    def __init__(self, min_value=0, max_value=100, width=110, **kwargs):

        tty = isatty()

        self.silent = kwargs.get('silent', False)  ## or not isatty()
        self.r = '\r' if tty else '\n'

        self.char = kwargs.get('char', '#')  ##
        self.mode = kwargs.get('mode', 'fixed')  ## fixed or dynamic
        if not self.mode in ['fixed', 'dynamic']:
            self.mode = 'fixed'

        self.bar = ''
        self.min = min_value
        self.max = max_value
        self.span = max(max_value - min_value, 1)
        self.last = ''

        ncols = columns() - 12
        self.width = ncols if ncols > 10 else width

        self.prefix = kwargs.get('description', '')  ## description
        self.width = self.width - len(self.prefix)

        self.amount = 0

        self._hashes = -1
        self.__end = None

        self.__start = time.time()
文件: frames.py 项目: OstapHEP/ostap
def frame_progress(self, length, width=None, symbol="#"):
    """ Draw (lazy) progress bar for the    DataFrame:
    >>> f = DataFrame ( ... )
    >>> p = f.ProgressBar  ( 1000 ) ## number of elements!
    >>> ....

    cnt = self.Count()
    if not isatty(): return cnt

    left = "[ "
    right = " ]"

    minw = len(left) + len(right) + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1
    length = length if isinstance(length,
                                  integer_types) and 0 < length else len(self)
    width = width if isinstance(
        width, integer_types) and 10 + minw <= width else terminal_size()[1]

    width = max(10, width - minw)

    nchunks = max(250, width + 1)
    csize, rr = divmod(length, nchunks)
    if rr: nchunks += 1

    symbol = allright(symbol)

    fun = Ostap.Utils.frame_progress(nchunks, width, symbol, ' ', left, right)
    cnt.OnPartialResultSlot(csize, fun)

    return cnt
def colored_string(what,
    >>> print colored_string ( 'Hello' , foreground = RED , background = YELLOW , bold = True , blink = True , underline = True )
    ## nothing to colorize or no coloring is activated
    from ostap.utils.basic import isatty
    if not what or not with_colors() or not isatty(): return what

    ## nothing to do
    if (foreground is None) and (background is None):
        if (not bold) and (not blink) and (not underline): return what

    RESET_SEQ = "\033[0m"
    COLOR_SEQ = "\033[1;%dm"
    BOLD_SEQ = "\033[1m" if bold else ''
    BLINK_SEQ = "\033[5m" if blink else ''
    ULINE_SEQ = "\033[4m" if underline else ''

    fg = COLOR_SEQ % (30 + (foreground % 8)) if not foreground is None else ''
    bg = COLOR_SEQ % (40 + (background % 8)) if not background is None else ''

    return '{foreground}{background}{underline}{bold}{blink}{what}{reset}'.format(
def make_colors():
    """Colorize logging
    if with_colors(): return
    if not isatty(): return  ## no colorization for non-TTY output

    global __with_colors__
    __with_colors__ = True

    def makeName(level, fg=None, bg=None, blink=False, underline=False):

        name = logging.getLevelName(level)
        bold = fg is None and bg is None and not uderline
        return colored_string(name, fg, bg, bold, blink, underline)

        makeName(logging.CRITICAL, fg=RED, bg=BLUE, blink=True))
        makeName(logging.WARNING, fg=RED, bg=YELLOW, underline=True))
        logging.ERROR, makeName(logging.ERROR, fg=YELLOW, bg=RED, blink=True))
    logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO, makeName(logging.INFO,
                         makeName(logging.DEBUG, bg=GREEN, fg=WHITE))

    return with_colors()
    def __init__(self, min_value=0, max_value=100, width=110, **kwargs):

        self.silent = kwargs.get('silent', False) or not isatty()

        self.char = kwargs.get('char', '#')  ##
        self.mode = kwargs.get('mode', 'fixed')  ## fixed or dynamic
        if not self.mode in ['fixed', 'dynamic']:
            self.mode = 'fixed'

