    def test_update_vrf_table_invalid_ipv6_prefix(self):
        # Prepare test data
        route_dist = '65000:100'
        ip_network = 'xxxx::'  # invalid
        ip_prefix_len = 64
        prefix_str = '%s/%d' % (ip_network, ip_prefix_len)
        prefix_inst = IP6AddrPrefix(ip_prefix_len, ip_network)
        next_hop = 'fe80::0011:aabb:ccdd:eeff'
        route_family = VRF_RF_IPV6
        route_type = None  # should be ignored
        kwargs = {}  # should be ignored

        self._test_update_vrf_table(prefix_inst, route_dist, prefix_str,
                                    next_hop, route_family, route_type,
    def update_global_table(self, prefix, next_hop=None, is_withdraw=False):
        """Update a BGP route in the Global table for the given `prefix`
        with the given `next_hop`.

        If `is_withdraw` is False, which is the default, add a BGP route
        to the Global table.
        If `is_withdraw` is True, remove a BGP route from the Global table.
        src_ver_num = 1
        peer = None
        # set mandatory path attributes
        origin = BGPPathAttributeOrigin(BGP_ATTR_ORIGIN_IGP)
        aspath = BGPPathAttributeAsPath([[]])

        pathattrs = OrderedDict()
        pathattrs[BGP_ATTR_TYPE_ORIGIN] = origin
        pathattrs[BGP_ATTR_TYPE_AS_PATH] = aspath

        net = netaddr.IPNetwork(prefix)
        addr = str(net.ip)
        masklen = net.prefixlen
        if ip.valid_ipv4(addr):
            _nlri = IPAddrPrefix(masklen, addr)
            if next_hop is None:
                next_hop = ''
            p = Ipv4Path
            _nlri = IP6AddrPrefix(masklen, addr)
            if next_hop is None:
                next_hop = '::'
            p = Ipv6Path

        new_path = p(peer, _nlri, src_ver_num,
                     pattrs=pathattrs, nexthop=next_hop,

        # add to global table and propagates to neighbors
    def update_vrf_table(self, route_dist, prefix=None, next_hop=None,
                         route_family=None, route_type=None, tunnel_type=None,
                         is_withdraw=False, redundancy_mode=None,
                         pmsi_tunnel_type=None, **kwargs):
        """Update a BGP route in the VRF table identified by `route_dist`
        with the given `next_hop`.

        If `is_withdraw` is False, which is the default, add a BGP route
        to the VRF table identified by `route_dist` with the given
        If `is_withdraw` is True, remove a BGP route from the VRF table
        and the given `next_hop` is ignored.

        If `route_family` is VRF_RF_L2_EVPN, `route_type` and `kwargs`
        are required to construct EVPN NLRI and `prefix` is ignored.

        ``redundancy_mode`` specifies a redundancy mode type.

`       `pmsi_tunnel_type` specifies the type of the PMSI tunnel attribute
         used to encode the multicast tunnel identifier.
        This field is advertised only if route_type is

        Returns assigned VPN label.
        from os_ken.services.protocols.bgp.core import BgpCoreError

        assert route_dist

        if is_withdraw:
            gen_lbl = False
            next_hop = None
            gen_lbl = True
            if not (is_valid_ipv4(next_hop) or is_valid_ipv6(next_hop)):
                raise BgpCoreError(
                    desc='Invalid IPv4/IPv6 nexthop: %s' % next_hop)

        vrf_table = self._tables.get((route_dist, route_family))
        if vrf_table is None:
            raise BgpCoreError(
                desc='VRF table  does not exist: route_dist=%s, '
                     'route_family=%s' % (route_dist, route_family))

        vni = kwargs.get('vni', None)

        if route_family == VRF_RF_IPV4:
            if not is_valid_ipv4_prefix(prefix):
                raise BgpCoreError(desc='Invalid IPv4 prefix: %s' % prefix)
            ip, masklen = prefix.split('/')
            prefix = IPAddrPrefix(int(masklen), ip)
        elif route_family == VRF_RF_IPV6:
            if not is_valid_ipv6_prefix(prefix):
                raise BgpCoreError(desc='Invalid IPv6 prefix: %s' % prefix)
            ip6, masklen = prefix.split('/')
            prefix = IP6AddrPrefix(int(masklen), ip6)
        elif route_family == VRF_RF_L2_EVPN:
            assert route_type
            if route_type == EvpnMacIPAdvertisementNLRI.ROUTE_TYPE_NAME:
                # MPLS labels will be assigned automatically
                kwargs['mpls_labels'] = []
            if route_type == EvpnInclusiveMulticastEthernetTagNLRI.ROUTE_TYPE_NAME:
                # Inclusive Multicast Ethernet Tag Route does not have "vni",
                # omit "vni" from "kwargs" here.
                vni = kwargs.pop('vni', None)
            subclass = EvpnNLRI._lookup_type_name(route_type)
            kwargs['route_dist'] = route_dist
            esi = kwargs.get('esi', None)
            if esi is not None:
                if isinstance(esi, dict):
                    esi_type = esi.get('type', 0)
                    esi_class = EvpnEsi._lookup_type(esi_type)
                    kwargs['esi'] = esi_class.from_jsondict(esi)
                else:  # isinstance(esi, numbers.Integral)
                    kwargs['esi'] = EvpnArbitraryEsi(
            if vni is not None:
                # Disable to generate MPLS labels,
                # because encapsulation type is not MPLS.
                from os_ken.services.protocols.bgp.api.prefix import (
                assert tunnel_type in [
                    None, TUNNEL_TYPE_VXLAN, TUNNEL_TYPE_NVGRE]
                gen_lbl = False
            prefix = subclass(**kwargs)
            raise BgpCoreError(
                desc='Unsupported route family %s' % route_family)

        # We do not check if we have a path to given prefix, we issue
        # withdrawal. Hence multiple withdrawals have not side effect.
        return vrf_table.insert_vrf_path(
            nlri=prefix, next_hop=next_hop, gen_lbl=gen_lbl,
            is_withdraw=is_withdraw, redundancy_mode=redundancy_mode,
            vni=vni, tunnel_type=tunnel_type,