    def publish_JointCommand(self):
        # initialize JointCommands message
        command = JointCommands()
        command.name = list(atlasJointNames)
        n = len(command.name)
        command.position = zeros(n)
        command.velocity = zeros(n)
        command.effort = zeros(n)
        command.kp_position = zeros(n)
        command.ki_position = zeros(n)
        command.kd_position = zeros(n)
        command.kp_velocity = zeros(n)
        command.i_effort_min = zeros(n)
        command.i_effort_max = zeros(n)

        # now get gains from parameter server
        for i in xrange(len(command.name)):
            name = command.name[i]
            command.position[i] = 0.0
            command.kp_position[i] = rospy.get_param("atlas_controller/gains/" + name[7::] + "/p")
            command.ki_position[i] = rospy.get_param("atlas_controller/gains/" + name[7::] + "/i")
            command.kd_position[i] = rospy.get_param("atlas_controller/gains/" + name[7::] + "/d")
            command.i_effort_max[i] = rospy.get_param("atlas_controller/gains/" + name[7::] + "/i_clamp")
            command.i_effort_min[i] = -command.i_effort_max[i]

        for (name, joint) in self.free_joints.items():
            counter = 0
            appended_name = "atlas::" + name
            for item in atlasJointNames:
                if item.find(appended_name) != -1:
                    command.position[counter] = joint["value"]
                counter = counter + 1
def jointTrajectoryCommandCallback(msg):
  while rospy.get_rostime().to_sec() == 0.0:
  with lock:
    if currentJointState == None:
      print "/atlas/joint_states is not published"

    atlasJointNames = [
      'atlas::back_lbz', 'atlas::back_mby', 'atlas::back_ubx',
      'atlas::l_arm_elx', 'atlas::l_arm_ely', 'atlas::l_arm_mwx', 'atlas::l_arm_shx', 'atlas::l_arm_usy', 'atlas::l_arm_uwy',
      'atlas::r_arm_elx', 'atlas::r_arm_ely', 'atlas::r_arm_mwx', 'atlas::r_arm_shx', 'atlas::r_arm_usy', 'atlas::r_arm_uwy', 
      'atlas::l_leg_kny', 'atlas::l_leg_lax', 'atlas::l_leg_lhy', 'atlas::l_leg_mhx', 'atlas::l_leg_uay', 'atlas::l_leg_uhz', 
      'atlas::r_leg_kny', 'atlas::r_leg_lax', 'atlas::r_leg_lhy', 'atlas::r_leg_mhx', 'atlas::r_leg_uay', 'atlas::r_leg_uhz', 

    # initialize JointCommands message
    command = JointCommands()
    command.name = list(atlasJointNames)
    n = len(command.name)
    command.position     = zeros(n)
    command.velocity     = zeros(n)
    command.effort       = zeros(n)
    command.kp_position  = zeros(n)
    command.ki_position  = zeros(n)
    command.kd_position  = zeros(n)
    command.kp_velocity  = zeros(n)
    command.i_effort_min = zeros(n)
    command.i_effort_max = zeros(n)

    # now get gains from parameter server
    for i in xrange(len(command.name)):
      name = command.name[i]
      command.kp_position[i]  = rospy.get_param('atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/p')
      command.ki_position[i]  = rospy.get_param('atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/i')
      command.kd_position[i]  = rospy.get_param('atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/d')
      command.i_effort_max[i] = rospy.get_param('atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/i_clamp')
      command.i_effort_min[i] = -command.i_effort_max[i]

