    def test_produces_valid_crop(self):
        Checks that shape_produces_valid_crop returns the correct values and
        does not raise errors

        <b>Input data:</b>
        A valid Rectangle at [0, 0.4, 1, 0.5]
        A Polygon that has an invalid bounding box

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        The test passes if the call with the Rectangle returns True and
        the one with the polygon returns False

        1. Check Valid Rectangle
        2. Check invalid Polygon
        rectangle = Rectangle(x1=0, y1=0.4, x2=1, y2=0.5)
        assert ShapeFactory.shape_produces_valid_crop(rectangle, 100, 100)

        point1 = Point(x=0.01, y=0.1)
        point2 = Point(x=0.35, y=0.1)
        point3 = Point(x=0.35, y=0.1)
        polygon = Polygon(points=[point1, point2, point3])
        assert not ShapeFactory.shape_produces_valid_crop(polygon, 100, 250)
    def append_annotations(self, annotations: Sequence[Annotation]):
        Adds a list of shapes to the annotation
        roi_as_box = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(self.roi.shape)

        validated_annotations = [
            ) for annotation in annotations
            if ShapeFactory().shape_produces_valid_crop(

        n_invalid_shapes = len(annotations) - len(validated_annotations)
        if n_invalid_shapes > 0:
                "%d shapes will not be added to the dataset item as they "
                "would produce invalid crops (this is expected for some tasks, "
                "such as segmentation).",

    def __get_boxes_from_dataset_as_list(dataset: DatasetEntity,
                                         labels: List[LabelEntity]) -> List:
        Explanation of output shape:
            a box: [x1: float, y1, x2, y2, class: str, score: float]
            boxes_per_image: [box1, box2, …]
            ground_truth_boxes_per_image: [boxes_per_image_1, boxes_per_image_2, boxes_per_image_3, …]

        :param dataset:
        :param labels: significant labels for detection task
        :return: returns list with shape: List[List[List[Optional[float, str]]]]
        boxes_per_image = []
        converted_types_to_box = set()
        label_names = {label.name for label in labels}
        for item in dataset:
            boxes: List[List[Union[float, str]]] = []
            roi_as_box = Annotation(ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(
            for annotation in item.annotation_scene.annotations:
                shape_as_box = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(
                box = shape_as_box.normalize_wrt_roi_shape(roi_as_box.shape)
                n_boxes_before = len(boxes)
                    box.x1, box.y1, box.x2, box.y2, label.name,
                ] for label in annotation.get_labels()
                              if label.name in label_names])
                if (not isinstance(annotation.shape, Rectangle)
                        and len(boxes) > n_boxes_before):
        if len(converted_types_to_box) > 0:
                f"The shapes of types {tuple(converted_types_to_box)} have been converted to their "
                f"full enclosing Box representation in order to compute the f-measure"

        return boxes_per_image
    def get_annotations(
        labels: Optional[List[LabelEntity]] = None,
        include_empty: bool = False,
        ios_threshold: float = 0.0,
    ) -> List[Annotation]:
        Returns a list of annotations that exist in the dataset item (wrt. ROI)

        :param labels: Subset of input labels to filter with; if ``None``, all the shapes within the ROI are returned
        :param include_empty: if True, returns both empty and non-empty labels
        :param ios_threshold: Only return shapes where Area(self.roi ∩ shape)/ Area(shape) > ios_threshold.
        :return: The intersection of the input label set and those present within the ROI
        is_full_box = Rectangle.is_full_box(self.roi.shape)
        annotations = []
        if is_full_box and labels is None and not include_empty:
            # Fast path for the case where we do not need to change the shapes
            annotations = self.annotation_scene.annotations
            # Todo: improve speed. This is O(n) for n shapes.
            roi_as_box = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(self.roi.shape)

            labels_set = {label.name
                          for label in labels} if labels is not None else {}

            for annotation in self.annotation_scene.annotations:
                if (not is_full_box and self.roi.shape.intersect_percentage(
                        annotation.shape) <= ios_threshold):

                shape_labels = annotation.get_labels(include_empty)

                if labels is not None:
                    shape_labels = [
                        label for label in shape_labels
                        if label.name in labels_set

                    if len(shape_labels) == 0:

                if not is_full_box:
                    # Create a denormalized copy of the shape.
                    shape = annotation.shape.denormalize_wrt_roi_shape(
                    # Also create a copy of the shape, so that we can safely modify the labels
                    # without tampering with the original shape.
                    shape = copy.deepcopy(annotation.shape)

        return annotations
    def test_polygon_shape_conversion(self):
        Checks that conversions from Polygon to other shapes works correctly

        <b>Input data:</b>
        A Polygon at [[0.01, 0.2], [0.35, 0.2], [0.35, 0.4]]

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        The test passes if the Polygon can be converted to Rectangle and Ellipse

        1. Create rectangle and get coordinates
        2. Convert to Ellipse
        3. Convert to Polygon
        4. Convert to Rectangle
        point1 = Point(x=0.01, y=0.2)
        point2 = Point(x=0.35, y=0.2)
        point3 = Point(x=0.35, y=0.4)
        polygon = Polygon(points=[point1, point2, point3])
        polygon_coords = (polygon.min_x, polygon.min_y, polygon.max_x,

        ellipse = ShapeFactory.shape_as_ellipse(polygon)
        assert isinstance(ellipse, Ellipse)
        assert (ellipse.x1, ellipse.y1, ellipse.x2,
                ellipse.y2) == polygon_coords

        polygon2 = ShapeFactory.shape_as_polygon(polygon)
        assert isinstance(polygon2, Polygon)
        assert polygon == polygon2

        rectangle = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(polygon)
        assert isinstance(rectangle, Rectangle)
        assert (
        ) == polygon_coords
    def test_ellipse_shape_conversion(self):
        Checks that conversions from Ellipse to other shapes works correctly

