def ld_setup__standing_wave__3rd_order(): global CFG CFG = ld_setup_3rd() #num_cells__global[0] = 192 CFG.num_l = 16 #24 CFG.abs_p_max = .8 CFG.abs_p_num_cells = 750 #600 CFG.abs_p_min = CFG.abs_p_max / (2.0 * CFG.abs_p_num_cells) CFG.dt = .25 # .1 CFG.t_end = 2000.0 #1.0e-18 is border line non-linear... #k_min=( (2.0*np.pi)/(CFG.system_size_max__global[0] - CFG.system_size_min__global[0])) CFG.E_field_profile = None CFG.E_field_profile = profiles.sin(amp=1.0e-8, num_wavelengths=2, wavelength=None, k=None, phase=0.0, isCos=True) #CFG.E_field_profile = profiles.sin( amp=(-1.0e-1/k_min ), num_wavelengths=2, wavelength=None, k=None, phase=0.0, isCos=True) #CFG.E_field_profile = EFieldSinusodialProfile( 1.0e-8, num_wavelengths = 160) #CFG.E_field_profile.echo_time = 200.0 #CFG.E_field_profile.second_pulse_amp = 1.0e-8 #CFG.E_field_profile.second_pulse_num_wavelengths = 160.0 CFG.use_wave_driver = False return CFG
def attempt7(): CFG = attempt4() CFG.E_field_profile = profiles.sin(amp=1.0e-18, num_wavelengths=75, wavelength=None, k=None, phase=0.0, isCos=True) return CFG
def attempt2(): CFG = ld_setup__standing_wave__3rd_order() CFG.num_l = 16 #24 CFG.abs_p_max = .8 CFG.abs_p_num_cells = 750 #600 CFG.abs_p_min = CFG.abs_p_max / (2.0 * CFG.abs_p_num_cells) CFG.t_end = 2000 CFG.E_field_profile = profiles.sin(amp=1.0e-18, num_wavelengths=2, wavelength=None, k=None, phase=0.0, isCos=True) return CFG
def ld_setup_3rd(): global CFG # OVERVIEW # The name of the game is to make a Config object and populate with simulation parameters. # then pass this Config object to Oshun1d.run_sim(config = CFG)) # METHOD 1 # The easiest way to configure is to use one of the predefined 'template' simulations. # Calling one of these template functions passes back a Config object ready to go for some common # use-case simulation. Then you can fongiure it further. # Example: Run the benchmark Spitzer-Harm simulation. #CFG = templates.spitzer_setup() #Oshun1d.run_sim( config = CFG) # METHOD 2 # Another aletenative is to setup the object yourself (usually by copy-n-pasting) from another # exampe or one of the 'template' configuration functions. Below is the copied-n-Pasted contents # of the benchmark Spitzer-Harm simulation # the most basic structral info.... num_cells__global = np.zeros(3) system_size_min__global = np.zeros(3) system_size_max__global = np.zeros(3) num_species = 1 num_cells__global[0] = 1152 / 1 system_size_min__global[0] = 0.0 system_size_max__global[0] = 100.0 CFG = Config(num_cells__global, system_size_min__global, system_size_max__global, num_species) CFG.num_species = 1 CFG.num_l = 16 #4 #4 CFG.num_m = 1 #3 #1 CFG.dt = .1 #.299383 #.01 CFG.t_end = 2000.0 # 50.0*.298462 # 3880.0 CFG.abs_p_max = 1.0 CFG.abs_p_num_cells = 192 CFG.abs_p_min = CFG.abs_p_max / (2.0 * CFG.abs_p_num_cells) CFG.explicit_solver_order = 3 CFG.do_not_abort_on_abs_p_max_warning = False # defaults to False. Oshun checks t see if you abs_p_max if large enough for the initalt temperature. If not it will print a warning and exit. To ignore the warning and still run th simulation, set this to True # Currently, the support values are CFG.PERODIC and CFG.MIRROR CFG.boundryTypeEMF = CFG.PERODIC # feature (module) configuration CFG.use_wave_driver = False # paramteters controlling collisons.. CFG.collsions_enabled = False CFG.if_tridiagonal = True CFG.small_dt = .002 ##.05#0.001 # .1 CFG.if_implicit1D = True # output configuration # For the following options, set the _interval to be non-zero in order for output to show. # Note: Density is given as normalized density which is the density Normalized to