def proximity_raster(src_filename, dst_filename, values, compression): src_ds = gdal.Open(src_filename) srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) dst_filename = dst_filename drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') dst_ds = drv.Create(dst_filename, src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName('Float32'), options=['COMPRESS={}'.format(compression)]) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.SetProjection(src_ds.GetProjectionRef()) dstband = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.ComputeProximity(srcband, dstband, [ "VALUES={}".format(','.join([str(i) for i in values])), "DISTUNITS=GEO" ]) srcband = None dstband = None src_ds = None dst_ds = None
def proximity_1(): drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') src_ds = gdal.Open('data/pat.tif') src_band = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) dst_ds = drv.Create('tmp/proximity_1.tif', 25, 25, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) dst_band = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.ComputeProximity(src_band, dst_band) cs_expected = 1941 cs = dst_band.Checksum() dst_band = None dst_ds = None if cs == cs_expected \ or gdal.GetConfigOption('CPL_DEBUG', 'OFF') != 'ON': drv.Delete('tmp/proximity_1.tif') if cs != cs_expected: print('Got: ', cs) gdaltest.post_reason('got wrong checksum') return 'fail' return 'success'
def _computeProximityArrArgsFunc(argVals): """ This function is used internally within calcDist2Classes for the multiprocessing Pool """ import rsgislib.imageutils try: import tqdm pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=100) callback = lambda *args, **kw: pbar.update() except: callback = gdal.TermProgress classImgDS = gdal.Open(argVals[0], gdal.GA_ReadOnly) classImgBand = classImgDS.GetRasterBand(1) rsgislib.imageutils.createCopyImage(argVals[0], argVals[1], 1, argVals[3], argVals[4], rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT) distImgDS = gdal.Open(argVals[1], gdal.GA_Update) distImgBand = distImgDS.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.ComputeProximity(classImgBand, distImgBand, argVals[2], callback=callback) distImgBand = None distImgDS = None classImgBand = None classImgDS = None
def proximity_2(): drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') src_ds = gdal.Open('data/pat.tif') src_band = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) dst_ds = drv.Create('tmp/proximity_2.tif', 25, 25, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32) dst_band = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.ComputeProximity(src_band, dst_band, options=[ 'VALUES=65,64', 'MAXDIST=12', 'NODATA=-1', 'FIXED_BUF_VAL=255' ]) cs_expected = 3256 cs = dst_band.Checksum() dst_band = None dst_ds = None if cs == cs_expected \ or gdal.GetConfigOption('CPL_DEBUG', 'OFF') != 'ON': drv.Delete('tmp/proximity_2.tif') if cs != cs_expected: print('Got: ', cs) gdaltest.post_reason('got wrong checksum') return 'fail' return 'success'
def proximity_3(): drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') src_ds = gdal.Open('data/pat.tif') src_band = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) dst_ds = drv.Create('tmp/proximity_3.tif', 25, 25, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) dst_band = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.ComputeProximity(src_band, dst_band, options=[ 'VALUES=65,64', 'MAXDIST=12', 'USE_INPUT_NODATA=YES', 'NODATA=0' ]) cs_expected = 1465 cs = dst_band.Checksum() dst_band = None dst_ds = None if cs == cs_expected \ or gdal.GetConfigOption( 'CPL_DEBUG', 'OFF' ) != 'ON': drv.Delete('tmp/proximity_3.tif') if cs != cs_expected: print('Got: ', cs) gdaltest.post_reason('got wrong checksum') return 'fail' else: return 'success'
def get_distance_raster(self, base_layer, output_path=None, create_raster=True): if self.distance == 'proximity': with as src: bounds = src.bounds width = src.width height = src.height crs = transform = src.transform data, meta = self.rasterize(value=1, width=width, height=height, transform=transform) drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') src_ds = drv.Create('', width, height, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName('Float32')) src_ds.SetGeoTransform(transform.to_gdal()) src_ds.SetProjection(crs.wkt) src_ds.WriteArray(data) srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') dst_ds = drv.Create('', width, height, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName('Float32')) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(transform.to_gdal()) dst_ds.SetProjection(crs.wkt) dstband = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.ComputeProximity(srcband, dstband, ["VALUES=1", "DISTUNITS=GEO"]) data = dstband.ReadAsArray() meta.update(nodata=np.nan, dtype='float32') if create_raster: self.distance_raster = RasterLayer( self.category, + '_dist', distance_limit=self.distance_limit, inverse=self.inverse, normalization=self.normalization) self.distance_raster.layer = data self.distance_raster.meta = meta self.distance_raster.bounds = bounds if output_path: else: return data, meta elif self.distance == 'travel_time': self.travel_time(output_path)
def calculateProximity(src_filename, dst_filename): src_ds = gdal.Open( src_filename) srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) target_ds = createRaster(src_filename, dst_filename,gdal.GDT_Int32 ) dstband = target_ds.GetRasterBand(1) options = [] options.append( 'DISTUNITS=PIXEL' ) options.append( 'NODATA=noDataValue') gdal.ComputeProximity( srcband, dstband, options) target_ds = None
def proximity_rast_ds(ds_raster_in, val=1): drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') proxy_ds = drv.Create('', ds_raster_in.RasterXSize, ds_raster_in.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName('Float32')) gdal.ComputeProximity(ds_raster_in.GetRasterBand(1), proxy_ds.GetRasterBand(1), ["VALUES=" + str(val), "DISTUNITS=GEO"]) return proxy_ds
def __getNearestNeighbors__(self): ''' Find the nearest neighbors of particular component amongst other components. ''' #Initialize list of vertices vertices = [] mem_drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') for compNumber in range(1, self.nComponents + 1): options = [] options.append('NODATA=0') options.append('VALUES=%d' % (compNumber)) dst_ds = mem_drv.Create('', self.cc_ds.RasterXSize, self.cc_ds.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(self.cc_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.SetProjection(self.cc_ds.GetProjectionRef()) dstband = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) print('Estimating neighbors of component : %d' % (compNumber)) gdal.ComputeProximity(self.ccband, dstband, options, callback=gdal.TermProgress) width = self.cc_ds.RasterXSize dist = dstband.ReadAsArray() #For each components, find the closest neighbor #from the other components ptList = [] for comp in range(1, self.nComponents + 1): if comp != compNumber: marr = dist, mask=(self.conncompAcc != comp)).argmin() point = Vertex() point.y, point.x = np.unravel_index( marr, self.conncompAcc.shape) point.compNumber = comp point.source = compNumber point.dist = dist[point.y, point.x] ptList.append(point) vertices += ptList # Emptying dst_ds dst_ds = None # Emptying src_ds src_ds = None uniqVertices = self.__getUniqueVertices__(vertices) return uniqVertices
