def main(): import os_lib_handle import os_lib_agent import os_lib_syscheck import os_lib_alerts import ossec_conf import datetime ossec_handle = os_lib_handle.os_handle_start(ossec_conf.ossec_dir) if ossec_handle is None: print("Unable to access ossec directory.\n") return(1) agent_list = os_lib_agent.os_getagents(ossec_handle) agent_list2 = [] agent_count = 0 for agent in agent_list: agent['id'] = agent_count agent_count += 1 agent['change_time_fmt'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(agent['change_time']).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") atitle = "" aclass = "" amsg = "" #If agent is connected if agent['connected']: atitle = "Agent active" aclass = "bluez" else: atitle = "Agent Inactive" aclass = "red" amsg = " - Inactive" agent['atitle'] = atitle agent['aclass'] = aclass agent['amsg'] = amsg agent_list2.append(agent) syscheck_list = os_lib_syscheck.os_getsyscheck(ossec_handle) syscheck_count = 0 syscheck_list2 = [] # {'time_stamp':time_stamp, '_name':_name, 'sk_file_name':sk_file_name} for syscheck in syscheck_list['global_list']['files']: ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(syscheck['time_stamp'])).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") syscheck_list2.append({'id':syscheck_count, 'ts':ts, 'name':syscheck['_name'], 'filename':syscheck['sk_file_name']}) syscheck_count += 1 if syscheck_count >= 10: break pass alert_list = os_lib_alerts.os_getalerts(ossec_handle, 0, 0, 30) alert_count = alert_list.size() - 1 alert_array = alert_list.alerts() alert_list_html = "" while (alert_count>=0): alert_list_html += alert_array[alert_count].toHtml() alert_count -= 1 now ="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") return render_template("main.html", now=now, agent_list=agent_list2, syscheck_global_list = syscheck_list2, alert_list_html=alert_list_html)
def _make_contents(self): req = self.request is_post = self.is_post form = req.form # Starting handle ossec_handle = os_lib_handle.os_handle_start(ossec_conf.ossec_dir) # Current date values (day : 05, month : 07, year : 2015) curr_time = int(time.time()) curr_day = datetime.fromtimestamp(curr_time).strftime("%d") curr_month = datetime.fromtimestamp(curr_time).strftime("%m") curr_year = datetime.fromtimestamp(curr_time).strftime("%Y") # datetime.fromtimestamp(curr_time).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") # Getting user values USER_day = None USER_month = None USER_year = None if is_post and ('day' in form): strday = form.get('day') if strday.isdigit(): if (int(strday) >= 0) and (int(strday) <=31 ): USER_day = strday # USER_day = "%02d" % int(strday) # TODO : キーをどうするか print (USER_day) if is_post and ('month' in form): strmonth = form.get('month') if strmonth.isdigit(): if (int(strmonth) > 0) and (int(strmonth) <=12): USER_month = strmonth if is_post and ('year' in form): stryear = form.get('year') if stryear.isdigit(): if (int(stryear) >= 1) and (int(stryear) <= 3000): USER_year = stryear init_time = 0 final_time = 0 # Bulding stat time_stamp if (USER_year is not None) and (USER_month is not None) and (USER_day is not None): print ("UESR_day is %s" % USER_day) # Stat for whole month if int(USER_day) == 0: print ("OKOK") init_time = int(time.mktime((int(USER_year), int(USER_month), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1))) final_time = int(time.mktime((int(USER_year), int(USER_month) + 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1))) # 2015-12-01 00:00:00 # 2015-12-31 00:00:00 # print(datetime.fromtimestamp(init_time)) # print(datetime.fromtimestamp(final_time)) else: init_time = int(time.mktime((int(USER_year), int(USER_month), int(USER_day), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1))) final_time = int(time.mktime((int(USER_year), int(USER_month), int(USER_day), 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, -1))) else: init_time = curr_time - 1 final_time = curr_time # Setting user values USER_month = curr_month USER_day = curr_day USER_year = curr_year buffer = "" # Day option buffer += "<h2>Stats options</h2><br />\n" buffer += """\ <form name="dosearch" method="post" action="stats"> Day: <select name="day" class="formSelect"> <option