        self.bar = ''
        self.min = min_value
        self.max = max_value
        self.span = max(max_value - min_value, 1)

        ncols = columns() - 7
        self.width = min(ncols, width) if ncols > 0 else width

        self.prefix = kwargs.get('description', '')  ## description
        self.width = self.width - len(self.prefix)

        self.amount = 0

        self._hashes = -1
        self._percent = -1

def frame_progress(self, length, width=None, symbol="#"):
    """ Draw (lazy) progress bar for the    DataFrame:
    >>> f = DataFrame ( ... )
    >>> p = f.ProgressBar  ( 1000 ) ## number of elements!
    >>> ....

    cnt = self.Count()
    if not isatty(): return cnt

    length = length if isinstance(length,
                                  integer_types) and 0 < length else len(self)
    width = width if isinstance(
        width, integer_types) and 10 < width else terminal_size()[1]

    if width < 16: width = 16
    nchunks = width - 14
    csize = max(int(length / nchunks), 1)

    left = "[ "
    right = " ]"
    symbol = allright(symbol)

    fun = Ostap.Utils.frame_progress(csize, nchunks, symbol, ' ', left, right)
    cnt.OnPartialResultSlot(csize, fun)

    return cnt
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        self.silent = kwargs.get('silent', False) or not isatty()

        self.amount = 0
        self.freq = int(kwargs.get('frequence', 100))
        self.prefix = kwargs.get('description', '')
def _ds_print2_(dataset):
    """Print dataset"""
    if dataset.isWeighted() and not isinstance(dataset, ROOT.RooDataHist):
        store = dataset.store()
        if valid_pointer(store) and isinstance(store, ROOT.RooTreeDataStore):
            return _ds_print_(dataset)
    from ostap.utils.basic import terminal_size, isatty
    if not isatty(): return _ds_table_(dataset)
    th, tw = terminal_size()
    rep, wid = _ds_table_0_(dataset)
    if wid < tw: return rep
    return _ds_print_(dataset)
文件: table.py 项目: bopopescu/ostap
def table(rows, title='', prefix=''):
    """Format the list of rows as a  table.
    - Each row is a sequence of column cells.
    - The first row defines the column headers.

    When terminaltables package is accessible,
    use it to get nice pretty tables, otherwise use some
    home-made primitive replacement 
    - see https://pypi.org/project/terminaltables
    - see https://github.com/Robpol86/terminaltables

    >>> table_data = [
    ...   ( 'Name'  , 'Occupation' , 'Note' ) ,
    ...   ( 'Alice' , '?'          , '---'  ) ,
    ...   ( 'Bob'   , 'unemployed' , ''     ) ]
    >>> t = table ( table_data , 'Title' )
    >>> print (t)

    from ostap.utils.basic import isatty

    title = allright(decolorize(title))
    if rows:
        rows = list(rows)
        header_row = rows[0]
        header_row = [infostr(decolorize(c)) for c in header_row]
        rows[0] = header_row
        rows = tuple(rows)

    if terminaltables and isatty():

        table_instance = terminaltables.SingleTable(rows, title)
        table_instance.justify_columns[0] = 'left'
        table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right'
        return add_prefix(table_instance.table, prefix)

    elif terminaltables:

        title = allright(title)
        table_instance = terminaltables.AsciiTable(rows, title)
        table_instance.justify_columns[0] = 'left'
        table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right'
        t = table_instance.table
        return add_prefix(table_instance.table, prefix)

    ## use the local replacement
    return the_table(rows, title, prefix)
文件: logger.py 项目: chrisburr/ostap
    logging.INFO: 'INFO   ',
    logging.ERROR: 'ERROR  ',
    logging.VERBOSE: 'VERBOSE'
for a in logging_levels:
    logging.addLevelName(a, logging_levels[a])
# =============================================================================
logging_format = '# %(name)-30s %(levelname)-7s %(message)s'
logging_file_format = '# %(asctime)s %(name)-30s %(levelname)-7s %(message)s'
logging_date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

from ostap.utils.basic import isatty

# =============================================================================
## The basic configuration
if isatty():
        ## level    = logging.NOTSET      ,
        ## level    = logging.NOTSET      ,

