def main(argv): # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # set up the usage document, in case we need to print out how to use this program. arguments.getApplicationUsage().setApplicationName(arguments.getApplicationName()) arguments.getApplicationUsage().setDescription(arguments.getApplicationName()+" is a utility for converting glsl shader files into char arrays that can be compiled into applications.") arguments.getApplicationUsage().setCommandLineUsage(arguments.getApplicationName()+" [options] filename ...") arguments.getApplicationUsage().addCommandLineOption("--shader <filename>","Shader file to create a .cpp file for.") arguments.getApplicationUsage().addCommandLineOption("-h or --help","Display command line parameters") # if user request help write it out to cout. if"-h") or"--help") : arguments.getApplicationUsage().write(std.cout) return 1 filename = str() if"--shader",filename) : shader = osgDB.readShaderFile(filename) if shader.valid() : name = osgDB.getStrippedName(filename) path = osgDB.getFilePath(filename) invalidCharacters = "-+/\\*=()[]:<>,.?@'~#` not \"" numbericCharacters = "0123456789" pos = name.find_first_of(invalidCharacters) while pos not = str.npos : name[pos] = ord("_") pos = name.find_first_of(invalidCharacters) ext = osgDB.getFileExtension(filename) cppFileName = osgDB.concatPaths(path, name + "_" + ext + ".cpp") variableName = name + "_" + ext writeShader(shader, cppFileName, variableName) return 0 else: print "Error: could not find file '", filename, "'" return 1 print "No appropriate command line options used." arguments.getApplicationUsage().write(std.cout) return 1
def main(argv): # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # set up the usage document, in case we need to print out how to use this program. arguments.getApplicationUsage().setApplicationName(arguments.getApplicationName()) arguments.getApplicationUsage().setDescription(arguments.getApplicationName()+" is a utility for converting glsl shader files into char arrays that can be compiled into applications.") arguments.getApplicationUsage().setCommandLineUsage(arguments.getApplicationName()+" [options] filename ...") arguments.getApplicationUsage().addCommandLineOption("--shader <filename>","Shader file to create a .cpp file for.") arguments.getApplicationUsage().addCommandLineOption("-h or --help","Display command line parameters") # if user request help write it out to cout. if"-h") or"--help") : arguments.getApplicationUsage().write(std.cout) return 1 filename = str() if"--shader",filename) : shader = osgDB.readShaderFile(filename) if shader.valid() : name = osgDB.getStrippedName(filename) path = osgDB.getFilePath(filename) invalidCharacters = "-+/\\*=()[]:<>,.?@'~#` not \"" numbericCharacters = "0123456789" pos = name.find_first_of(invalidCharacters) while pos not = str.npos : name[pos] = ord("_") pos = name.find_first_of(invalidCharacters) ext = osgDB.getFileExtension(filename) cppFileName = osgDB.concatPaths(path, name + "_" + ext + ".cpp") variableName = name + "_" + ext writeShader(shader, cppFileName, variableName) return 0 else: print "Error: could not find file '", filename, "'" return 1
def main(argv): # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv) # set up the usage document, in case we need to print out how to use this program. arguments.getApplicationUsage().setApplicationName(arguments.getApplicationName()) arguments.getApplicationUsage().setDescription(arguments.getApplicationName()+" creates a hierarchy of files for paging which can be later loaded by viewers.") arguments.getApplicationUsage().setCommandLineUsage(arguments.getApplicationName()+" [options] filename ...") arguments.getApplicationUsage().addCommandLineOption("-h or --help","Display this information") arguments.getApplicationUsage().addCommandLineOption("-o","set the output file (defaults to output.ive)") arguments.getApplicationUsage().addCommandLineOption("--makeAllChildrenPaged","Force all children of LOD to be written out as external PagedLOD children") # if user request help write it out to cout. if"-h") or"--help") : arguments.getApplicationUsage().write(std.cout) return 1 outputfile = str("output.ive") while"-o",outputfile) : makeAllChildrenPaged = False while"--makeAllChildrenPaged") : makeAllChildrenPaged = True # any option left unread are converted into errors to write out later. arguments.reportRemainingOptionsAsUnrecognized() # report any errors if they have occurred when parsing the program arguments. if arguments.errors() : arguments.writeErrorMessages(std.cout) return 1 # if arguments.argc()<=1 : # # arguments.getApplicationUsage().write(std.cout,osg.ApplicationUsage.COMMAND_LINE_OPTION) # return 1 # model = osgDB.readNodeFiles(arguments) if not model : osg.notify(osg.NOTICE), "No model loaded." return 1 basename = str( osgDB.getNameLessExtension(outputfile) ) ext = ord(".")+ osgDB.getFileExtension(outputfile) converter = ConvertToPageLODVistor(basename,ext, makeAllChildrenPaged) model.accept(converter) converter.convert() nameNodes = NameVistor() model.accept(nameNodes) #CheckVisitor checkNodes #model.accept(checkNodes) if model.valid() : osgDB.writeNodeFile(*model,outputfile) woplsv = WriteOutPagedLODSubgraphsVistor() model.accept(woplsv) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)