value="0">All days</option> """ for l_counter in range(1, 32): tmp_msg = "" if l_counter == int(USER_day): tmp_msg = ' selected="selected"' buffer += """<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>""" % (l_counter, tmp_msg, l_counter) buffer += "</select>" # Monthly months = OrderedDict([ ("January", "Jan"), ("February", "Feb"), ("March", "Mar"), ("April", "Apr"), ("May", "May"), ("June", "Jun"), ("July", "Jul"), ("August", "Aug"), ("September", "Sep"), ("October", "Oct"), ("November", "Nov"), ("December", "Dec") ]) buffer += ' Month: <select name="month" class="formSelect">' mnt_ct = 1 for tmp_month, tmp_month_v in months.items(): if int(USER_month) == mnt_ct: buffer += """ <option value="%s" selected="selected">%s</option>""" % (mnt_ct, tmp_month) else: buffer += """ <option value="%s">%s</option>""" % (mnt_ct, tmp_month) mnt_ct += 1 buffer += "</select>" # year buffer += """ Year: <select name="year" class="formSelect"> <option value="%s" selected="selected">%s</option> <option value="%s">%s</option> <option value="%s">%s</option> </select> <input type="submit" name="Stats" value="Change options" class="button" /></form>""" % (curr_year, curr_year, int(curr_year) - 1, int(curr_year) -1, int(curr_year) -2, int(curr_year) -2) # Getting daily stats # 2015/Jul l_year_month = datetime.fromtimestamp(init_time).strftime("%Y/%b") print ("INIT_TIME") print (init_time) print(final_time) print (datetime.fromtimestamp(init_time).strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) print (datetime.fromtimestamp(final_time).strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) """ 1435676400 1438268400 2015/07/01 00:00:00 2015/07/31 00:00:00 """ stats_list = os_lib_stats.os_getstats(ossec_handle, init_time, final_time) print ("stats_list") print (stats_list) print ("USER_day %s" % USER_day) daily_stats = OrderedDict() all_stats = None if l_year_month in stats_list.keys(): for k in stats_list[l_year_month].keys(): print ("key is : %s" %k) if str(USER_day) in stats_list[l_year_month].keys(): print ("found ") daily_stats = stats_list[l_year_month][str(USER_day)] all_stats = stats_list[l_year_month] print (daily_stats) if not 'total' in daily_stats.keys(): buffer += """<br/> <b class="red">No stats available.</b> """ self.contents += buffer return else: buffer += "<br />" # Day 0 == month stats if USER_day == 0: buffer += "<h2>Ossec Stats for: <b id='blue'>%s</b></h2><br />\n" % l_year_month else: buffer += "<h2>Ossec Stats for: <b id='blue'>%s/%s</b> </h2><br /><br />\n\n" % (l_year_month, USER_day) buffer += "<b>Total</b>: " + format_decimal(daily_stats['total'], locale='en_US')+ "<br/>" buffer += "<b>Alerts</b>: " + format_decimal(daily_stats['alerts'], locale='en_US') + "<br/>" buffer += "<b>Syscheck</b>: " + format_decimal(daily_stats['syscheck'], locale='en_US') + "<br/>" buffer += "<b>Firewall</b>: " + format_decimal(daily_stats['firewall'], locale='en_US') + "<br/>" if USER_day != 0: h_avg = int(daily_stats['total']) / 24.0 print (h_avg) buffer += "<b>Average</b>: " + "%.02f" % h_avg + " events per hour." buffer += """<br /><br /> <br /><div class="statssmall"> <table align="center"><tr valign="top"><td width="50%"> <table summary="Total values"> <caption><strong>Aggregate values by severity</strong></caption> <tr> <th>Option</th> <th>Value</th> <th>Percentage</th> </tr> """ """ OrderedDict([('total', 24150), ('alerts', 18798), ('syscheck', 3), ('firewall', 0), ('level', OrderedDict([('5', 1), ('3', 17127), ('0', 1659), ('10', 1), ('7', 6), ('1', 3), ('2', 1)])), ('rule', OrderedDict([('5503', 1), ('5501', 4893), ('5521', 45), ('5502', 4892), ('5522', 45), ('5401', 1), ('5402', 7338), ('530', 1531), ('533', 6), ('535', 3), ('31100', 5), ('31108', 9), ('509', 22), ('12100', 2), ('591', 4), ('1002', 