the density_np input deck parameter (which is given in [cm^-3]).. so for example, a denisty of 1.0 means denisty_np in [cm^-3] CFG.num_timesteps_between_outputs = 100 CFG.temperature_interval = 100 CFG.Q_interval = 100 CFG.heat_conduction_interval = 100 CFG.density_interval = 100 CFG.v2_interval = 0 CFG.E_interval = 100 # options when outputting the Distribution Function. CFG.F_output_interval = 0 # output X verus V... ie.e phasepsace.. i.e. the distirubtion function # set x limits on plot CFG.F_output_velocity_interval = None # None means auto, to specify specific interval, set to something like [-0.1,0.1] # set vertical range (can do log, too) CFG.F_output_range = None # None means auto, to specify specific interval, set to something like [-0.1,0.1] CFG.F_output_log_scale = False # display output on log scale # Normally, the output is 2D plot of colored squares (color bar on right shows value of distribution function) # By setting the following options, we can also make an addtion plot where we fix space at certain cells, and look at velocity distrubtion CFG.F_output_lineouts = [ 10 ] # set spatial cells indexs at which to do velcity disoution lineouts. None means no lineouts. Otherwise set to something like [0] or something like [0,5,20] CFG.E_field_profile = profiles.sin(amp=.1, num_wavelengths=1.0, wavelength=None, k=None, phase=0.0) for i in range(0, CFG.num_species): temp = SpeciesConfig() CFG.species_config[i] = temp = "Species %d" % i temp.charge = -1.0 temp.mass = 1.0 # the density in 1/cm^3 temp.density_np = 1.0e20 temp.zeta = 1.0 # set the boundry for the species distrubution function to the same as used by the EMF Fields. # (This is the only support mode for now.. you will be able to specifcy species boundries indepent of the EMF boundries soon) temp.boundryType = CFG.boundryTypeEMF # temp.min_allowed_temperature = 0.0001 by default # This paramter ensures no zero temperatures are initalized. Any tmeperatures < min_allowed_temperature # will be set to min_allowed_temperature. # To use an abritrary temperature profile, load in (or create) an array that is of size equal # to num_cells__global[0] (i.e. the total number of spatial cells in the simulation). Say this array is named 'inital_profile' # 'inital_profile' can be specified in electron volts or in normalized proper momentum (i,e beta*gamma) # Set the units='ev' if the profile is in electron volts or units='vth' if if is in normalized proper momentum # An example that makes a boring 500 ev constant profile: ev_profile = np.ones(num_cells__global[0]) ev_profile *= 1000 temp.temp_profile = ArbitraryTemperatureProfile(profile=ev_profile, units='ev') # .024 is 300ev #temp.temp_profile = SinusodialProfile( 0.025, pt_offset = 0.024 ) # Note: another, newer way to use the sinusodial profile in terms of electron volts #temp.temp_profile = SinusodialProfile( 20, pt_offset = 300,units='ev' ) #temp.temp_profile = ConstantProfile( 4.420e-2) # If not specified, the density profile defaults to a constant profile of value 1.0 # Here, for demonstration, we set a constant profile using the ArbitraryDensityProfile option. # We don't specify a profile, but nstead only the number of cells. This returns an array of the # appropiate size it it's .profile propery...which we can subsequently set to desired values. # This also works for the temperature profile. # # We could also simply use: # temp.density_profile = ConstantProfile(1.0) #temp.density_profile = ArbitraryDensityProfile ( num_cells = num_cells__global[0] ) #temp.density_profile.profile[:] = 1.0 temp.density_profile = ConstantProfile(1.0) return CFG