len(line) == 0: continue pmatch = path.match(line) umatch = url.match(line) if (umatch is not None and len(umatch.groups()) == 5): module["name"] = umatch.groups()[4].strip().replace(".git", "") elif (pmatch is not None and len(pmatch.groups()) == 3): module["path"] = pmatch.groups()[2].strip() if ("path" in module and "name" in module): modules.append(module) module = {} return modules
def find_prebuilt_extensions(search_dirs): """Collect prebuilt python extensions.""" extensions = [] ext_pattern = "" if sys.platform == "linux": ext_pattern = "**/*.so" elif sys.platform == "win32": ext_pattern = "**/*.pyd" elif sys.platform == "darwin": ext_pattern = "**/*.so" for base_dir in search_dirs: for path in Path(base_dir).glob(ext_pattern): if path.match("openvino/libs/*"): continue relpath = path.relative_to(base_dir) if relpath.parent != ".": package_names = str(relpath.parent).split(os.path.sep) else: package_names = [] package_names.append(".", 1)[0]) name = ".".join(package_names) extensions.append(PrebuiltExtension(name, sources=[str(path)])) if not extensions: extensions.append( PrebuiltExtension("openvino", sources=[str("")])) return extensions
def exclusion(path): if path.as_posix() in non_special_excludes: return True for pattern in match_excludes: result = path.match(pattern, match_entire=True) if result: return True return False
def newOutputs(self, toolresults): if toolresults is None or toolresults.bildfiles is None: return scale_factor = toolresults.toolinfo['scale_factor'] self.geomView.clearDecorations() for path in toolresults.bildfiles: if path.match('*target_geometry.bild'): base_bild = bildparser.parseBildFile(path, scale_factor) base_aabb = geom.AABB(base_bild) for path in toolresults.bildfiles: if path.match('*_cylinder_model.bild'): self.geomView.setCylDisplay(bildparser.parseBildFile(path), base_aabb) elif path.match('*_atomic_model_multi.bild'): self.geomView.setAtomDisplay(bildparser.parseBildFile(path), base_aabb, 0) elif path.match('*_atomic_model_two.bild'): self.geomView.setAtomDisplay(bildparser.parseBildFile(path), base_aabb, 1) elif path.match('*_routing_multi.bild'): self.geomView.setRoutDisplay(bildparser.parseBildFile(path), base_aabb, 0) elif path.match('*_routing_two.bild'): self.geomView.setRoutDisplay(bildparser.parseBildFile(path), base_aabb, 1) self.toggleOutputControls(True) self.toolresults = toolresults # Request a redraw to avoid a bug where disabled entities might be visible at first self.geomView.requestUpdate()
def log(self, request): if hasattr(self, 'filtered_paths'): for path in self.filtered_paths: if path.match(request.uri): return None return server.Site.log(self, request)
def __iter__(self): for path in self._path.iterdir(): if not path.match('.*') and path.is_file(): yield
def excluded(path): if any(path.match(ex) for ex in ignore): return True for part in if any(Path(part).match(ex) for ex in ignore): return True
def glob(self, pattern: str) -> Iterator[str]: pattern = "/" + pattern.lstrip("/") for collection in self.files, self.dirs: for path in collection: if path.match(pattern): yield str(path)[1:]
def _IsWantedDataFile(self, paths): for glob in self._data_file_globs: for path in paths: if path.match(glob): return True return False