def renderTemplate(modelDir, absolutePaths=False, datastoreNames={}): ''' Render the model template to an HTML string. By default render a blank one for new input. If modelDir is valid, render results post-model-run. If absolutePaths, the HTML can be opened without a server. ''' try: inJson = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir,"allInputData.json"))) modelPath, modelName = pSplit(modelDir) deepPath, user = pSplit(modelPath) inJson["modelName"] = modelName inJson["user"] = user modelType = inJson["modelType"] template = getattr(omf.models, modelType).template allInputData = json.dumps(inJson) except IOError: allInputData = None try: allOutputData = open(pJoin(modelDir,"allOutputData.json")).read() except IOError: allOutputData = None if absolutePaths: # Parent of current folder. pathPrefix = _omfDir else: pathPrefix = "" return template.render(allInputData=allInputData, allOutputData=allOutputData, modelStatus=getStatus(modelDir), pathPrefix=pathPrefix, datastoreNames=datastoreNames, modelName=modelType)
def renderTemplate(template, fs, modelDir="", absolutePaths=False, datastoreNames={}): ''' Render the model template to an HTML string. By default render a blank one for new input. If modelDir is valid, render results post-model-run. If absolutePaths, the HTML can be opened without a server. ''' # Our HTML template for the interface: with"models/solarEngineering.html") as tempFile: template = Template( try: inJson = json.load(, "allInputData.json"))) modelPath, modelName = pSplit(modelDir) deepPath, user = pSplit(modelPath) inJson["modelName"] = modelName inJson["user"] = user allInputData = json.dumps(inJson) except (IOError, HdfsFileNotFoundException): allInputData = None try: allOutputData =, "allOutputData.json")).read() except (HdfsFileNotFoundException, IOError): allOutputData = None if absolutePaths: # Parent of current folder. pathPrefix = __metaModel__._omfDir else: pathPrefix = "" try: inputDict = json.load(, "allInputData.json"))) except (IOError, HdfsFileNotFoundException): pass return template.render(allInputData=allInputData, allOutputData=allOutputData, modelStatus=getStatus(modelDir, fs), pathPrefix=pathPrefix, datastoreNames=datastoreNames)
def renderTemplate(template, fs, modelDir="", absolutePaths=False, datastoreNames={}, quickRender=False): ''' Render the model template to an HTML string. By default render a blank one for new input. If modelDir is valid, render results post-model-run. If absolutePaths, the HTML can be opened without a server. If quickRender, pass this to template so we can render for non-logged-in users. ''' logger.debug('Rendering model template... modelDir: %s; absolutePaths: %s; datastoreNames: %s; quickRender: %s', modelDir, absolutePaths, datastoreNames, quickRender) try: inJson = json.load(, "allInputData.json"))) modelPath, modelName = pSplit(modelDir) deepPath, user = pSplit(modelPath) inJson["modelName"] = modelName inJson["user"] = user allInputData = json.dumps(inJson) except (HdfsFileNotFoundException, IOError): allInputData = None try: allOutputData =, "allOutputData.json")).read() except (HdfsFileNotFoundException, IOError): allOutputData = None if absolutePaths: # Parent of current folder. pathPrefix = _omfDir else: pathPrefix = "" with open('templates/footer.html', 'r') as footer_file: footer = with open('templates/nrelsObligation.html') as nrels_file: nrels_text = return template.render(allInputData=allInputData, allOutputData=allOutputData, modelStatus=getStatus(modelDir, fs), pathPrefix=pathPrefix, datastoreNames=datastoreNames, quickRender=quickRender, footer=footer, nrels_text=nrels_text)