def generateMask(self): resol = self.resol pointRaster = self.pointRaster pointBand = pointRaster.GetRasterBand(1) array = pointBand.ReadAsArray() #plt.imshow(array) cols = pointRaster.RasterXSize rows = pointRaster.RasterYSize geoTrans = pointRaster.GetGeoTransform() geoTrans = list(geoTrans) x_min = geoTrans[0] pixelWidth = geoTrans[1] y_max = geoTrans[3] pixelHeight = geoTrans[5] #Generate distance layer #----------------------- driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') distRaster = driver.Create('memory', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt16) distRaster.SetGeoTransform( (x_min, pixelWidth, 0, y_max, 0, pixelHeight)) outband = distRaster.GetRasterBand(1) #outband.WriteArray(boolMat) outRasterSRS = osr.SpatialReference() outRasterSRS.ImportFromEPSG(self.epsg) distRaster.SetProjection(outRasterSRS.ExportToWkt()) outband.FlushCache() gdal.ComputeProximity(pointRaster.GetRasterBand(1), outband) distBand = distRaster.GetRasterBand(1) array = distBand.ReadAsArray() #plt.imshow(array) idDel = np.nonzero(array >= resol) mask = np.zeros(array.shape) mask[idDel] = 1 #plt.imshow(mask) self.mask = mask
def distRasters(rst, outnme): ref = gdal.Open(rst, GA_ReadOnly) band = ref.GetRasterBand(1) proj = ref.GetProjection() geotransform = ref.GetGeoTransform() xsize = band.XSize ysize = band.YSize gtiff = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') DataSet = gtiff.Create(outnme, xsize, ysize, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt16) DataSet.SetGeoTransform(geotransform) DataSet.SetProjection(proj) options = [] gdal.ComputeProximity(band, DataSet.GetRasterBand(1), options, callback = None)
def proximity_raster(src_raster_path: str, out_raster_path: str, dist_units="PIXEL", preserve_nodata=True): """Create a proximity raster Args: src_raster_path ([type]): [description] out_raster_path ([type]): [description] dist_units (str, optional): set to "GEO" for distance in length . Defaults to "PIXEL". """ log = Logger('proximity_raster') tmr = Timer() src_ds = gdal.Open(src_raster_path) srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') with TempRaster('vbet_proximity_raster') as tempfile: dst_ds = drv.Create(tempfile.filepath, src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName('Float32')) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.SetProjection(src_ds.GetProjectionRef()) dstband = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1)'Creating proximity raster') gdal.ComputeProximity( srcband, dstband, ["VALUES=1", f"DISTUNITS={dist_units}", "COMPRESS=DEFLATE"]) srcband = None dstband = None src_ds = None dst_ds = None # Preserve the nodata from the source if preserve_nodata: mask_rasters_nodata(tempfile.filepath, src_raster_path, out_raster_path) else: shutil.copyfile(tempfile.filepath, out_raster_path)'completed in {}'.format(tmr.toString()))
def createDistanceTransform(rasterSrc, vectorSrc, npDistFileName='', units='pixels'): ## open source vector file that truth data source_ds = ogr.Open(vectorSrc) source_layer = source_ds.GetLayer() ## extract data from src Raster File to be emulated ## open raster file that is to be emulated srcRas_ds = gdal.Open(rasterSrc) cols = srcRas_ds.RasterXSize rows = srcRas_ds.RasterYSize noDataValue = 0 if units == 'meters': geoTrans, poly, ulX, ulY, lrX, lrY = gT.getRasterExtent(srcRas_ds) transform_WGS84_To_UTM, transform_UTM_To_WGS84, utm_cs = gT.createUTMTransform( poly) line = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineString) line.AddPoint(geoTrans[0], geoTrans[3]) line.AddPoint(geoTrans[0] + geoTrans[1], geoTrans[3]) line.Transform(transform_WGS84_To_UTM) metersIndex = line.Length() else: metersIndex = 1 ## create First raster memory layer memdrv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') dst_ds = memdrv.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) band = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) gdal.RasterizeLayer(dst_ds, [1], source_layer, burn_values=[255]) srcBand = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) memdrv2 = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') prox_ds = memdrv2.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) prox_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) prox_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) proxBand = prox_ds.GetRasterBand(1) proxBand.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) options = ['NODATA=0'] ##compute distance to non-zero pixel values and scrBand and store in proxBand gdal.ComputeProximity(srcBand, proxBand, options) memdrv3 = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') proxIn_ds = memdrv3.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) proxIn_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) proxIn_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) proxInBand = proxIn_ds.GetRasterBand(1) proxInBand.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) options = ['NODATA=0', 'VALUES=0'] ##compute distance to zero pixel values and scrBand and store in proxInBand gdal.ComputeProximity(srcBand, proxInBand, options) proxIn = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(proxInBand) proxOut = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(proxBand) ##distance tranform is the distance to zero pixel values minus distance to non-zero pixel values proxTotal = proxIn.astype(float) - proxOut.astype(float) proxTotal = proxTotal * metersIndex if npDistFileName != '':, proxTotal) return proxTotal
