文件: util.py 项目: sfunk1x/keysync
def ParsePkcs8(pkcs8):
    seq = ParseASN1Sequence(decoder.decode(Decode(pkcs8))[0])
    if len(seq) != 3:  # need three fields in PrivateKeyInfo
        raise errors.KeyczarError("Illegal PKCS8 String.")
    version = int(seq[0])
    if version != 0:
        raise errors.KeyczarError("Unrecognized PKCS8 Version")
    [oid, alg_params] = ParseASN1Sequence(seq[1])
    key = decoder.decode(seq[2])[0]
    # Component 2 is an OCTET STRING which is further decoded
    params = {}
    if oid == RSA_OID:
        key = ParseASN1Sequence(key)
        version = int(key[0])
        if version != 0:
            raise errors.KeyczarError("Unrecognized RSA Private Key Version")
        for i in range(len(RSA_PARAMS)):
            params[RSA_PARAMS[i]] = long(key[i + 1])
    elif oid == DSA_OID:
        alg_params = ParseASN1Sequence(alg_params)
        for i in range(len(DSA_PARAMS)):
            params[DSA_PARAMS[i]] = long(alg_params[i])
        params['x'] = long(key)
        raise errors.KeyczarError(
            "Unrecognized AlgorithmIdentifier: not RSA/DSA")
    return params
文件: util.py 项目: sfunk1x/keysync
def ParseX509(x509):
    seq = ParseASN1Sequence(decoder.decode(Decode(x509))[0])
    if len(seq) != 2:  # need two fields in SubjectPublicKeyInfo
        raise errors.KeyczarError("Illegal X.509 String.")
    [oid, alg_params] = ParseASN1Sequence(seq[0])
    binstring = seq[1].prettyPrint()[1:-2]
    pubkey = decoder.decode(
        univ.OctetString(BinToBytes(binstring.replace("'", ""))))[0]
    # Component 1 should be a BIT STRING, get raw bits by discarding extra chars,
    # then convert to OCTET STRING which can be ASN.1 decoded
    params = {}
    if oid == RSA_OID:
         params['e']] = [long(x) for x in ParseASN1Sequence(pubkey)]
    elif oid == DSA_OID:
        vals = [long(x) for x in ParseASN1Sequence(alg_params)]
        for i in range(len(DSA_PARAMS)):
            params[DSA_PARAMS[i]] = vals[i]
        params['y'] = long(pubkey)
        raise errors.KeyczarError(
            "Unrecognized AlgorithmIdentifier: not RSA/DSA")
    return params
文件: util.py 项目: sfunk1x/keysync
def ReadFile(loc):
    Read data from file at given location.

    @param loc: name of file to read from
    @type loc: string

    @return: contents of the file
    @rtype: string

    @raise KeyczarError: if unable to read from file because of IOError
        return open(loc).read()
    except IOError:
        raise errors.KeyczarError("Unable to read file %s." % loc)
文件: util.py 项目: sfunk1x/keysync
def WriteFile(data, loc):
    Writes data to file at given location.

    @param data: contents to be written to file
    @type data: string

    @param loc: name of file to write to
    @type loc: string

    @raise KeyczarError: if unable to write to file because of IOError
        f = open(loc, "w")
    except IOError:
        raise errors.KeyczarError("Unable to write to file %s." % loc)
文件: util.py 项目: sfunk1x/keysync
def ParseDsaSig(sig):
    Given a raw byte string, return tuple of DSA signature parameters.

    @param sig: byte string of ASN.1 representation
    @type sig: string

    @return: parameters r, s as a tuple
    @rtype: tuple

    @raise KeyczarErrror: if the DSA signature format is invalid
    seq = decoder.decode(sig)[0]
    if len(seq) != 2:
        raise errors.KeyczarError("Illegal DSA signature.")
    r = long(seq.getComponentByPosition(0))
    s = long(seq.getComponentByPosition(1))
    return (r, s)
文件: util.py 项目: sfunk1x/keysync
def MGF(seed, mlen):
    Mask Generation Function (MGF1) with SHA-1 as hash.

    @param seed: used to generate mask, a byte string
    @type seed: string

    @param mlen: desired length of mask
    @type mlen: integer

    @return: mask, byte string of length mlen
    @rtype: string

    @raise KeyczarError: if mask length too long, > 2^32 * hash_length
    if mlen > 2**32 * HLEN:
        raise errors.KeyczarError("MGF1 mask length too long.")
    output = ""
    for i in range(int(math.ceil(mlen / float(HLEN)))):
        output += Hash(seed, IntToBytes(i))
    return output[:mlen]