1)])), ('alerts_by_hour', OrderedDict([('0', '1344'), ('1', '1345'), ('2', '1341'), ('3', '1341'), ('4', '1361'), ('5', '1334'), ('6', '1345'), ('7', '1343'), ('8', '1340'), ('9', '1343'), ('10', '1341'), ('11', '1334'), ('12', '1342'), ('13', '1344')])), ('total_by_hour', OrderedDict([('0', '1724'), ('1', '1724'), ('2', '1722'), ('3', '1722'), ('4', '1741'), ('5', '1713'), ('6', '1728'), ('7', '1729'), ('8', '1739'), ('9', '1727'), ('10', '1721'), ('11', '1713'), ('12', '1723'), ('13', '1724')])), ('syscheck_by_hour', OrderedDict([('0', '0'), ('1', '0'), ('2', '0'), ('3', '0'), ('4', '0'), ('5', '0'), ('6', '0'), ('7', '0'), ('8', '0'), ('9', '3'), ('10', '0'), ('11', '0'), ('12', '0'), ('13', '0')])), ('firewall_by_hour', OrderedDict([('0', '0'), ('1', '0'), ('2', '0'), ('3', '0'), ('4', '0'), ('5', '0'), ('6', '0'), ('7', '0'), ('8', '0'), ('9', '0'), ('10', '0'), ('11', '0'), ('12', '0'), ('13', '0')]))]) [('5', 1), ('10', 1), ('2', 1), ('1', 3), ('7', 6), ('0', 1659), ('3', 17127)] """ #sorted_daily_stats_level = None # OrderedDict() odd_count = 0 odd_msg = "" if 'level' in daily_stats.keys(): #sorted_daily_stats_level = sorted(daily_stats['level'].items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) #print (sorted_daily_stats_level) # 最初にキーでソートしておく。(同じ値の時に、キー順に並べるため) # TODO : 文字列ソートのため、10 -> 2 になっている。 # 数字でソート level_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in sorted(daily_stats['level'].items()): level_dict[k] = v for l_level, v_level in sorted(level_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): # 10, 2, 5, 1, 7, 0, 3 #for l_level, v_level in sorted(daily_stats['level'].items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): # 5, 10, 2, 1, 7, 0, 3 level_pct = (v_level*100)/daily_stats['alerts'] if (odd_count %2) == 0: odd_msg = ' class="odd"' else: odd_msg = "" odd_count += 1 buffer += """ <tr %s> <td>Total for level%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s %%</td> """ % (odd_msg, l_level, format_decimal(v_level, locale='en_US'), "%.01f" % level_pct) #print ("result is :") #print(sorted_daily_stats_level) if (odd_count % 2) == 0: odd_msg = ' class="odd"' else: odd_msg = "" buffer += """ <tr %s> <td>Total for all levels</td> <td>%s</td> <td>100%%</td> </tr> </table> </td> <td width="50%%"> <table summary="Total values"> <caption><strong>Aggregate values by rule</strong></caption> <tr> <th>Option</th> <th>Value</th> <th>Percentage</th> </tr> """ % (odd_msg, format_decimal(daily_stats['alerts'], locale='en_US')) if 'rule' in daily_stats.keys(): rule_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in sorted(daily_stats['rule'].items()): rule_dict[k] = v for l_rule, v_rule in sorted(rule_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): rule_pct = (v_rule*100)/daily_stats['alerts'] if (odd_count %2) == 0: odd_msg = ' class="odd"' else: odd_msg = "" odd_count += 1 buffer += """ <tr %s> <td>Total for Rule %s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s %%</td> </tr> """ % (odd_msg, l_rule, format_decimal(v_rule, locale='en_US'), "%.01f" % rule_pct) if (odd_count % 2) == 0: odd_msg = ' class="odd"' else: odd_msg = "" buffer += """ <tr %s> <td>Total for all rules</td> <td>%s</td> <td>100%%</td> </tr> """ % (odd_msg, format_decimal(daily_stats['alerts'], locale='en_US')) buffer += """ </table> </td></tr></table> """ # Monthly stats if int(USER_day) == 0: buffer += """ <br /><br /> <table align="center" summary="Total by day"> <caption><strong>Total values per Day</strong></caption> <tr> <th>Day</th> <th>Alerts</th> <th>Alerts %</th> <th>Syscheck</th> <th>Syscheck %</th> <th>Firewall</th> <th>Firewall %</th> <th>Total</th> <th>Total %</th> </tr> """ odd_count = 0 odd_msg = "" for i in range(1, 32): # key は string であり、0 padding されていない if (str(i) in all_stats.keys()) and ('total' in all_stats[str(i)].keys()): pass else: continue d_total = int(all_stats[str(i)]['total']) d_alerts = int(all_stats[str(i)]['alerts']) d_syscheck = int(all_stats[str(i)]['syscheck']) d_firewall = int(all_stats[str(i)]['firewall']) total_pct = "%.01f" % (d_total*100/max(int(daily_stats['total']), 1)) alerts_pct = "%.01f" % (d_alerts*100/max(int(daily_stats['alerts']), 1)) syscheck_pct = "%.01f" % (d_syscheck*100/max(int(daily_stats['syscheck']), 1)) firewall_pct = "%.01f" % (d_firewall*100/max(int(daily_stats['firewall']), 1)) if (odd_count % 2) == 0: odd_msg = ' class="odd"' else: odd_msg = "" odd_count += 1 buffer += """ <tr %s> <td>Day %s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s %%</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s %%</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s %%</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s %%</td> </tr> """ % (odd_msg, i, format_decimal(d_alerts, locale='en_US'), alerts_pct, format_decimal(d_syscheck, locale='en_US'), syscheck_pct, format_decimal(d_firewall, locale='en_US'), firewall_pct, format_decimal(d_total, locale='en_US'), total_pct ) # Daily stats else: buffer += """ <br /><br /> <table align="center" summary="Total by hour"> <caption><strong>Total values per hour</strong></caption> <tr> <th>Hour</th> <th>Alerts</th> <th>Alerts %</th> <th>Syscheck</th> <th>Syscheck %</th> <th>Firewall</th> <th>Firewall %</th> <th>Total</th> <th>Total %</th> </tr> """ odd_count = 0 odd_msg = "" for i in range(0, 24): if 'total_by_hour' in daily_stats.keys(): print ("OK") print(daily_stats['total_by_hour'].keys()) if str(i) in daily_stats['total_by_hour'].keys(): pass else: print ("not found") continue else: continue print(" got it ?") hour_total = int(daily_stats['total_by_hour'][str(i)]) hour_alerts = int(daily_stats['alerts_by_hour'][str(i)]) hour_syscheck = int(daily_stats['syscheck_by_hour'][str(i)]) hour_firewall = int(daily_stats['firewall_by_hour'][str(i)]) total_pct = (hour_total*100)/max(daily_stats['total'], 1) alerts_pct = (hour_alerts*100)/max(daily_stats['alerts'], 1) syscheck_pct = (hour_syscheck*100)/max(daily_stats['syscheck'], 1) firewall_pct = (hour_firewall*100)/max(daily_stats['firewall'], 1) if (odd_count % 2) == 0: odd_msg = ' class="odd"' else: odd_msg = "" odd_count += 1 buffer += """ <tr.$odd_msg> <td>Hour %s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s %%</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s %%</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s %%</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s %%</td> </tr> """ % (i, format_decimal(hour_alerts, locale='en_US'), "%.01f" % alerts_pct, format_decimal(hour_syscheck, locale='en_US'), "%.01f" % syscheck_pct, format_decimal(hour_firewall, locale='en_US'), "%.01f" % firewall_pct, format_decimal(hour_total, locale='en_US'), "%.01f" % total_pct ) buffer += "</table></div>" self.contents = buffer
def _make_contents(self): #<form name="dosearch" method="post" action="index.php?f=i"> #<table><tr valign="top"> #<td> #Agent name: </td><td><select name="agentpattern" class="formText"><option value="ossec-server" selected="selected"> ossec-server</option> #</select></td> #<td><input type="submit" name="ss" value="Dump database" class="button"/> #</td> #</tr></table> #</form> # Initializing variables u_agent = "ossec-server" u_file = "" USER_agent = None USER_file = None # Getting user patterns strpattern = "^[0-9a-zA-Z._^ -]{1,128}$" if request.method == 'POST': agentpattern = request.form.get('agentpattern') if not agentpattern: raise Exception("something is wrong in agentpattern") if, agentpattern): USER_agent = agentpattern u_agent = USER_agent #filepattern pass # Starting handle ossec_handle = os_lib_handle.os_handle_start(ossec_conf.ossec_dir) # Getting syscheck information syscheck_list = os_lib_syscheck.os_getsyscheck(ossec_handle) buffer = "" # Creating form buffer += """\ <form name="dosearch" method="post" action="syscheck"> <table><tr valign="top"> <td>Agent name: </td> <td><select name="agentpattern" class="formText"> """ for agent in syscheck_list.keys(): # global_list, ossec-server print(agent) #agent = str(agent) sl = "" if agent == "global_list": break elif u_agent == agent: sl = ' selected ="selected"' buffer += """<option value="%s" %s> %s</option>""" % (agent, sl, agent) buffer += "</select></td>" buffer += """ <td><input type="submit" name="ss" value="Dump database" class="button"/>""" if USER_agent is not None: buffer += """ <a class="bluez" href="syscheck"> <<back</a>""" buffer += """\ </td> </tr></table> </form> """ # Dumping database if request.method == 'POST': if (request.form.get('ss') == "Dump database") and (USER_agent is not None): print("Let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") dump_buffer = os_lib_syscheck.os_syscheck_dumpdb(ossec_handle, USER_agent) self.contents = buffer + dump_buffer return pass buffer += "<br /><h2>Latest modified files (for all agents): </h2>\n\n" last_mod_date = "" sk_count = 0 for syscheck in syscheck_list['global_list']['files']: sk_count += 1 ffile_name = "" ffile_name2 = "" ffile_name = syscheck['sk_file_name'] # Setting the database ts = int(syscheck['time_stamp']) dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime("%m/%d/%Y") dt2 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") if last_mod_date != dt: last_mod_date = dt buffer += "<br/><b>%s</b><br/>" % last_mod_date # ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(syscheck['time_stamp'])).