    # set up the publisher
    pub = rospy.Publisher('/atlas/joint_commands', JointCommands, queue_size=1)

    # for each trajectory
    for i in xrange(0, len(atlasJointNames)):
      # get initial joint positions
      initialPosition = array(currentJointState.position)
      # first value is time duration
      dt = 10.0
      # subsequent values are desired joint positions
      commandPosition = array([ float(x) for x in currentJointState.position ])
      commandPosition[atlasJointNames.index('atlas::back_lbz')] = msg.data # overwrite command angle by subscribed value
      # desired publish interval
      dtPublish = 0.02
      n = ceil(dt / dtPublish)
      for ratio in linspace(0, 1, n):
        interpCommand = (1-ratio)*initialPosition + ratio * commandPosition
        command.position = [ float(x) for x in interpCommand ]
    def publish_JointCommand(self):
        # initialize JointCommands message
        command = JointCommands()
        command.name = list(atlasJointNames)
        n = len(command.name)
        command.position = zeros(n)
        command.velocity = zeros(n)
        command.effort = zeros(n)
        command.kp_position = zeros(n)
        command.ki_position = zeros(n)
        command.kd_position = zeros(n)
        command.kp_velocity = zeros(n)
        command.i_effort_min = zeros(n)
        command.i_effort_max = zeros(n)

        # now get gains from parameter server
        for i in xrange(len(command.name)):
            name = command.name[i]
            command.position[i] = 0.0
            command.kp_position[i] = rospy.get_param(
                'atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/p')
            command.ki_position[i] = rospy.get_param(
                'atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/i')
            command.kd_position[i] = rospy.get_param(
                'atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/d')
            command.i_effort_max[i] = rospy.get_param(
                'atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/i_clamp')
            command.i_effort_min[i] = -command.i_effort_max[i]

        for (name, joint) in self.free_joints.items():
            counter = 0
            appended_name = "atlas::" + name
            for item in atlasJointNames:
                if item.find(appended_name) != -1:
                    command.position[counter] = joint['value']
                counter = counter + 1
    def _send_walking_command_to_atlas(self):
        print "entering AtlasController._send_walking_command_to_atlas()"

        self._sending_thread_started = True

        atlasJointNames = []
        n = len(self._current_state.position)
        for i in xrange(n):
        command = JointCommands()
        command.name = list(atlasJointNames)
        command.position = self._output
        command.velocity = self._current_state.velocity
        command.effort = self._current_state.effort
        command.kp_position = np.zeros(n)
        command.ki_position = np.zeros(n)
        command.kd_position = np.zeros(n)
        command.kp_velocity = np.zeros(n)
        command.i_effort_min = np.zeros(n)
        command.i_effort_max = np.zeros(n)
        # self._get_gains_from_actionlib_server()
        gains = self._gains
        for i in xrange(n):
            command.kp_position[i] = gains[
            command.ki_position[i] = gains[
            command.kd_position[i] = gains[
            command.i_effort_max[i] = gains[
            command.i_effort_min[i] = -command.i_effort_max[i]
        print "leaving AtlasController._send_walking_command_to_atlas()"
    def _send_walking_command_to_atlas(self):
        print "entering AtlasController._send_walking_command_to_atlas()"

        self._sending_thread_started = True

        atlasJointNames = []
        n = len(self._current_state.position)
        for i in xrange(n):
        command = JointCommands()
        command.name = list(atlasJointNames)
        command.position = self._output
        command.velocity = self._current_state.velocity
        command.effort = self._current_state.effort
        command.kp_position = np.zeros(n)
        command.ki_position = np.zeros(n)
        command.kd_position = np.zeros(n)
        command.kp_velocity = np.zeros(n)
        command.i_effort_min = np.zeros(n)
        command.i_effort_max = np.zeros(n)
        # self._get_gains_from_actionlib_server()
        gains = self._gains
        for i in xrange(n):
            command.kp_position[i] = gains[
            command.ki_position[i] = gains[
            command.kd_position[i] = gains[
            command.i_effort_max[i] = gains[
            command.i_effort_min[i] = -command.i_effort_max[i]
        print "leaving AtlasController._send_walking_command_to_atlas()"
  # Setup subscriber to atlas states
  rospy.Subscriber("/atlas/joint_states", JointState, jointStatesCallback)