def renderTemplate(modelDir, absolutePaths=False, datastoreNames={}): ''' Render the model template to an HTML string. By default render a blank one for new input. If modelDir is valid, render results post-model-run. If absolutePaths, the HTML can be opened without a server. ''' try: inJson = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"))) modelPath, modelName = pSplit(modelDir) deepPath, user = pSplit(modelPath) inJson["modelName"] = modelName inJson["user"] = user modelType = inJson["modelType"] template = getattr(omf.models, modelType).template allInputData = json.dumps(inJson) # Get hashes for model python and html files htmlFile = open(pJoin(_myDir, modelType + ".html"), "r").read() currentHtmlHash = hashlib.sha256(htmlFile).hexdigest() pythonFile = open(pJoin(_myDir, modelType + ".py"), "r").read() currentPythonHash = hashlib.sha256(pythonFile).hexdigest() except IOError: allInputData = None inJson = None try: allOutputData = open(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json")).read() outJson = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json"))) try: #Needed? Should this be handled a different way? Add hashes to the output if they are not yet present if ('pythonHash' not in outJson) or ('htmlHash' not in outJson): print('new model') outJson['htmlHash'] = currentHtmlHash outJson['pythonHash'] = currentPythonHash outJson['oldVersion'] = False #If the hashes do not match, mark the model as an old version elif outJson['htmlHash'] != currentHtmlHash or outJson[ 'pythonHash'] != currentPythonHash: outJson['oldVersion'] = True #If the hashes match, mark the model as up to date else: outJson['oldVersion'] = False except (UnboundLocalError, KeyError), e: print(traceback.print_exc()) print('error:' + str(e)) except IOError: allOutputData = None outJson = None if absolutePaths: # Parent of current folder. pathPrefix = _omfDir else: pathPrefix = "" # Raw input output include. return template.render(allInputData=allInputData, allOutputData=allOutputData, modelStatus=getStatus(modelDir), pathPrefix=pathPrefix, datastoreNames=datastoreNames, modelName=modelType, allInputDataDict=inJson, allOutputDataDict=outJson)
def renderTemplate(template, fs, modelDir="", absolutePaths=False, datastoreNames={}): """ Render the model template to an HTML string. By default render a blank one for new input. If modelDir is valid, render results post-model-run. If absolutePaths, the HTML can be opened without a server. """ # Our HTML template for the interface: with"models/gridlabMulti.html") as tempFile: template = Template( try: inJson = json.load(, "allInputData.json"))) modelPath, modelName = pSplit(modelDir) deepPath, user = pSplit(modelPath) inJson["modelName"] = modelName inJson["user"] = user allInputData = json.dumps(inJson) except HdfsFileNotFoundException: allInputData = None except IOError: allInputData = None try: allOutputData =, "allOutputData.json")).read() except HdfsFileNotFoundException: allOutputData = None except IOError: allOutputData = None if absolutePaths: # Parent of current folder. pathPrefix = __metaModel__._omfDir else: pathPrefix = "" feederList = [] feederIDs = [] try: inputDict = json.load(, "allInputData.json"))) for key in inputDict: if key.startswith("feederName"): feederIDs.append(key) feederList.append(inputDict[key]) except HdfsFileNotFoundException: pass except IOError: pass with open("templates/footer.html", "r") as footer_file: footer = return template.render( allInputData=allInputData, allOutputData=allOutputData, modelStatus=getStatus(modelDir, fs), pathPrefix=pathPrefix, datastoreNames=datastoreNames, feederIDs=feederIDs, feederList=feederList, footer=footer, )
