def plotDeltaCPSecond(e_range): """Plot P(nu_mu -> nu_e) as a function of E for different values of delta_cp. The energy range (x-axis) is extended low enough to see the second oscillation peak. """ n = 300 deltas = [0, 90, 180, 270] e_min = e_range[0] e_max = e_range[1] e_step = (e_max - e_min) / float(n) graphs = {} nu_i = oscillations.nu_mu nu_f = oscillations.nu_e osc = oscillations.Oscillations() for dcp in deltas: graphs[dcp] = ROOT.TGraph(n + 1) osc.setDeltaCP(dcp * oscillations.units.degrees) for i in range(n + 1): e = e_min + (i * e_step) osc.setE(e * oscillations.units.GeV) p = 100.0 * osc.p(nu_i, nu_f) graphs[dcp].SetPoint(i, e, p) c = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c", 1200, 800) f = c.DrawFrame(e_min, 0.0, e_max, 11) l = ROOT.TLegend(0.69, 0.69, 0.89, 0.89) l.SetFillColor(ROOT.kWhite) l.SetBorderSize(0) f.SetTitle("Effect of #delta_{CP} on P(#nu_{#mu} #rightarrow #nu_{e})") f.GetXaxis().SetTitle("E_{#nu} [ GeV ]") f.GetYaxis().SetTitle("P( #nu_{#mu} #rightarrow #nu_{e} ) [ % ] ") for dcp in deltas: graph = graphs[dcp] graph.SetLineColor(colourDelta(dcp)) graph.SetLineStyle(styleDelta(dcp)) graph.SetLineWidth(3) graph.Draw() l.AddEntry(graph, "#delta_{CP} = " + str(dcp) + "#circ", "L") c.Update() l.Draw() c.Update() c.SaveAs("figure-osc-dcp-e2.png") input("continue?")
def plotTheta13(e_range): """Plot P(nu_mu -> nu_e) as a function of E for different values of theta_13.""" n = 300 thetas = [11, 9, 7] e_min = e_range[0] e_max = e_range[1] e_step = (e_max - e_min) / float(n) graphs = {} nu_i = oscillations.nu_mu nu_f = oscillations.nu_e osc = oscillations.Oscillations() for t in thetas: graphs[t] = ROOT.TGraph(n + 1) osc.setTheta13(t * oscillations.units.degrees) for i in range(n + 1): e = e_min + (i * e_step) osc.setE(e * oscillations.units.GeV) p = 100.0 * osc.p(nu_i, nu_f) graphs[t].SetPoint(i, e, p) c = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 800) f = c.DrawFrame(e_min, 0.0, e_max, 10) l = ROOT.TLegend(0.69, 0.76, 0.89, 0.89) l.SetFillColor(ROOT.kWhite) l.SetBorderSize(0) f.SetTitle("Effect of #theta_{13} on P(#nu_{#mu} #rightarrow #nu_{e})") f.GetXaxis().SetTitle("E_{#nu} [ GeV ]") f.GetYaxis().SetTitle("P( #nu_{#mu} #rightarrow #nu_{e} ) [ % ] ") for t in thetas: graph = graphs[t] graph.SetLineColor(colour(nu_f)) graph.SetLineStyle(styleTheta13(t)) graph.SetLineWidth(3) graph.Draw() l.AddEntry(graph, "#theta_{13} = " + str(t) + "#circ", "L") c.Update() l.Draw() c.Update() c.SaveAs("figure-osc-t13.png") input("continue?")
