def __init__(self, master, outliner, model): self.root = master self.outliner = outliner self.model = model self.root.title("The Outliner, by Gregory Owen") self.defaultWidth = 700 self.defaultHeight = 800 geoString = str(self.defaultWidth) + "x" + str(self.defaultHeight) self.root.geometry(geoString) = OutlinerMenu(self.outliner, self.root) self.essayFrame = self.upperFrame = self.makeEssayFrame() self.noteFrame = self.lowerFrame = self.makeNoteFrame() self.packFrames() self.makeReturnFrame() self.currTopic = None self.dragNote = None
def __init__(self, ol=None): self.outliner = ol self.root = self.outliner.root self.root.title("The Outliner, by Gregory Owen") self.defaultWidth = 700 self.defaultHeight = 800 geoString = str(self.defaultWidth) + "x" + str(self.defaultHeight) self.root.geometry(geoString) = OutlinerMenu(self.outliner) self.topicFrame = self.upperFrame = self.makeTopicFrame() self.noteFrame = self.lowerFrame = self.makeNoteFrame() self.packFrames() self.makeReturnFrame()
class OutlinerGUI: def __init__(self, master, outliner, model): self.root = master self.outliner = outliner self.model = model self.root.title("The Outliner, by Gregory Owen") self.defaultWidth = 700 self.defaultHeight = 800 geoString = str(self.defaultWidth) + "x" + str(self.defaultHeight) self.root.geometry(geoString) = OutlinerMenu(self.outliner, self.root) self.essayFrame = self.upperFrame = self.makeEssayFrame() self.noteFrame = self.lowerFrame = self.makeNoteFrame() self.packFrames() self.makeReturnFrame() self.currTopic = None self.dragNote = None """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ """ General methods """ """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ def openGUI(self): """ Initialize the GUI from a previous project. """ # Sort the topics by number sortedTopicNames = sorted(self.model.topics, key=(lambda name: self.model.topics[name]['number'])) for name in sortedTopicNames: topic = self.model.topics[name] self.initializeTopicGUI(topic) def packFrames(self): """ Pack self.upperFrame above self.lowerFrame. """ self.upperFrame.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.lowerFrame.pack(side=TOP, anchor=S, fill=X, expand=True) def unpackFrames(self): """ Unpack the current self.upperFrame and self.lowerFrame. """ self.upperFrame.pack_forget() self.lowerFrame.pack_forget() """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ """ Essay Frame methods """ """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ def makeEssayFrame(self): """ Make the essay frame, including a DNDList to hold topic lines. """ essayFrame = Frame(self.root) self.topicList = dndlist.DNDList(essayFrame, self.defaultWidth, self.defaultHeight - 200) return essayFrame """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ """ Topic Frame methods """ """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ def addNoteToGUI(self, topic, note): """ Add note to the DNDList of the given topic. """ node = topic['dndlist'].addItem(self.createNoteLabel(note)) node.widget.bind("<Button-1>", self.onClick, add='+') node.widget.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.onMotion, add='+') node.widget.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.onRelease, add='+') def createNoteLabel(self, text): """ Create a label with the given text to be added to a DNDList. """ args = {"wraplength": self.defaultWidth - 200, "relief": RAISED, "borderwidth": 2} label = Label(text=text, **args) return label def initializeTopicGUI(self, topic): """ Initialize the GUI components related to the given topic. """ topic['line'] = self.newTopicLine(topic) self.newTopicFrame(topic) def newTopicFrame(self, topic): """ Create a new dndlist for the given topic and populate it with the topic's notes (if any). """ frame = Frame(self.root) removeFrame = Frame(frame, width=self.defaultWidth, height=30, relief=SOLID, borderwidth=2) removeLabel = Label(removeFrame, text="Drag note here to remove from topic") removeLabel.pack() removeFrame.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) dndl = dndlist.DNDList(frame, self.defaultWidth, self.defaultHeight - 130) topic['frame'] = frame topic['rframe'] = removeFrame topic['dndlist'] = dndl for note in topic['notes']: self.addNoteToGUI(topic, note) def newTopicLine(self, topic): """ Create a new line for the given topic, add it to the dndlist of topics, and return it. """ line = TopicLine(topic, self.outliner, width=(self.defaultWidth - 100), height=30, relief=RAISED, borderwidth=2) self.topicList.addItem(line) return line def onClick(self, event): """ When an item on the canvas is clicked, store that item's id. """ x, y = self.currTopic['dndlist'].getClickCoords() self.dragNote = self.currTopic['dndlist'].canvas.find_closest(x, y)[0] def onMotion(self, event): """ Change the color of the text in the current topic's remove frame when an object is dragged into that frame. Assumes that the remove frame is located immediately above the canvas. """ if self.dragNote is not None: x, y = self.currTopic['dndlist'].getClickCoords() label = self.currTopic['rframe'].winfo_children()[0] if y < 0 and label.cget('fg') != "red": label.config(fg="red") if