def renderTemplate(template, modelDir="", absolutePaths=False, datastoreNames={}): ''' Render the model template to an HTML string. By default render a blank one for new input. If modelDir is valid, render results post-model-run. If absolutePaths, the HTML can be opened without a server. ''' try: inJson = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"))) modelPath, modelName = pSplit(modelDir) deepPath, user = pSplit(modelPath) inJson["modelName"] = modelName inJson["user"] = user allInputData = json.dumps(inJson) except IOError: allInputData = None try: allOutputData = open(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json")).read() except IOError: allOutputData = None if absolutePaths: # Parent of current folder. pathPrefix = __metaModel__._omfDir else: pathPrefix = "" feederList = [] feederIDs = [] try: inputDict = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"))) for key in [ "feederName1", "feederName2", "feederName3", "feederName4", "feederName5" ]: feederName = inputDict.get(key, '') if feederName != '': feederIDs.append(key) feederList.append(feederName) except IOError: pass return template.render(allInputData=allInputData, allOutputData=allOutputData, modelStatus=getStatus(modelDir), pathPrefix=pathPrefix, datastoreNames=datastoreNames, feederIDs=feederIDs, feederList=feederList)
def renderTemplate(template, modelDir="", absolutePaths=False, datastoreNames={}): ''' Render the model template to an HTML string. By default render a blank one for new input. If modelDir is valid, render results post-model-run. If absolutePaths, the HTML can be opened without a server. ''' try: inJson = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir,"allInputData.json"))) modelPath, modelName = pSplit(modelDir) deepPath, user = pSplit(modelPath) inJson["modelName"] = modelName inJson["user"] = user allInputData = json.dumps(inJson) except IOError: allInputData = None try: allOutputData = open(pJoin(modelDir,"allOutputData.json")).read() except IOError: allOutputData = None if absolutePaths: # Parent of current folder. pathPrefix = __metaModel__._omfDir else: pathPrefix = "" feederList = [] feederIDs = [] try: inputDict = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"))) for key in ["feederName1", "feederName2", "feederName3", "feederName4", "feederName5"]: feederName = inputDict.get(key,'') if feederName != '': feederIDs.append(key) feederList.append(feederName) except IOError: pass return template.render(allInputData=allInputData, allOutputData=allOutputData, modelStatus=getStatus(modelDir), pathPrefix=pathPrefix, datastoreNames=datastoreNames, feederIDs = feederIDs, feederList = feederList, modelName=modelName)
if 'feederName' in key: output[key] = feederName with open(pJoin(modelDir,"allOutputData.json"),"w") as outFile: json.dump(output, outFile, indent=4) try: os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "PPID.txt")) except: pass # Send email to user on model success. emailStatus = inputDict.get('emailStatus', 0) if (emailStatus == "on"): print "\n EMAIL ALERT ON" email = session['user_id'] try: user = json.load(open("data/User/" + email + ".json")) modelPath, modelName = pSplit(modelDir) message = "The model " + "<i>" + str(modelName) + "</i>" + " has successfully completed running. It ran for a total of " + str(inputDict["runTime"]) + " seconds from " + str(beginTime) + ", to " + str(finishTime) + "." return web.send_link(email, message, user) except Exception, e: print "ERROR: Failed sending model status email to user: "******", with exception: \n", e except Exception, e: # If input range wasn't valid delete output, write error to disk. cancel(modelDir) thisErr = traceback.format_exc() print 'ERROR IN MODEL', modelDir, thisErr inputDict['stderr'] = thisErr with open(os.path.join(modelDir,'stderr.txt'),'w') as errorFile: errorFile.write(thisErr) with open(pJoin(modelDir,"allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile: json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4) # Send email to user on model failure.