# =============================================================================
## Get current global threshold
#  with keepColor() :
#      ... do something ...
#  @endcode
def keepColor():
    """Simple context manager to preserve color logging 
    >>> with keepColor () :
    ...     do something ... 
    return KeepColorLogging()

## reset colors
## for ipython mode and TTY output activate colors
## if with_ipython() and isatty  () :
if isatty():

## define default logging thresholds as 'INFO'

# =============================================================================
if __name__ == '__main__':


    logger = getLogger('ostap.logger')

    from ostap.utils.docme import docme
    docme(__name__, logger=logger)
def makeWeights(
        compare=None,  ## comparison function 
        delta=0.001,  ## delta for ``mean''  weight variation
        minmax=0.05,  ## delta for ``minmax'' weight variation
        power=0,  ## auto-determination
        debug=True,  ## save intermediate information in DB

    assert 0 < delta, "makeWeights(%s): Invalid value for ``delta''  %s" % (
        tag, delta)
    assert 0 < minmax, "makeWeights(%s): Invalid value for ``minmax'' %s" % (
        tag, minmax)

    from ostap.logger.colorized import allright, attention, infostr
    from ostap.utils.basic import isatty

    power = power if power >= 1 else len(plots)

    nplots = len(plots)
    if 1 < nplots:
        import math
        fudge_factor = math.sqrt(1.0 / max(2.0, nplots - 1.0))
        delta = delta * fudge_factor
        minmax = minmax * fudge_factor

    save_to_db = []
    ## number of active plots for reweighting
    for wplot in plots:

        what = wplot.what  ## variable/function to plot/compare
        how = wplot.how  ## weight and/or additional cuts
        address = wplot.address  ## address in database
        hdata0 = wplot.data  ## original "DATA" object
        hmc0 = wplot.mc_histo  ## original "MC"   histogram
        ww = wplot.w  ## relative weight
        # normailze the data
        hdata = hdata0
        if isinstance(hdata, ROOT.TH1): hdata = hdata.density()

        # =====================================================================
        ## make a plot on (MC) data with the weight
        # =====================================================================
        dataset.project(hmc0, what, how)

        st = hmc0.stat()
        mnmx = st.minmax()
        if iszero(mnmx[0]):
            logger.warning("Reweighting: statistic goes to zero %s/``%s''" %
                           (st, address))

        # =====================================================================
        ## normalize MC
        # =====================================================================
        hmc = hmc0.density()

        # =====================================================================
        ## calculate  the reweighting factor : a bit conservative (?)
        #  this is the only important line
        # =====================================================================

        #  try to exploit finer binning if/when possible
        if   isinstance ( hmc   , ( ROOT.TH1F , ROOT.TH1D ) ) and \
           isinstance ( hdata , ( ROOT.TH1F , ROOT.TH1D ) )   and \
           len ( hmc ) >= len( hdata )                        :
            w = (1.0 / hmc) * hdata  ## NB!
            ## elif isinstance ( hmc   , ( ROOT.TH2F , ROOT.TH2D ) ) and \
            ##    isinstance ( hdata , ( ROOT.TH2F , ROOT.TH2D ) )   and \
            ##    len ( hmc.GetXaxis() ) >= len( hdata.GetXaxis () ) and \
            ##    len ( hmc.GetYaxis() ) >= len( hdata.GetYaxis () ) : w = ( 1.0 / hmc ) * hdata ## NB!
            ## elif isinstance ( hmc   , ( ROOT.TH3F , ROOT.TH3D ) ) and \
            ##    isinstance ( hdata , ( ROOT.TH3F , ROOT.TH3D ) )   and \
            ##    len ( hmc.GetXaxis() ) >= len( hdata.GetXaxis () ) and \
            ##    len ( hmc.GetYaxis() ) >= len( hdata.GetYaxis () ) and \
            ##    len ( hmc.GetZaxis() ) >= len( hdata.GetZaxis () ) : w = ( 1.0 / hmc ) * hdata ## NB!
            w = hdata / hmc  ## NB!

