def grd2ArdBatch(inputDf, dwnDir, prcDir, tmpDir, procParam):

    # get params
    outResolution = procParam['resolution']
    prdType = procParam['prdType']
    lsMask = procParam['lsMask']
    spkFlt = procParam['spkFlt']
    subset = procParam['subset']
    polarisation = procParam['polarisation']

    # we create a processing dictionary,
    # where all frames are grouped into acquisitions
    procDict = refine.createProcDict(inputDf)

    for track, allScenes in procDict.items():
        for sceneList in procDict[track]:

            # get acquisition date
            acqDate = s1Metadata(sceneList[0]).start_date
            # create a subdirectory baed on acq. date
            outDir = opj(prcDir, track, acqDate)
            os.makedirs(outDir, exist_ok=True)

            # get the paths to the file
            scenePaths = ([s1Metadata(i).s1DwnPath(dwnDir) for i in sceneList])

            # apply the grd2ard function
            grd2Ard.grd2Ard(scenePaths, outDir, acqDate, tmpDir, outResolution,
                            prdType, lsMask, spkFlt, subset, polarisation)
def createBurstGdf(footprintGdf, uname=None, pword=None):

    # create column names for empty data frame
    colNames = ['SceneID', 'Date', 'SwathID', 'BurstID', 'BurstNr', 'geometry']

    # crs for empty dataframe
    crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'}
    # create empty dataframe
    gdfFull = gpd.GeoDataFrame(columns=colNames, crs=crs)
    #uname, pword = scihub.askScihubCreds()

    for sceneId in footprintGdf.identifier:
        s = metadata.s1Metadata(sceneId)
        if os.path.exists(s.s1IPTpath()):
            gdfFull = gdfFull.append(s.s1IPTAnno())
            if s.checkOnlineStatus is False:
                    ' INFO: Product needs to be online to create a burst database.'
                    ' INFO: Download the product first and do the burst list from the local data.'
                gdfFull = gdfFull.append(s.s1EsaAnno(uname, pword))

    return gdfFull
def createBurstGdfOffline(footprintGdf, dwnDir):

    # create column names for empty data frame
    colNames = ['SceneID', 'Date', 'SwathID', 'BurstID', 'BurstNr', 'geometry']

    # crs for empty dataframe
    crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'}
    # create empty dataframe
    gdfFull = gpd.GeoDataFrame(columns=colNames, crs=crs)

    for sceneId in footprintGdf.identifier:

        s = metadata.s1Metadata(sceneId)
        gdfFull = gdfFull.append(s.s1DwnAnno(dwnDir))

    return gdfFull
def downloadS1(inputGDF, dwnDir, concurrent=4):

    print(' INFO: One or more of your scenes need to be downloaded.')
    print(' Select the server from where you want to download:')
    print(' (1) Copernicus Apihub (ESA, rolling archive)')
    print(' (2) Alaska Satellite Facility (NASA, full archive)')
    print(' (3) PEPS (CNES, 1 year rolling archive)')
    #mirror = input(' Type 1, 2 or 3: ')
    mirror = input(' Type 1, 2 or 3: ')

    print(' Please provide username and password for the selected server')
    uname = input(' Username:'******' Password:'******'1':
        errCode = checkApihubConn(uname, pword)
    elif mirror == '2':
        errCode = checkASFConn(uname, pword)
    elif mirror == '3':
        errCode = checkPepsConn(uname, pword)

    if mirror is not '3':
        # check response
        if errCode == 401:
            raise ValueError(' ERROR: Username/Password are incorrect.')
        elif errCode != 200:
            raise ValueError(' Some connection error.')

        # check if all scenes exist
        scenes = inputGDF['identifier'].tolist()

        dowList = []
        asfList = []

        for sceneID in scenes:
            scene = s1Metadata(sceneID)
            dlPath = '{}/SAR/{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(dwnDir, scene.product_type,
                                                 scene.year, scene.month,

            fileName = '{}.zip'.format(scene.scene_id)

            uuid = inputGDF['uuid'][inputGDF['identifier'] == sceneID].tolist()

            if os.path.isdir(dlPath) is False:

            # in case the data has been downloaded before
            #if os.path.exists('{}/{}'.format(dlPath, fileName)) is False:
            # create list objects for download
                [uuid[0], '{}/{}'.format(dlPath, fileName), uname, pword])
                scene.s1ASFURL(), '{}/{}'.format(dlPath, fileName), uname,

            # download in parallel
        if mirror == '1':  # scihub
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=2)
            pool.map(s1ApihubDownload, dowList)
        elif mirror == '2':  # ASF
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=concurrent)
            pool.map(s1ASFDownload, asfList)
    elif mirror is '3':  # PEPS
        batchDownloadPeps(inputGDF, dwnDir, uname, pword, concurrent)
def batchDownloadPeps(fpDataFrame, dwnDir, uname, pword, concurrent=10):

        ' INFO: Getting the storage status (online/onTape) of each scene on the Peps server.'
    print(' INFO: This may take a while.')