def renderTemplate(modelDir, absolutePaths=False, datastoreNames={}): ''' Render the model template to an HTML string. By default render a blank one for new input. If modelDir is valid, render results post-model-run. If absolutePaths, the HTML can be opened without a server. ''' try: with web.locked_open(pJoin(modelDir, 'allInputData.json')) as f: inJson = json.load(f) modelPath, modelName = pSplit(modelDir) deepPath, modelOwner = pSplit(modelPath) inJson["modelName"] = modelName inJson["user"] = modelOwner modelType = inJson["modelType"] template = getattr(omf.models, modelType).template allInputData = json.dumps(inJson) # Get hashes for model python and html files with open(pJoin(_myDir, modelType + ".html")) as f: htmlFile = currentHtmlHash = hashlib.sha256(htmlFile.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() with open(pJoin(_myDir, modelType + ".py")) as f: pythonFile = currentPythonHash = hashlib.sha256( pythonFile.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() except IOError: allInputData = None inJson = None try: with web.locked_open(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json")) as f: allOutputData = with web.locked_open(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json")) as f: outJson = json.load(f) try: #Needed? Should this be handled a different way? Add hashes to the output if they are not yet present if ('pythonHash' not in outJson) or ('htmlHash' not in outJson): outJson['htmlHash'] = currentHtmlHash outJson['pythonHash'] = currentPythonHash outJson['oldVersion'] = False #If the hashes do not match, mark the model as an old version elif outJson['htmlHash'] != currentHtmlHash or outJson[ 'pythonHash'] != currentPythonHash: outJson['oldVersion'] = True #If the hashes match, mark the model as up to date else: outJson['oldVersion'] = False except (UnboundLocalError, KeyError) as e: print((traceback.print_exc())) print(('error:' + str(e))) except IOError: allOutputData = None outJson = None if absolutePaths: # Parent of current folder. pathPrefix = _omfDir else: pathPrefix = "" # Generate standard raw output files. rawFilesTemplate = ''' <p class="reportTitle">Raw Input and Output Files</p> <div id="rawOutput" class="content" style="margin-top:0px"> {% for name in allOutputDataDict['fileNames'] %} {% if loop.index > 1 %}— {% endif %}<a href="/downloadModelData/{{allInputDataDict['user']}}/{{allInputDataDict['modelName']}}/{{name}}">{{name}}</a> {% endfor %} </div> ''' rawOutputFiles = Template(rawFilesTemplate).render( allOutputDataDict=outJson, allInputDataDict=inJson) # Generate standard model buttons. omfModelButtonsTemplate = ''' <div class="wideInput" style="text-align:right"> {% if modelStatus != 'running' and (loggedInUser == modelOwner or loggedInUser == 'admin') %} <button id="deleteButton" type="button" onclick="deleteModel()">Delete</button> <button id="runButton" type="submit">Run Model</button> {% endif %} {% if modelStatus == "finished" %} <button id="shareButton" type="button" onclick="shareModel()">Share</button> <button id="duplicateButton" type="button" onclick="duplicateModel()">Duplicate</button> {% endif %} {% if modelStatus == "running" and (loggedInUser == modelOwner or loggedInUser == 'admin') %} <button id="cancelButton" type="button" onclick="cancelModel()">Cancel Run</button> {% endif %} </div> ''' # Generate standard status content. loggedInUser = datastoreNames.get('currentUser', 'test') modelStatus = getStatus(modelDir) omfModelButtons = Template(omfModelButtonsTemplate).render( modelStatus=modelStatus, loggedInUser=loggedInUser, modelOwner=modelOwner) now = try: mod_start = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(inJson.get('runStartTime')) except: mod_start = now elapsed_dt = now - mod_start elapsed_min = elapsed_dt.total_seconds() / 60.0 model_estimate_min = float(inJson.get('runtimeEst_min', '2.0')) remain_min = model_estimate_min - elapsed_min runDebugTemplate = ''' {% if modelStatus == 'running' %} <div id ="runIndicator" class="content"> Model has run for {{elapsed_min}} minutes. {{remain_min}} minutes estimated until completion. Results updated every 5 seconds. </div> {% endif %} {% if modelStatus == 'stopped' and stderr != '' %} <div id ="stopIndicator" class="content"> <pre id='errorText' style='overflow-x:scroll'>MODEL ENCOUNTERED AN ERROR AS FOLLOWS:\n\n{{stderr}}</pre> </div> {% endif %} ''' omfRunDebugBlock = Template(runDebugTemplate).render( modelStatus=modelStatus, stderr=inJson.get('stderr', ''), elapsed_min=round(elapsed_min, 2), remain_min=round(remain_min, 2)) # Raw input output include. return template.render(allInputData=allInputData, allOutputData=allOutputData, modelStatus=modelStatus, pathPrefix=pathPrefix, datastoreNames=datastoreNames, modelName=modelType, allInputDataDict=inJson, allOutputDataDict=outJson, rawOutputFiles=rawOutputFiles, omfModelButtons=omfModelButtons, omfRunDebugBlock=omfRunDebugBlock)