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") buffer += """\ <span id="togglesk%s"> <a href="#" class="bluez" title="Expand %s" onclick="ShowSection(\'sk%s\');return false;"><span class="bluez">+ %s</span></a><br /> </span> """ % (sk_count, ffile_name, sk_count, ffile_name) buffer += """\ <div id="contentsk%d" style="display: none"> <a href="#" title="Hide %s" onclick="HideSection(\'sk%d\');return false;">-%s</a> <br /> <div class="smaller"> <b>File:</b> %s<br /> <b>Agent:</b> %s<br /> <b>Modification time:</b> %s<br /> </div> </div> """ % (sk_count, ffile_name, sk_count, ffile_name, ffile_name, syscheck['_name'], dt2) pass buffer += "</td></tr></table>" buffer += "<br /> <br />\n" #syscheck_count = 0 #syscheck_list2 = [] ## {'time_stamp':time_stamp, '_name':_name, 'sk_file_name':sk_file_name} #for syscheck in syscheck_list['global_list']['files']: # ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(syscheck['time_stamp'])).strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") # syscheck_list2.append({'id':syscheck_count, 'ts':ts, 'name':syscheck['_name'], 'filename':syscheck['sk_file_name']}) # syscheck_count += 1 #pass self.contents = buffer
def _make_contents(self): # Starting handle ossec_handle = os_lib_handle.os_handle_start(ossec_conf.ossec_dir) # Iniitializing some variables u_final_time = int(time.time()) #u_final_time = int(time.mktime( u_init_time = int(u_final_time - ossec_conf.ossec_search_time) # 14400 = 3600 * 4 u_level = ossec_conf.ossec_search_level # 7 u_pattern = "" u_rule = "" u_srcip = "" u_user = "" u_location = "" # masao added the folloings : USER_final = 0 USER_init = 0 USER_level = "" USER_pattern = None LOCATION_pattern = None USER_group = None USER_log = None USER_rule = None USER_srcip = None USER_user = None USER_page = int(1) USER_searchid = 0 USER_monitoring = 0 used_stored = 0 buffer = "" # Getting search id if self.is_post and ('searchid' in self.request.form): str_searchid = self.request.form.get('searchid') if"[a-z0-9]+", str_searchid): USER_searchid = str_searchid # It might be hex. dont use int(). is_rt_monitoring = False # TODO : real time monitoring t.b. implemented. rt_sk = "" sv_sk = 'checked="checked"' if self.is_post and ('monitoring' in self.request.form): str_monitoring = self.request.form.get('monitoring') if int(str_monitoring) == 1: is_rt_monitoring = True rt_sk = 'checked="checked"' sv_sk = ""; # Cleaning up time USER_final = u_final_time USER_init = u_init_time USER_monitoring = 1 # Cleaning up fields # $_POST['search'] = "Search"; # unset($_POST['initdate']); # unset($_POST['finaldate']); # Deleting search if USER_searchid != 0: os_lib_alerts.os_cleanstored(USER_searchid) # Refreshing every 90 seconds by default */ m_ossec_refresh_time = ossec_conf.ossec_refresh_time * 1000; buffer += """\ <script language="javascript"> setTimeout("document.dosearch.submit()", %d); </script>\n""" % m_ossec_refresh_time # Reading user input -- being very careful parsing it # Initial Date datepattern = "^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})$"; if is_rt_monitoring: pass elif self.is_post and ('initdate' in self.request.form): str_initdate = self.request.form.get('initdate') mobj =, str_initdate) if mobj: year = int( month = int( day = int( hour = int( minute = int( USER_init = int(time.mktime((year, month, day, hour, minute, 0, 0, 0, -1))) u_init_time = USER_init # to check : # print(datetime.fromtimestamp(u_init_time)) # Final Date if is_rt_monitoring: pass elif self.is_post and ('finaldate' in self.request.form): str_finaldate = self.request.form.get('finaldate') mobj =, str_finaldate) if mobj: year = int( month = int( day = int( hour = int( minute = int( USER_final = int(time.mktime((year, month, day, hour, minute, 0, 0, 0, -1))) u_final_time = USER_final # Level if self.is_post and ('level' in self.request.form): str_level = self.request.form.get('level') if str_level and str_level.isdigit() and (int(str_level) > 0) and (int(str_level) < 16): USER_level = str_level u_level = str_level # Page if self.is_post and ('page' in self.request.form): str_page = self.request.form.get('page') if str_page and str_page.isdigit() and (int(str_page) > 0) and (int(str_page) <= 999): USER_page = str_page # Pattern strpattern = "^[0-9a-zA-Z. _|^!\-()?]{1,128}$" intpattern = "^[0-9]{1,8}$" if self.is_post and ('strpattern' in self.request.form): str_strpattern = self.request.form.get('strpattern') if, str_strpattern): USER_pattern = str_strpattern u_pattern = USER_pattern # Getting location if self.is_post and ('locationpattern' in self.request.form): lcpattern = "^[0-9a-zA-Z. _|^!>\/\\-]{1,156}$" str_locationpattern = self.request.form.get('locationpattern') if, str_locationpattern): LOCATION_pattern = str_locationpattern u_location = LOCATION_pattern # Group pattern if self.is_post and ('grouppattern' in self.request.form): str_grouppattern = self.request.form.get('grouppattern') if str_grouppattern == "ALL": USER_group = None elif, str_grouppattern): USER_group = str_grouppattern pass # Log pattern if self.is_post and ('logpattern' in self.request.form): str_logpattern = self.request.form.get('logpattern') if str_logpattern == "ALL": USER_log = None elif, str_logpattern): USER_log = str_logpattern # Rule pattern if self.is_post and ('rulepattern' in self.request.form): str_rulepattern = self.request.form.get('rulepattern') if, str_rulepattern): USER_rule = str_rulepattern u_rule = USER_rule # Src ip pattern if self.is_post and ('srcippattern' in self.request.form): str_srcippattern = self.request.form.get('srcippattern') if, str_srcippattern): USER_srcip = str_srcippattern u_srcip = USER_srcip # User pattern if self.is_post and ('userpattern' in self.request.form): str_userpattern = self.request.form.get('userpattern') if, str_userpattern): USER_user = str_userpattern u_user = USER_user # Maximum number of alerts if self.is_post and ('max_alerts_per_page' in self.request.form): str_max_alerts_per_page = self.request.form.get('max_alerts_per_page') if, str_max_alerts_per_page): int_max_alerts_per_page = int (str_max_alerts_per_page) if (int_max_alerts_per_page > 200) and (int_max_alerts_per_page < 10000): ossec_conf.ossec_max_alerts_per_page = int_max_alerts_per_page # Getting search id -- should be enough to avoid duplicates if is_rt_monitoring: # 'get('search') is "Search" m = hashlib.md5() m.update(str(uuid.uuid4()).encode('UTF-8')) USER_searchid = m.hexdigest() USER_page = 1 elif self.is_post and ('search' in self.request.form): str_search = self.request.form.get('search') # ImmutableMultiDict([('initdate', '2015-07-21 15:00'), ('level', '3'), ('search', 'Search'), ('monitoring', '0'), ('finaldate', '2015-07-21 19:00'), ('searchid', '0')]) if str_search == "Search": # Creating new search id # (in php) $USER_searchid = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); m = hashlib.md5() m.update(str(uuid.uuid4()).encode('UTF-8')) USER_searchid = m.hexdigest() USER_page = 1 elif str_search == "<< First": USER_page = 1 elif str_search == "< Prev": if int(USER_page) > 1: UESR_page = int(USER_page) - 1 elif str_search == "Next >": USER_page = int(USER_page) + 1 elif str_search == "Last >>": USER_page = 999 elif str_search == "": pass else: buffer += "<b class='red'>Invalid search. </b><br />\n" self.contents = buffer return # Printing current date buffer += """<div class="smaller2">%s<br/>""" %"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") if USER_monitoring == 1: buffer += """ -- Refreshing every %s secs</div><br />""" % ossec_conf.ossec_refresh_time else: buffer += "</div><br/>" # Getting all agents agent_list = os_lib_agent.os_getagents(ossec_handle) buffer += "<h2>Alert search options:</h2>\n" ################# ### Search forms ### ################# buffer += """\ <form name="dosearch" method="post" action="/search"> <table><tr valign="top"> <td><input type="radio" name="monitoring" value="0" checked="checked"/></td> <td>From: <input type="text" name="initdate" id="i_date_a" size="17" value="%s" maxlength="16" class="formText" /> <img src="static/img/calendar.gif" id="i_trigger" title="Date selector" alt="Date selector" class="formText" /></td> <td> To: <input type="text" name="finaldate" id="f_date_a" size="17" value="%s" maxlength="16" class="formText" /> <img src="static/img/calendar.gif" id="f_trigger" title="Date selector" alt="Date selector" class="formText" /></td> </tr> """ % ( datetime.fromtimestamp(u_init_time).