y > 0 and label.cget('fg') == "red": label.config(fg="black") def onRelease(self, event): """ When an item on the canvas is released, check if the mouse is over the remove from topic frame. If it is, remove the selected note from the topic. Assumes that the remove frame is located immediately above the canvas. """ x, y = self.currTopic['dndlist'].getClickCoords() # if the mouse is currently in the remove frame if y < 0: self.removeNoteFromTopic(self.currTopic, self.dragNote) self.currTopic['rframe'].winfo_children()[0].config(fg="black") self.dragNote = None def removeNoteFromTopic(self, topic, noteid): """ Remove the note with the given id from the given topic. Push the text of the note onto the left of the note deque. """ text = topic['dndlist'].getItem(noteid).widget.cget('text') topic['dndlist'].removeItem(noteid) topic['notes'].remove(text) self.model.notes.appendleft(text) self.updateTopicGUI(topic) self.displayNextNote() def updateTopicGUI(self, topic): """ Update all GUI components relating to the given topic. """ topic['line'].updateLabel() def viewTopic(self, topic): """ Display the notes that are part of the topic. """ self.currTopic = topic self.unpackFrames() self.upperFrame = topic['frame'] self.lowerFrame = self.returnFrame self.packFrames() """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ """ Note Frame methods """ """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ def makeNoteFrame(self): """ Make and deploy the note frame. """ noteFrame = Frame(self.root, height=60, relief=RAISED, borderwidth=2) self.noteText = StringVar() noteLabelArgs = {'textvariable': self.noteText, 'height': 6, 'width': 80, 'justify': LEFT, 'wraplength': self.defaultWidth - 100} self.noteLabel = Label(noteFrame, **noteLabelArgs) noNotes = "No notes. Open an existing project or create a new one to" +\ " import notes." self.noteText.set(noNotes) self.noteLabel.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES) nextButton = Button(noteFrame, text="Next") nextButton.config(command=(lambda: self.outliner.nextNote())) nextButton.pack(side=TOP) prevButton = Button(noteFrame, text="Prev") prevButton.config(command=(lambda: self.outliner.prevNote())) prevButton.pack(side=BOTTOM) return noteFrame def displayNextNote(self): """ Display the first note in the list. """ if len(self.outliner.model.notes) > 0: self.noteText.set(self.outliner.model.notes[0]) else: self.noteText.set("No more notes.") """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ """ Return Frame methods """ """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ def makeReturnFrame(self): """ Make the return frame, but do not deploy it. """ self.returnFrame = Frame(self.root, height=200, relief=RAISED, borderwidth=2) self.returnButton = Button(self.returnFrame, text="Return to essay view", command=self.returnToMain) self.returnButton.pack() def returnToMain(self): """ Return to the main (essay) view. """ self.currTopic = None self.unpackFrames() self.upperFrame = self.essayFrame self.lowerFrame = self.noteFrame self.packFrames()
class OutlinerGUI: def __init__(self, master, outliner, model): self.root = master self.outliner = outliner self.model = model self.root.title("The Outliner, by Gregory Owen") self.defaultWidth = 700 self.defaultHeight = 800 geoString = str(self.defaultWidth) + "x" + str(self.defaultHeight) self.root.geometry(geoString) = OutlinerMenu(self.outliner, self.root) self.essayFrame = self.upperFrame = self.makeEssayFrame() self.noteFrame = self.lowerFrame = self.makeNoteFrame() self.packFrames() self.makeReturnFrame() self.currTopic = None self.dragNote = None """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ """ General methods """ """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ def openGUI(self): """ Initialize the GUI from a previous project. """ # Sort the topics by number sortedTopicNames = sorted( self.model.topics, key=(lambda name: self.model.topics[name]['number'])) for name in sortedTopicNames: topic = self.model.topics[name] self.initializeTopicGUI(topic) def packFrames(self): """ Pack self.upperFrame above self.lowerFrame. """ self.upperFrame.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.lowerFrame.pack(side=TOP, anchor=S, fill=X, expand=True) def unpackFrames(self): """ Unpack the current self.upperFrame and self.lowerFrame. """ self.upperFrame.pack_forget() self.lowerFrame.pack_forget() """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ """ Essay Frame methods """ """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ def makeEssayFrame(self): """ Make the essay frame, including a DNDList to hold topic lines. """ essayFrame = Frame(self.root) self.topicList = dndlist.DNDList(essayFrame, self.defaultWidth, self.defaultHeight - 200) return essayFrame """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ """ Topic Frame methods """ """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ def addNoteToGUI(self, topic, note): """ Add note to the DNDList of the given topic. """ node = topic['dndlist'].addItem(self.createNoteLabel(note)) node.widget.bind("<Button-1>", self.onClick, add='+') node.widget.