        # =====================================================================
        ## scale & get the statistics of weights
        w /= w.stat().mean().value()
        cnt = w.stat()
        mnw, mxw = cnt.minmax()
        wvar = cnt.rms() / cnt.mean()
        good1 = wvar.value() <= delta
        good2 = abs(mxw - mnw) <= minmax
        good = good1 and good2  ## small variance?
        afunc1 = allright if good1 else attention
        afunc2 = allright if good2 else attention
        message = "%s: %24s:" % (tag, address)
        message += ' ' + 'mean=%12s' % cnt.mean().toString('(%4.2f+-%4.2f)')
        message += ' ' + afunc2('min/max=%-5.3f/%5.3f' %
                                (cnt.minmax()[0], cnt.minmax()[1]))
        message += ' ' + afunc1('rms=%s[%%]' %
                                (wvar * 100).toString('(%4.2f+-%4.2f)'))
        ## make decision based on the variance of weights
        mnw, mxw = cnt.minmax()
        if good:  ## small variance?
            message = "%s: No more reweights for %s" % (tag, address)
            message += ' ' + allright("min/max/rms=%+3.1f/%+3.1f/%3.1f[%%]" %
                                      ((mnw - 1) * 100,
                                       (mxw - 1) * 100, 100 * wvar))
            del w, hdata, hmc
            save_to_db.append((address, ww, hdata0, hmc0, hdata, hmc, w))
        # =====================================================================
        ## make a comparison (if needed)
        # =====================================================================
        if compare: compare(hdata0, hmc0, address)

    ## for single reweighting
    ## if 1 == nplots : power = 1

    ## if power != nplots :
    #    logger.info ( "%s: ``power'' is %g/#%d"  % ( tag , power , nplots  ) )

    active = [p[0] for p in save_to_db]
    all = [p.address for p in plots]
    for i, a in enumerate(all):
        if a in active:
            if isatty(): all[i] = attention(a)
            else: all[i] = '*' + a + '*'
            if isatty(): all[i] = allright(a)

    logger.info("%s: reweights are: %s" % (tag, (', '.join(all))))

    ## if len ( active ) != nplots :
    ##    if database and save_to_db :
    ##        power += ( nplots - len ( active ) )
    ##        logger.info  ("%s: ``power'' is changed to %g" %  ( tag , power ) )

    nactive = len(active)
    while database and save_to_db:

        entry = save_to_db.pop()

        address, ww, hd0, hm0, hd, hm, weight = entry

        ## eff_exp = 1.0  / power
        ## eff_exp = 0.95 / ( 1.0 * nactive ) ** 0.5

        cnt = weight.stat()
        mnw, mxw = cnt.minmax()

        if 0.95 < mnw and mxw < 1.05:
            eff_exp = 0.75 if 1 < nactive else 1.50
        elif 0.90 < mnw and mxw < 1.10:
            eff_exp = 0.70 if 1 < nactive else 1.30
        elif 0.80 < mnw and mxw < 1.20:
            eff_exp = 0.65 if 1 < nactive else 1.25
        elif 0.70 < mnw and mxw < 1.30:
            eff_exp = 0.60 if 1 < nactive else 1.15
        elif 0.50 < mnw and mxw < 1.50:
            eff_exp = 0.55 if 1 < nactive else 1.10
            eff_exp = 0.50 if 1 < nactive else 1.0

