def runanalysis(): filename = ourgui.openFile(type='npz') data = np.load(filename, mmap_mode='r') X = data['X'] Y = data['Y'] BX = data['BX'] BY = data['BY'] BZ = data['BZ'] pitch = data['pitch'] windnum = data['windnum'] phi = np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, 100) pl.figure(figsize=(11.69, 8.27), dpi=100) BXBZ = np.zeros(BZ.shape) BYBZ = np.zeros(BZ.shape) for i in xrange(BZ.shape[0]): for j in xrange(BZ.shape[1]): if abs(BZ[i, j]) > 1e-14: BXBZ[i, j] = BX[i, j] / BZ[i, j] BYBZ[i, j] = BY[i, j] / BZ[i, j] pl.subplot(2, 2, 1, aspect='equal') pl.title("Pitch = %g, wind number = %d" %(pitch, windnum)) pl.plot(np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi), linewidth=3) CS = pl.contour(X, Y, BXBZ*100, colors='k') pl.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt='%.1f%%') pl.xlabel("Bx / Bz") pl.subplot(2, 2, 2, aspect='equal') pl.plot(np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi), linewidth=3) CS = pl.contour(X, Y, BYBZ*100, colors='k') pl.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt='%.1f%%') pl.xlabel("By / Bz") pl.subplot(2, 2, 3, aspect='equal') pl.plot(np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi), linewidth=3) CS = pl.contour(X, Y, BZ / BZ.max()*100, 10, colors='k') pl.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt='%.1f%%') pl.xlabel("Bz (normalized)") pl.subplot(2, 2, 4, aspect='equal') FIELD = np.sqrt(BX**2 + BY**2 + BZ**2) pl.plot(np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi), linewidth=3) CS = pl.contour(X, Y, FIELD, colors='k') pl.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10) pl.xlabel("Total field strength") # import as cm # im = pl.imshow(FIELD, interpolation='bilinear', origin='lower', # cmap=cm.gray, extent=(-1,1,-1,1)) # pl.plot(np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi), linewidth=3) # CS = pl.contour(X, Y, np.sqrt(BX**2 + BY**2 + BZ**2))
def runanalysis(): filename = ourgui.openFile(type="npz") data = np.load(filename, mmap_mode="r") Y = data["Y"] Z = data["Z"] BY = data["BY"] BZ = data["BZ"] coilpos = getdata(data, "coilpos") coilwidth = getdata(data, "coilwidth") nturns = getdata(data, "nturns") coilsize = getdata(data, "coilsize") infopiece = [] if coilpos: infopiece += ['Cpos: %g"' % coilpos] if coilwidth: infopiece += ['Cwidth: %g"' % coilwidth] if coilsize: infopiece += ['Csize: %g"' % coilsize] if nturns: infopiece += ["Turns: %d" % nturns] infotitle = ", ".join(infopiece) fig = pl.figure(figsize=(11.69, 8.27), dpi=100) fig.text(0.4, 0.95, infotitle) pl.subplot(2, 2, 1) pl.quiver(Z, Y, BZ, BY) pl.xlabel("Z") pl.ylabel("Y") pl.title("Magnetic field direction") pl.subplot(2, 2, 2) CS = pl.contour(Z, Y, BY / BZ) pl.xlabel("Z") pl.ylabel("Y") pl.title("Y-strength/Z-strength") pl.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10) pl.subplot(2, 2, 3) zpos = Z[:, 0] zfield = BZ[:, 0] / BZ[0, 0] pl.plot(zpos, zfield) pl.xlabel("Z position") pl.ylabel("On axis field strength") pl.subplot(2, 2, 4) fieldstrength = np.sqrt(BY ** 2 + BZ ** 2) CS = pl.contour(Z, Y, fieldstrength) pl.xlabel("Z") pl.ylabel("Y") pl.title("Field strength", fontsize=10) pl.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10)
from numpy import * from pylab import * from ourgui import openFile from sys import exit filename = openFile(type='log') if not filename: sys.exit(1) # SetF, X, Y, BeatF f, x, y, b = loadtxt(filename, comments='#', delimiter=',', unpack=True) # Check how many repetitions are there n = 0 for res in f: if res == f[0]: n += 1 else: break points = len(f) / n; repeats = n ## Do the averaging xa, xe = [], [] ya, ye = [], [] ba, be = [], [] favgs = [] for i in xrange(0, points): try: ## Xaverage, Xerror xa.append(average(x[i*repeats:(i+1)*repeats]))