def createDistanceTransformByFeatureIndex(feature_index, rasterSrc, vectorSrc, npDistFileName='', units='pixels'): ## open source vector file that truth data source_ds = ogr.Open(vectorSrc) source_layer = source_ds.GetLayer() #Define feature my_feature = source_layer[feature_index] #Spatial Reference srs = source_layer.GetSpatialRef() #Create feature Layer outDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName('MEMORY') outDataSource = outDriver.CreateDataSource('memData') Feature_Layer = outDataSource.CreateLayer("this_feature", srs, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon) #Add feature to layer Feature_Layer.CreateFeature(my_feature) ## extract data from src Raster File to be emulated ## open raster file that is to be emulated srcRas_ds = gdal.Open(rasterSrc) cols = srcRas_ds.RasterXSize rows = srcRas_ds.RasterYSize noDataValue = 0 metersIndex = 1 ## create First raster memory layer memdrv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') dst_ds = memdrv.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) band = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) gdal.RasterizeLayer(dst_ds, [1], Feature_Layer, burn_values=[255]) srcBand = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) memdrv2 = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') prox_ds = memdrv2.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) prox_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) prox_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) proxBand = prox_ds.GetRasterBand(1) proxBand.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) options = ['NODATA=0'] gdal.ComputeProximity(srcBand, proxBand, options) memdrv3 = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') proxIn_ds = memdrv3.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) proxIn_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) proxIn_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) proxInBand = proxIn_ds.GetRasterBand(1) proxInBand.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) options = ['NODATA=0', 'VALUES=0'] gdal.ComputeProximity(srcBand, proxInBand, options) proxIn = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(proxInBand) proxOut = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(proxBand) proxTotal = proxIn.astype(float) - proxOut.astype(float) proxTotal = proxTotal * metersIndex if npDistFileName != '':, proxTotal) return proxTotal
def main(argv): frmt = None creation_options = [] options = [] src_filename = None src_band_n = 1 dst_filename = None dst_band_n = 1 creation_type = 'Float32' quiet_flag = 0 gdal.AllRegister() argv = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(argv) if argv is None: sys.exit(0) # Parse command line arguments. i = 1 while i < len(argv): arg = argv[i] if arg == '-of' or arg == '-f': i = i + 1 frmt = argv[i] elif arg == '-co': i = i + 1 creation_options.append(argv[i]) elif arg == '-ot': i = i + 1 creation_type = argv[i] elif arg == '-maxdist': i = i + 1 options.append('MAXDIST=' + argv[i]) elif arg == '-values': i = i + 1 options.append('VALUES=' + argv[i]) elif arg == '-distunits': i = i + 1 options.append('DISTUNITS=' + argv[i]) elif arg == '-nodata': i = i + 1 options.append('NODATA=' + argv[i]) elif arg == '-use_input_nodata': i = i + 1 options.append('USE_INPUT_NODATA=' + argv[i]) elif arg == '-fixed-buf-val': i = i + 1 options.append('FIXED_BUF_VAL=' + argv[i]) elif arg == '-srcband': i = i + 1 src_band_n = int(argv[i]) elif arg == '-dstband': i = i + 1 dst_band_n = int(argv[i]) elif arg == '-q' or arg == '-quiet': quiet_flag = 1 elif src_filename is None: src_filename = argv[i] elif dst_filename is None: dst_filename = argv[i] else: Usage() i = i + 1 if src_filename is None or dst_filename is None: Usage() # ============================================================================= # Open source file # ============================================================================= src_ds = gdal.Open(src_filename) if src_ds is None: print('Unable to open %s' % src_filename) sys.exit(1) srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(src_band_n) # ============================================================================= # Try opening the destination file as an existing file. # ============================================================================= try: driver = gdal.IdentifyDriver(dst_filename) if driver is not None: dst_ds = gdal.Open(dst_filename, gdal.GA_Update) dstband = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(dst_band_n) else: dst_ds = None except: dst_ds = None # ============================================================================= # Create output file. # ============================================================================= if dst_ds is None: if frmt is None: frmt = GetOutputDriverFor(dst_filename) drv = gdal.GetDriverByName(frmt) dst_ds = drv.Create(dst_filename, src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName(creation_type), creation_options) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.SetProjection(src_ds.GetProjectionRef()) dstband = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) # ============================================================================= # Invoke algorithm. # ============================================================================= if quiet_flag: prog_func = None else: prog_func = gdal.TermProgress_nocb gdal.ComputeProximity(srcband, dstband, options, callback=prog_func) srcband = None dstband = None src_ds = None dst_ds = None
rasterizedDS.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(nodata) rasterizedDS.SetGeoTransform(transform) rasterizedDS.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) rasterizedDS.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(nodata) gdal.RasterizeLayer(rasterizedDS, [1], ogr_vector_layer, burn_values=[1]) # ============================================================================= # 4. compute proximity from rasterized dataset # ============================================================================= options = [] if Max_Distance > 0: options.append('MAXDIST=' + str(Max_Distance)) proximityDs = driver.Create(Output, raster_width, raster_height, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName(TYPES[Raster_Type])) proximityDs.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(nodata) proximityDs.SetGeoTransform(transform) proximityDs.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) proximityDs.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(nodata) gdal.ComputeProximity(rasterizedDS.GetRasterBand(1), proximityDs.GetRasterBand(1), options, callback=None) # ============================================================================= # 5. cleanup # ============================================================================= rasterizedDS = None proximityDs = None ogr_vector_datasource = None