        ## print 'effective exponent is:', eff_exp , address , mnw , mxw , (1.0/mnw)*mnw**eff_exp , (1.0/mxw)*mxw**eff_exp

        if 1 < nactive and 1 != ww:
            eff_exp *= ww
            logger.info("%s: apply ``effective exponent'' of %.3f for ``%s''" %
                        (tag, eff_exp, address))

        if 1 != eff_exp and 0 < eff_exp:
            weight = weight**eff_exp

        ## print 'WEIGHT stat', eff_exp, weight.stat()

        ## hmmmm... needed ? yes!
        #if 1 < power : weight = weight ** ( 1.0 / power )

        ## relative importance
        #if 1 != ww :
        #    logger.info  ("%s: apply ``relative importance factor'' of %.3g for ``'%s'" % ( tag , ww , address ) )
        #    weight = weight ** ww

        with DBASE.open(database) as db:

            db[address] = db.get(address, []) + [weight]

            if debug:
                addr = address + ':REWEIGHTING'
                db[addr] = db.get(addr, []) + list(entry[2:])

        del hd0, hm0, hd, hm, weight, entry

    return active
    def __init__ ( self                 ,
                   name                 , 
                   variables            ,
                   weights_files        ,
                   options      = ''    ,
                   verbose      = True  ) :
        """Constrct the reader         
        >>> from ostap.tools.tmva import Reader
        >>> r = Reader ( 'MyTMVA' ,
        ... variables = [ ## name      accessor  
        ...              ( 'pt'   , lambda s : s.pt ) ,
        ...              ( 'ip'   , lambda s : s.ip ) ,
        ...                'var1'                     ,   ## s.var1 will be used 
        ...                'var2'                     ] , ## s.var2 will be used 
        ... weights_files = 'my_weights.xml' )
        - attention: It is *not* CPU-efficient:
        Ugly tricks with arrays are required to bypass some technical limitations
        weights_fiels can be :
        - single xml-file with weights for the given method
        - single tar/tgz/tar.gz-file with weights files
        - list of xml-files with weights
        If the xml-filenames follow TMVA Trainer convention, the training method will be
        extracted from the file name, otherwise it needs to be specified as dictionary
        with the key being the method name, or list of 2-element tuples :
        >>> weights_files = {  'MPL':'my_weights.xml'  ,  'BDTG':'weights2.xml'  } 
        >>> weights_files = [ ('MPL','my_weights.xml') , ('BDTG','weights2.xml') ]
        verbose = True if verbose else False 
        options = opts_replace ( options , 'V:'      ,     verbose )
        options = opts_replace ( options , 'Silent:' , not verbose )
        from ostap.utils.basic import isatty
        optiont = opts_replace ( options , 'Color:'  , verbose and isatty() ) 

        self.__reader = ROOT.TMVA.Reader( options , verbose )
        self.__name   = name

        ## treat the weigths files
        weights = WeightsFiles ( weights_files )

        ##  book the variables:
        #   dirty trick with arrays is needed due to a bit strange reader interface.
        #   [TMVA reader needs the address of ``float''(in C++ sense) variable]
        from array import array

        self.__variables = []
        for v in variables : 

            if   isinstance ( v , str ) :
                vname  = v
                fvun   = lambda s : getattr ( s , vname )
                vfield = array ( 'f' , [1] )                  ## NB: note the type 
            elif isinstance ( v , tuple ) and 2 == len ( v ) :

                vname  = v[0]
                vfun   = v[1]
                vfield = array ( 'f' , [1] )                  ## NB: note the type here 

            else :
                logger.error ('Reader(%s): Invalid variable description!' % name )
                raise AttributeError, 'Invalid variable description!'

            ##                     name    accessor   address 
            self.__variables += [ ( vname , vfun     , vfield  ) ] 

        self.__variables = tuple ( self.__variables )
        ## declare all variables to TMVA.Reader 
        for v in self.__variables :
            self.__reader.AddVariable ( v[0] , v[2] )            
        self.__methods = weights.methods

