    def testMail(self):
        self.note = Note(itsView=self.view)
        self.checkStatus(0, 'DRAFT', 'NEITHER')

        # Remove the MailStamp; that should make it no longer a Draft
    def onSendShareItemEvent(self, event):
        """ Send or share the selected items """
        selectedItems = self.__getProxiedSelectedItems(event)
        if len(selectedItems) == 0:

        # Make sure we have an outbound account; returns False if the user
        # cancels out and we don't.
        if not sharing.ensureAccountSetUp(self.itsView, outboundMail=True):

        sendableItems = [
            item for item in selectedItems
            if self.__getSendabilityOf(item) in ('send', 'update')
        assert list(selectedItems) == sendableItems

        for item in sendableItems:
            # For now, make sure we've got a 'from' string.
            # @@@ BJS: this'll go away when we change 'from' to an
            # account picker popup.
            if has_stamp(item, Mail.MailStamp):
                mailObject = Mail.MailStamp(item)
                #XXX this should raise an error instead of
                # adding the me address since that results
                # in the incorrect sender getting added
                # which can confuse user
                if unicode(mailObject.fromAddress).strip() == u'':
                    mailObject.fromAddress = mailObject.getCurrentMeEmailAddress(

            Block.Block.postEventByNameWithSender('SendMail', {'item': item})
    def onSendShareItemEventUpdateUI(self, event):
        """ Generically enable Send-ing. """
        # default to a disabled "Send" with a send-arrow
        enabled = False
        label = messages.SEND
        bitmap = "ApplicationBarSend.png"
        selectedItems = self.__getSelectedItems()
        if len(selectedItems) > 0:
            # Collect the states of all the items, so that we can change the
            # label to "Sent" if they're all in that state.
            sendStates = set(
                [self.__getSendabilityOf(item) for item in selectedItems])
            if len(sendStates) == 1:
                result = sendStates.pop()

                if result == 'send':
                    enabled = True
                elif result == 'update':
                    enabled = True
                    label = messages.UPDATE
                    # use U-shaped Update bitmap
                    bitmap = "ApplicationBarUpdate.png"
                elif result == 'sent':
                    enabled = False
                    label = messages.SENT
                    if has_stamp(item, Mail.MailStamp):
                        mailObject = Mail.MailStamp(item)
                        if mailObject.itsItem.lastModification == Modification.updated:
                            label = messages.UPDATED
                            bitmap = "ApplicationBarUpdate.png"

        event.arguments['Enable'] = enabled
        event.arguments['Text'] = label
        event.arguments['Bitmap'] = bitmap
 def testNoStamp(self):
     # Make sure that, even if we create a Note with a toAddress,
     # that doesn't show up in the who field
     note = Note(itsView=self.view)
     notStampedMsg = Mail.MailStamp(note)
     notStampedMsg.toAddress = [self.address]
     self.failUnless(not hasattr(notStampedMsg.itsItem, 'displayWho'))
    def setAttributes(self, item, doWho=True):
            savedItems = self.savedAttrs
        except AttributeError:
            self.savedAttrs = {}

        savedAttrs = SavedAttrs()
        self.savedAttrs[item.itsName] = savedAttrs

        displayName = 'aTitleOrHeadline'
        item.displayName = displayName
        savedAttrs.displayName = displayName

        item.createdOn = self.savedAttrs[
            item.itsName].createdOn = datetime.now(item.itsView.tzinfo.default)

        if has_stamp(item, pim.TaskStamp):
            task = pim.TaskStamp(item)
            # Add some attributes here...

        if has_stamp(item, pim.EventStamp):
            event = pim.EventStamp(item)

        if has_stamp(item, Mail.MailStamp):
            mail = Mail.MailStamp(item)
 def __getSendabilityOf(self, item):
     """ Return the sendable state of this item """
     assert item is not None
     item = getattr(item, 'proxiedItem', item)
     if has_stamp(item, Mail.MailStamp):
         return Mail.MailStamp(item).getSendability()
         return 'not'
 def CanReplyOrForward(self, selectedItem):
     # We used to test for whether the message had ever been
     # received by the mail service ("in", sort of), but Mimi
     # thinks outgoing messages should be replyable too.
     # return has_stamp(selectedItem, Mail.MailStamp) and \
     #        Mail.MailStamp(selectedItem).viaMailService
     return has_stamp(selectedItem, Mail.MailStamp) and \
             Mail.MailStamp(selectedItem).getSendability() != 'not'
    def testStampWelcomeNote(self):

        # Look up the welcome note ...
        welcome = schema.ns("osaf.app", self.view).WelcomeEvent

        # stamp it as a mail ...
        stampedWelcome = Mail.MailStamp(welcome)

        self.failUnlessEqual(list(stampedWelcome.mimeContent.mimeParts), [])
    def _replyOrForward(self, item, replyMethod):
        pim_ns = schema.ns('osaf.pim', self.itsView)
        main = schema.ns("osaf.views.main", self.itsView)

        if main.MainView.trashCollectionSelected():
            # Items can not be created in the Trash
            # collection

        replyMessage = replyMethod(self.itsView, Mail.MailStamp(item))
        # select the outbox collection if there was a reply
        if replyMessage is not None:
            inCollection = pim_ns.inCollection

            if main.MainView.getSidebarSelectedCollection() is inCollection:
                # Replys and Forwards can not be created in the
                # In collection so move the selected sidebard collection
                # to the Dashboard
                sidebar = Block.Block.findBlockByName("Sidebar")

            #add to dashboard by making mine
            replyMessage.mine = True

            collection = main.MainView.getSidebarSelectedCollection()

            # Add the item to the current collection

            # by default the "from" field is selected, which looks funny;
            # so switch focus to the message body, except for "Forward",
            # which goes to the "To" field

            # @@@ [grant] Fix this
            if replyMethod is not Mail.forwardMessage:
                focusBlockName = 'NotesBlock'
                focusBlockName = 'EditMailTo'

            main.MainView.postEventByName('FocusSelectItems', {
                'items': [replyMessage],
                'focus': focusBlockName
    def runMailTest(self, incoming=False, outgoing=False):

        self.note = Note(itsView=self.view)

        mail = Mail.MailStamp(self.note)
        self.checkStatus(0, 'DRAFT', 'NEITHER')

        inoutFlags = 0
        if incoming:
            inoutFlags |= CommunicationStatus.IN
            mail.toAddress = self.address
        if outgoing:
            inoutFlags |= CommunicationStatus.OUT
            mail.fromAddress = self.address
        elif not incoming:
            inoutFlags |= CommunicationStatus.NEITHER

        self.checkStatus(inoutFlags, 'DRAFT')        

        self.checkStatus(inoutFlags, 'QUEUED')        

        self.checkStatus(inoutFlags, 'SENT')

        self.checkStatus(inoutFlags, 'EDITED', 'UPDATE', 'DRAFT')

        # Remove the MailStamp; that should make it no longer a Draft
        self.checkStatus(0, 'EDITED')

        # Re-add the stamp
        self.checkStatus(inoutFlags, 'EDITED', 'UPDATE', 'DRAFT')

        # and finally, re-send it
        self.checkStatus(inoutFlags, 'UPDATE', 'SENT')