# Create an empty raster to hold the rasterized roads. road_ds = tif_driver.Create(road_raster_fn, cols, rows) road_ds.SetProjection(road_lyr.GetSpatialRef().ExportToWkt()) road_ds.SetGeoTransform((minx, cellsize, 0, maxy, 0, -cellsize)) # Burn the roads into the raster. gdal.RasterizeLayer(road_ds, [1], road_lyr, burn_values=[1], callback=gdal.TermProgress) # Burn proximity to roads into a new raster. prox_ds = tif_driver.Create(proximity_fn, cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Int32) prox_ds.SetProjection(road_ds.GetProjection()) prox_ds.SetGeoTransform(road_ds.GetGeoTransform()) gdal.ComputeProximity(road_ds.GetRasterBand(1), prox_ds.GetRasterBand(1), ['DISTUNITS=GEO'], gdal.TermProgress) # Burn the wilderness area into a temporary raster. wild_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('tmp', cols, rows) wild_ds.SetProjection(prox_ds.GetProjection()) wild_ds.SetGeoTransform(prox_ds.GetGeoTransform()) gdal.RasterizeLayer(wild_ds, [1], wild_lyr, burn_values=[1], callback=gdal.TermProgress) # Use the temporary wilderness raster to set the proximity one # to NoData everywhere that is outside the wilderness area. wild_data = wild_ds.ReadAsArray() prox_data = prox_ds.ReadAsArray() prox_data[wild_data == 0] = -99
def gdal_proximity( src_filename: Optional[str] = None, src_band_n: int = 1, dst_filename: Optional[str] = None, dst_band_n: int = 1, driver_name: Optional[str] = None, creation_type: str = 'Float32', creation_options: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, alg_options: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, quiet: bool = False): # ============================================================================= # Open source file # ============================================================================= creation_options = creation_options or [] alg_options = alg_options or [] src_ds = gdal.Open(src_filename) if src_ds is None: print('Unable to open %s' % src_filename) return 1 srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(src_band_n) # ============================================================================= # Try opening the destination file as an existing file. # ============================================================================= try: driver_name = gdal.IdentifyDriver(dst_filename) if driver_name is not None: dst_ds = gdal.Open(dst_filename, gdal.GA_Update) dstband = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(dst_band_n) else: dst_ds = None except: dst_ds = None # ============================================================================= # Create output file. # ============================================================================= if dst_ds is None: if driver_name is None: driver_name = GetOutputDriverFor(dst_filename) drv = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver_name) dst_ds = drv.Create(dst_filename, src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName(creation_type), creation_options) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.SetProjection(src_ds.GetProjectionRef()) dstband = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) # ============================================================================= # Invoke algorithm. # ============================================================================= if quiet: prog_func = None else: prog_func = gdal.TermProgress_nocb gdal.ComputeProximity(srcband, dstband, alg_options, callback=prog_func) srcband = None dstband = None src_ds = None dst_ds = None
transform=out.transform) out.write_band(1, burned) # Proximité (distance raster) depuis les équipements rastérisés if not equip_zone.empty: src_ds = gdal.Open('structure_zone_r.tif') srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) dst_filename = 'prox_r.tif' drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') dst_ds = drv.Create(dst_filename, src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName('Float32')) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.SetProjection(src_ds.GetProjectionRef()) dstband = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.ComputeProximity( srcband, dstband, ["DISTUNITS=GEO"]) #Algo de proximité (distance géo et non en pixels) # Note intéressante : le fichier ne s'écrit totalement QUE quand le traitement est relancé, c'est pourquoi # Je recopie le MÊME CODE deux fois pour écrire un .tif pourri qui ne servira à rien if not equip_zone.empty: src_ds = gdal.Open('structure_zone_r.tif') srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) dst_filename = 'prox_r_useless.tif' drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') dst_ds = drv.Create(dst_filename, src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName('Float32')) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.SetProjection(src_ds.GetProjectionRef()) dstband = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.ComputeProximity(
def main(args): # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Parse arguments # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=__program_name__, ) # Help arguments parser.add_argument('--help-info', dest='help_info', action='store_true', help='Display more detailed help information') # Output options parser.add_argument('-of', '--output-format', dest='driver_name', type=str, action='store', default='GTiff', metavar='driver', help='Output raster driver name') parser.add_argument('-tr', '--target-res', required=True, dest='target_resolution', type=int, nargs=2, action='store', metavar=('xres', 'yres'), help='Target pixel resolution in georeferenced units') parser.add_argument( '-at', '--all-touched', dest='all_touched', action='store_true', default=False, help= "Rasterizes features into all touched pixels instead of just those on the line render path or whose center point is within the polygon" ) parser.add_argument('-nd', '--nodata', dest='nodata', default=0, type=int, action='store', help='Destination nodata value') parser.add_argument( '-md', '--max-distance', dest='max_distance', type=int, action='append', help= 'Maximum search distance for non-nodata pixels when computing distance' ) parser.add_argument( '-du', '-dist-units', dest='distance_units', choices=('GEO', 'PIXEL'), default='GEO', type=str, action='store', help= 'Values to write when computing distance - num pixels or georeferenced units' ) parser.add_argument( '-fbv', '--fixed-buff-val', dest='fixed_buffer_val', type=int, action='store', help= 'Write this value instead of distance for all pixels that are within the max distance' ) parser.add_argument('-l', '--layers', dest='layers_to_process', type=str, nargs='+', action='append', help='Layers to process') parser.add_argument('-co', '--creation-option', dest='creation_options', type=str, default=[], action='append', metavar='OPTION=VAL', help='Output format supported creation option') parser.add_argument('-ovr', '--overview', dest='overviews', type=int, nargs='+', metavar='level', help='Overview levels') parser.add_argument('-or', '--ovr-resampling', dest='overview_resampling', choices=('nearest', 'average', 'gauss', 'cubic', 'average_mp', 'average_magphase', 'mode'), default='nearest', help='Overview resampling method') parser.add_argument('--overwrite', dest='overwrite_mode', action='store_true', default=False, help='Blindly overwrite the output file if it exists') # Positional arguments and errors parser.add_argument('input_vector', metavar='src_vector', type=str, action='store', help='Vector to calculate distance against') parser.add_argument('output_raster', metavar='dst_raster', type=str, action='store', help='Output raster containing distance values') pargs = parser.parse_args(args=args) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Adjust and validate parameters # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Force cell sizes to be positive pargs.target_resolution = [abs(i) for i in pargs.target_resolution] bail = False # Check input vector try: ds = ogr.Open(pargs.input_vector, 0) if ds is None: del ds bail = True print("ERROR: Can't access input vector: %s" % pargs.input_vector) except RuntimeError: pass # Check output raster try: ds = gdal.Open(pargs.output_raster, 0) if ds is not None and not pargs.overwrite_mode: ds = None bail = True print("ERROR: Overwrite=%s and output raster exists: %s" % (pargs.overwrite_mode, pargs.output_raster)) except RuntimeError: pass if bail: return 1 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Prep workspace # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vds = ogr.Open(pargs.input_vector) # Get full extent of all vector layers being processed and make sure all layers are in the same spatial reference print("Computing input vector extent ...") vds_srs = None vds_extent = [] for layer in vds: if pargs.layers_to_process is None or layer.GetName( ) in pargs.layers_to_process: # Check SRS if vds_srs is None: vds_srs = layer.GetSpatialRef() elif not vds_srs.IsSame(layer.GetSpatialRef()): vds = None print( "ERROR: One or more input layers do not have the same SRS") return 1 # Update extent min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = layer.GetExtent() if len(vds_extent) is 0: vds_extent = [min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y] else: if min_x < vds_extent[0]: vds_extent[0] = min_x if min_y < vds_extent[1]: vds_extent[1] = min_y if max_x > vds_extent[2]: vds_extent[2] = max_x if max_y > vds_extent[3]: vds_extent[3] = max_y # Construct an in-memory raster that will store the rasterized vectors print("Building an in-memory raster for rasterization ...") vds_geotransform = (vds_extent[0], pargs.target_resolution[0], 0, vds_extent[3], 0, -pargs.target_resolution[1]) x_res = int((vds_extent[2] - vds_extent[0]) / pargs.target_resolution[0]) y_res = int((vds_extent[3] - vds_extent[1]) / pargs.target_resolution[1]) rize_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName(str('MEM')).Create( str('rasterization_memory_ds'), x_res, y_res, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) rize_ds.SetGeoTransform(vds_geotransform) rize_ds.SetProjection(vds_srs.ExportToWkt()) band = rize_ds.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(pargs.nodata) band = None # Create output datasource rdriver = gdal.GetDriverByName(str(pargs.driver_name)) if rdriver is None: vds = None rize_ds = None print("ERROR: Invalid driver: '%s'" % pargs.driver_name) return 1 rds = rdriver.Create(str(pargs.output_raster), rize_ds.RasterXSize, rize_ds.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32, options=pargs.creation_options) if rds is None: vds = None rize_ds = None print("ERROR: Could not create output raster: %s" % pargs.output_raster) return 1 rdriver = None rds.SetGeoTransform(vds_geotransform) rds.SetProjection(vds_srs.ExportToWkt()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Rasterize input layers # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if pargs.all_touched: rize_options = ['ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE'] else: rize_options = [] rize_options.append('MERGE_ALG=REPLACE') rize_options = [str(opt) for opt in rize_options] for layer in vds: if pargs.layers_to_process is None or layer.GetName( ) in pargs.layers_to_process: print("Rasterizing layer '%s' ..." % layer.GetName()) gdal.RasterizeLayer(rize_ds, [1], layer, options=rize_options, burn_values=[1], callback=gdal.TermProgress) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Compute proximity # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Assemble options for proximity calculation proximity_options = [] if pargs.max_distance: proximity_options.append('MAXDIST=%s' % pargs.max_distance) if pargs.distance_units: proximity_options.append('DISTUNITS=%s' % pargs.distance_units) if pargs.fixed_buffer_val: proximity_options.append('FIXED_BUF_VAL=%s' % pargs.fixed_buffer_val) proximity_options.append('VALUES=1') proximity_options.append('NODATA=0') proximity_options = [str(opt) for opt in proximity_options] # Compute proximity print("Computing proximity ...") output_band = rds.GetRasterBand(1) output_band.SetNoDataValue(pargs.nodata) gdal.ComputeProximity(rize_ds.GetRasterBand(1), output_band, options=proximity_options, callback=gdal.TermProgress) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Generate overviews # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if pargs.overviews: print("Generating overview: %s" % ', '.join([str(o) for o in pargs.overviews])) rds.BuildOverviews(resampling=str(pargs.overview_resampling), overviewlist=pargs.overviews, callback=gdal.TermProgress) # Cleanup band = None output_band = None vds_srs = None vds = None layer = None rize_ds = None rds = None return 0
target_ds.SetGeoTransform((x_min, pixel_size, 0, y_max, 0, -pixel_size)) band = target_ds.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(NoData_value) ## ### Rasterize gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], source_layer, burn_values=[1]) ## ###Find Distance target2_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(raster2_fn, x_res, y_res, 2, gdal.GDT_Int16) target2_ds.SetGeoTransform((x_min, pixel_size, 0, y_max, 0, -pixel_size)) ## srcband = target_ds.GetRasterBand(1) dstband = target2_ds.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.ComputeProximity(srcband, dstband) ## ###Convert to Array myarray = np.array(target2_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()) newarray = 500 - myarray outputar = np.where(newarray < 0, 0, newarray) arraylist.append(outputar[:]) print np.max(outputar) outBand = target2_ds.GetRasterBand(2) outBand.WriteArray(outputar) totalarray = arraylist[0] * 0
def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback): source = self.parameterAsVectorLayer(parameters, self.INPUT, context) if source is None: raise QgsProcessingException( self.invalidSourceError(parameters, self.INPUT)) max_distance = self.parameterAsDouble(parameters, self.MAX_DISTANCE, context) raster_type = self.RASTER_TYPES[self.parameterAsEnum( parameters, self.RASTER_TYPE, context)] extent = self.parameterAsExtent(parameters, self.EXTENT, context, source.sourceCrs()) if extent is None or extent.width() == 0 or extent.height() == 0: extent = source.sourceExtent() cell_size = self.parameterAsDouble(parameters, self.CELL_SIZE, context) if cell_size <= 0: cell_size = int(min(extent.width(), extent.height()) / 250.0) output_raster = self.parameterAsOutputLayer(parameters, self.OUTPUT, context) # open ogr vector layer from qgs map layer ogrLayer, layerName = self.getOgrCompatibleSource( self.INPUT, parameters, context, feedback, True) if ogrLayer is None: raise QgsProcessingException('Cannot connect OGR driver!') ogr_vector_datasource = ogr.Open(ogrLayer) ogr_vector_layer = ogr_vector_datasource.GetLayer(layerName) feedback.pushInfo('Raster Type = {0}'.format(raster_type)) feedback.pushInfo('Cell Size = {0}'.format(cell_size)) feedback.pushInfo('Extent = {0}'.format(extent)) nodata = -9999 srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt( transform = [ extent.xMinimum(), cell_size, 0.0, extent.yMaximum(), 0.0, -cell_size ] raster_width = int( math.ceil(abs(extent.xMaximum() - extent.xMinimum()) / cell_size)) raster_height = int( math.ceil(abs(extent.yMaximum() - extent.yMinimum()) / cell_size)) # rasterize temporary raterdataset from vector layer, extent, cellsize temporary_path = os.path.join( QgsProcessingUtils.tempFolder(), 'euc_distance_{}.tif'.format(uuid.uuid4().hex)) feedback.pushInfo('Temporary path = {0}'.format(temporary_path)) driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') rasterizedDS = driver.Create(temporary_path, raster_width, raster_height, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) rasterizedDS.