def get_footprints(perimeter=None, point=None, radius=None, footprint='building'): if perimeter is not None: # Boundary defined by polygon (perimeter) footprints = ox.geometries_from_polygon( union(perimeter.geometry), tags={footprint: True} if type(footprint) == str else footprint) perimeter = union(ox.project_gdf(perimeter).geometry) elif (point is not None) and (radius is not None): # Boundary defined by circle with radius 'radius' around point footprints = ox.geometries_from_point( point, dist=radius, tags={footprint: True} if type(footprint) == str else footprint) perimeter = GeoDataFrame(geometry=[Point(point[::-1])], perimeter = ox.project_gdf(perimeter).geometry[0].buffer(radius) if len(footprints) > 0: footprints = ox.project_gdf(footprints) footprints = [[x] if type(x) == Polygon else x for x in footprints.geometry if type(x) in [Polygon, MultiPolygon]] footprints = list( np.concatenate(footprints)) if len(footprints) > 0 else [] footprints = [pathify(x) for x in footprints if x.within(perimeter)] return footprints, perimeter
def GenerateOSMPOIs(self): # old way in OSMNX # df = ox.pois_from_polygon(polygon = self.bbox, amenities = self.tags) # note that even as of Dec, 2020 the code below will be depreciated, as OSMNX deleted the poi modeule in favor of the new geometries module #df = ox.pois_from_polygon(polygon = self.bbox, tags = {'amenity':self.current_amenity} ) df = ox.geometries_from_polygon(self.bbox, self.tags).reset_index() print(f"is df empty: {df.empty}") if df.empty == True: return df points = df.copy() points = points.loc[points['element_type'] == 'node'] polygons = df.copy() polygons = polygons.loc[polygons['element_type'] == 'way'] polygons['geometry'] = polygons.centroid multipolys = df.copy() multipolys = multipolys.loc[multipolys['element_type'] == 'relation'] multipolys['geometry'] = multipolys['geometry'].apply( lambda x: self.RelationtoPoint(x)) df = pd.concat([ pd.DataFrame(points), pd.DataFrame(polygons), pd.DataFrame(multipolys) ], ignore_index=True) self.df = df return df
def _download_geometries(place, download_method, tags, crs, distance = 500.0): """ The function downloads certain geometries from OSM, by means of OSMNX functions. It returns a GeoDataFrame, that could be empty when no geometries are found, with the provided tags. Parameters ---------- place: string name of cities or areas in OSM: when using "OSMpolygon" please provide the name of a "relation" in OSM as an argument of "place"; when using "distance_from_address" provide an existing OSM address; when using "OSMplace" provide an OSM place name download_method: string {"polygon", "distance_from_address", "OSMplace"} it indicates the method that should be used for downloading the data. tag: dict the desired OSMN tags crs: string the coordinate system of the case study area Returns ------- geometries_gdf: GeoDataFrame the resulting GeoDataFrame """ if download_method == 'distance_from_address': geometries_gdf = ox.geometries_from_address(place, tags = tags, dist = distance) elif download_method == 'OSMplace': geometries_gdf = ox.geometries_from_place(place, tags = tags) else: geometries_gdf = ox.geometries_from_polygon(place, tags = tags) geometries_gdf = geometries_gdf.to_crs(crs) return geometries_gdf
def get_urban_rail_fromOSM(place, download_method, epsg, distance=7000): """ The function downloads and creates a simplified OSMNx graph for a selected area's urban rail network. Afterwards, GeoDataFrames for nodes and edges are created, assigning new nodeID and edgeID identifiers. Parameters ---------- place: string name of cities or areas in OSM: when using "OSMpolygon" please provide the name of a "relation" in OSM as an argument of "place"; when using "distance_from_address" provide an existing OSM address; when using "OSMplace" provide an OSM place name download_method: string {"polygon", "distance_from_address", "OSMplace"} it indicates the method that should be used for downloading the data. When 'polygon' the shape to get network data within. coordinates should be in unprojected latitude-longitude degrees (EPSG:4326). epsg: int epsg of the area considered; if None OSMNx is used for the projection distance: float it is used only if download_method == "distance from address" Returns ------- nodes_gdf, edges_gdf: Tuple of GeoDataFrames the nodes and edges GeoDataFrames """ crs = 'EPSG:' + str(epsg) tag = {'railway': True} if download_method == 'distance_from_address': railways_gdf = ox.geometries_from_address(place, tags=tag, dist=distance) elif download_method == 'OSMplace': railways_gdf = ox.geometries_from_place(place, tags=tag) else: railways_gdf = ox.geometries_from_polygon(place, tags=tag) print(railways_gdf.columns) railways_gdf = railways_gdf.to_crs(crs) to_keep = ["rail", "light_rail", "subway"] railways_gdf = railways_gdf[railways_gdf.railway.isin(to_keep)] railways_gdf['type'] = railways_gdf['railway'] railways_gdf['length'] = railways_gdf.geometry.length railways_gdf = railways_gdf[[ "geometry", "length", "name", "type", "bridge", "tunnel" ]] railways_gdf.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) railways_gdf['edgeID'] = railways_gdf.index.values.astype(int) = None return railways_gdf