    # this function does not just check,
    # but it already triggers the production of the S1 scene
    fpDataFrame['pepsStatus'], fpDataFrame['pepsUrl'] = (zip(*[
        s1Metadata(x).s1PepsStatus(uname, pword)
        for x in fpDataFrame.identifier.tolist()

    # as long as there are any scenes left for downloading, loop
    while len(fpDataFrame[fpDataFrame['pepsStatus'] != 'downloaded']) > 0:

        # excluded downlaoded scenes
        fpDataFrame = fpDataFrame[fpDataFrame['pepsStatus'] != 'downloaded']

        # recheck for status
        fpDataFrame['pepsStatus'], fpDataFrame['pepsUrl'] = (zip(*[
            s1Metadata(x).s1PepsStatus(uname, pword)
            for x in fpDataFrame.identifier.tolist()

        # if all scenes to download are on Tape, we wait for a minute
        if len(fpDataFrame[fpDataFrame['pepsStatus'] == 'online']) == 0:
                'INFO: Imagery still on tape, we will wait for 1 minute and try again.'

        # else we start downloading

            # create the pepslist for parallel download
            pepsList = []
            for index, row in fpDataFrame[fpDataFrame['pepsStatus'] ==

                # get scene identifier
                sceneID = row.identifier
                # construct download path
                scene = s1Metadata(sceneID)
                dwnFile = scene.s1DwnPath(dwnDir)
                # put all info to the pepslist for parallelised download
                    fpDataFrame.pepsUrl[fpDataFrame.identifier ==
                                        sceneID].tolist()[0], dwnFile, uname,

            # parallelised download
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=concurrent)
            pool.map(s1PepsDownload, pepsList)

            # routine to check if the file has been downloaded
            for index, row in fpDataFrame[fpDataFrame['pepsStatus'] ==

                # get scene identifier
                sceneID = row.identifier
                # construct download path
                scene = s1Metadata(sceneID)
                dwnFile = scene.s1DwnPath(dwnDir)
                if os.path.exists(dwnFile):
                    fpDataFrame.at[index, 'pepsStatus'] = 'downloaded'
def checkSceneAvailability(inputGDF, dwnDir, cloudProvider=None):
    This function checks for the availability of scenes inside a geodataframe
    on different cloud providers and flags the ones that need to be downloaded.
    Note: Should be applied after readInventory and before download
    param: inputGDF is a GeoDataFrame coming from a search and possible pre-sorting
    param: downDir is the directory where scenes  should be downloaded
    param: cloudProvider defines on which cloud we operate (IPT, AWS, OTC)
    returns: a GeoDataFrame with all scenes and a flag of which scenes need to be downloaded

    print(' INFO: Checking if scenes need to be downloaded.')
    # create an empty DataFrame
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['identifier', 'filepath', 'toDownload'])

    # loop through each scene
    scenes = inputGDF['identifier'].tolist()
    for sceneID in scenes:

        scene = s1Metadata(sceneID)

        # check if we can download from the cloudprovider
        if cloudProvider == 'IPT':
            testPath = scene.s1IPTpath()
        elif cloudProvider == 'Amazon':
            testPath = scene.s1AmazonPath()  # function needs to be added
        elif cloudProvider == 'T-Cloud':
            testPath = scene.s1TCloudPath()  # function needs to be added
            # construct download path
            testPath = '{}/SAR/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}.zip'.format(
                dwnDir, scene.product_type, scene.year, scene.month, scene.day,

        # if the file exists!
        ### NOTE THAT at the moment we assume IPT structure where files are stored in SAFE format,
        ### i.e. they are directories, not zips

        if os.path.isdir(testPath) is True or os.path.exists(testPath) is True:

            # if we are not in cloud
            if dwnDir in testPath:

                # file is already succesfully downloaded
                df = df.append(
                        'identifier': sceneID,
                        'filepath': testPath,
                        'toDownload': False

                # file is on cloud storage
                df = df.append(
                        'identifier': sceneID,
                        'filepath': testPath,
                        'toDownload': False


            # construct download path to check if we already downloaded
            testPath = '{}/SAR/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}.zip'.format(
                dwnDir, scene.product_type, scene.year, scene.month, scene.day,

            # if we are on cloud, check if we already downloaded
            if os.path.exists(testPath) is True:

                # file is already succesfully downloaded
                df = df.append(
                        'identifier': sceneID,
                        'filepath': testPath,
                        'toDownload': False

                df = df.append(
                        'identifier': sceneID,
                        'filepath': testPath,
                        'toDownload': True

    # merge the dataframe and return it
    inputGDF = inputGDF.merge(df, on='identifier')
    return inputGDF