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(nodata) rasterizedDS.SetGeoTransform(transform) rasterizedDS.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) rasterizedDS.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(nodata) gdal.RasterizeLayer(rasterizedDS, [1], ogr_vector_layer, burn_values=[1]) # compute proximity from rasterized dataset options = ['DISTUNITS=GEO'] if max_distance > 0: options.append('MAXDIST=' + str(max_distance)) proximityDs = driver.Create(output_raster, raster_width, raster_height, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName(raster_type)) proximityDs.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(nodata) proximityDs.SetGeoTransform(transform) proximityDs.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) proximityDs.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(nodata) gdal.ComputeProximity(rasterizedDS.GetRasterBand(1), proximityDs.GetRasterBand(1), options, callback=None) # cleanup rasterizedDS = None proximityDs = None ogr_vector_datasource = None return {self.OUTPUT: output_raster}
def calc_proximity( input_rasters, target_value=1, out_path=None, max_dist=1000, add_border=False, weighted=False, invert=False, return_array=False, postfix="_proximity", uuid=False, overwrite=True, skip_existing=False, ): """ Calculate the proximity of input_raster to values """ raster_list, path_list = ready_io_raster(input_rasters, out_path, overwrite, postfix=postfix, uuid=uuid) output = [] for index, input_raster in enumerate(raster_list): out_path = path_list[index] if skip_existing and os.path.exists(out_path): output.append(out_path) continue in_arr = raster_to_array(input_raster, filled=True) bin_arr = (in_arr != target_value).astype("uint8") bin_raster = array_to_raster(bin_arr, reference=input_raster) in_raster = open_raster(bin_raster) in_raster_path = bin_raster if add_border: border_size = 1 border_raster = add_border_to_raster( in_raster, border_size=border_size, border_value=0, overwrite=True, ) in_raster = open_raster(border_raster) gdal.Unlink(in_raster_path) in_raster_path = border_raster src_band = in_raster.GetRasterBand(1) driver_name = "GTiff" if out_path is None else path_to_driver_raster( out_path) if driver_name is None: raise ValueError(f"Unable to parse filetype from path: {out_path}") driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver_name) if driver is None: raise ValueError( f"Error while creating driver from extension: {out_path}") mem_path = f"/vsimem/raster_proximity_tmp_{uuid4().int}.tif" dest_raster = driver.Create( mem_path, in_raster.RasterXSize, in_raster.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName("Float32"), ) dest_raster.SetGeoTransform(in_raster.GetGeoTransform()) dest_raster.SetProjection(in_raster.GetProjectionRef()) dst_band = dest_raster.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.ComputeProximity( src_band, dst_band, [ f"VALUES='1'", "DISTUNITS=GEO", f"MAXDIST={max_dist}", ], ) dst_arr = dst_band.ReadAsArray() gdal.Unlink(mem_path) gdal.Unlink(in_raster_path) dst_arr = np.where(dst_arr > max_dist, max_dist, dst_arr) if invert: dst_arr = max_dist - dst_arr if weighted: dst_arr = dst_arr / max_dist if add_border: dst_arr = dst_arr[border_size:-border_size, border_size:-border_size] src_band = None dst_band = None in_raster = None dest_raster = None if return_array: output.append(dst_arr) else: array_to_raster(dst_arr, reference=input_raster, out_path=out_path) output.append(out_path) dst_arr = None if isinstance(input_rasters, list): return output return output[0]
def create_dist_map(rasterSrc, vectorSrc, npDistFileName='', noDataValue=0, burn_values=255, dist_mult=1, vmax_dist=64): source_ds = ogr.Open(vectorSrc) source_layer = source_ds.GetLayer() srcRas_ds = gdal.Open(rasterSrc) cols = srcRas_ds.RasterXSize rows = srcRas_ds.RasterYSize geoTrans, poly, ulX, ulY, lrX, lrY = gT.getRasterExtent(srcRas_ds) transform_WGS84_To_UTM, transform_UTM_To_WGS84, utm_cs \ = gT.createUTMTransform(poly) line = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineString) line.AddPoint(geoTrans[0], geoTrans[3]) line.AddPoint(geoTrans[0]+geoTrans[1], geoTrans[3]) line.Transform(transform_WGS84_To_UTM) metersIndex = line.Length() memdrv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') dst_ds = memdrv.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) band = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) gdal.RasterizeLayer(dst_ds, [1], source_layer, burn_values=[burn_values]) srcBand = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) memdrv2 = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') prox_ds = memdrv2.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) prox_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) prox_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) proxBand = prox_ds.GetRasterBand(1) proxBand.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) opt_string = 'NODATA='+str(noDataValue) options = [opt_string] gdal.ComputeProximity(srcBand, proxBand, options) memdrv3 = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') proxIn_ds = memdrv3.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) proxIn_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) proxIn_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) proxInBand = proxIn_ds.GetRasterBand(1) proxInBand.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) opt_string2 = 'VALUES='+str(noDataValue) options = [opt_string, opt_string2] gdal.ComputeProximity(srcBand, proxInBand, options) proxIn = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(proxInBand) proxOut = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(proxBand) proxTotal = proxIn.astype(float) - proxOut.astype(float) proxTotal = proxTotal*metersIndex proxTotal *= dist_mult proxTotal = np.clip(proxTotal, -1*vmax_dist, 1*vmax_dist) if npDistFileName != '':, proxTotal)
