def keluar(): asw = input("ingin melanjutkan [Y/T] -> ") if asw == 't' or asw == 'T': os.syetem("clear") exit() else: if asw == 'y' or asw == 'Y': os.system("clear") print(banner) main()
def buildAOSP(branch): debianBased = True sys.stdout.write("checking if you're running debian/debian-based system...\n") if not subprocess.Popen("apt-get", stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) == "": sys.stdout.write("warning: it's strongly recommended to run buildAOSP using Debian/a Debian-based distro. Dependencies won't be downloaded.\n") debianBased = False if debianBased: ch = raw_input("would you like to add Debian Stable repository to install sun-java5-jdk? [y/n]") if ch == "y": os.system("sudo echo \"deb stable main contrib non-free\" >> /etc/apt/sources.list") os.system("sudo apt-get update") sys.stdout.write("installing dependencies...\n") os.system("sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg sun-java5-jdk flex bison gperf libsdl-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev") os.system("sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-1.5.0-sun") sys.stdout.write("complete!\n") sys.stdout.write("creating the android workspace...\n") os.system("mkdir ~/mydroid") ch = raw_input("would you like to download `repo`? [y/n]") if ch == "y": os.system("mkdir ~/mydroid/repo") sys.stdout.write("downloading repo...\n") os.system("curl > ~/android/repo") sys.stdout.write("setting permissions...\n") os.syetem("chmod a+x ~/android/repo") os.system("mkdir ~/mydroid/android && cd ~/mydroid/android") ch = input("would you like to download %s branch from\n1. CodeAurora\n2.") if ch == 1: sys.out.write("downloading sources, wait...\n") if branch == "froyo": os.system("repo init -u git:// -b froyo_almond -m Q8650BSDCANLYA5025.xml") else: os.system("repo init -u git:// -b %s -m Q8650BSDCANLYA5025.xml" % branch) elif ch == 2: os.system("repo init -u git:// -b %s" %s branch) ch = raw_input("would you like to build sources? [y/n]") if ch == "y": print "OK" cpu = input("write the number of your processor (1 = single core, 2 dual core ecc): ") sys.stdout.write("compiling...\n") os.system("make -j%d" % cpu * 2) sys.stdout.write("my work is finished here. Enjoy :)\n")
#!/usr/bin/python env import os import sys if os.path.isfile('/opt/GeoIP/Geo.dat') == False : os.makedirs('/opt/GeoIP') os.chdir('/opt/GeoIP') os.system('wget') os.syetem('tar -zvxf GeoLiteCity.dat.gz') os.system('mv GeoLiteCity.dat /opt/GeoIP/Geo.dat') import pygeoip gi = pygeoip.GeoIP('/opt/GeoIP/Geo.dat') def printRecord(target): rec = gi.record_by_name(target) city = rec['city'] # region = rec['region_name'] country = rec['country_name'] longitude = rec['longitude'] latitude = rec['latitude'] print '[*] Target: ' + target + ' Geo-located.' print '[+] ' + str(city) + ' ' + ' ' + str(country) print '[+] Latitude: ' + str(latitude) + ', Longitude: ' + str(longitude)
def fast_get_file(i): os.syetem('mv /home/appuser/nfs/* /home/appuser/fast_tier/')
import os os.syetem('nohup python function_19373175 > log.txt')
import sys,os if sys.platform == "win32" or sys.platform == 'cygwin': pip='pip' os.system('py -m pip install -U pygame --user') elif sys.playform == 'linux' or sys.playform == 'linux': pip='pip3' os.syetem('sudo apt-get install python3-pygame') else: os.syetem('python3 -m pip install -U pygame --user') pip='pip3' deps = ['pickle','PyZenity-0.1.7.tar.gz','easygui'] for dep in deps os.system(f'{pip} install {dep}')
def slow_get_file(i): os.syetem('mv /home/appuser/nfs/* /home/appuser/slow_tier/')
def delete_chain2(chain_name): if(chain_name == None or chain_name == "" or chain_name == " "): return try: os.system("iptables -t filter -F "+chain_name) os.system("iptables -t filter -D INPUT -j "+chain_name) os.syetem("iptables -t filter -X "+chain_name) except: print("ERROR: Could not delete the chain. Kindly verify.") # Function to add rules for given ips and ports. def add_rule(chain_name,ip_string,port_string): try: ip_list = ip_string.strip().split(",") for ip in ip_list: if(ip == "" or ip == " "): continue os.system("iptables -t filter -A {} -p tcp --match multiport --dport {} -s {} -j ACCEPT".format(chain_name,port_string,ip.strip())) print("INFO: iptable rule added for ip: "+ip.strip()) os.system("iptables -t filter -A {} -p tcp --match multiport --dport {} -j REJECT".format(chain_name,port_string)) except: print("ERROR: Error while adding the rule.") print("Exiting...") sys.exit() # Main function if __name__ == "__main__": try: tree = ET.parse('config.xml') root = tree.getroot() except: print("ERROR: Error while parsing the config file. \n") sys.exit() chain_name = root.find('chain').text if(chain_name == None or chain_name == "" or chain_name == " "): print("ERROR: No chain name given in the config file.") sys.exit() delete_chain2(chain_name) # Create the new chain once. try: os.system("iptables -t filter -N "+chain_name) os.system("iptables -t filter -A INPUT -j "+chain_name) except: print("ERROR: Error while adding the chain.") print("Exiting...") sys.exit() # Find the ips and ports of the host that need to be allowed access. for rule in root.findall('rule'): ips = rule.find('ips').text ports = rule.find('ports').text if(ips == "" or ips == " " or ips == None): print("INFO: There is an empty IP in config. Skipping...") continue add_rule(chain_name,ips,ports)
import os print("OH NO!!! DOOMSDAY HAS BEGAN") os.syetem("shutdown -s")
#!/usr/bin/python env import os import sys if os.path.isfile('/opt/GeoIP/Geo.dat') == False: os.makedirs('/opt/GeoIP') os.chdir('/opt/GeoIP') os.system( 'wget' ) os.syetem('tar -zvxf GeoLiteCity.dat.gz') os.system('mv GeoLiteCity.dat /opt/GeoIP/Geo.dat') import pygeoip gi = pygeoip.GeoIP('/opt/GeoIP/Geo.dat') def printRecord(target): rec = gi.record_by_name(target) city = rec['city'] # region = rec['region_name'] country = rec['country_name'] longitude = rec['longitude'] latitude = rec['latitude'] print '[*] Target: ' + target + ' Geo-located.' print '[+] ' + str(city) + ' ' + ' ' + str(country) print '[+] Latitude: ' + str(latitude) + ', Longitude: ' + str(longitude)
"Args List: Shutdown(s,r,i), Color(r,g,b,w,k), zylan(--version, --uninstall, --info, --owner), cipher(-e)" ) if (code == "pause"): input("Press any key to continue") os.system("cls") if (code == "shutdown"): que = input("Args: ") if (que == "r"): os.system("shutdown -r") if (que == "s"): os.system("shutdown -s") if (que == "i"): os.syetem("shutdown -i") if (code == "files"): print(os.system("tree")) if (code == "color"): arg = input("Args: ") if (arg == "r"): os.system("color 0c") if (arg == "g"): os.system("color 2") if (arg == "b"): os.system("color 1") if (arg == "w"): os.system("color 7")