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), datetime.fromtimestamp(u_final_time).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") ) buffer += """<tr><td><input type="radio" name="monitoring" value="1" %s/></td> <td>Real time monitoring</td></tr> </table> <br /> <table> """ % rt_sk # Minimum Level buffer += """<tr><td>Minimum level:</td><td><select name="level" class="formText">""" if int(u_level) == 1: buffer += ' <option value="1" selected="selected">All</option>' else: buffer += ' <option value="1">All</option>' for l_counter in range(15, 1, -1): if l_counter == int(u_level): buffer += ' <option value="%s" selected="selected">%s</option>' % (l_counter, l_counter) else: buffer += ' <option value="%s">%s</option>' % (l_counter, l_counter) buffer += "</select>" # Category buffer += """</td><td> Category: </td><td><select name="grouppattern" class="formText">""" buffer += '<option value="ALL" class="bluez">All categories</option>' for _cat_name, _cat in global_categories.items(): for cat_name, cat_val in _cat.items(): sl = "" if USER_group == cat_val: sl = ' selected="selected"' if cat_name.find("(all)") != -1: buffer += """<option class="bluez" %s value="%s">%s</option>""" % (sl, cat_val, cat_name) else: buffer += """<option value="%s" %s> %s</option>""" % (cat_val, sl, cat_name) buffer += '</select>' # Str pattern buffer += """</td></tr><tr><td> Pattern: </td><td><input type="text" name="strpattern" size="16" value="%s" class="formText" /></td>""" % u_pattern # Log formats buffer += '<td>Log formats: </td><td><select name="logpattern" class="formText">' buffer += '<option value="ALL" class="bluez">All log formats</option>' for _cat_name, _cat in log_categories.items(): for cat_name, cat_val in _cat.items(): sl = "" if USER_log == cat_val: sl = ' selected="selected"' if cat_name.find("(all)") != -1: buffer += """<option class="bluez" %s value="%s">%s</option>"""% (sl, cat_val, cat_name) else: buffer += """<option value="%s" %s> %s</option>""" % (cat_val, sl, cat_name) buffer += '</select>' # Srcip pattern buffer += """</td></tr><tr><td> Srcip: </td><td> <input type="text" name="srcippattern" size="16" class="formText" value="%s"/> """ % u_srcip # Rule pattern buffer += """</td><td> User: </td><td><input type="text" name="userpattern" size="8" value="%s" class="formText" /></td></tr>""" % u_user # Location buffer += """<tr><td> Location:</td><td> <input type="text" name="locationpattern" size="16" class="formText" value="%s"/> """ % u_location # Rule pattern buffer += """</td><td> Rule id: </td><td><input type="text" name="rulepattern" size="8" value="%s" class="formText"/>""" % u_rule # Max alerts buffer += """'</td></tr><tr><td> Max Alerts:</td> <td><input type="text" name="max_alerts_per_page" size="8" value="%s" class="formText" /></td></tr> """ % ossec_conf.ossec_max_alerts_per_page # Agent # seems not implemented # Final form buffer += """\ <tr><td> <input type="submit" name="search" value="Search" class="button" /> """ buffer += """</td></tr></table> <input type="hidden" name="searchid" value="%s" /> </form><br /> <br />""" % USER_searchid # Java script for date buffer += """\ <script type="text/javascript"> Calendar.setup({ button : "i_trigger", inputField : "i_date_a", ifFormat : "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", showsTime : true, timeFormat : "24" }); Calendar.setup({ button : "f_trigger", inputField : "f_date_a", ifFormat : "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", showsTime : true, timeFormat : "24" }); </script> """ buffer += "<h2>Results:</h2>\n" if (not USER_init) or (not USER_final) or (not USER_level): buffer += "<b>No search performed.