def fsDeleteFileView(fsPathString=''): """ Delete-file view. Permission checks are performed by the deleteFile filesystem call. """ user = g.user db = dbGetDatabase() fileStorageDirectory = g.settings['system']['system_directories'][ 'fs_directory']['value'] lsPath = splitPathString(fsPathString) boxPath, fileName = lsPath[:-1], lsPath[-1] parentBox = getBoxFromPath(db, boxPath, user) request._onErrorUrl = url_for( 'lsView', lsPathString='/'.join(boxPath[1:]), ) file = getFileFromParent(db, parentBox, fileName, user) fsDeleteQueue = deleteFile( db, parentBox, file, user, fileStorageDirectory=fileStorageDirectory, ) flushFsDeleteQueue(fsDeleteQueue) return redirect(url_for( 'lsView', lsPathString='/'.join(boxPath[1:]), ))
def deleteBoxView(boxPathString=''): """RMBOX route.""" user = g.user db = dbGetDatabase() fileStorageDirectory = g.settings['system']['system_directories'][ 'fs_directory']['value'] boxPath = splitPathString(boxPathString) box = getBoxFromPath(db, boxPath, user) parentBox = getBoxFromPath(db, boxPath[:-1], user) request._onErrorUrl = url_for( 'lsView', lsPathString='/'.join(boxPath[1:-1]), ) # canDelete = canDeleteBox(db, box, parentBox, user) # if canDelete: if parentBox is None: # deletee box was root raise OstracionError('Cannot act on this object') else: if box is not None: fsDeleteQueue = deleteBox( db, box, parentBox, user, fileStorageDirectory=fileStorageDirectory, ) flushFsDeleteQueue(fsDeleteQueue) else: raise OstracionError('Box not accessible') else: raise OstracionError('Cannot delete this box') return redirect(url_for( 'lsView', lsPathString='/'.join(boxPath[1:-1]), ))
def calendarMakerGenerateCalendar(): """ Calendar actual generation view. Handles everything: building temporary image files driving the engine functions to make the pdf inserting the pdf in the box removing temporary files """ user = g.user db = dbGetDatabase() request._onErrorUrl = url_for('calendarMakerIndexView', ) # destBoxString = request.cookies.get('apps_calendarmaker_destbox') currentCalendar = cookiesToCurrentCalendar(request.cookies) coverImagePathString = currentCalendar.get('cover_image_path_string') calendarImagePaths = currentCalendar.get('image_path_strings', []) cProps = currentCalendar.get('properties', {}) # if destBoxString is None: destBox = None else: destBoxPath = splitPathString(destBoxString) destBox = getBoxFromPath(db, destBoxPath, user) if coverImagePathString is None: coverImageFileObject = None else: coverImageFileObject = pathToFileStructure( db, user, coverImagePathString, ) # calendarImages = [ pathToFileStructure(db, user, imgPath) for imgPath in calendarImagePaths ] numRequiredImages = countMonths( cProps.get('year0'), cProps.get('month0'), cProps.get('year1'), cProps.get('month1'), ) if (destBox is None or coverImageFileObject is None or any([ci is None for ci in calendarImages]) or numRequiredImages is None or numRequiredImages > len(calendarImages)): raise OstracionError('Cannot generate calendar') else: fileStorageDirectory = g.settings['system']['system_directories'][ 'fs_directory']['value'] # proceed with generation tempFileDirectory = g.settings['system']['system_directories'][ 'temp_directory']['value'] mkDirP(tempFileDirectory) texImageCoverPath = duplicateImageForCalendar( fileIdToPath( coverImageFileObject['file'].file_id, fileStorageDirectory=fileStorageDirectory, ), os.path.join( tempFileDirectory, '%s.%s' % ( uuid4().hex, admittedImageMimeTypeToExtension[ coverImageFileObject['file'].mime_type], )), ) texImagePaths = [ duplicateImageForCalendar( fileIdToPath( imageFile['file'].file_id, fileStorageDirectory=fileStorageDirectory, ), os.path.join( tempFileDirectory, '%s.%s' % ( uuid4().hex, admittedImageMimeTypeToExtension[ imageFile['file'].mime_type], )), ) for imageFile in calendarImages ] # fsDeletionQueue = [texImageCoverPath] + texImagePaths createdPdfTitle = uuid4().hex createdFile, creationToDelete = makeCalendarPdf( cProps, texImagePaths, texImageCoverPath, tempFileDirectory, createdPdfTitle, ) # if createdFile is not None: # name and description calDescription = 'Calendar %i/%i - %i/%i' % ( cProps['month0'], cProps['year0'], cProps['month1'], cProps['year1'], ) calFileName = findFirstAvailableObjectNameInBox( db, destBox, 'calendar_', '.pdf', ) # place the pdf in the box placeFSFileInBox( db, user, fileStorageDirectory, destBox, createdFile, calFileName, calDescription, ) # flushing the delete queue flushFsDeleteQueue(fsDeletionQueue + creationToDelete + [createdFile]) # messaging the user successMessage = ('Calendar generated. Please find the file ' '"%s" in the destination box.') % calFileName flashMessage('Success', 'Info', successMessage) # redirecting user to box return redirect(url_for('lsView', lsPathString=destBoxString)) else: # flushing the delete queue flushFsDeleteQueue( fsDeletionQueue + creationToDelete + [createdFile], ) # messaging the user flashMessage('Error', 'Error', 'Could not generate the calendar') return redirect(url_for('calendarMakerIndexView'))