        <b>Input data:</b>
        A rectangle at [0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.2]

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        The test passes if the Ellipse can be converted to Rectangle and Polygon

        1. Create Ellipse and get coordinates
        2. Convert to Ellipse
        3. Convert to Polygon
        4. Convert to Rectangle
        ellipse = Ellipse(x1=0.1, y1=0.1, x2=0.5, y2=0.2)
        ellipse_coords = (ellipse.x1, ellipse.y1, ellipse.x2, ellipse.y2)

        ellipse2 = ShapeFactory.shape_as_ellipse(ellipse)
        assert isinstance(ellipse, Ellipse)
        assert ellipse == ellipse2

        polygon = ShapeFactory.shape_as_polygon(ellipse)
        assert isinstance(polygon, Polygon)
        assert polygon.min_x == pytest.approx(ellipse.x1, 0.1)
        assert polygon.min_y == pytest.approx(ellipse.y1, 0.1)
        assert polygon.max_x == pytest.approx(ellipse.x2, 0.1)
        assert polygon.max_y == pytest.approx(ellipse.y2, 0.1)

        rectangle = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(ellipse)
        assert isinstance(rectangle, Rectangle)
        assert (
        ) == ellipse_coords
    def height(self) -> int:
        The height of the dataset item, taking into account the ROI.
        roi_shape_as_box = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(self.roi.shape)
        roi_shape_as_box = roi_shape_as_box.clip_to_visible_region()
        height = self.media.height

        # Note that we cannot directly use roi_shape_as_box.height due to the rounding
        # because round(y2 - y1) is not always equal to round(y2) - round(y1)
        y1 = int(round(roi_shape_as_box.y1 * height))
        y2 = int(round(roi_shape_as_box.y2 * height))
        return y2 - y1
    def width(self) -> int:
        The width of the dataset item, taking into account the ROI.
        roi_shape_as_box = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(self.roi.shape)
        roi_shape_as_box = roi_shape_as_box.clip_to_visible_region()
        width = self.media.width

        # Note that we cannot directly use roi_shape_as_box.width due to the rounding
        # because round(x2 - x1) is not always equal to round(x2) - round(x1)
        x1 = int(round(roi_shape_as_box.x1 * width))
        x2 = int(round(roi_shape_as_box.x2 * width))
        return x2 - x1
    def test_rectangle_shape_conversion(self):
        Checks that conversions from Rectangle to other shapes works correctly

        <b>Input data:</b>
        A rectangle at [0.25, 0.1, 0.5, 0.3]

        <b>Expected results:</b>
        The test passes if the rectangle can be converted to Ellipse and Polygon

        1. Create rectangle and get coordinates
        2. Convert to Ellipse
        3. Convert to Polygon
        4. Convert to Rectangle
        rectangle = Rectangle(x1=0.25, y1=0.1, x2=0.5, y2=0.3)
        rectangle_coords = (rectangle.x1, rectangle.y1, rectangle.x2,

        ellipse = ShapeFactory.shape_as_ellipse(rectangle)
        assert isinstance(ellipse, Ellipse)
        assert (ellipse.x1, ellipse.y1, ellipse.x2,
                ellipse.y2) == rectangle_coords

        polygon = ShapeFactory.shape_as_polygon(rectangle)
        assert isinstance(polygon, Polygon)
        assert (
        ) == rectangle_coords

        rectangle2 = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(rectangle)
        assert isinstance(rectangle2, Rectangle)
        assert rectangle == rectangle2
    def roi_numpy(self, roi: Optional[Annotation] = None) -> np.ndarray:
        Gives the numpy data for the media, given an ROI.
        This function allows to take a crop of any arbitrary region of the media in the Dataset entity.
        If the ROI is not given, the ROI assigned to the DatasetItem will be used as default.

        :param roi: Shape entity. The shape will be converted if needed, to extract the ROI numpy.

        :return: Numpy array with media data
        if roi is None:
            roi = self.roi

        if roi is not None:
            roi.shape = ShapeFactory.shape_as_rectangle(roi.shape)

        return self.media.roi_numpy(roi=roi)
def mask_from_annotation(annotations: List[Annotation],
                         labels: List[LabelEntity], width: int,
                         height: int) -> np.ndarray:
    Generate a segmentation mask of a numpy image, and a list of shapes.
    The mask is will be two dimensional    and the value of each pixel matches the class
    index with offset 1. The background class index is zero.  labels[0] matches pixel
    value 1, etc. The class index is determined based on the order of :param labels:

    :param annotations: List of annotations to plot in mask
    :param labels: List of labels. The index position of the label determines the class
                   number in the segmentation mask.
    :param width: Width of the mask
    :param height: Height of the mask

    :return: 2d numpy array of mask

    labels = sorted(labels)  # type: ignore
    mask = np.zeros(shape=(height, width), dtype=np.uint8)
    for annotation in annotations:
        shape = annotation.shape
        if not isinstance(shape, Polygon):
            shape = ShapeFactory.shape_as_polygon(annotation.shape)
        known_labels = [
            label for label in annotation.get_labels()
            if isinstance(label, ScoredLabel) and label.get_label() in labels
        if len(known_labels) == 0:
            # Skip unknown shapes

        label_to_compare = known_labels[0].get_label()

        class_idx = labels.index(label_to_compare) + 1
        contour = []
        for point in shape.points:
            contour.append([int(point.x * width), int(point.y * height)])

        mask = cv2.drawContours(mask, np.asarray([contour]), 0,
                                (class_idx, class_idx, class_idx), -1)

    mask = np.expand_dims(mask, axis=2)

    return mask