def plotDM32(e_range): n = 300 dms = [(2.0e-3), (2.3e-3), (2.6e-3)] e_min = e_range[0] e_max = e_range[1] e_step = (e_max - e_min) / float(n) graphs = {} nu_i = oscillations.nu_mu nu_f = oscillations.nu_mu osc = oscillations.Oscillations() for dm in dms: graphs[dm] = ROOT.TGraph(n + 1) osc.setDeltaM32(dm * oscillations.units.eV2) for i in range(n + 1): e = e_min + (i * e_step) osc.setE(e * oscillations.units.GeV) p = 100.0 * osc.p(nu_i, nu_f) graphs[dm].SetPoint(i, e, p) c = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 800) f = c.DrawFrame(e_min, 0.0, e_max, 100) l = ROOT.TLegend(0.59, 0.19, 0.89, 0.39) l.SetFillColor(ROOT.kWhite) l.SetBorderSize(0) f.SetTitle( "Effect of #Deltam^{2}_{32} on P(#nu_{#mu} #rightarrow #nu_{#mu})") f.GetXaxis().SetTitle("E_{#nu} [ GeV ]") f.GetYaxis().SetTitle("P( #nu_{#mu} #rightarrow #nu_{#mu} ) [ % ] ") for dm in dms: graph = graphs[dm] graph.SetLineColor(colour(nu_f)) graph.SetLineStyle(styleDM32(dm)) graph.SetLineWidth(3) graph.Draw() l.AddEntry(graph, "#Deltam^{2}_{32} = " + str(dm) + " eV^{2}", "L") c.Update() l.Draw() c.Update() c.SaveAs("figure-osc-dm32.png") input("continue?")
def setUp(self): # Example experiment oscillations self.osc = oscillations.Oscillations() self.osc.setL(295.0 * self.osc.setE(0.6 * oscillations.units.GeV) self.osc.setDeltaM21(7.50e-5 * oscillations.units.eV2) self.osc.setDeltaM32(2.32e-3 * oscillations.units.eV2) self.osc.setTheta12(33.9 * oscillations.units.degrees) self.osc.setTheta13(9.1 * oscillations.units.degrees) self.osc.setTheta23(45.0 * oscillations.units.degrees) self.osc.setDeltaCP(0.0 * oscillations.units.degrees) # get an index which does not represent a neutrino or anti-neutrino non_nu = 1 while (oscillations.isNeutrino(non_nu) or oscillations.isAntiNeutrino(non_nu)): non_nu += 1 self.non_neutrino = non_nu
def plotLOverE(mode="short"): """Plot P(nu_mu -> nu) for all flavours as a function of L/E. mode : Specifies either 'short' or 'long' range plot. """ n = 4000 if (mode == "short"): le_max = 4000.0 elif (mode == "long"): le_max = 40000.0 else: raise ValueError("Mode must be either 'short' or 'long'.") le_min = 0.0 le_step = (le_max - le_min) / float(n) graphs = {} graphs[oscillations.nu_e] = ROOT.TGraph(n + 1) graphs[oscillations.nu_mu] = ROOT.TGraph(n + 1) graphs[oscillations.nu_tau] = ROOT.TGraph(n + 1) osc = oscillations.Oscillations() for i in range(n + 1): le = le_min + (i * le_step) osc.setLOverE(le * oscillations.units.km_GeV) p_e = 100 * osc.p(oscillations.nu_mu, oscillations.nu_e) p_mu = 100 * osc.p(oscillations.nu_mu, oscillations.nu_mu) p_tau = 100 * osc.p(oscillations.nu_mu, oscillations.nu_tau) graphs[oscillations.nu_e].SetPoint(i, le, p_e) graphs[oscillations.nu_mu].SetPoint(i, le, p_mu) graphs[oscillations.nu_tau].SetPoint(i, le, p_tau) c = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 800) f = c.DrawFrame(0.0, 0.0, le_max, 100) l = ROOT.TLegend(0.91, 0.65, 1.0, 0.9) l.SetFillColor(ROOT.kWhite) l.SetBorderSize(0) f.SetTitle("Neutrino Oscillations") f.GetXaxis().SetTitle("L / E_{#nu} [ km GeV ^{-1} ]") f.GetYaxis().SetTitle("P( #nu_{#mu} #rightarrow #nu_{#alpha} ) [ % ] ") for nu in [oscillations.nu_tau, oscillations.nu_mu, oscillations.nu_e]: graph = graphs[nu] graph.SetLineColor(colour(nu)) graph.SetLineStyle(style(nu)) if (mode == "short"): graph.SetLineWidth(5) elif (mode == "long"): graph.SetLineWidth(3) graph.Draw() l.AddEntry(graph, name(nu), "L") c.Update() l.Draw() c.Update() c.SaveAs("figure-osc-le-" + mode + ".png") input("continue?")