def runForeground(modelDir, test_mode=False): ''' Run the model in its directory. WARNING: GRIDLAB CAN TAKE HOURS TO COMPLETE. ''' with open(pJoin(modelDir, 'allInputData.json')) as f: inputDict = json.load(f) print("STARTING TO RUN", modelDir) beginTime = # Get prepare of data and clean workspace if re-run, If re-run remove all the data in the subfolders for dirs in os.listdir(modelDir): if os.path.isdir(pJoin(modelDir, dirs)): shutil.rmtree(pJoin(modelDir, dirs)) # Get the names of the feeders from the .omd files: feederNames = [x[0:-4] for x in os.listdir(modelDir) if x.endswith(".omd")] for i, key in enumerate(feederNames): inputDict['feederName' + str(i + 1)] = feederNames[i] # Run GridLAB-D once for each feeder: for feederName in feederNames: try: os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "allOutputData.json")) except Exception as e: pass if not os.path.isdir(pJoin(modelDir, feederName)): os.makedirs(pJoin(modelDir, feederName)) # create subfolders for feeders shutil.copy(pJoin(modelDir, feederName + ".omd"), pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "feeder.omd")) inputDict["climateName"] = weather.zipCodeToClimateName( inputDict["zipCode"]) shutil.copy( pJoin(_omfDir, "data", "Climate", inputDict["climateName"] + ".tmy2"), pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "climate.tmy2")) try: startTime = with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "feeder.omd")) as f: feederJson = json.load(f) tree = feederJson["tree"] # Set up GLM with correct time and recorders: feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Regulator", "object", "regulator") feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Capacitor", "object", "capacitor") feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Inverter", "object", "inverter") feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Windmill", "object", "windturb_dg") feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "CollectorVoltage", None, None) feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Climate", "object", "climate") feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "OverheadLosses", None, None) feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "UndergroundLosses", None, None) feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TriplexLosses", None, None) feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TransformerLosses", None, None) feeder.groupSwingKids(tree) feeder.adjustTime(tree=tree, simLength=float(inputDict["simLength"]), simLengthUnits=inputDict["simLengthUnits"], simStartDate=inputDict["simStartDate"]) # RUN GRIDLABD IN FILESYSTEM (EXPENSIVE!) rawOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem( tree, attachments=feederJson["attachments"], keepFiles=True, workDir=pJoin(modelDir, feederName)) cleanOut = {} # Std Err and Std Out cleanOut['stderr'] = rawOut['stderr'] cleanOut['stdout'] = rawOut['stdout'] # Time Stamps for key in rawOut: if '# timestamp' in rawOut[key]: cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# timestamp'] break elif '# property.. timestamp' in rawOut[key]: cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key][ '# property.. timestamp'] else: cleanOut['timeStamps'] = [] # Day/Month Aggregation Setup: stamps = cleanOut.get('timeStamps', []) level = inputDict.get('simLengthUnits', 'hours') # Climate for key in rawOut: if key.startswith('Climate_') and key.endswith('.csv'): cleanOut['climate'] = {} cleanOut['climate']['Rain Fall (in/h)'] = hdmAgg( rawOut[key].get('rainfall'), sum, level) cleanOut['climate']['Wind Speed (m/s)'] = hdmAgg( rawOut[key].get('wind_speed'), avg, level) cleanOut['climate']['Temperature (F)'] = hdmAgg( rawOut[key].get('temperature'), max, level) cleanOut['climate']['Snow Depth (in)'] = hdmAgg( rawOut[key].get('snowdepth'), max, level) cleanOut['climate']['Direct Insolation (W/m^2)'] = hdmAgg( rawOut[key].get('solar_direct'), sum, level) # Voltage Band if 'VoltageJiggle.csv' in rawOut: cleanOut['allMeterVoltages'] = {} cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Min'] = hdmAgg([ (i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)'] ], min, level) cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'] = hdmAgg( [(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv'] ['mean(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level) cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['StdDev'] = hdmAgg([ (i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['std(voltage_12.mag)'] ], avg, level) cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Max'] = hdmAgg([ (i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)'] ], max, level) cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['stdDevPos'] = [ (x + y / 2) for x, y in zip(cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'], cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['StdDev']) ] cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['stdDevNeg'] = [ (x - y / 2) for x, y in zip(cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'], cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['StdDev']) ] # Total # of meters count = 0 with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "feeder.omd")) as f: for line in f: if "\"objectType\": \"triplex_meter\"" in line: count += 1 # print "count=", count cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['triplexMeterCount'] = float(count) # Power Consumption cleanOut['Consumption'] = {} # Set default value to be 0, avoiding missing value when computing Loads cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = [0] * int( inputDict["simLength"]) cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = [0] * int( inputDict["simLength"]) cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"]) for key in rawOut: if key.startswith('SwingKids_') and key.endswith('.csv'): oneSwingPower = hdmAgg( vecPyth(rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.real)'], rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.imag)']), avg, level) if 'Power' not in cleanOut['Consumption']: cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = oneSwingPower else: cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = vecSum( oneSwingPower, cleanOut['Consumption']['Power']) elif key.startswith('Inverter_') and key.endswith('.csv'): realA = rawOut[key]['power_A.real'] realB = rawOut[key]['power_B.real'] realC = rawOut[key]['power_C.real'] imagA = rawOut[key]['power_A.imag'] imagB = rawOut[key]['power_B.imag'] imagC = rawOut[key]['power_C.imag'] oneDgPower = hdmAgg( vecSum(vecPyth(realA, imagA), vecPyth(realB, imagB), vecPyth(realC, imagC)), avg, level) if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']: cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower else: cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum( oneDgPower, cleanOut['Consumption']['DG']) elif key.startswith('Windmill_') and key.endswith('.csv'): vrA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.real'] vrB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.real'] vrC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.real'] viA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.imag'] viB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.imag'] viC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.imag'] crB = rawOut[key]['current_B.real'] crA = rawOut[key]['current_A.real'] crC = rawOut[key]['current_C.real'] ciA = rawOut[key]['current_A.imag'] ciB = rawOut[key]['current_B.imag'] ciC = rawOut[key]['current_C.imag'] powerA = vecProd(vecPyth(vrA, viA), vecPyth(crA, ciA)) powerB = vecProd(vecPyth(vrB, viB), vecPyth(crB, ciB)) powerC = vecProd(vecPyth(vrC, viC), vecPyth(crC, ciC)) # HACK: multiply by negative one because turbine power sign is opposite all other DG: oneDgPower = [ -1.0 * x for x in hdmAgg( vecSum(powerA, powerB, powerC), avg, level) ] if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']: cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower else: cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum( oneDgPower, cleanOut['Consumption']['DG']) elif key in [ 'OverheadLosses.csv', 'UndergroundLosses.csv', 'TriplexLosses.csv', 'TransformerLosses.csv' ]: realA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.real)'] imagA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.imag)'] realB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.real)'] imagB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.imag)'] realC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.real)'] imagC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.imag)'] oneLoss = hdmAgg( vecSum(vecPyth(realA, imagA), vecPyth(realB, imagB), vecPyth(realC, imagC)), avg, level) if 'Losses' not in cleanOut['Consumption']: cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = oneLoss else: cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = vecSum( oneLoss, cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses']) # Aggregate up the timestamps: if level == 'days': cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x: x[0][0:10], 'days') elif level == 'months': cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x: x[0][0:7], 'months') # Write the output. with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "allOutputData.json"), "w") as outFile: json.dump(cleanOut, outFile, indent=4) # Update the runTime in the input file. endTime = inputDict["runTime"] = str( datetime.timedelta(seconds=int((endTime - startTime).total_seconds()))) with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "allInputData.json"), "w") as inFile: json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4) # Clean up the PID file. os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "PID.txt")) print("DONE RUNNING GRIDLABMULTI", modelDir, feederName) except Exception as e: if test_mode == True: raise e print("MODEL CRASHED GRIDLABMULTI", e, modelDir, feederName) cancel(pJoin(modelDir, feederName)) with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "stderr.txt"), "a+") as stderrFile: traceback.print_exc(file=stderrFile) finishTime = inputDict["runTime"] = str( datetime.timedelta(seconds=int((finishTime - beginTime).total_seconds()))) with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"), "w") as inFile: json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4) # Integrate data into allOutputData.json, if error happens, cancel it try: output = {} output["failures"] = {} numOfFeeders = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(modelDir): # dump error info into dict if "stderr.txt" in files: with open(pJoin(root, "stderr.txt"), "r") as stderrFile: tempString = if "ERROR" in tempString or "FATAL" in tempString or "Traceback" in tempString: output["failures"]["feeder_" + str(os.path.split(root)[-1])] = { "stderr": tempString } continue # dump simulated data into dict if "allOutputData.json" in files: with open(pJoin(root, "allOutputData.json"), "r") as feederOutputData: numOfFeeders += 1 feederOutput = json.load(feederOutputData) # TODO: a better feeder name output["feeder_" + str(os.path.split(root)[-1])] = {} output["feeder_" + str(os.path.split(root)[-1] )]["Consumption"] = feederOutput["Consumption"] output["feeder_" + str(os.path.split(root)[-1])][ "allMeterVoltages"] = feederOutput["allMeterVoltages"] output["feeder_" + str(os.path.split( root)[-1])]["stderr"] = feederOutput["stderr"] output["feeder_" + str(os.path.split( root)[-1])]["stdout"] = feederOutput["stdout"] # output[root] = {feederOutput["Consumption"], feederOutput["allMeterVoltages"], feederOutput["stdout"], feederOutput["stderr"]} output["numOfFeeders"] = numOfFeeders output["timeStamps"] = feederOutput.get("timeStamps", []) output["climate"] = feederOutput.get("climate", []) # Add feederNames to output so allInputData feederName changes don't cause output rendering to disappear. for key, feederName in inputDict.items(): if 'feederName' in key: output[key] = feederName with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json"), "w") as outFile: json.dump(output, outFile, indent=4) try: os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "PPID.txt")) except: pass # Send email to user on model success. emailStatus = inputDict.get('emailStatus', 0) if (emailStatus == "on"): print("\n EMAIL ALERT ON") email = session['user_id'] try: with open("data/User/" + email + ".json") as f: user = json.load(f) modelPath, modelName = pSplit(modelDir) message = "The model " + "<i>" + str( modelName ) + "</i>" + " has successfully completed running. It ran for a total of " + str( inputDict["runTime"]) + " seconds from " + str( beginTime) + ", to " + str(finishTime) + "." return web.send_link(email, message, user) except Exception as e: print("ERROR: Failed sending model status email to user: "******", with exception: \n", e) except Exception as e: # If input range wasn't valid delete output, write error to disk. cancel(modelDir) thisErr = traceback.format_exc() print('ERROR IN MODEL', modelDir, thisErr) inputDict['stderr'] = thisErr with open(os.path.join(modelDir, 'stderr.txt'), 'w') as errorFile: errorFile.write(thisErr) with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"), "w") as inFile: json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4) # Send email to user on model failure. email = 'NoEmail' try: email = session['user_id'] with open("data/User/" + email + ".json") as f: user = json.load(f) modelPath, modelName = pSplit(modelDir) message = "The model " + "<i>" + str( modelName ) + "</i>" + " has failed to complete running. It ran for a total of " + str( inputDict["runTime"]) + " seconds from " + str( beginTime) + ", to " + str(finishTime) + "." return web.send_link(email, message, user) except Exception as e: print("Failed sending model status email to user: "******", with exception: \n", e)