class TestDataAccess(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.da = DataAccess()
    def test_get_space(self):
        self.assertIsNotNone( self.da.get_space( self.da._defaultSpace ) )
        self.assertRaises( Exception, self.da.get_space, "http://unexisting.space.com" )
    def test_join_space(self):
        self.da.join_space( "http://www.space1.tk" )
        self.assertIsNotNone( self.da.get_space("http://www.space1.tk") )
    def test_leave_space(self):
        self.da.leave_space( self.da._defaultSpace )
        self.assertRaises( Exception, self.da.get_space,  self.da._defaultSpace )
    def test_get_spaces(self):
        self.da.join_space( "http://www.space1.tk" )
        spaces = self.da.get_spaces()
        self.assertEquals( 2, len(spaces) )
        self.assertTrue( self.da._defaultSpace in spaces )
        self.assertTrue( "http://www.space1.tk" in spaces )
class CoordinationSpace(Space):
    SPACE_LEVEL = 1 
    def __init__(self, space_name):
        self._da = DataAccess( defaultSpace = space_name )
        self._subscriptions = [] # tuple: (subscription template, callback, level)
        self._observers = []
    def write(self, triples, ignore_subscriptions = False):
        ret = self._da.write(triples)
        if not ignore_subscriptions: # only used to shorten the evaluation initialization process
            # TODO do it in another thread!
            activated = self._get_activated_subscriptions( triples )
            if activated:
                for ac in activated:
        return ret
    def _get_activated_subscriptions(self, graph):
        ret = []
        for template, callback, level in self._subscriptions:
            if level == CoordinationSpace.GRAPH_LEVEL:
                if template.matches( graph ):
                    ret.append( callback )
            elif level == CoordinationSpace.SPACE_LEVEL:
                # over all the space!
                if template.matches( self._da.get_space(None).graphs ):
                    ret.append( callback )
                raise Exception( "Level %d does not exist" % level )
        return ret
    def read_by_wildcard(self, template):
        return self._da.read_wildcard( *template )
    def read_by_sparql(self, query):
        return self._da.read_sparql( query )
    def take_by_wildcard(self, template):
        return self._da.take_wildcard( *template )
    def take_by_sparql(self, query):
        return self._da.take_sparql( query )
    def take_by_uri(self, graph_uri):
        return self._da.take_uri( graph_uri )
    def query_by_sparql(self, query):
        return self._da.query_sparql( query )
    def subscribe(self, template, callback, level = 0 ):
        self._subscriptions.append( (template, callback, level) )
        # warn to the observers if any
        for observer in self._observers:
            if level == CoordinationSpace.SPACE_LEVEL: # not necessarily, but to filter in this scenario...
                observer.notify_subscription( template )
    def add_subscription_observer(self, observer):
        self._observers.append( observer )