  def __init__( self, iface ):
    QDialog.__init__( self, iface.mainWindow() )
    self.iface = iface
    self.setupUi( self )

    self.osm2pgsql_path.setText( osm_tools.get_osm2pgsql_path() )
    self.osmosis_path.setText( osm_tools.get_osmosis_path() )

    QObject.connect( self.set_osm2pgsql_path, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.set_osm2pgsql )
    QObject.connect( self.set_osmosis_path, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.set_osmosis )
    def startCommand(self):
        self.first = True
        #proj4 = str(self.parent.canvas.mapRenderer().destinationSrs().toProj4()).strip()
        #proj_str = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'
        epsg = self.parent.canvas.mapRenderer().destinationSrs().epsg()
        if not epsg == 4326:
            self.err_msg('Projection must be in WGS 84/ESPG 4326 to run this command')
        input = str(self.input.text())
        if not input:
            self.err_msg('Please provide and input .osm (or compressed .osm.bz2) file')
            return False
        if ';' in input:
            input = ' '.join(["%s" % i for i in input.split(';')])
            input = '"%s"' % input

        style = str(self.style.text())
        if not style:
            style = default_style

        settings = QSettings()
        selected = self.comboBox.currentText()
        settings.beginGroup( u"/PostgreSQL/connections/%s" % selected )
        if not settings.contains("database"): # non-existent entry?
          QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "Unable to connect: there is no defined database connection \"%s\"." % selected)
        get_value_str = lambda x: unicode(settings.value(x).toString())
        host, db, username, password = map(get_value_str, ["host", "database", "username", "password"])
        port = settings.value("port").toInt()[0]
        if not password and not settings.value("save").toBool():
          (password, ok) = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Enter password", "Enter password for connection (or leave blank) \"%s\":" % selected, QLineEdit.Password)
          if not ok: return

        if not username:
          (username, ok) = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Enter username", "Enter username for connection (or leave blank) \"%s\":" % selected)
          if not ok: return

        # set env
        path = os.environ['PATH']
        if not '/usr/local/bin' in path:
            path += ':/usr/local/bin'
        custom_path = str(osm_tools.get_osm2pgsql_path())
        if custom_path and custom_path not in path:
            path = '%s:%s' % (custom_path,path)
        os.environ['PATH'] = path

        #self.command_output.append('sysenv: %s ' % ','.join([str(i) for i in self.process.systemEnvironment()]))
        cmd = '''osm2pgsql %(input)s -d %(db)s -S "%(style)s"''' % locals()
        if password:
            cmd += ' -W'
        if username:
            cmd += ' -U %s' % username
        if self.use_slim.isChecked():
            cmd += ' --slim'
        if self.srs_choice.currentIndex() == 0:
            cmd += ' -l'
        if self.use_bbox_filter.isChecked():
            # TODO - uninitialized bounds not predicatable across platforms
            if self.bounds == '0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0':
                self.err_msg('<span style="color:red;"><b>Please zoom into a relevant area using existing data</b></span>')
                cmd += ' --bbox %s' % self.bounds
        # requires extending the style file
        # should not be used with hstore support
        if self.use_extra_attributes.isChecked():
            cmd += ' --extra-attributes'

        # not seeing a reason to expose these yet...
        #if self.use_multigeometry.isChecked():
        #    cmd += ' --multi-geometry'
        # Advanced features users will not likely need...
        # We can enable if need be
        #if self.use_hstore.isChecked():
        #    cmd += ' --hstore'
        #if self.radio_append.isChecked():
        #    cmd += ' --append'

        if not self.process.waitForStarted():
            self.err_msg('The command line tool osm2pgsql was not found.<br><br> Either it is not installed correctly or it is not available on your system PATH. <br><br>See OSM Tools > Tool Settings where you can set a custom location for the tool. <br><br>For information on installing osm2pgsql see:<br><br> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osm2pgsql')

        # TODO, if password is written, stdout stalls
        if password:
            byte_pass = QByteArray()