        for method , xml in  weights.files.iteritems() :
            m = self.__reader.BookMVA ( method , xml )
            assert  m , 'Error in booking %s/%s' % (  method  , xml )
            logger.debug ('TMVA Reader(%s) is booked for method:%s xml: %s' % (  self.__name ,
                                                                                 method      ,
                                                                                 xml         ) )
        logger.info ('TMVA Reader(%s) booked methods are %s' %  ( self.__name , self.__methods ) )
        self.__methods = tuple ( self.__methods )
    def __init__(  self                       ,
                   methods                    ,
                   variables                  ,  # list of variables 
                   signal                     ,  # signal sample/tree
                   background                 ,  # background sample/tree 
                   signal_cuts       = ''     ,  # signal cuts 
                   background_cuts   = ''     ,  # background cuts 
                   spectators        = []     ,
                   bookingoptions    = "Transformations=I;D;P;G,D" , 
                   configuration     = "nTrain_Signal=0:nTrain_Background=0:SplitMode=Random:NormMode=NumEvents" ,
                   signal_weight     = None   ,                
                   background_weight = None   ,
                   output_file       = ''     ,  # the name of output file 
                   verbose           = True   ,
                   name              = 'TMVA' ) :
        """Constructor with list of methods
        >>> from ostap.tools.tmva import Trainer
        >>> t = Trainer(
        ...   ## TMVA methods  
        ...   methods =  [ ( ROOT.TMVA.Types.kMLP ,
        ...                'MLP',
        ...                'H:!V:EstimatorType=CE:VarTransform=N:NCycles=600:HiddenLayers=N+7:TestRate=5:!UseRegulator' ) ] , 
        ...   variables = [ 'dtfchi2' , 'ctau', 'ptb' , 'vchi2' ] , ## list  of variables 
        ...   signal          = treeSignal            ,  ## TTree for ``signal'' sample  
        ...   background      = treeBackgrund         ,  ## TTree for ``background''  sample 
        ...   signal_cuts     = cuts_for_signal       ,
        ...   background_cuts = cuts_for_background   )        
        - For more detailes
        see http://www.slac.stanford.edu/grp/eg/minos/ROOTSYS/cvs/tmva/test/TMVAClassification.py.
        self.__methods           = tuple ( methods    )
        self.__variables         = tuple ( variables  )
        from ostap.trees.trees import Chain
        if isinstance ( signal     , Chain ) : signal     =     signal.chain 
        if isinstance ( background , Chain ) : background = background.chain 

        self.__signal            = signal
        self.__signal_cuts       = signal_cuts  
        self.__signal_weight     = signal_weight
        self.__background        = background
        self.__background_cuts   = background_cuts 
        self.__background_weight = background_weight
        self.__spectators        = [] 

        self.__verbose = True if verbose else False 
        self.__name    = name 

        self.__bookingoptions   = bookingoptions
        self.__configuration    = configuration
        ## outputs 
        self.__weights_files = []
        self.__class_files   = []
        self.__output_file   = output_file if output_file else '%s.root' % self.name
        self.__tar_file      = None 
        self.__log_file      = None 
        ## minor adjustment
        opts = self.__bookingoptions
        if 0 > opts.find ( "AnalysisType=" ) :
            opts += ":AnalysisType=Classification"
            logger.debug('Trainer(%s): booking options are appended with ":AnalysisType=Classification"' % name )

        opts = opts_replace ( opts , 'V:'               ,     self.verbose )
        opts = opts_replace ( opts , 'Silent:'          , not self.verbose )
        from ostap.utils.basic import isatty
        opts = opts_replace ( opts , 'DrawProgressBar:' , self.verbose and isatty() ) 
        opts = opts_replace ( opts , 'Color:'           , self.verbose and isatty() ) 

        _methods  = [] 
        for _m in self.methods :
            _m    = list( _m ) 
            _m[2] = opts_replace ( _m[2] , 'H:' , self.verbose )
            _methods.append (  tuple ( _m ) )
        self.__methods = tuple (  _methods ) 

        self.__bookingoptions = str ( opts )

        ## clean-up 
        dirname    = str( self.name )
        for s in ( ' ' , '%' , '!' , '>' , '<' , '\n' , '?' ) :  
            while s in dirname : dirname = dirname.replace ( ' ' , '_' )
        pattern_xml = pattern_XML   % ( dirname ,  dirname )
        pattern_C   = pattern_CLASS % ( dirname ,  dirname )

        rf = []
        import glob,os
        for f in glob.glob ( pattern_xml ) :
            rf.append ( f ) 
            os.remove ( f ) 
        for f in glob.glob ( pattern_C   ) :
            rf.append ( f ) 
            os.remove ( f )
        if rf : logger.debug ( "Trainer(%s): remove existing xml/class-files %s" % ( self.name , rf ) ) 
        self.__dirname     = dirname
        self.__pattern_xml = pattern_xml 
        self.__pattern_C   = pattern_C 
def with_colors():
    """Is colorization enabled ?"""
    global __with_colors__
    return bool(__with_colors__) and isatty()
def table(rows,
    """Format the list of rows as a  table.
    - Each row is a sequence of column cells.
    - The first row defines the column headers.