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.onMotion, add='+') node.widget.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.onRelease, add='+') def createNoteLabel(self, text): """ Create a label with the given text to be added to a DNDList. """ args = { "wraplength": self.defaultWidth - 200, "relief": RAISED, "borderwidth": 2 } label = Label(text=text, **args) return label def initializeTopicGUI(self, topic): """ Initialize the GUI components related to the given topic. """ topic['line'] = self.newTopicLine(topic) self.newTopicFrame(topic) def newTopicFrame(self, topic): """ Create a new dndlist for the given topic and populate it with the topic's notes (if any). """ frame = Frame(self.root) removeFrame = Frame(frame, width=self.defaultWidth, height=30, relief=SOLID, borderwidth=2) removeLabel = Label(removeFrame, text="Drag note here to remove from topic") removeLabel.pack() removeFrame.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) dndl = dndlist.DNDList(frame, self.defaultWidth, self.defaultHeight - 130) topic['frame'] = frame topic['rframe'] = removeFrame topic['dndlist'] = dndl for note in topic['notes']: self.addNoteToGUI(topic, note) def newTopicLine(self, topic): """ Create a new line for the given topic, add it to the dndlist of topics, and return it. """ line = TopicLine(topic, self.outliner, width=(self.defaultWidth - 100), height=30, relief=RAISED, borderwidth=2) self.topicList.addItem(line) return line def onClick(self, event): """ When an item on the canvas is clicked, store that item's id. """ x, y = self.currTopic['dndlist'].getClickCoords() self.dragNote = self.currTopic['dndlist'].canvas.find_closest(x, y)[0] def onMotion(self, event): """ Change the color of the text in the current topic's remove frame when an object is dragged into that frame. Assumes that the remove frame is located immediately above the canvas. """ if self.dragNote is not None: x, y = self.currTopic['dndlist'].getClickCoords() label = self.currTopic['rframe'].winfo_children()[0] if y < 0 and label.cget('fg') != "red": label.config(fg="red") if y > 0 and label.cget('fg') == "red": label.config(fg="black") def onRelease(self, event): """ When an item on the canvas is released, check if the mouse is over the remove from topic frame. If it is, remove the selected note from the topic. Assumes that the remove frame is located immediately above the canvas. """ x, y = self.currTopic['dndlist'].getClickCoords() # if the mouse is currently in the remove frame if y < 0: self.removeNoteFromTopic(self.currTopic, self.dragNote) self.currTopic['rframe'].winfo_children()[0].config(fg="black") self.dragNote = None def removeNoteFromTopic(self, topic, noteid): """ Remove the note with the given id from the given topic. Push the text of the note onto the left of the note deque. """ text = topic['dndlist'].getItem(noteid).widget.cget('text') topic['dndlist'].removeItem(noteid) topic['notes'].remove(text) self.model.notes.appendleft(text) self.updateTopicGUI(topic) self.displayNextNote() def updateTopicGUI(self, topic): """ Update all GUI components relating to the given topic. """ topic['line'].updateLabel() def viewTopic(self, topic): """ Display the notes that are part of the topic. """ self.currTopic = topic self.unpackFrames() self.upperFrame = topic['frame'] self.lowerFrame = self.returnFrame self.packFrames() """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ """ Note Frame methods """ """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ def makeNoteFrame(self): """ Make and deploy the note frame. """ noteFrame = Frame(self.root, height=60, relief=RAISED, borderwidth=2) self.noteText = StringVar() noteLabelArgs = { 'textvariable': self.noteText, 'height': 6, 'width': 80, 'justify': LEFT, 'wraplength': self.defaultWidth - 100 } self.noteLabel = Label(noteFrame, **noteLabelArgs) noNotes = "No notes. Open an existing project or create a new one to" +\ " import notes." self.noteText.set(noNotes) self.noteLabel.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES) nextButton = Button(noteFrame, text="Next") nextButton.config(command=(lambda: self.outliner.nextNote())) nextButton.pack(side=TOP) prevButton = Button(noteFrame, text="Prev") prevButton.config(command=(lambda: self.outliner.prevNote())) prevButton.pack(side=BOTTOM) return noteFrame def displayNextNote(self): """ Display the first note in the list. """ if len(self.outliner.model.notes) > 0: self.noteText.set(self.outliner.model.notes[0]) else: self.noteText.set("No more notes.") """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ """ Return Frame methods """ """ -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ def makeReturnFrame(self): """ Make the return frame, but do not deploy it. """ self.returnFrame = Frame(self.root, height=200, relief=RAISED, borderwidth=2) self.returnButton = Button(self.returnFrame, text="Return to essay view", command=self.returnToMain) self.returnButton.pack() def returnToMain(self): """ Return to the main (essay) view. """ self.currTopic = None self.unpackFrames() self.upperFrame = self.essayFrame self.lowerFrame = self.noteFrame self.packFrames()