</b><br/>\n" self.contents = buffer return output_list = None # Getting stored alerts if is_rt_monitoring: # Getting alerts output_list = os_lib_alerts.os_searchalerts(ossec_handle, USER_searchid, USER_init, USER_final, ossec_conf.ossec_max_alerts_per_page, USER_level, USER_rule, LOCATION_pattern, USER_pattern, USER_group, USER_srcip, USER_user, USER_log) elif self.is_post and ('search' in request.form): str_search = self.request.form.get("search") if str_search != "Search": output_list = os_lib_alerts.os_getstoredalerts(ossec_handle, USER_searchid) used_stored = 1 else: # Searchiing for new ones # Getting alerts output_list = os_lib_alerts.os_searchalerts(ossec_handle, USER_searchid, USER_init, USER_final, ossec_conf.ossec_max_alerts_per_page, USER_level, USER_rule, LOCATION_pattern, USER_pattern, USER_group, USER_srcip, USER_user, USER_log) if (output_list is None) or (output_list[1] is None): if used_stored == 1: buffer += "<b class='red'>Nothing returned (search expired). </b><br />\n" else: buffer += "<b class='red'>Nothing returned. </b><br />\n" self.contents = buffer return # Checking for no return if not 'count' in output_list[0]: buffer += "<b class='red'>Nothing returned. </b><br />\n" self.contents = buffer return # Checking maximum page size if int(USER_page) >= int(output_list[0]['pg']): USER_page = output_list[0]['pg'] # Page 1 will become the latest and the latest, page 1 real_page = (output_list[0]['pg'] + 1) - USER_page buffer += "<b>Total alerts found: </b>%s<br />" % output_list[0]['count'] if output_list[0]['pg'] > 1: buffer += "<b>Output divided in </b>%s pages.<br/>" % output_list[0]['pg'] buffer += '<br /><form name="dopage" method="post" action="/search">' buffer += """\ <input type="submit" name="search" value="<< First" class="button" class="formText" /> <input type="submit" name="search" value="< Prev" class="button" class="formText" /> Page <b>%s</b> (%s alerts)""" % (USER_page, output_list[0][real_page]) # Currently page buffer += """\ <input type="hidden" name="initdate" value="%s" /> <input type="hidden" name="finaldate" value="%s" /> <input type="hidden" name="rulepattern" value="%s" /> <input type="hidden" name="srcippattern" value="%s" /> <input type="hidden" name="userpattern" value="'%s" /> <input type="hidden" name="locationpattern" value="%s" /> <input type="hidden" name="level" value="%s" /> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="%s" /> <input type="hidden" name="searchid" value="%s" /> <input type="hidden" name="monitoring" value="%s" /> <input type="hidden" name="max_alerts_per_page" value="%s" /> """ % ( datetime.fromtimestamp(u_init_time).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), datetime.fromtimestamp(u_final_time).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), u_rule, u_srcip, u_user, u_location, u_level, USER_page, USER_searchid, USER_monitoring, ossec_conf.ossec_max_alerts_per_page ) if output_list[0]['pg'] > 1: buffer += """\ <input type="submit" name="search" value="Next >" class="button" class="formText" /> <input type="submit" name="search" value="Last >>" class="button" class="formText" /> </form> """ # Checking if page exists target = output_list[real_page] target_file = os.environ['CCPRISM_HOME'] + target print("real_page is %s" %real_page) print("target_file is " + target_file) print(output_list[0].keys()) if 'count' in output_list[0].keys(): print("count key exists.") if 'pg' in output_list[0].keys(): print ('pg key exists') if real_page in output_list[0].keys(): print("real_page key exists.") if (not real_page in output_list[0].keys()) or (len(target) < 5) or (not os.path.exists(target_file)): #if (not output_list[0][real_page]) or (len(target) < 5) or (not os.path.exists(target_file)): print("heyheyhey") buffer += "<b class='red'>Nothing returned (or search expired). (* 1)</b><br />\n" self.contents = buffer return buffer += "<br/><br/>" # Printing page # TODO: There are functions for slurping file contents. fobj = open(target_file, 'r') target_buffer = fobj.close() buffer += target_buffer self.contents = buffer