  # initialize JointCommands message
  command = JointCommands()
  command.name = list(atlasJointNames)
  n = len(command.name)
  command.position     = zeros(n)
  command.velocity     = zeros(n)
  command.effort       = zeros(n)
  command.kp_position  = zeros(n)
  command.ki_position  = zeros(n)
  command.kd_position  = zeros(n)
  command.kp_velocity  = zeros(n)
  command.i_effort_min = zeros(n)
  command.i_effort_max = zeros(n)

  # now get gains from parameter server
  for i in xrange(len(command.name)):
    name = command.name[i]
    command.kp_position[i]  = rospy.get_param('atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/p')
    command.ki_position[i]  = rospy.get_param('atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/i')
    command.kd_position[i]  = rospy.get_param('atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/d')
    command.i_effort_max[i] = rospy.get_param('atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/i_clamp')
    command.i_effort_min[i] = -command.i_effort_max[i]

  # set up the publisher
  pub = rospy.Publisher('/atlas/joint_commands', JointCommands, queue_size=1)

  # for each trajectory
    # Setup subscriber to atlas states
    rospy.Subscriber("/atlas/joint_states", JointState, jointStatesCallback)

    # initialize JointCommands message
    command = JointCommands()
    command.name = list(atlasJointNames)
    n = len(command.name)
    command.position = zeros(n)
    command.velocity = zeros(n)
    command.effort = zeros(n)
    command.kp_position = zeros(n)
    command.ki_position = zeros(n)
    command.kd_position = zeros(n)
    command.kp_velocity = zeros(n)
    command.i_effort_min = zeros(n)
    command.i_effort_max = zeros(n)

    # now get gains from parameter server
    for i in xrange(len(command.name)):
        name = command.name[i]
        command.kp_position[i] = rospy.get_param("atlas_controller/gains/" + name[7::] + "/p")
        command.ki_position[i] = rospy.get_param("atlas_controller/gains/" + name[7::] + "/i")
        command.kd_position[i] = rospy.get_param("atlas_controller/gains/" + name[7::] + "/d")
        command.i_effort_max[i] = rospy.get_param("atlas_controller/gains/" + name[7::] + "/i_clamp")
        command.i_effort_min[i] = -command.i_effort_max[i]

    # set up the publisher
    pub = rospy.Publisher("/atlas/joint_commands", JointCommands, queue_size=1)

    # for each trajectory
def jointTrajectoryCommandCallback(msg):
    while rospy.get_rostime().to_sec() == 0.0:

    with lock:
        if currentJointState == None:
            print "/atlas/joint_states is not published"

        atlasJointNames = [
            'atlas::back_lbz', 'atlas::back_mby', 'atlas::back_ubx',
            'atlas::l_arm_elx', 'atlas::l_arm_ely', 'atlas::l_arm_mwx',
            'atlas::l_arm_shx', 'atlas::l_arm_usy', 'atlas::l_arm_uwy',
            'atlas::r_arm_elx', 'atlas::r_arm_ely', 'atlas::r_arm_mwx',
            'atlas::r_arm_shx', 'atlas::r_arm_usy', 'atlas::r_arm_uwy',
            'atlas::l_leg_kny', 'atlas::l_leg_lax', 'atlas::l_leg_lhy',
            'atlas::l_leg_mhx', 'atlas::l_leg_uay', 'atlas::l_leg_uhz',
            'atlas::r_leg_kny', 'atlas::r_leg_lax', 'atlas::r_leg_lhy',
            'atlas::r_leg_mhx', 'atlas::r_leg_uay', 'atlas::r_leg_uhz',

        # initialize JointCommands message
        command = JointCommands()
        command.name = list(atlasJointNames)
        n = len(command.name)
        command.position = zeros(n)
        command.velocity = zeros(n)
        command.effort = zeros(n)
        command.kp_position = zeros(n)
        command.ki_position = zeros(n)
        command.kd_position = zeros(n)
        command.kp_velocity = zeros(n)
        command.i_effort_min = zeros(n)
        command.i_effort_max = zeros(n)