# Create temporal raster rasterize_options = gdal.RasterizeOptions( xRes=xres, yRes=yres, allTouched=True, burnValues=[1] ) temp1 = gdal.Rasterize( "/vsimem/temp", feature.get("path"), options=rasterize_options ) temp1_band = temp1.GetRasterBand(1) # Create temporal proximity raster driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("MEM") temp2 = driver.Create("temp2", temp1.RasterXSize, temp1.RasterYSize) temp2.SetGeoTransform(temp1.GetGeoTransform()) temp2.SetProjection(temp1.GetProjection()) temp2_band = temp2.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.ComputeProximity(temp1_band, temp2_band, ["VALUES=1"]) temp2_band.FlushCache() # Clip to region area warp_options = gdal.WarpOptions(, creationOptions=["COMPRESS=LZW"], outputType=gdal.GDT_Int16, dstNodata=NODATA_VALUE, cutlineDSName=region.get("path"), ) dst_fn = os.path.join(output_folder, f"{feature.get('name')}_proximity.tif") temp3 = gdal.Warp(dst_fn, temp2, options=warp_options) stack.append(temp3.ReadAsArray()) stack = np.stack(stack)
def create_dist_map(rasterSrc, vectorSrc, npDistFileName='', noDataValue=0, burn_values=1, dist_mult=1, vmax_dist=64): ''' Create building signed distance transform from Yuan 2016 ( vmax_dist: absolute value of maximum distance (meters) from building edge Adapted from createNPPixArray in labeltools ''' ## open source vector file that truth data source_ds = ogr.Open(vectorSrc) source_layer = source_ds.GetLayer() ## extract data from src Raster File to be emulated ## open raster file that is to be emulated srcRas_ds = gdal.Open(rasterSrc) cols = srcRas_ds.RasterXSize rows = srcRas_ds.RasterYSize geoTrans, poly, ulX, ulY, lrX, lrY = gT.getRasterExtent(srcRas_ds) transform_WGS84_To_UTM, transform_UTM_To_WGS84, utm_cs \ = gT.createUTMTransform(poly) line = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineString) line.AddPoint(geoTrans[0], geoTrans[3]) line.AddPoint(geoTrans[0] + geoTrans[1], geoTrans[3]) line.Transform(transform_WGS84_To_UTM) metersIndex = line.Length() memdrv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') dst_ds = memdrv.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) band = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) gdal.RasterizeLayer(dst_ds, [1], source_layer, burn_values=[burn_values]) srcBand = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) memdrv2 = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') prox_ds = memdrv2.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) prox_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) prox_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) proxBand = prox_ds.GetRasterBand(1) proxBand.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) opt_string = 'NODATA=' + str(noDataValue) options = [opt_string] gdal.ComputeProximity(srcBand, proxBand, options) memdrv3 = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') proxIn_ds = memdrv3.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) proxIn_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) proxIn_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) proxInBand = proxIn_ds.GetRasterBand(1) proxInBand.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) opt_string2 = 'VALUES=' + str(noDataValue) options = [opt_string, opt_string2] #options = ['NODATA=0', 'VALUES=0'] gdal.ComputeProximity(srcBand, proxInBand, options) proxIn = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(proxInBand) proxOut = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(proxBand) proxTotal = proxIn.astype(float) - proxOut.astype(float) proxTotal = proxTotal * metersIndex proxTotal *= dist_mult # clip array proxTotal = np.clip(proxTotal, -1 * vmax_dist, 1 * vmax_dist) if npDistFileName != '': # save as numpy file since some values will be negative, proxTotal) #cv2.imwrite(npDistFileName, proxTotal) return proxTotal
# ============================================================================= if dst_ds is None: if format is None: format = GetOutputDriverFor(dst_filename) drv = gdal.GetDriverByName(format) dst_ds = drv.Create(dst_filename, src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName(creation_type), creation_options) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(src_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.SetProjection(src_ds.GetProjectionRef()) dstband = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) # ============================================================================= # Invoke algorithm. # ============================================================================= if quiet_flag: prog_func = None else: prog_func = gdal.TermProgress_nocb gdal.ComputeProximity(srcband, dstband, options, callback=prog_func) srcband = None dstband = None src_ds = None dst_ds = None
def proximity_shp(fn_shp, raster_ref, type_prox='both'): # create memory raster based on reference raster raster_ds = create_mem_raster_on_ref(raster_ref) # open .shp with GDAL shp_ds = gdal.OpenEx(fn_shp, gdal.OF_VECTOR) # rasterize opts = gdal.RasterizeOptions(burnValues=[1], bands=[1]) gdal.Rasterize(raster_ds, shp_ds, options=opts) # close shp shp_ds = None drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') proxy_ds = drv.Create('', raster_ds.RasterXSize, raster_ds.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName('Float32')) if type_prox == 'exterior': gdal.ComputeProximity(raster_ds.GetRasterBand(1), proxy_ds.GetRasterBand(1), ["VALUES=1", "DISTUNITS=GEO"]) proxy_array = proxy_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() elif type_prox == 'interior': raster_arr = raster_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() mask = (raster_arr == 1) raster_arr[mask] = raster_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() raster_arr[~mask] = 1 raster_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(raster_arr) gdal.ComputeProximity(raster_ds.GetRasterBand(1), proxy_ds.GetRasterBand(1), ["VALUES=1", "DISTUNITS=GEO"]) proxy_array = proxy_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() elif type_prox == 'both': gdal.ComputeProximity(raster_ds.GetRasterBand(1), proxy_ds.GetRasterBand(1), ["VALUES=1", "DISTUNITS=GEO"]) proxy_ext = proxy_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() raster_arr = raster_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() mask = (raster_arr == 1) raster_arr[mask] = raster_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() raster_arr[~mask] = 1 raster_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(raster_arr) gdal.ComputeProximity(raster_ds.GetRasterBand(1), proxy_ds.GetRasterBand(1), ["VALUES=1", "DISTUNITS=GEO"]) proxy_int = proxy_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() proxy_array = proxy_ext + proxy_int else: sys.exit('Type of proximity:' + type_prox + ' not recognized. Must be "interior", "exterior" or "both".') return proxy_array
