def hero_menu(): while True: clear_screen() hero_selected = False choice = 0 print_slow("-" * 25) print_slow( "Welcome to Dungeon run now it's time to choose your hero: ") print_slow("The available options are as follows :") print_slow("# 1 for Knight") print_slow("# 2 for Wizard") print_slow("# 3 for Rogue") print_slow("# 9 To Go Back") print_slow("-" * 25) hero_select = validate_int() if (hero_select == 1): hero_selected = True choice, hero_name, hero_instance = choose_hero("Knight") elif (hero_select == 2): hero_selected = True choice, hero_name, hero_instance = choose_hero("Wizard") elif (hero_select == 3): hero_selected = True choice, hero_name, hero_instance = choose_hero("Rouge") if choice == "9": continue if hero_select == 9: return False, "hero_name", "hero_instance" if hero_selected is True: return True, hero_name, hero_instance
def start_game(hero, grid_select, spawn_coordinates, hero_name, oscars_hotfix): game_loop = True current_run = map(grid_size=grid_select) current_run.update_room(coordinate=spawn_coordinates, update="is_here") current_run.print_map() while game_loop is True: old_position = ask_player_to_move(current_run, hero_name) clear_screen() current_run.print_map() position = current_run.where_am_i(option="return") is_not_outside = check_if_outside( position, current_run ) # returns True for not outside and False for is outside if not is_not_outside: # if not True/False, outside of map == False return "end" x, y = position current_room = current_run.grid[y][x] if oscars_hotfix == 0: # om det är första rundan i spelet så kommer den att sätta första rummet som neutraliserat current_room.fight == False oscars_hotfix += 1 if current_room.fight == False: # if the room is already "finished" or if it is "edge", if edge should be picked up a few lines above doe fight_outcome = "win" # this is only so it will go down a few lines into the "elif fight_outcome == "win":" section else: # if the room is "unfinished" or "untouched" current_fight = current_run.grid[y][x].fight_generator( hero ) # genererar en fight instans för dem x,y coordinates som anges fight_outcome = current_fight.run_fight( ) # kör den fighteninstansen och ska returnera outcome för fighten # försöka få mapen att uppdatera sig utifrån hur fight outcome blir if fight_outcome == "escaped": current_run.update_room(coordinate=old_position, update="unfinished") elif fight_outcome == "win": score = current_room.total_loot hero.score_list.append(score) print("Your points from this round: {}".format(score)) update_score(hero_name, hero) current_room.total_loot = 0 current_room.fight = False elif fight_outcome == "died": break current_run.print_map() return
def ai_won_game_or_done(self): clear_screen() self.arnold() print() print(self.theme_lyrics) print() stats = self.return_game_stats() for stat in stats: print(stat, " ", stats[stat]) print() self.api_theme_song_open_in_browser() print() input("Press enter to continue...")
def main_loop(self): while self.game_active: if self.round_count == 0: # sets a random spawn point spawn = spawn = spawn.is_here() self.round_count += 1 clear_screen() #clear self.pmap() #print time.sleep(2) #wait else: # updates old room and sets new room to X current_coordinate = self.where_am_i() # hämta kordinater new_coordinate = self.new_move_coordinate() # ny random kordinat runtomkring self.update_old_room(coordinate=current_coordinate) # statics self.mark_new_room(coordinate=new_coordinate) self.round_count += 1 #add round count room = self.get_room(new_coordinate) clear_screen() #clear self.pmap() #print map time.sleep(2) #wait # fight room.fight_generator(hero_instance=self.hero, is_ai=True) monster_list = room.fight.monsters_list room.fight.ai_choice_number = win_or_not = room.fight.run_fight() self.fight_win_or_not(win_or_not) room.total_loot = 0 if == 0: self.game_active = False if self.round_count > self.round_max: # max limit, atm för loopen self.game_active = False # för att få stop på loopen if self.round_count == self.stop_value: self.game_active = False # för att få stop på loopen
def ai_grid_select(): clear_screen() print_slow("-" * 25) print_slow( "A true AI needs a map to explore, please choose a grid size suitable for SKYNET to destroy" ) print_slow("The available options are as follows :") print_slow("# 4 for 4x4 grid") print_slow("# 5 for 5x5 grid") print_slow("# 8 for 8x8 grid") print_slow("-" * 25) try: grid_select = int(input('\n --> ')) except ValueError: print_slow("Bad input") if grid_select != 4 and grid_select != 5 and grid_select != 8: print_slow("Wrong input please follow the instructions correctly") else: return grid_select
def spawn_menu(grid_select): clear_screen() spawn_selected = False spawn_select = 0 spawn_coordinates = [] print_slow("-" * 25) print_slow("Pick a spawn point on the map: ") print_slow("# 1 for NorthWest") print_slow("# 2 for NorthEast") print_slow("# 3 for SouthWest") print_slow("# 4 for SouthEast") print_slow("-" * 25) try: spawn_select = int(input('\n --> ')) except ValueError: print_slow("Wrong input") if spawn_select == 1: spawn_point = "NW" spawn_selected = True spawn_coordinates = [1, 1] elif spawn_select == 2: spawn_point = "NE" spawn_selected = True spawn_coordinates = calc_spawnpoint(grid_select, spawn_point) elif spawn_select == 3: spawn_point = "SW" spawn_selected = True spawn_coordinates = calc_spawnpoint(grid_select, spawn_point) elif spawn_select == 4: spawn_point = "SE" spawn_selected = True spawn_coordinates = calc_spawnpoint(grid_select, spawn_point) if spawn_selected: return spawn_coordinates
for value in dict_list: if dict_list[value]["Type"] == "Knight": knight = Knight(value) knight.score = dict_list[value]["Score"] saved_character_list.append(knight) elif dict_list[value]["Type"] == "Rouge": rouge = Rouge(value) rouge.score = dict_list[value]["Score"] saved_character_list.append(rouge) elif dict_list[value]["Type"] == "Wizard": wizard = Wizard(value) wizard.score = dict_list[value]["Score"] saved_character_list.append(wizard) grid_size = 0 clear_screen() print_slow(""" ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ███████╗ ██████╗ ███╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗ ██╔══██╗██║ ██║████╗ ██║██╔════╝ ██╔════╝██╔═══██╗████╗ ██║ ██╔══██╗██║ ██║████╗ ██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██║██╔██╗ ██║██║ ███╗█████╗ ██║ ██║██╔██╗ ██║ ██████╔╝██║ ██║██╔██╗ ██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██║██║╚██╗██║██║ ██║██╔══╝ ██║ ██║██║╚██╗██║ ██╔══██╗██║ ██║██║╚██╗██║ ██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██║ ╚████║╚██████╔╝███████╗╚██████╔╝██║ ╚████║ ██║ ██║╚██████╔╝██║ ╚████║ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ """) #print_slow(" \n Dungeon Run \n") print_slow("-" * 50 + "Welcome to DUNGEON RUN choose an option to continue" +