def saveAndAnalyseFilesInBox(db, files, parentBox, user, thumbnailFormat, fileStorageDirectory, pastActionVerbForm='uploaded'): """ Save files and enrich them with type/mimetype, unless something fails - this handles overwrites (file-on-file) and blockades (file has same name as box) """ # # checking for name clashes with boxes if any( isBoxNameUnderParentBox(db, parentBox, fName) for fName in (fObj['name'] for fObj in files)): raise OstracionError('Files cannot have the name of existing boxes') else: if not userHasPermission(db, user, parentBox.permissions, 'w'): raise OstracionError('User has no write permission on this box') else: userName = user.username fsDeletionQueue = [] numReplacements = 0 # for file in files: newFile = File(**recursivelyMergeDictionaries( {k: v for k, v in file.items() if k != 'fileObject'}, defaultMap={ 'creator_username': userName, 'icon_file_id_username': userName, 'metadata_username': userName, 'editor_username': userName, 'textual_mode': 'plain', }, )) # are we overwriting a file? if isFileNameUnderParentBox(db, parentBox, # delete the old file entry # AND mark the file and its thumbnail # (if any) for later deletion prevFile = getFileFromParent( db, parentBox,, user, ) fsDeletionQueue += deleteFile( db, parentBox, prevFile, user, fileStorageDirectory=fileStorageDirectory, skipCommit=True, ) numReplacements += 1 # filePath = fileIdToPath( newFile.file_id, fileStorageDirectory=fileStorageDirectory, ) file['fileObject'].save(filePath) # fileProperties = determineFileProperties(filePath) newFile.mime_type = fileProperties['file_mime_type'] newFile.type = fileProperties['file_type'] newFile.size = fileProperties['file_size'] # if (thumbnailFormat is not None and isImageMimeType(newFile.mime_type)): # thumbnail preparation fileThumbnailId, fileThumbnailMimeType = makeFileThumbnail( newFile.file_id, newFile.mime_type, thumbnailFormat=thumbnailFormat, fileStorageDirectory=fileStorageDirectory, ) if fileThumbnailId is not None: newFile.icon_file_id = fileThumbnailId newFile.icon_mime_type = fileThumbnailMimeType # makeFileInParent(db, parentBox=parentBox, newFile=newFile) flushFsDeleteQueue(fsDeletionQueue) db.commit() return '%i file%s %s successfully%s.' % ( len(files), '' if len(files) == 1 else 's', pastActionVerbForm, '' if numReplacements == 0 else (' (%i replaced)' % numReplacements))
def storeFileAsThumbnail(db, fileToSave, mode, thumbnailFormat, targetItem, parentBox, user, tempFileDirectory, fileStorageDirectory): """ Handle setting/unsetting of thumbnail for various items (box,file,user,setting,user-as-admin). If a file to save is provided: store the file on the temp dir and if it is a valid thumbnail deal with its preparation and setting on the item, including possibly deletion of the previous thumbnail if necessary. if None is passed: simply delete any previous thumbnail if present Return True iff the (un/)setting is successful """ # permission checks if mode == 'b': if not userHasPermission(db, user, targetItem.permissions, 'w'): raise OstracionError('User has no icon permission on this item') elif mode == 'f': if not userHasPermission(db, user, parentBox.permissions, 'w'): raise OstracionError('User has no icon permission on this item') elif mode == 'l': if not userHasPermission(db, user, parentBox.permissions, 'w'): raise OstracionError('User has no icon permission on this item') elif mode == 'u': if user.username != targetItem.username: raise OstracionError('Insufficient permissions') elif mode == 'au': if not userIsAdmin(db, user): raise OstracionError('Insufficient permissions') elif mode == 's': if not userIsAdmin(db, user): raise OstracionError('Insufficient permissions') # if fileToSave is not None: tempFileName = temporaryFileName(tempFileDirectory=tempFileDirectory) fileProperties = determineFileProperties(tempFileName) else: tempFileName = None # failures = False if tempFileName is None: thumbnailId = None thbMimeType = None else: if isImageMimeType(fileProperties['file_mime_type']): # make thumbnail and get the new ID thumbnailId, thbMimeType = makeTempFileIntoThumbnail( tempFileName, thumbnailFormat=thumbnailFormat, fileStorageDirectory=fileStorageDirectory, ) else: failures = True if not failures: # un/set the icon ID if mode == 'f': fsDeleteQueue = updateFileThumbnail( db, targetItem, thumbnailId, thbMimeType, user, fileStorageDirectory=fileStorageDirectory) elif mode == 'l': fsDeleteQueue = updateLinkThumbnail( db, targetItem, thumbnailId, thbMimeType, user, fileStorageDirectory=fileStorageDirectory) elif mode == 'b': fsDeleteQueue = updateBoxThumbnail( db, targetItem, thumbnailId, thbMimeType, user, fileStorageDirectory=fileStorageDirectory) elif mode in {'u', 'au'}: fsDeleteQueue = updateUserThumbnail( db, targetItem, thumbnailId, thbMimeType, user, fileStorageDirectory=fileStorageDirectory) elif mode == 's': fsDeleteQueue = updateSettingThumbnail( db, targetItem, thumbnailId, thbMimeType, user, fileStorageDirectory=fileStorageDirectory) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unhandled storeFileAsThumbnail mode') flushFsDeleteQueue(fsDeleteQueue) # return not failures