from numpy import loadtxt from pylab import plot, show, subplot, xlabel, ylabel from ourgui import openFile def quickplot(filename): data = loadtxt(filename, skiprows=1) t = data[0:-1,0] - data[0,0] v = data[0:-1,1] plot(t,v,'.') xlabel('time (s)') ylabel('resistance (Ohm)') show() filename = openFile("log") if filename: quickplot(filename)
import numpy as np import scipy as sp import pylab as pl import sys sys.path.append('../../lablib') import ourgui filename = ourgui.openFile() meas = np.loadtxt(filename, comments='#') n = len(meas) rate = 20000.0 totalt = n / rate t = np.linspace(0, totalt, n) pl.subplot(211) pl.plot(t, meas) dt = t[1]-t[0] freq = np.fft.fftfreq(t.shape[-1], d=dt) print max(freq) sp = np.fft.fft(meas) spmag = np.sqrt(sp.real**2 + sp.imag**2) spmag = spmag[freq >= 0] freq = freq[freq >= 0] print spmag pl.subplot(212) pl.semilogy(freq, spmag) pl.xlim([0, 6250]) out = zip(freq, spmag)'.fft', out)
infopiece += ["Turns: %d" % nturns] infotitle = ", ".join(infopiece) fig = pl.figure(1, figsize=(11.69, 8.27), dpi=100) # pl.subplot(2,2,3) pl.title("Bz-field as function of position and %s" %(vary)) zpos = Z[:, 0] zfield = BZ[:,0]/BZ[0,0] pl.plot(zpos, zfield, label="%g" %(getdata(data, vary))) pl.xlabel('Z position') pl.ylabel('On axis field strength') pl.legend(loc='best') return (max(abs(zfield - 1)), getdata(data, vary)) if __name__ == "__main__": logname = ourgui.openFile(type="log") logged = np.loadtxt(logname, delimiter=",", comments="#", dtype={'names': ('filename', 'coilpos', 'coilwidth', 'coilsize', 'nturns'), 'formats': ('a40', 'f4', 'f4', 'f4', 'i4')} ) best = 1e14 bestval = None for log in logged: maxdev, maxval = runanalysis("%s.npz" %log['filename']) if maxdev < best: best = maxdev bestval = maxval bestsetting = log['filename']
from __future__ import division import matplotlib matplotlib.rcParams['backend'] = 'wx' import matplotlib.pylab as pl import numpy as np import scipy.optimize as op import ourgui if __name__ == "__main__": filename = ourgui.openFile("log") data = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=",", comments="#") f = data[:, 0] amp = np.abs(data[:, 1]) ampr = amp / amp[0] ampdb = 20 * np.log10(ampr) phase = data[:, 3] phase = np.array([p if p < 0 else p-np.pi for p in phase])/np.pi * 180 phase = phase - phase[0] pl.subplot(211) pl.semilogx(f, ampdb, 'k-') pl.semilogx(f, np.zeros(len(f))-3, 'r--', label='-3dB line') pl.xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") pl.ylabel("Amplitude (dB)") pl.title("PZT transfer function") pl.legend(loc='best') pl.subplot(212)
import numpy as np import numpy.random as random import pylab as pl import scipy.odr as odr from sys import exit import layeroptimize as layer import ourgui filename = ourgui.openFile('npz') if not filename: exit(0) basefile = filename.split('/')[-1] # filename = "layers_110830_153517.npz" data = np.load(filename) newsetup = data['setup'][()] # zl, ideal = zip(*data['ideal']) # print zl, ideal zl = data['ideal'][0] ideal = data['ideal'][1] d0 = data['d0'] # print data['setup'] # print newsetup['layer'] # print data.files zeropos = 31 zz = np.append(np.linspace(-0.3, 0.01, zeropos), np.linspace(0, 1.1, 201)) curr = layer.bideal(0)/layer.fieldcalc(zz, newsetup, d=d0)[zeropos] print 'Current = %.2f A' %(curr)
import numpy as np import scipy as sp import pylab as pl import sys sys.path.append('../../lablib') import ourgui fftfile = ourgui.openFile() sigfile = ourgui.openFile() fftdata = np.load(fftfile) sigdata = np.loadtxt(sigfile, delimiter=',') freq = fftdata[:, 0] spmag = np.log(fftdata[:, 1]) freqs = sigdata[:,0] mags = sigdata[:,1] pl.plot(freq, spmag-70) pl.plot(freqs, mags) pl.xlim([0, 6250])