    When terminaltables package is accessible,
    use it to get nice pretty tables, otherwise use some
    home-made primitive replacement 
    - see https://pypi.org/project/terminaltables
    - see https://github.com/Robpol86/terminaltables

    >>> table_data = [
    ...   ( 'Name'  , 'Occupation' , 'Note' ) ,
    ...   ( 'Alice' , '?'          , '---'  ) ,
    ...   ( 'Bob'   , 'unemployed' , ''     ) ]
    >>> t = table ( table_data , 'Title' )
    >>> print (t)

    from ostap.utils.basic import isatty

    title = allright(decolorize(title))
    if rows:
        rows = list(rows)
        header_row = rows[0]
        header_row = [infostr(decolorize(c)) for c in header_row]
        rows[0] = header_row
        rows = tuple(rows)

    rows = [list(row) for row in rows]

    if not terminaltables:

        ## use the local replacement
        return the_table(rows, title, prefix, alignment=alignment)

    if isatty():

        title = allright(title)
        table_instance = terminaltables.SingleTable(rows, title)


        title = allright(title)
        table_instance = terminaltables.AsciiTable(rows, title)

    cw = table_instance.column_widths
    nc = len(cw)

    wraps = [i for (i, a) in enumerate(alignment) if a in wrapped]

    if wraps:
        from terminaltables.width_and_alignment import max_dimensions
        widths = max_dimensions(table_instance.table_data,
        widths = sum(l for (i, l) in enumerate(widths) if not i in wraps)
        widths += nc + 1 + len(prefix) + 4 + 2 * len(wraps)
        _, w = terminal_size()
        ww = w - widths
        ww, _ = divmod(ww, len(wraps))

        if 12 < ww and ww < wrap_width: wrap_width = ww
        elif 12 < ww and wrap_width <= 0: wrap_width = ww

        if wrap_width < 12: wrap_width = max_width

    nw = len(wraps)

    for i, a in zip(range(nc), alignment):
        if a and isinstance(a, str):
            al = a.lower()
            if al in left: table_instance.justify_columns[i] = 'left'
            elif al in right: table_instance.justify_columns[i] = 'right'
            elif al in center: table_instance.justify_columns[i] = 'center'
            elif al in wrapped:
                maxw = table_instance.column_max_width(i)
                if 15 < wrap_width * nw < maxw:
                    maxw = (wrap_width - 3) * nw if 1 < nw else wrap_width
                if maxw < 15:
                    maxw = (wrap_width - 3) * nw if 1 < nw else wrap_width
                if maxw < 15:
                    maxw = (max_width - 3) * nw if 1 < nw else max_width
                width = maxw / nw if 1 < nw else maxw
                for l, line in enumerate(table_instance.table_data):
                    if width < len(line[i]):
                        table_instance.table_data[l][i] = textwrap.fill(
                            indent + line[i], wrap_width)

    return add_prefix(table_instance.table, prefix)
#  @code
#  with keepColor() :
#      ... do something ...
#  @endcode
def keepColor():
    """Simple context manager to preserve color logging 
    >>> with keepColor () :
    ...     do something ... 
    return KeepColorLogging()

## reset colors
## for ipython mode and TTY output activate colors
if with_ipython() and isatty():

## define default logging thresholds as 'INFO'

# =============================================================================
if __name__ == '__main__':


    logger = getLogger('ostap.logger')

    from ostap.utils.docme import docme
    docme(__name__, logger=logger)