        # now get gains from parameter server
        for i in xrange(len(command.name)):
            name = command.name[i]
            command.kp_position[i] = rospy.get_param(
                'atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/p')
            command.ki_position[i] = rospy.get_param(
                'atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/i')
            command.kd_position[i] = rospy.get_param(
                'atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/d')
            command.i_effort_max[i] = rospy.get_param(
                'atlas_controller/gains/' + name[7::] + '/i_clamp')
            command.i_effort_min[i] = -command.i_effort_max[i]

        # set up the publisher
        pub = rospy.Publisher('/atlas/joint_commands',

        # for each trajectory
        for i in xrange(0, len(atlasJointNames)):
            # get initial joint positions
            initialPosition = array(currentJointState.position)
            # first value is time duration
            dt = 10.0
            # subsequent values are desired joint positions
            commandPosition = array(
                [float(x) for x in currentJointState.position])
            )] = msg.data  # overwrite command angle by subscribed value
            # desired publish interval
            dtPublish = 0.02
            n = ceil(dt / dtPublish)
            for ratio in linspace(0, 1, n):
                interpCommand = (
                    1 - ratio) * initialPosition + ratio * commandPosition
                command.position = [float(x) for x in interpCommand]
    def start(self):
        Sends the command

        # Some useful vectors
        vector0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        vector1 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
        vector5 = [5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5]
        vector20 = [20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20]
        vector100 = [
            100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
        vector500 = [
            500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500

        # left hand:
        # index 0: pointer finger, 1 moves towards middle finger
        # index 1: pointer finger, 1 moves towards palm
        # index 2: pointer finger, 1 moves towards palm
        # index 3: middle finger, 1 moves towards pinky
        # index 4: middle finger, 1 moves towards palm
        # index 5: middle finger, 1 moves towards palm
        # index 6: pinky finger, 1 moves towards away from middle finger
        # index 7: pinky finger, 1 moves towards palm
        # index 8: pinky finger, 1 moves towards palm
        # index 9: thumb finger, 1 moves towards fingers
        # index 10: thumb finger, 1 moves towards fingers
        # index 11: thumb finger, 1 moves towards towards fingers

        leftCommand = JointCommands()
        leftCommand.name = [
            'left_f0_j0', 'left_f0_j1', 'left_f0_j2', 'left_f1_j0',
            'left_f1_j1', 'left_f1_j2', 'left_f2_j0', 'left_f2_j1',
            'left_f2_j2', 'left_f3_j0', 'left_f3_j1', 'left_f3_j2'
        leftCommand.position = vector0
        leftCommand.velocity = vector0
        leftCommand.effort = vector0
        leftCommand.kp_position = vector500  # position error gain
        leftCommand.ki_position = vector1  # sum of position error gain
        leftCommand.kd_position = vector0  # change in position error over time gain
        leftCommand.kp_velocity = vector0  # velocity error gain
        leftCommand.i_effort_min = [
            -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000,
            -1000, -1000
        leftCommand.i_effort_max = [
            1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000

        rightCommand = JointCommands()
        rightCommand.name = [
            'right_f0_j0', 'right_f0_j1', 'right_f0_j2', 'right_f1_j0',
            'right_f1_j1', 'right_f1_j2', 'right_f2_j0', 'right_f2_j1',
            'right_f2_j2', 'right_f3_j0', 'right_f3_j1', 'right_f3_j2'
        rightCommand.position = vector0
        rightCommand.velocity = vector0
        rightCommand.effort = vector0
        rightCommand.kp_position = vector500  # position error gain
        rightCommand.ki_position = vector1  # sum of position error gain
        rightCommand.kd_position = vector0  # change in position error over time gain
        rightCommand.kp_velocity = vector0  # velocity error gain
        rightCommand.i_effort_min = [
            -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000,
            -1000, -1000
        rightCommand.i_effort_max = [
            1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000

        count = 0
        while not rospy.is_shutdown() and count < 5:
            rospy.loginfo("Sending command, attempt {0} of {1}.".format(
                count + 1, 5))

            rightCommand.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

            leftCommand.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

            count = count + 1

            if count < 5:

        rospy.loginfo("Done sending hand commands.")