def __call__(self, maxdepth, pickle_name=None): """ Traverse the landcover array. For every point of type 'water', calculate the distance to the nearest non-water point, stopping at maxdepth. Keyword arguments: maxdepth -- maximum value for depth """ if self.canCL and self.wantCL: # Create working array xlen, ylen = self.lcarray.shape workingarr = np.array(self.lcarray.ravel(), dtype=np.int32) # These values do not change from run to run. ylen_arg = np.uint32(ylen) maxdepth_arg = np.uint32(maxdepth) # Calculate how many base elements can be evaluated per run. # Each run requires xlen, ylen, currdepth, and maxdepth -- all 32bit. static_data = 4 * 4 # Each base element requires two 32bit integers. bytes_per_elem_single = 2 * 4 bytes_per_elem_total = bytes_per_elem_single # Use rows instead of elems for two-dimensional arrays. bytes_per_row_single = bytes_per_elem_single * ylen bytes_per_row_total = bytes_per_elem_total * ylen # Check both single and total limits on rows-per-slice. rps_single = [ int(0.95 * device.max_mem_alloc_size / bytes_per_row_single) for device in self.devices ] rps_total = [ int((0.95 * device.global_mem_size - static_data) / bytes_per_row_total) for device in self.devices ] row_limits = [ min(rps_single[x], rps_total[x]) for x in xrange(len(self.devices)) ] # NB: Only supporting one device for now. best_device = np.argmax(row_limits) best_rows = row_limits[best_device] global_size = self.global_size[self.devices[best_device]] local_size = self.local_size[self.devices[best_device]] # For now, at least, do not create retval or chunk buffer here. # Iterate through this entire mess once per depth level row_list = np.array([x for x in xrange(xlen)]) negfound = False for row_chunk in chunks(row_list, best_rows): # Do not prepend buffer rows for first row. realfirst = row_chunk[0] if (row_chunk[0] != row_list[0]): realfirst -= maxdepth # Do not postpend buffer rows for last row. reallast = row_chunk[-1] if (row_chunk[-1] != row_list[-1]): reallast += maxdepth # Create retvals and chunk buffer here instead of above. chunk = np.copy(workingarr[realfirst * ylen:reallast * ylen]) outchunk_buf = cla.empty(self.queue, chunk.shape, chunk.dtype) inchunk_buf = cla.to_device(self.queue, chunk) newxlen = reallast - realfirst newxlen_arg = np.uint32(newxlen) lenchunk = newxlen * ylen lenchunk_arg = np.uint32(lenchunk) currdepth = 0 while (currdepth <= maxdepth): currdepth_arg = np.uint32(currdepth) if (currdepth % 2 == 0): event = self.program.bathy(self.queue, global_size, local_size,,, newxlen_arg, ylen_arg, currdepth_arg, maxdepth_arg) else: event = self.program.bathy(self.queue, global_size, local_size,,, newxlen_arg, ylen_arg, currdepth_arg, maxdepth_arg) event.wait() currdepth += 1 # Copy relevant part of outchunk_buf to workingarr. chunk_arr = outchunk_buf.get() copytop = 0 if (row_chunk[0] != row_list[0]): copytop += maxdepth copybot = len(row_chunk) - 1 workingarr[row_chunk[0] * ylen:row_chunk[-1] * ylen] = chunk_arr[copytop * ylen:copybot * ylen] results = workingarr.reshape( (self.lcarray.shape))[maxdepth:-1 * maxdepth, maxdepth:-1 * maxdepth] else: (depthz, depthx) = self.lcarray.shape drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') depthds = drv.Create('', depthx, depthz, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName('Byte')) depthds.SetGeoTransform(self.geotrans) depthds.SetProjection(self.projection) depthband = depthds.GetRasterBand(1) depthband.WriteArray(self.lcarray) # create a duplicate dataset called bathyds bathyds = drv.Create('', depthx, depthz, 1, gdal.GetDataTypeByName('Byte')) bathyds.SetGeoTransform(self.geotrans) bathyds.SetProjection(self.projection) bathyband = bathyds.GetRasterBand(1) # run compute proximity values = ','.join([str(x) for x in xrange(256) if x is not 11]) options = [ 'MAXDIST=%d' % maxdepth, 'NODATA=%d' % maxdepth, 'VALUES=%s' % values ] gdal.ComputeProximity(depthband, bathyband, options) # extract array results = bathyband.ReadAsArray(maxdepth, maxdepth, bathyds.RasterXSize - 2 * maxdepth, bathyds.RasterYSize - 2 * maxdepth) if pickle_name is not None: # Pickle variables for testing purposes. picklefilename = 'bathy-%s.pkl.gz' % pickle_name print 'Pickling to %s...' % picklefilename f =, 'wb') pickle.dump(self.lcarray, f, -1) pickle.dump(self.geotrans, f, -1) pickle.dump(self.projection, f, -1) pickle.dump(maxdepth, f, -1) # pickle.dump(results, f, -1) return results
def calcDist2ImgVals(inputValsImg, outputDistImg, pxlVals, valsImgBand=1, gdalformat='KEA', maxDist=None, noDataVal=None, unitGEO=True): """ A function to calculate the distance to the nearest pixel value with one of the specified values. Where: :param inputValsImg: is a string specifying the input image file. :param outputDistImg: is a string specfiying the output image file. :param pxlVals: is a number of list of numbers specifying the features to which the distance from should be calculated. :param valsImgBand: is an integer specifying the image band of the input image to be used (Default = 1). :param gdalformat: is a string specifying the output image format (Default = KEA) :param maxDist: is a number specifying the maximum distance to be calculated, if None not max value is used (Default = None). :param noDataVal: is the no data value in the input image for which distance should not be calculated for (Default = None; None = no specified no data value). :param unitGEO: is a boolean specifying the output distance units. True = Geographic units (e.g., metres), False is in Pixels (Default = True). Example:: import rsgislib.imagecalc cloudsImg = 'LS5TM_20110701_lat52lon421_r24p204_clouds.kea' dist2Clouds = 'LS5TM_20110701_lat52lon421_r24p204_distclouds.kea' # Pixel value 1 == Clouds # Pixel value 2 == Cloud Shadows rsgislib.imagecalc.calcDist2ImgVals(cloudsImg, dist2Clouds, pxlVals=[1,2]) """ # Check gdal is available if not haveGDALPy: raise ImportError("The GDAL python bindings are required for " "calcDist2ImgVals function could not be imported") import rsgislib.imageutils haveListVals = False if type(pxlVals) is list: haveListVals = True proxOptions = [] if maxDist is not None: proxOptions.append('MAXDIST=' + str(maxDist)) if noDataVal is not None: proxOptions.append('NODATA=' + str(noDataVal)) if unitGEO: proxOptions.append('DISTUNITS=GEO') else: proxOptions.append('DISTUNITS=PIXEL') if haveListVals: strVals = '' first = True for val in pxlVals: if first: strVals = str(val) first = False else: strVals = strVals + "," + str(val) proxOptions.append('VALUES=' + strVals) else: proxOptions.append('VALUES=' + str(pxlVals)) valsImgDS = gdal.Open(inputValsImg, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) valsImgBand = valsImgDS.GetRasterBand(valsImgBand) rsgislib.imageutils.createCopyImage(inputValsImg, outputDistImg, 1, 0.0, gdalformat, rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT) distImgDS = gdal.Open(outputDistImg, gdal.GA_Update) distImgBand = distImgDS.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.ComputeProximity(valsImgBand, distImgBand, proxOptions, callback=gdal.TermProgress) distImgBand = None distImgDS = None classImgBand = None classImgDS = None