def extract_osm_csv(district_poly: Polygon, tags: dict = default_tags) -> pd.DataFrame: """Given the geometry of a district polygon and a set of tags (for different ammenities), the method extracts a pandas dataframe using OpenStreetMaps API. Args: district_poly (Polygon): Polygon geometry of a district tags (dict, optional): Tags to be passed on the OSM API to extract relevant data for a district. Defaults to default_tags. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A pandas dataframe containing a list of ammenities and other features for a given district. """ district_osmdf = ox.geometries_from_polygon(district_poly, tags=tags) return district_osmdf
def _get_city_data_within_city_limits(self): if self.city_dict['cycleways'] is True: self.cycleways = self._get_cycleways() if self.city_dict['roads'] is True: self.roads = ox.graph_from_place(self.city_name, network_type='drive') if self.city_dict['water'] is True: self.water = ox.geometries_from_polygon(self.city_area.unary_union, tags=self.water_tags) if self.city_dict['green'] is True: = ox.geometries_from_polygon(self.city_area.unary_union, tags=self.green_tags) if self.city_dict['buildings'] is True: self.buildings = ox.geometries_from_place(self.city_name, tags={ "building": True, 'landuse': 'construction' }) if self.city_dict['railways'] is True: self.railways = ox.geometries_from_place(self.city_name, tags=self.railway_tags)
def osm_gdf_from_polygon(polygon, tags): """Create GeoDataFrame of OSM entities within boundaries of a (multi)polygon. Args: polygon (shapely.geometry.Polygon | shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon): Geographic boundaries to fetch geometries within tags (dict): Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not intersection of each individual tag. Each result matches at least one given tag. The dict keys should be OSM tags, (e.g., building, landuse, highway, etc) and the dict values should be either True to retrieve all items with the given tag, or a string to get a single tag-value combination, or a list of strings to get multiple values for the given tag. For example, tags = {‘building’: True} would return all building footprints in the area. tags = {‘amenity’:True, ‘landuse’:[‘retail’,’commercial’], ‘highway’:’bus_stop’} would return all amenities, landuse=retail, landuse=commercial, and highway=bus_stop. Returns: GeoDataFrame: A GeoDataFrame of OSM entities. """ check_package("osmnx", "") import osmnx as ox gdf = ox.geometries_from_polygon(polygon, tags) return gdf
def get_buildings_fromOSM(place, download_method, epsg=None, distance=1000): """ The function downloads and cleans buildings footprint geometries and create a buildings GeoDataFrames for the area of interest. The function exploits OSMNx functions for downloading the data as well as for projecting it. The land use classification for each building is extracted. Only relevant columns are kept. Parameters ---------- place: string, tuple name of cities or areas in OSM: when using "from point" please provide a (lat, lon) tuple to create the bounding box around it; when using "distance_from_address" provide an existing OSM address; when using "OSMplace" provide an OSM place name download_method: string, {"from_point", "distance_from_address", "OSMplace"} it indicates the method that should be used for downloading the data. epsg: int epsg of the area considered; if None OSMNx is used for the projection distance: float Specify distance from address or point Returns ------- buildings_gdf: Polygon GeoDataFrame the buildings GeoDataFrame """ columns_to_keep = [ 'amenity', 'building', 'geometry', 'historic', 'land_use_raw' ] if download_method == "distance_from_address": buildings_gdf = ox.geometries_from_address(address=place, dist=distance, tags={"building": True}) elif download_method == "OSMplace": buildings_gdf = ox.geometries_from_place(place, tags={"building": True}) elif download_method == "from_point": buildings_gdf = ox.geometries_from_point(center_point=place, dist=distance, tags={"building": True}) elif download_method == "OSMpolygon": buildings_gdf = ox.geometries_from_polygon(place, tags={"building": True}) else: raise downloadError( 'Provide a download method amongst {"from_point", "distance_from_address", "OSMplace", "OSMpolygon}' ) if epsg is None: buildings_gdf = ox.projection.project_gdf(buildings_gdf) else: crs = 'EPSG:' + str(epsg) buildings_gdf = buildings_gdf.to_crs(crs) buildings_gdf['land_use_raw'] = None for column in buildings_gdf.columns: if column.startswith('building:use:'): buildings_gdf.loc[pd.notnull(buildings_gdf[column]), 'land_use_raw'] = column[13:] if column not in columns_to_keep: buildings_gdf.drop(column, axis=1, inplace=True) buildings_gdf = buildings_gdf[~buildings_gdf['geometry'].is_empty] buildings_gdf['building'].replace('yes', np.nan, inplace=True) buildings_gdf['building'][ buildings_gdf['building'].isnull()] = buildings_gdf['amenity'] buildings_gdf['land_use_raw'][ buildings_gdf['land_use_raw'].isnull()] = buildings_gdf['building'] buildings_gdf['land_use_raw'][ buildings_gdf['land_use_raw'].isnull()] = 'residential' buildings_gdf = buildings_gdf[['geometry', 'historic', 'land_use_raw']] buildings_gdf['area'] = buildings_gdf.geometry.area buildings_gdf = buildings_gdf[buildings_gdf['area'] >= 50] # reset index buildings_gdf = buildings_gdf.reset_index(drop=True) buildings_gdf['buildingID'] = buildings_gdf.index.values.astype('int') return buildings_gdf