def plotHierarchy(e_range): """Plot P(nu_mu -> nu_e) as a function of E for the two choices of mass hierarchy.""" n = 300 dms = [(2.3e-3), (-2.3e-3)] # (Delta m^2)_31 for normal and inverted hierarchy e_min = e_range[0] e_max = e_range[1] e_step = (e_max - e_min) / float(n) graphs = {} nu_i = oscillations.nu_mu nu_f = oscillations.nu_e osc = oscillations.Oscillations() for dm in dms: graphs[dm] = ROOT.TGraph(n + 1) osc.setDeltaM32(dm * oscillations.units.eV2) for i in range(n + 1): e = e_min + (i * e_step) osc.setE(e * oscillations.units.GeV) p = 100.0 * osc.p(nu_i, nu_f) graphs[dm].SetPoint(i, e, p) c = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 800) f = c.DrawFrame(e_min, 0.0, e_max, 10) l = ROOT.TLegend(0.49, 0.79, 0.89, 0.89) l.SetFillColor(ROOT.kWhite) l.SetBorderSize(0) f.SetTitle("Effect of Mass Hierarchy on P(#nu_{#mu} #rightarrow #nu_{e})") f.GetXaxis().SetTitle("E_{#nu} [ GeV ]") f.GetYaxis().SetTitle("P( #nu_{#mu} #rightarrow #nu_{e} ) [ % ] ") for dm in dms: graph = graphs[dm] graph.SetLineColor(colour(nu_f)) graph.SetLineStyle(styleHierarchy(dm)) graph.SetLineWidth(3) graph.Draw() if (dm > 0): l.AddEntry(graph, "Mass Hierarchy = Normal", "L") else: l.AddEntry(graph, "Mass Hierarchy = Inverted", "L") c.Update() l.Draw() c.Update() c.SaveAs("figure-osc-hierarchy.png") input("continue?")
def plotDeltaCPAnti(e_range): """Plot P(nu_mu -> nu_e) and the anti-neutrino equivalent with delta_cp = 0 and 90degrees""" n = 300 deltas = [0, 90] e_min = e_range[0] e_max = e_range[1] e_step = (e_max - e_min) / float(n) graphs = {} nu_is = [oscillations.nu_mu, oscillations.nu_mu_bar] nu_fs = [oscillations.nu_e, oscillations.nu_e_bar] osc = oscillations.Oscillations() for dcp in deltas: osc.setDeltaCP(dcp * oscillations.units.degrees) for nu_i, nu_f in zip(nu_is, nu_fs): graphs[(dcp, nu_f)] = ROOT.TGraph(n + 1) for i in range(n + 1): e = e_min + (i * e_step) osc.setE(e * oscillations.units.GeV) p = 100.0 * osc.p(nu_i, nu_f) graphs[(dcp, nu_f)].SetPoint(i, e, p) c = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 800) f = c.DrawFrame(e_min, 0.0, e_max, 10) l = ROOT.TLegend(0.69, 0.69, 0.89, 0.89) l.SetFillColor(ROOT.kWhite) l.SetBorderSize(0) f.SetTitle( "Effect of #delta_{CP} on P(#nu_{#mu} #rightarrow #nu_{e}) and P(#bar{#nu}_{#mu} #rightarrow #bar{#nu}_{e})" ) f.GetXaxis().SetTitle("E_{#nu} [ GeV ]") f.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "P( #nu_{#mu} #rightarrow #nu_{e} ) or P( #bar{#nu}_{#mu} #rightarrow #bar{nu}_{e} ) [ % ] " ) for nu_f in [oscillations.nu_e_bar, oscillations.nu_e]: for dcp in deltas: if (dcp == 0 and nu_f == oscillations.nu_e_bar): continue # When delta_cp = 0, the two graphs are identical graph = graphs[(dcp, nu_f)] graph.SetLineColor(colourDelta(dcp)) graph.SetLineStyle(style(nu_f)) graph.SetLineWidth(3) graph.Draw() if (dcp == 0): l.AddEntry(graph, "#delta_{CP} = " + str(dcp) + "#circ", "L") else: l.AddEntry(graph, "#delta_{CP} = " + str(dcp) + "#circ " + name(nu_f), "L") c.Update() l.Draw() c.Update() c.SaveAs("figure-osc-dcp-anti.png") input("continue?")