print s
obj2.open("MyFile.txt", "r")
s1 = obj2.read(20)
print s1

print obj.name  #MyFile.txt
print obj.mode  #w or r (if obj2)
print obj.closed  #False

# r - read
# rb - read binary
# r+ - read and write, pointer at beginning
# w - write
# wb - write binary
# w+ - read and write, if file already exists it will overwrite or else create a new file
# wb+ - same as above but for binary file
# a - append
# ab - append binary

import os
os.remane("existingfile.txt", "newfile.txt")
os.remove("oldfile.txt")  #Deletes file
os.mkdir("new")  #Makes new directory
os.chdir("new")  #Makes changes to current directory
print os.getcwd  #Gives the current working directory
)  #Removes a directory before removing the directory, the directory should be empty
import os

# zet er mp3 achter als het geen extensie heeft
for f in os.listdir():
    if "." not in f:
        os.rename(f, f + ".mp3")
# haal de spatie weg als die voor de '.mp3' zit
for f in os.listdir():
    if f[-5:] == " .mp3":
        os.remane(f, f[:-5] + f[-4:])
def rename(dir, pathAndFilename, pattern, titlePatteren):
              os.path.join(dir, titlePatteren))  # methdoe to do the rename